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编辑学研究和编辑实践的几个问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
张琳 《惠州学院学报》2004,24(5):100-102
编辑工作实质上是一种创造性的实践活动, 它是从事编辑学研究、建立编辑学理论的基础, 也是在已有编辑学理论的指导下进行的再创造性劳动。近年来, 编辑学研究和编辑实践中的诸多问题引起学者们的关注, 而分析编辑学研究与编辑实践脱节的成因, 弄清编辑学研究与潜科学研究、传播学研究的交叉关系, 并用系统论指导编辑学研究和编辑实践, 是具有重大的现实意义和深远的历史意义的。  相似文献   

李捷 《高教论坛》2007,(6):186-188
高校学报资料室是学报编辑部的重要组成部分,是非常专业化的资料室,具有内向功能和外部功能.其内向功能主要是国内外的信息交流、收集、检索以及帮助学报编辑选题服务;其外部功能主要是为广大教师提升教学和研究生学习提供.  相似文献   

编辑权的概念众说纷纭,它对外受到著作权的制约,对内受着传媒出版经营权的挤压,为了促进传媒出版业的发展,我们需要保护著作权,尊重编辑权,同时我们需要超越商业利益而建立独立的编辑权。  相似文献   

编辑决策研究断想   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
编辑决策贯穿于编辑活动始终,是编辑学的关键范畴,具有重要的研究意义;具体而言包括三个方面:出版产业化环境下编辑决策的一般过程与普遍原理、编辑决策的特殊规律及其实际应用、编辑活动史上编辑决策的现实启示;必须创新研究方法,凝练出具有普遍指导意义的编辑决策理论.  相似文献   

If you have come here in search of the submission requirements at Child Development, this is perhaps not the editorial you are looking for. Consider visiting instead our revised instructions to authors . Nor does this essay simply detail the priorities of the incoming board and the initiatives we will be implementing over the next 6 years, though these are summarized in Table 1. Rather, this editorial was written to articulate clearly the scientific values underlying current plans and policies at the journal in support of publishing the highest quality and highest impact research on child development. I emphasize two interrelated themes: (a) our plans for continuing to emphasize and enhance diversity and inclusion in research on child development and (b) our policies that remove impediments to cumulative developmental science. Discussion focuses primarily on how we are incentivizing efforts to achieve these widely held yet too often neglected goals, taking as its point of departure emerging challenges to a fair and efficient editorial process at the journal. In so doing, I mean to highlight the essential work of continuously cultivating editorial structures that firmly embed in developmental science fundamental scientific values, principles that make it possible for research on child development to flourish in both the best and worst of times.  相似文献   

河北学术期刊近二十多年来获得了前所未有的发展,显示了改革开放以来我省学术期刊业的繁荣与成熟,反映了河北科研领域新成果和科研队伍的成长,为推进学术研究和发展科学文化事业,为社会主义物质文明、政治文明和精神文明建设发挥了积极作用。但也存在着一些问题和不足,如期刊整体学术质量不高,管理机制不健全,出版单一,发行量小,信息滞后等。为使我省学术期刊更健康的发展,需不断提高编辑素质,树立现代出版理念,建立健全管理机制,改变单一的纸质出版方式,用电子化手段拓宽发展空间,实施精品战略,将河北学术期刊做精做强。  相似文献   

对河北高校学报编辑人员的社会调查显示,学报编辑人员的心理健康状况不容乐观。其常见心理障碍是:焦虑、抑郁、强迫,而要很好地解决这一问题,既需要编辑人员进行自我调适,也需要营造宽松和谐的工作环境,还需要建立良好的人际关系。  相似文献   

Comparing the dynamics of centralisation/decentralisation in Belgium and South Africa has the advantage of revealing discrepancies between the public or official rationale for the (re)distribution of power and the probable or eventual effect of this (re)distribution on educational processes and learning outcomes. It can be seen that local empowerment which has been sometimes credited to decentralisation has tended to be rather spurious, for decentralisation instead appears actually to reinforce existing inequities. Using Foucault’s notion of power as complexly relational by nature, the present study explores some of the assumptions underpinning the dynamics of centralisation/decentralisation and the way they are conceived in certain discursive practices. It does so by looking not only at the juridical and administrative distribution of power between the centre and the periphery in education systems, but also at matters of force and governmentality.  相似文献   

Comparing the dynamics of centralisation/decentralisation in Belgium and South Africa has the advantage of revealing discrepancies between the public or official rationale for the (re)distribution of power and the probable or eventual effect of this (re)distribution on educational processes and learning outcomes. It can be seen that local empowerment which has been sometimes credited to decentralisation has tended to be rather spurious, for decentralisation instead appears actually to reinforce existing inequities. Using Foucault’s notion of power as complexly relational by nature, the present study explores some of the assumptions underpinning the dynamics of centralisation/decentralisation and the way they are conceived in certain discursive practices. It does so by looking not only at the juridical and administrative distribution of power between the centre and the periphery in education systems, but also at matters of force and governmentality.  相似文献   

编辑活动与社会发展的和谐互动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对编辑活动与社会发展关系的研究是编辑学研究的重要课题之一.一方面,编辑活动对社会发展产生积极的或消极的影响;另一方面,编辑活动必然要受到社会的政治、经济、文化的影响.在构建社会主义和谐社会的今天,重新认识编辑的本质、作用、过程和创新,对编辑活动与社会发展和谐互动具有重要意义.  相似文献   

