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This paper first reviewed a controversial case in which a teacher ran away from his students in a earthquake. Several ed-ucational ethnic questions were aroused from the case: Is protecting students pa...  相似文献   

刘梦影 《海外英语》2014,(17):283-287
This paper examines the specific research question of how co-membership in discourse style and life experience influences teacher’s coauthoring on student’s narratives in the ESL teaching and learning context in the United States. As a case study,a specific student’s classroom narratives are transcribed and analyzed. The research findings indicate that a shared discourse style and an overlap in life experience between the teacher and the student will exert positive influence on the teacher’s coauthoring on the student’s narratives. Above all,sharing the same discourse style makes it possible for the teacher to recognize the rhythm of the student’s narratives,to detect the moments when the student needs interactional support and offer help,and to quickly notice a potential ending of the student’s narrative and expand it with open-ended questions and comments. In addition,an overlap in life experience makes it possible for the teacher to go deep into the student’s narratives by contributing specific and concrete thoughts rather than responding with superficial ideas.  相似文献   

吴君 《海外英语》2012,(12):35-36
In recent years,with the shift from traditional teacher-centered model to new learner-centered model in foreign language teaching,autonomous learning has become a research hotspot in foreign language circle.Although the researches on this issue are supposed to be prosperous,the attempt to look into the change of teachers’role on learner autonomy seems fairly limited.Therefore,this paper aims to deal with the changing of teachers’role in college students’autonomous learning.The significance of this paper is to make teachers adapt to their new roles so as to further improve their college teaching efficiency.  相似文献   

在传统的师生关系中,教师作为知识的传授者,在学校教育中有着绝对的权威与不可动摇的地位。在新课改下,教师应该既是学生发展的促进者和引导者,又是学生的朋友和自我完善的学习者,这样才能建立新型的我—你师生关系。这种新型的师生关系应该是民主平等的师生关系、合作互动的师生关系、和谐融洽的师生关系。  相似文献   

思想政治教育中师生关系的教育功能探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在传统的思想政治教育观念中,师生关系总被认为是附属于教育活动的某种次生活动,使得师生关系本身所具有的教育功能和意蕴无法彰显。其实,师生关系不仅仅是教育的手段,更是教育活动本身,它具有基础性、渗透性、生成性等特点,它同样具有作为教育活动的教育功能和意蕴。当前思想政治教育中师生关系的教育功能缺失,可通过建构师生"主体间性"及"对话"型师生关系;培养师生间的情感品质;增强教师与学生的责任感;共同融入教育的"生活世界";花更多的时间与学生交往等发挥思想政治教育中师生关系的教育功能。  相似文献   

近年来国内关于教师角色冲突的研究综述   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
教师角色冲突是教育研究的一个重要内容。教师的角色冲突对教师个人发展和教学工作产生直接的影响。教师的角色冲突产生的原因包括客观和主观两个方面。学校和社会应该为教师创造宽松的环境,教师自身要不断学习,增强教师角色的适应能力。  相似文献   

Given that many high school students come to school unmotivated to learn, the purpose of this article is to examine various motivational constructs and to determine if educators are incorporating the most effective motivational strategies. In fact, adolescents vary from adults physically, cognitively, emotionally, and physiologically and, therefore, they generally differ in their perceptions on the effectiveness of a variety of motivational practices. Students are more likely to attribute their own motivation to their intrinsic desire to learn or as a result of the goals they adopt. Teachers, on the other hand, believe students are more likely to be motivated as a result of the teachers’ actions. Teachers do not always recognize which motivational constructs are the most effective, demonstrating the value of pre-service and in-service programs that stress student motivation. If educators wish to maximize student academic achievement, they must understand how to motivate students successfully.  相似文献   

协作学习是网络远程教育的重要环节,其效果直接影响到远程教育教学的质量。本文在协作学习理论的基础上,结合我国网络远程教育协作学习模式的现状,探讨了教师在提高远程协作学习过程质量中的角色定位。  相似文献   

在传统教育中,教师是以“传道、授业、解惑”的“教”的身份出现。开放教育与传统教育相比,在诸多方面存在十分明显的区别。教师在开放教育中充当着学生自主学习的指导者、学习支持服务的提供者、远程教学环节的设计者和开放教育理论的研究者等多重角色。  相似文献   

通过调查问卷,调查学习者对大学英语教师角色的期待以及学生对教师实际教学的理解和评价。调查结果发现,学生期待教师既是专家,又是朋友,同时还是学习资源的提供者和学习环境的营造者。另一方面,学生对教师实际教学的评价与学生的期待有很大差距。  相似文献   

Vocabulary is the basis for learning any language.Anyone who wants to learn a language well faces the challenge of enlarging his/her vocabulary effectively.From six aspects,this paper discusses what teachers should do to help their students with vocabulary acquisition.  相似文献   

人本主义学习理论是以人本主义心理学的基本理论框架为依托的,知情统一的教学目的观,有意义的自由学习观,学生中心的教学观,这是人本主义学习理论的基本要点。这些理论观点对我国教育改革中的教师的传统角色具有挑战性,教师是“学习的促进者”是人本主义学习理论对教师角色的新定位,在当前的学校教育中,结合人本主义学习理论影响下的教师作为促进者的角色定位,重塑教师角色。  相似文献   

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