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HE Guang-hui 《海外英语》2014,(5):186-187,196
William Wordsworth has been considered a great Romantic poet in English literature.His thoughts and poems have been researched by literary critics from different aspects.This paper argues that nature is the source of his inspiration by analyzing the background of the poet’s life and his famous poems.  相似文献   

张梅 《海外英语》2012,(7):222-224
Emily Dickinson,one of the most celebrated American poets,writes nearly 1800 poems during her lifetime.Her poetry,a flower rooted in Puritanism,expresses the poetess’s love for life,mediation on nature and religion,and longing for beauty and truth.Along with Walt Whitman,Dickinson is regarded as the pioneer of American modernistic poetry.However,studies on such a great poet are mainly from the perspective of literary criticism,and few of them are from the linguistic approach.This thesis will give a detailed analysis of one of her poems in the perspective of deviation,so as to reveal her unique stylistic features.  相似文献   

陈雪 《海外英语》2012,(11):175-176
Ecocriticism is the combination of contemporary ecological thought and literary study,which has the double features of both literary and cultural criticism.The Call of the Wild is Jack London’ s masterpiece,and also one of his most successful animal novels.This paper attempts to interpret this novel from the perspective of ecologism to analyze the symbolic meaning of Buck’ s desocialization and his returning to nature.Also it emphasizes the theme that human beings should take their obligations seriously and live in harmony with nature.  相似文献   

卢德美 《海外英语》2014,(3):180-181
This paper aims to interpret"Wuthering Heights"in the standpoint of ecocriticism."Ecocriticism is the study of the relationship between literature and ecology."(Panny)The ecocritic considers how nature is reflected and perceived in literary texts and tries to illuminate people’s understanding of how human interacting with nature.Nature in this novel is not merely everywhere.She is an independent character like Heathcliff and Catherine,too.Through"Wuthering Heights"Emily Bront?expressed her ideal of returning to nature and the final convergence of nature and civilization.Nowadays,however,the ecological crisis is far more serious than Emily’s days.Perhaps the ecological wisdom expressed in this work will give us valuable lessons.  相似文献   

李雪 《海外英语》2012,(18):281-283
In recent years,human beings are facing the more and more deteriorating environmental problems,such as the sand storm,greenhouse effects,which are the nature’s punishment on human society.It’s self-evident that the relationship between human beings and nature is increasingly intense.Therefore,it’s essential for humans to consider how to establish the harmonious relationship between man and nature.Based on this problem,this paper intends to give a brief analysis of the Walden from the perspectives of"simplicity"and"equality"by using ecocriticism.The paper also gives the author’s personal understanding of the ecological thoughts embodied in Walden.  相似文献   

William Wordsworth was the representative of the British "Lake poets" In his poems he aimed at simplicity and purity of the language,fighting against the conventional forms of the 18th century poetry.He transformed his observation of the landscape into the revelation of the beauty of nature in poetry,and thus expressed his nature philosophy.In this article the author briefly analyses the organization of his poem: "Ode: Intimation of Immortality" and mainly elaborates her understanding of the poet’s na-ture-philosophy in four points:(a) Man is sensitive to all natural influences in childhood.(b) Nature has a moral and spiritual sig-nificance and helps the poet understand the mystery of human life.(c) Life is but a stage.(d) All good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings;it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility.  相似文献   

杨玉洁 《海外英语》2013,(2X):200-201
William Wordsworth was England’s Poet Laureate. He is the Romantic poet who is most often described as a"nature"write, and he is always sensitive to every subtle change in the world around him. In my opinion, his love for nature is boundless. To him, nature acts as a substitute for imaginative and intellectual engagement with the development of embodied human beings in their diverse circumstances. It’s nature that gives him knowledge and strength. In this paper, I want to narrow Wordsworth’s conception of nature, and then we can find the harmony in the community of men and nature.  相似文献   

Daffodils,a distinguished classic of William Wordsworth’s lyric poems,portrays the picturesque scenery of daffodils in their full blossoms and his meditations and reminiscences of that experience later on.From the analysis of this poem which serves as a representative of Romantic lyrics,this paper attempts to expound the poet’s sense of loneliness and solitude through his sincere reflections upon the nature,which in turn accomplishes his spiritual experience of self-transcendence.  相似文献   

黄燕 《海外英语》2013,(15):233-235
George Herbert is one of the great metaphysical and religious poets in the seventeenth-century history of British literature.Herbert becomes well-known for his devotional religious poems,his famous collection of devotional lyrics,The Temple in which Herbert expresses his piety towards God and manifests that the love of God is an everlasting subject for verse,has won enduring popularity among readers since its publication in 1633.The present paper will focus on Eucharist and human body showing in Herbert’s poetry,and attempts to explore the deeper implications existing behind Eucharist and human body with reference to some specific poems which are chosen from The Temple in detail.  相似文献   

泰戈尔的诗歌具有独特的个性,这种独特性表现在他继承并发展了印度的传统文明中所蕴含的生态智慧。在他的文学作品尤其是诗歌中,表达了丰富的生态主义传统。细读泰戈尔的诗歌,我们发现这些诗歌突出了整体和谐的思想,主要包括:人与自然的和谐,整体的自然观以及人的精神和谐。这些思想正是生态批评思想的体现,具有丰富的生态意义。由于泰戈尔对生态自然的深刻认识,在诗歌中表达的一些生态思想与现代生态批评家们"不谋而合",从而具有强烈的前瞻性。因此,我们有必要从生态批评的视角重新解读泰戈尔的诗歌,不断思考人与自然的关系,促进人与自然的和谐,倡导人的精神和谐。  相似文献   

