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李卫红 《考试周刊》2012,(27):55-56
数学教学是实施素质教育的主要阵地,教师在教学中必须树立创新性的教育观念,引导学生探索性地学习,培养其思维能力,促进学生全面发展,唤起学生的创新意识,培养创新精神,最终在实践活动中提高其创新能力.  相似文献   

在化学教学中,应采取多种形式培养学生的创新意识,发展学生的创新能力.  相似文献   

创新教育与学生的主体性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
创新教育是以人的主体性为核心的。学生的创新意识、创新思维、创新能力依靠人的主体性发挥。要实施创新教育 ,必须对学生在教学中主体性加以探讨。一教学是师生共同完成教学任务的双边活动。在创新教育的教学过程中 ,教师和学生同为客体 ,又同为主体。主体与客体是标志着活动者与活动对象的一对哲学范畴。主体与客体是相对而言的。主体总是指从事认识和实践活动的人。在创新教育中从事认识和实践活动的人 ,不仅包括学生 ,也包括教师。因此 ,教师和学生同为教学过程的主体。当教学过程展开时 ,从教师这一主体来看 ,教学是教师的教和学生的学…  相似文献   

本文结合部分教学实例,从教学的两个环节探讨了高等数学教学中如何培养学生的创新意识和创新能力。  相似文献   

长期以来,我们这种仅仅以追求升学率为最终目的的应试教育,带来的最大恶果是:湮没了学生的创新意识,使学生失掉了创新能力.要培养学生创新意识和创新能力,我们的教育工作者首先要摒弃陈旧的教育思想观念和落伍的资质优异观念,舍弃以浪费绝大多数学生智力资源为代价的急功近利的教学行为,进而努力培养学生的创新意识和创新能力.下面我想从语文教学的角度谈谈,培养学生创新意识和创新能力的想法和做法.  相似文献   

现代教育,必须重视学生创新能力的培养.作为基础学科的物理在其教学中不仅要向学生传授基本知识,使其掌握基本技能和方法,更要重视学生创新能力的培养.本文对物理教学中创新能力的培养作了探究,论述了:激发创新意识,开发创新潜能,培养创新技能,锻造创造品质.  相似文献   

本文在新课程理念的指引下,对在数学教学中实施创新教育,从而让教学焕发创新活力进行了探索。认为教师要在数学教学中激发学生的创新意识,培养学生的创新思维、创新能力,培养学生的创新人格,使学生想创造、会创造、爱创造。  相似文献   

在法律教学中,要培养学生的创新能力,就应突破传统教学模式,广泛拓展教学空间,激活学生创新意识;精心设计教学过程,优化教学策略,开发学生创新思维,培养学生的创新能力;组织学生参加创新实践活动,提高学生的创新学习能力、创新思维能力和创新实践能力。  相似文献   

创新教育是以培养学生创新精神和实践能力为核心的素质教育,培养具有创新能力的人才是实施素质教育的主要目的。在数学教学中,努力为学生提供发展创造性学习的机会和条件,唤起学生创新意识,诱发学生的创新思维,培养学生的创新能力,是当前进行数学教学改革、提高教学质量的一条可行之路。  相似文献   

本文对生物教学中学生创新素质的培养作了研究.  相似文献   


Too often, because of the static nature of schools and the dominant existence of high-stakes testing, professional learning for teachers is determined by administrators or policy and is facilitated by those who are not part of the school community using prepackaged programs. These initiatives run counter to authentic teacher inquiry where teachers enhance their understanding of students and learning and, ideally, develop new teaching practices (Borko, 2004; Cochran-Smith & Lytle, 1999, 2009; Darling-Hammond, 1997). In this article, we focus on how teachers participating in action research begin to position themselves as teacher leaders.  相似文献   

育人为本实践为基创新为魂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我校信息科学与技术实验教学中心于2007年经江苏省教育厅批准成为省级示范实验教学中心。建设的目标在于提高学生的实践能力和创新能力,服务于学校开展的卓越工程师人才培养计划。在讨论了建设思路的基础上,提出了体系化实践平台的构建思路,并就实验教学方法的改进以及实验教师队伍的建设等方面作了探讨。  相似文献   

Text as design, writers as designers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Acknowledging the changing nature of writing in the 21st century, particularly the increasing significance of visual characteristics in written texts, this paper explores the implications of multimodality for the pedagogy of writing. It considers the potential disjunction between children's life experiences of written texts and the demands of the writing curriculum, particularly in the secondary phase, and whilst arguing for greater recognition of the role of the visual, the paper also notes the importance of ensuring all children also have access to powerful verbal texts. Drawing on two separate research studies, the paper demonstrates how visual characteristics of written texts influence readers' responses to texts, but also how writers are aware of some of the choices they make in shaping verbal texts. The paper argues for a reconceptualisation of the writing process as a design process, and for a pedagogy of writing which encourages, supports and enables writers to become confident and effective designers of texts.  相似文献   

... there are ways that the sexuality and corporeality of the subject leave their traces in the texts produced, just as ... the processes of textual production also leave their trace or residue on the body ...

(Grosz, 1995, p. 21)

How can information and critique be introduced into an art project? What can art do? How can it position itself in society today?  相似文献   

Higher education is a rapidly changing mutant. In post‐industrial society, the entire world of higher education is being questioned because new and different producers, transmitters, and brokers of knowledge and competence have emerged and are now flourishing. As the result of a wide‐ranging research exercise on reforms in higher education within the European Union Member States, this article discusses the most crucial problems and contradictions of the present life of the university and non‐University sectors of higher education and suggests the justifications for and the conditions of their new role within the globalization of economics and information. The relationships between research and teaching, academic and professional preparation, the independence of “culture” and its responsiveness to social demands, as well as the relevant changes in the types of publics entering higher education are critically assessed, and a new mission for the whole system of higher education is suggested.  相似文献   

The view taken by any particular educational researcher of the desirability and potential usefulness of guidelines for qualitative research seems likely to depend upon the way in which the activity of 'doing educational research' is itself conceptualised. The implications of a number of possible positions on this question are examined. It is argued that the existence of such a range of positions is likely to continue, but that there may be, nevertheless, a limited role for generally applicable research guidelines if their purpose is appropriately defined.  相似文献   

In this study, we report on our learning as we engaged in a four-month experience of coteaching a water unit in a Grade 7 classroom. Working at each other's elbows, in praxis, provided many opportunities to learn together: teaching and about teaching. We use two examples, learning to ask productive questions and struggling to enact an orderly curriculum to show how coteaching affords colearning, and how the lack of coteaching leads to struggling. Our work also suggests that coteaching allows for a mode of learning that is not captured by Schön's notions of reflection-in-practice and reflection-on-practice. We conclude that coteaching, as colearning, is praxis.  相似文献   

教育从生活中来,却不能到生活中去;为了人的发展,却脱离了人的发展。种种的教育悖论,成为我们这个时代的痛。本文从"生活""生命"基本概念出发,融合教育发展领域中的一些基本理论,试图探索与建构一条适合新的时代发展需要的教育发展思路。  相似文献   

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