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We suggest that special education could die among common myths about it. That is, special education could cease to exist, at least as we know it, because its true nature and requirements for its functioning are misunderstood. We discuss only 12 common myths about special education, recognizing that there are many more myths and that the ones we write about could be stated differently. We conclude with comments about how the long roots of the idea that special education could become unnecessary might be traced to a publication by Evelyn Deno in 1970 and express our hope that special education will continue as a separate entity.  相似文献   

线性相关性理论是线性代数中的重要内容,本文对教学中向量组的线性相关性的概念的引入,定义的延伸与拓展进行了研究,并分析了其在后续课程最优化和小波分析课程中的应用,拓展了知识面,开阔了学生视野.  相似文献   


As we speak about time in the context of everyday life, we have no problem with what we mean by time. We take time as given. Different kinds of theories of development rely on the ordinary concept of time. Time is a sequence of instants, and we are moving along from the past to the future, from birth to death. Moving in time also means development. It does not take into account how a human being is in the time. It flattens our view of human life and cannot describe our manifold being. According to theories of development, if a child does not behave in a certain instant as the theories expect, there must be a problem with that child or she has not developed as well as others.

Heidegger uses terms like time-space, temporality and ecstases of time. The question of time is of the same kind as the question of Being. We are in the world and in time in the same way. We all have experience of time, how it sometimes goes quickly and sometimes very slowly. Time is not experienced as moments one after another. It is time-space. Time-space means that time has three dimensions and it consists of the ecstatical opening up of the future, the past and the present. In this article, I will open up the question how the traditional understanding of time and the ecstatic understanding of time understand children differently. What does it mean that little children live exclusively in the present?  相似文献   


Experience is one of the major paths to growth and autonomy, and as such, of outstanding educational value. But it also has a much wider sociocultural context, rooted in life itself. It is about learning that which cannot be taught, learning to think, which precedes all other-defined forms of education. It is an encounter with the unknown, where we learn to cope with uncertainty. Though, in the same way that growth does, experience takes time. This article discusses the contemporary changes in the perception of time and experience, through the fundamental but seldom formulated question—Do we still have time for experience? Our argument is that while contemporary society is craving for experiences, it is not disposed to give them the time it takes for its process to unfold. This will be illustrated through the example of the contemporary conception of ‘adventure’, a most typical form of experience, in two contexts. One is that of experience consumption in adventure tourism, the other is that of adventure education. Notwithstanding the differences in motives and aims, both are reducing experience to a predictable, other-defined, and eventually assessable programme, made to fit a schedule. Experience is no longer something that happens to us, it is becoming something that we make happen and (try to) control. This results in flushing the unknown away, along with the formative potential of experience. This article will develop insights into what it is about to become in order to address the problem of the educational future(s) of experience.  相似文献   

吕明臣  吕金月 《鸡西大学学报》2013,(12):149-151,156
微博经历了近八年的快速发展,现已进入了成熟期。在其自身发展的同时,也使当今社会的政治经济、文化动态和生活方式悄然地发生改变,并形成了一种新兴的微博文化。通过对微博及微博文化兴起历程的研究,探析微博文化文本内容简单短小、信息传播即时高效、发布渠道便捷多样、沟通交流个性互动的特征,对微博文化进行更为深入的研究与考量,可以帮助我们了解中国现代化进程中的一些文化问题。  相似文献   

TC动机设计模型理论认为动机是一种不稳定的潜在因素,因此学生的意志、毅力、价值观、持续动机都可能在教学序列整体中得到增强或削弱。在学习活动设计中若能依据学习时间进行合理、正确地激发学习动机,势必能够提高学习效率。  相似文献   

When we think of conducting analyses with a performance view, we commonly lean toward tools like front end analysis, needs assessment, performance analysis, and several variations. Usually, this starts because of a performance problem or because of an anticipated new performance. What about existing training? We look to training evaluation in its various levels to determine whether people like it, learn from it, transfer it, and whether the organization is benefiting from it. This paper describes a scenario where existing training was occurring, people suspected it could be more efficient, and yet the individuals' performance was for the most part satisfactory. We wanted to determine where the training could be made more efficient, determine if there were other barriers to performance, and do this with valid and reliable data from a large workforce. The Coast Guard's Performance Technology Center was in its infancy and was given the permission to try out alternative methods of conducting its work. This article describes the lessons learned about the process, about the technologies employed, and even the logistics of carrying out a rather large‐scale effort in minimal time.  相似文献   

本文给出了常数项为零的线性模型中高杠杆点和强影响点的判定准则。  相似文献   

《平妖传》是一部近代汉语文献,一直以来,关于该书的研究成果不多见。笔者经过初步考察,发现其中一些语言现象是有深入研究的必要的。本文对《平妖传》中的119个时间副词进行穷尽性调查,在此基础上,简析了《平妖传》时间副词的特点,从而勾勒出了《平妖传》时间副词的概貌。  相似文献   

A valveless linear compressor was built up to drive a self-made two-stage pulse tube cryocooler. With a designed maximum swept volume of 60 cm^3, the compressor can provide the cryocooler with a pressure volume (PV) power of 400 W. Preliminary measurements of the compressor indicated that both an efficiency of 35%-55% and a pressure ratio of 1.3-1.4 could be obtained. The two-stage pulse tube cryocooler driven by this compressor achieved the lowest temperature of 14.2 K.  相似文献   