华兹华斯在英国文学史上被誉为“伟大的自然诗人”,其创作打破了古典主义平板僵直的风格,开创了新鲜活泼的浪漫主义诗风,他的自然诗探寻了人与自然的关系,寄予了他对人性的真善美的认识与思考,为人们营造了一方纯净的精神家园。  相似文献   

The thesis aims to explore Wordsworth's formation of romantic view on nature. The thesis illustrates this point into three parts. The thesis first states the influence that the French revolution exerted on Wordsworth. Then, the thesis states the influence of German classical philosophy to Wordsworth. Finally, the thesis introduces Rousseau's "back to nature" theory and his influence on Wordsworth.  相似文献   

著名国学家陈寅恪在评价中国古代田园诗人、辞赋家、散文家陶渊明时提出了"新自然说"的观点,在此基础上,"新自然观"的理论逐渐形成,并成为众多评论家研究陶渊明的标签.无独有偶,英国湖畔诗人威廉·华兹华斯在其大量诗作中也呈现出"新自然观"的蛛丝马迹.作为浪漫主义诗人的代表之一,华兹华斯对自然的尊崇与热爱不仅成为了其文学创作的重要素材和风格特色,更潜移默化地影响着他的世界观、宇宙观与哲学观,以致于他对宗教的信仰都被打上了"自然"的深深烙印,从而体现出与陶渊明的"新自然观"所相似的哲学思想.  相似文献   

英国"湖畔派"诗人威廉.华兹华斯终生崇尚自然,歌咏自然。其作品运用通俗的平民语言,描述自然中的景、人和事,在诗歌的形式和内容主题上,都开创了英国诗歌的新风,产生了深远影响。华兹华斯不愧为自然的伟大歌者。  相似文献   

生态批评理论为研究文学作品提供了新的视角,在英国浪漫主义诗歌中,虽然诗人对自然形象的选取和艺术表达方式各异,但他们的作品中都蕴涵着丰富的生态学思想:歌颂自然,敬仰生命,自然的意识深深扎根于他们的诗篇,也深刻地渗入了他们的诗歌创作理念。他们提倡人类回归自然以达到人与自然的和谐统一。本文将从生态批评的视角重新解读英国浪漫主义诗歌,挖掘诗歌中的生态思想,再次唤醒现代人类的生态意识。  相似文献   

王华英 《海外英语》2012,(12):223-226
《露西》组诗中流露着强烈的死亡主题。华兹华斯的死亡意识与他矛盾的自然观有一定的联系。在《露西》组诗中,自然既有慈爱的一面,又有破坏性的一面。华兹华斯对于自然的这种双重性困惑不解。他崇尚自然对人性的净化作用;而又感觉到在自然法则下人生短暂易逝,死亡不可避免却又无可预见。在露西的英年早逝和其带来的孤寂中痛苦挣扎,他最终意识到死亡是生命回归自然的媒介之一。死亡使得生命复归神性,得以在宇宙万物中永生。华兹华斯的这种死亡意识反映了他对生命意义的沉思以及对人生终极走向的关怀。  相似文献   

生态批评是在全球性日益恶化的生态环境和日益深化的生态危机的语境下、在目前风起云涌的绿色运动的感召下,在文学批评领域掀起的一股“绿色”批评浪潮。其目的在于通过文学批评来重新审视文化,进行文化反思、文化批判,颠覆、挑战、揭露和批判导致环境恶化和生态危机的思想根源——人类中心主义,唤醒人类的生态保护意识。生态批评的理论内涵是:重新阐释文学作品,挖掘生态文学作品中体现出来的生态意识和生态智慧,批判渗透着人类中心主义的反生态文学作品,重新建构文学经典,促成生态文学的繁荣,重新铸就一种生态文明时代的生态人文精神.并担负起引领科技进一步发展的历史重任。从而建立一个人与自然和谐相处、物种平等、生态平衡的社会.以实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

崛起于20世纪中后期的生态批评,是把文学文本和现实的生态问题结合起来探讨人与自然关系问题的批评方法。从生态批评的角度去解读爱尔兰诗人帕特里克·卡文纳的田园诗,其诗歌的生态思想主要体现在人与自然的关系:自然的人性,自然的神性,自然的女性化,人与自然的冲突等,并从中感悟诗人与自然和谐相处的生态观。  相似文献   

自然之歌在英国文学史上源远流长,自然更是英国浪漫主义诗人笔下一个永恒的话题和审美对象,英国“湖畔诗人领袖”华兹华斯喜爱大自然,把自然作为自己心灵的慰籍与寄托。回归自然虽然是一种人类的普遍情感,但不同的诗人对自然的向往、热爱或崇拜是有着其独特的文化背景的。因而从哲学的角度探讨华兹华斯的自然观,不仅对探寻华氏的精神世界具有指导意义,而且对当代文化的重构也有启迪意义。  相似文献   

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