编辑部门的组织管理体制改革是出版社推行企业化管理的重要一环。为此,出版社要确立自己的发展愿景,让每个编辑都朝之共同努力;淡化编辑部的部门分工,以便实现图书出版的板块化、系列化,多层次、多角度地开发出版资源;实行编辑队伍分流,确保选题策划的质量;借鉴"面条式组织"管理模式,对编辑进行优化组合,更好地发挥团队的力量开展项目合作。  相似文献   

如何加强高校学报的服务职能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校学报是科研学术成果的载体,它在为高校教学、科研服务的同时,也在为社会服务。要进一步增加学报的服务职能,需要学报编辑人员强化自身服务意识,扩大与外界联系,努力促成学报刊登的科研成果向现实生产力的转化。同时,加强与科研人员、专家、教授和企业的沟通,使学报能够及时刊登高质量的科研成果论文;能把企业最需要的科研课题及时反馈给科研人员,使高校科研工作更有针对性。  相似文献   

社论,评论员文章,专栏评论,编者按,杂文,新闻述评等评论文体在语言,风格,作用,发展趋向等方面各有特点,社论体现权威性,评论员文章灵活轻便,专栏评论面向业务作者,编者按短小精悍,杂文嬉笑怒骂,述评有机融合新闻与评论。  相似文献   

对全国各大高校学报机构设置归属调查发现,将学报归为教学科研机构的高校仅占1.5%,而98%高校将学报编入教辅机构。通过深入研究国家相关的政策法规,分析将高校学报归为教辅机构的历史原因以及其带来的消极后果,阐明高校学报编辑人员的科研工作性质,以期还原高校学报的真实归位。  相似文献   

20余年来,我国的期刊编辑学研究可归纳为3个阶段和3种表现特征。学科研究的初创期,以高校学报编辑个体、自发研究为主要表现,逐步发展到以省市、全国性期刊编辑学团体的整合、组织性研讨,研究内容也从初级的编辑工作体会,扩展到编辑流程和编辑实践理论;进入学科构架阶段后,主要集中在学科历史发展、概念与原理等,构建学科的基本理论探讨;而在学科创立的发展期,则上升为对学科编辑活动规律、编辑技能和工作方法等系列有关的深层次问题的研讨。现学科研究仍存在研究主题不集中、欠深刻及系统性与阶段性结合研究欠紧密等问题,理论创新有待提高。  相似文献   

高等学校学报编辑的职业道德,是指与学报编辑工作活动密切联系的,具有学报编辑工作特征的行为准则和道德规范的总和。在对学报编辑工作的政治性、导向性、服务性、学术性特点认识的基础上,进一步探讨了编辑应遵循的行为准则,并针对当前与编辑职业道德相违背的现象和问题,提出了加强编辑队伍职业道德建设的努力方向。  相似文献   

Two central features of Australian universities are a strong research base and a structural organisation which reflects a close relationship between teaching and research. Current policy deliberations have produced recommendations in the national interest for the future development of Australian university research which are incompatible with these two central features. The recommendations consolidate the recent trend towards greater centralisation, co-ordination, selectivity and concentration of university research and its funding. Although certain sectors of Australian university research will benefit from the changes, the recommendations reflect neither a longer term view of the total higher education system, nor a sufficient concern with preserving the excellent and productive qualities of the current system. Their implementation will mean the adoption of research goals inimical to the fundamental purposes of universities; a less flexible and more conservative research system; a re-orientation of the research role of universities so that it is less harmonious with their teaching role; and a potentially harmful differentiation of academic staff, subject areas and institutions. In responding to the new demands of government, universities face a challenge in preserving their current strengths and core functions.  相似文献   

针对当前高校学报编辑部管理面临的一些困境与问题进行了探讨,并提出了一种可解决问题的新型管理模式,将责权利在主编、编委、编辑之间进行有效分配,以求达到有效管理,提高稿件质量,提升学报水平的目的。以期此管理模式能为高校学报同行提供理论参考。  相似文献   

当代中国出版研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
出版科学研究的兴起是20世纪中国出版业的一个重要现象。它与出版业在改革开放中同步发展,20年来显著的表现是有了学术团体,有了研究阵地,有了研究队伍。出版研究可分为现实对策研究与基本理论研究两个方面,前者针对不同的出版形势从理论上进行探讨说明;后者则从建立学科出发进行学术准备,这方面以编辑学的研究最为深入,最有代表性。编辑学研究在学科对象、学科性质、基本规律等方面都初步形成了不同的学术观点及流派,而在实用技术研究上更为深入与多层面,编辑学的突起并超过出版学有其时代环境与中国国情的原因。出版研究的进一步发展需着重解决学术沟通、资料挖掘以及与出版实践结合的问题。  相似文献   

The mission of research within The Magazine Group of the Children's Television Workshop is fourfold: (a) to ensure that each editorial product is comprehensible to and developmentally appropriate for its intended target audience, (b) to conduct formative and summative evaluations of editorial material for the Group's editors, (c) to keep all staff members of The Magazine Group apprised of the latest academic research in child development and education, and (d) to serve as an in-house advertising and market-research arm for the publisher. This article provides case studies of how research serves each of these functions and concludes with observations on how to optimize the effectiveness of print materials for children, parents, and elementary school teachers.  相似文献   

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