冯至在《十四行集》中,拉长了现实体悟时间,以涵盖更深广的历史时间,时间与空间都用交互震荡中的生命形式连接起来,以生命瞬间的完成获得面对时间的坦然,生的时间意义体现在死的蜕变中。以空间凝定时间,把对时间的忧虑转化为对空间的承担。然而,无边的空间又象征了时间或者转化为时间,在《十四行集》中我们发现,诗人在对空间的依赖感与亲切感中,又隐现着他对自己建构的超越时间的方式的质疑。  相似文献   

目前的大学生在英语学习当中,要阅读大量的英文文章,尤其是学术性的文章.而中国学生在阅读过程中会遇到各种不同的问题,这些问题也许是词汇的掌握程度的问题,也许与语法知识的多少有关,或者其他问题,其中,最难解决的一个问题就是不同文化当中人的思维方式的不同带来的困难.本文试图寻找解读英语文章的一条小径,就是通过对英语文章的标题进行分析来获得关于文章的内容及其结构的一些信息,达到对文章的比较准确的理解.  相似文献   

虽然中国汉语里的“女性主义”一词最初是以“女权主义”的形式借译于日本的 ,但我们对日本的女性主义的研究还不多。从上世纪 70年代开始 ,日本女性主义思潮及其研究都有了较大的发展。通过对日本女性主义的介绍、研究 ,了解在独特的文化背景下 ,日本的女性主义是如何发展的 ,对当下中国女性主义的研究乃至文化的建设都有意义  相似文献   

How do students think about algebra? Here we consider a theoretical framework which builds from natural human functioning in terms of embodiment – perceiving the world, acting on it and reflecting on the effect of the actions – to shift to the use of symbolism to solve linear equations. In the main, the students involved in this study do not encapsulate algebraic expressions from process to object, they do not solve ‘evaluation equations’ such as \( 3x + 2 = 8 \) by ‘undoing’ the operations on the left, they do not find such equations easier to solve than \( 3x - 1 = 3 + x \) , and they do not use general principles of ‘do the same thing to both sides.’ Instead they build their own ways of working based on the embodied actions they perform on the symbols, mentally picking them up and moving them around, with the added ‘magic’ of rules such as ‘change sides, change signs.’ We consider the need for a theoretical framework that includes both embodiment and process-object encapsulation of symbolism and the need for communication of theoretical insights to address the practical problems of teachers and students.  相似文献   

It is challenging for students to plan their work sessions in online environments, as it is very difficult to make estimates on how much material there is to cover. In order to simplify this estimation, we have extended the Keystroke-level analysis model with individual reading speed of text, figures, and questions. This was used to estimate how long students might take to work through pages in an online learning environment. The estimates from the model were compared to data collected from 902 volunteer students. Despite the huge differences in reported reading speeds between students, the presented model performs reasonably well and could be used to give learners feedback on how long it takes to work through pages in online learning environments. This feedback could be used to support students’ motivation and effort regulation as they work through online course components. Although the model performs reasonably well, we propose giving feedback in the form of intervals to indicate the uncertainty of the estimates.  相似文献   

通过对审美的瞬间的分析,可以揭示伽达默尔解释学美学的时间意识。在伽氏看来,审美的瞬间在本质上是一种充实的属己的时间;它在日常时间的“中断”中形成了自身的连续性:其思维的内在逻辑是解释循环;在审美体验的瞬间,于流逝中把握到永恒,最终实现了真理的显现和意义的生成,从而完成这一定居过程。  相似文献   

目的:通过实验研究陆英及其提取物乌索酸对动物出血、凝血时间的影响。方法:分别灌胃给予小鼠陆英水煎剂、乌索酸(15、30、60mg/kg)、生理盐水,每天一次,共给药7天,采用断尾法测定小鼠的出血时间,玻片法测定小鼠的凝血时间。结果:与生理盐水组比较,陆英、乌索酸(15、30、60mg/kg)组均有显著性差异(p〈0.05)。结论:陆英和乌索酸均能明显延长小鼠出血时间和凝血时间,与其活血化瘀功效相符。  相似文献   

本文通过一步转移概率给出了生灭链的平均首达时的计算公式(定理3),通过该公式可以推测出各生物群体的达到某一状态的平均时间。并用文中结果,对本世纪初统计热力学中出现的热力学平衡与系统的常返性这对矛盾给出了严格的概率解释  相似文献   

本文通过对理想的晶体熔解曲线的分析得出,晶体熔解实验失败的根本原因是:系统的熔解过程严重偏离了准静态过程;系统从外界吸取的热流量不稳定.要得到比较理想的实验结果,一方面,要使系统的弛予时间尽可能的短,另一方面是热源提供给系统的热流量应是一个恰当的恒量.据此,提出了一种改进方案.  相似文献   


If it is true that educational research should not merely offer us better understandings of educational processes, but also offer us suggestions for good practice by ascertaining 'what works' most effectively in diverse contexts, then there are potentially four ways in which such research could be of use to those engaged in teacher education. This paper explores three of them-those which it argues are of most use to teacher educators. From research into the processes of teaching and learning we have learned a great deal about the complex nature of teachers' expertise and the extent to which it is determined by highly specific contexts. In seeking to understand more about the processes involved in learning to teach we have come to recognise the strength of the personal agendas that beginning teachers bring with them and the active role they play in negotiating their own learning. On this basis research offers teacher educators a number of suggestions for good practice: about the ways in which we should expect beginning teachers to make use of research-based generalisations; about how we can help them gain access to the wealth of expertise embedded in the practice of experienced teachers; and about how we can encourage them to subject their own preconceptions to serious critical evaluation.  相似文献   

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