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一诺 《阅读》2014,(43):47-47
<正>妈妈:What do you want to make with playdough?孩子:I want to make apples and grapes.妈妈:Then I will make bananas.孩子:Interesting!Let’s play house.妈妈:All right!妈妈:你想用橡皮泥捏什么呢?  相似文献   

一诺 《阅读》2014,(39):45-45
<正>妈妈:How are you going to make your tree?孩子:I will make the tree out of playdough.And then I will cover the tree with leaves.妈妈:Good idea!What about your house?孩子:I want to use wooden sticks and playdough.妈妈:你打算怎么制作树木呢?孩子:我想用橡皮泥制作树,然后用树叶覆盖树。  相似文献   

允诺 《阅读》2015,(11):47
小朋友们,上学期我们一起学习了能激发创作力的美术英语,这学期,小编老师将带你们一起来了解有益身心健康的身体英语。一起来瞧瞧下面这组日常对话吧!妈妈:Did you enjoy your snack?孩子:Yes,I did.妈妈:Do you want to take a walk to the park with me?孩子:Sure.I would like to jump rope.妈妈:零食好吃吗?孩子:非常好吃。妈妈:你想和我一起去公园散步吗?孩子:好呀。我想跳绳。  相似文献   

林子 《阅读》2008,(9):37-37
Harry:What's the shape of our earth,Henry? Henry:It's round.Harry:Well,how do you know it is round?Henry:All right,it's square then.I don't want to start an argument about it.  相似文献   

一诺 《阅读》2014,(47):47-47
<正>妈妈:Feel the playdough.How does it feel?孩子:It is soft and squishy.妈妈:What about wooden chopsticks?孩子:They are hard.妈妈:摸一摸橡皮泥,有什么感觉?孩子:软软的,黏黏的。妈妈:木筷子呢?孩子:硬硬的。妈妈:What can we make with milk cartons and boxes?孩子:We can make pencil holders.We can also make picture frames.妈妈:OK.Let’s make them.  相似文献   

My Hobby     
钱靓 《阅读》2011,(10):45
Do you know the musical instrument of violin? Do you hear the voice of violin?A violin has four strings, it looks like a guitar.But do not mix it up with (和……混淆) a guitar. A guitar has  相似文献   

1. What gets larger, the more you takeaway ?2.What do we get if we cross(融合)a woodpecker with a homing pi-geon?3. What goes on four legs inthemorning , on two at noon , and on three in the evening ?4.Where does after-noon come beforemorning in theworld?5. Can you tell me something about the great scientistsof the 18th century?脑筋急转弯(英文)@戴晓益…  相似文献   

徐小红 《阅读》2012,(12):37
1.I’m just looking.我就看看。This is a great response(回答)to"Can I help you find any-thing?"when you are not sure what you want to buy.2.Where are your fitting rooms?试衣间在哪儿?Ask the salesperson(营业员)this question if you want to tryon(试穿)something before you buy it.3.Does this come in other colors?有其他颜色的吗?Not everybody likes the same color.Ask a salesperson this ifyou find  相似文献   

允儿 《阅读》2014,(43):46-46
一、生活小常识。(选出相应的电话号码并将其序号填入空格中)(A.110 B.119 C.120 D.114)1.Your grandmother is very ill,which number do you need?2.You see a thief(小偷)on the way home,you want to ask the policeman for help.You can eall.3.The house you live in is on fire(着火).You are going to call  相似文献   

陈佳慧 《阅读》2014,(38):44
I often buy some bottles of water.After drinking,I like to collect the bottle caps(瓶盖).These bottle caps are useful.What can we do?We can make some bottle cap pictures.Let me show you.I prepare seven yellow caps and  相似文献   

努力工作,尽兴玩,这是快乐的源泉。要想成功,须全力,三心二意会失败。Work while you work, And play while you play, For that is the way to be happy and gay; All that you do, Do with your might (力量), Things done by half are never done right.好建议  相似文献   

In class, the teacher pointed at (指向) the world map and said to the students, “Who can come to the blackboard and find America?” Then Jack came to the blackboard and showed them America. The teacher then asked, “Now could you tell me who found (找到) America?” “Jack!”everyone shouted.毛国锋供稿 Two children were admiring ( 欣赏) the famous statue (雕塑)by Rodin entitled(名为) The Thinker”.“What do you suppose(猜测) he’s thinking about?”said one. The other replied,“I should im…  相似文献   

王语宣 《阅读》2014,(43):43-43
<正>We can see many bikes and cars on the street every day.Do you know the traffic rules?I’m happy to tell you about the traffic rules.When we want to cross the street,we must look at the traffic lights.There are three colors of traffic lights,red,green and yellow.Red means  相似文献   

A Good Boy     
Little Tom asked his mother for two cents. "What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?"  相似文献   

What is motivation? What is extrinsic motivation? What are thefactors affecting extrinsic motivation? Does extrinsic motivation haveanything to do with teachers’teaching and students’learning?Motivation is something that can raise one’s strong reason to dothings,or to arouse the desire to learn and the desire to please.It canbe subdivided into intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.Intrinsic motivation,generally speaking,is concerned with biogenic,complex inherited instincts  相似文献   

一诺 《阅读》2014,(15):34-36
<正>Amy and Daniel were at the school fair(1).Daniel came with his dog Spike.Daniel’s mum and dad were helping at the fair."I want to play all the games,"said Daniel."So do I(2),"said Amy."But Spike can’t come."Daniel put Spike’s lead(3)over the fence(4)."Good dog,Spike,"he said.  相似文献   

经慧 《阅读》2014,(1):75-75
Hello everybody, I think all of you have your own dreams, and so do I. My dream is to be a baker. I want to make a special cake which is different from others.  相似文献   

刘丹 《阅读》2009,(6):45-45
一、常用句式: 1.What’s wrong with you?你怎么了? 2.What’s the matter with you?你怎么了? 3.How do you feel now?你现在感觉如何?  相似文献   

阮正军 《阅读》2011,(9):44-45
很多小朋友都喜欢go shopping(购物),今天就让我们来了解一些关于购物的英语吧!一、服务员会很客气地对你说:1Can I help you?/What can I do for you?/What would youlike?您要些什么呢?  相似文献   

柚子 《阅读》2023,(28):34-37
<正>Everyone has his special days. Some are their birthdays, some are memorable(值得纪念的)days. They have dinner or do some other things to celebrate the day.There is also a special day for the Earth:World Earth Day. Do you know that?  相似文献   

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