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熟习文本是我国古代传统教育的主要方式。在我们拥有丰富多样的外语学习法的同时,我们似乎忽略了这个最为基本而简单的方法。当代一些成功的学习法归根结底也是强调对于文本的熟习。文章提出有必要把中国传统的教育方式应用在外语学习上并就如何应用熟习文本学习法提出建议。  相似文献   

"播客"作为新兴网络技术,为ESL教学提供了丰富的学习资源和新颖的教学模式。"播客"在ESL教学中具有创建ESL环境下的真实语境、激发学生学习动力以及提高学生自主学习能力等积极作用。同时,"播客"在ESL教学中也存在若干弊端。教师只有充分认识其优劣势,在教学实践中扬长避短,才能促进"播客"在ESL教学中广泛应用。  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):221-241

Although mother tongue education is recommended by policymakers, researchers and language learning authorities, the reality in South Africa is that many parents/caregivers and learners believe that English is the best choice as Language of Learning and Teaching. Many English second-language (ESL) learners experience barriers to learning, because of a limited English proficiency. An empirical study was conducted to identify the needs and perceptions of Grade 4 educators regarding ESL learners with a limited English proficiency. The following factors were targeted in the study: demographic factors; language issues; educators' perception of learners with language barriers; and teaching of ESL learners who have limited English proficiency. The findings suggest that educators teaching ESL learners are in need of support.  相似文献   

英语教学在我国受到越来越多的重视,很多语言学家和教育工作者为选取适合我国国情的英语教学模式进行了诸多探讨,ESL和EFL成了主要研究课题。就其本质来说,ESL和EFL是两种截然不同的英语教学模式。  相似文献   

课堂互动与二语学习的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
课堂互动为二语学习者提供了类似母语的教学环境,增加了学习者的可理解输入,有利于二语学习。对课堂互动中教师话语、纠错方式,国外有不少实证研究。课堂互动的实施方式以任务型教学、小班授课和小组活动为主。课堂互动是二语学习的方式之一,但不是惟一的方式。同时这种方式并不适合各种层次的学习者。了解这一点对我们英语教师十分必要。  相似文献   

英语学习过程诸因素探讨   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3  
在外语/二语学习过程中,必须充分考虑语言环境、社会语言环境、学习风格、学习年龄、学习阶段等因素,这些因素对学习者努力的结果有直接的决定性的影响。它们影响外语/二语学习者是否以及怎样充分利用可以得到的一切学习机会,而是否以及怎样充分利用可以得到的一切学习机会又决定外语/二语学习者能否学得目的语。外语/二语教师应该根据这些因素采取相应的教学策略和途径,来满足外语/二语学习者的学习需求。二语/外语教师在学习过程中的重要作用,体现于引导学习者以最适合自己学习风格的学习方法充分地有效地利用所能得到的二语/外语学习机会。  相似文献   

英语教学是高职教育的重要组成部分,高职英语教学的发展的动力在于深化改革。分析了ESL课程的整体内涵及高职英语教学目前所存在的问题,提出了高职英语教学团队的建设是高职英语教学改革的根本保证;教学内容、教学模式和教学评价手段的改革是"工学结合"人才培养模式下高职英语教学改革的有效途径。  相似文献   

英语 ESL(English Studyas Second Language)是上海中学国际部以英语为非母语的学生为教育对象,关注学生基础英语素养在最快的时间内夯实与培育,旨在帮助来自不同国家与地区的学生,英语学习背景有巨大差异的学生提升基础的英语素养。通过长期的教育教学实践,英语ESL差异教学行动策略有:创设富有层次性的情境,提高学生英语学习兴趣;加强语言教学比较研究,关注英语教导多样性;习题安排突出开放性,注重对学生及时分类指导;促进英语教学评价多元,对学生进行针对性辅导反馈。其差异教学的行动策略对于我国的英语差异教学能提供借鉴与启迪。  相似文献   

非英语专业学生ESL课堂展示是建构主义、输出理论和自主学习理论框架下学生展示自我英语综合能力的一种有效途径,也是教育叙事研究的主要内容之一。通过对ESL学生课堂展示情况的问卷调查和个案分析,可以看出ESL课堂展示的必要性及其对英语教学的启示。  相似文献   

语音加工技能在汉语为母语个体英语学习中的作用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
语音加工技能是英语为母语个体读写能力发展的核心技能,在汉语为母语个体的英语学习中也具有重要意义,不仅如此,汉语加工与学习经验对学习者英语语音加工技能发展及其作用也具有显著的影响,因此,我国英语教学及其研究应当更充分地关注语音加工技能的发展,系统考察学习者语音加工技能的发展与口语词汇、学习起始年龄与学习方式的关系,深入探讨语音加工技能训练的作用与条件,研制有效的训练方案,加深对英语学习内在过程的认识,并为促进英语学习和教学提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Structured reflection on practical teaching experiences may help pre‐service teachers to integrate their learning and analyze their actions to become more effective learners and teachers. This study reports on 12 pre‐service English as a second language (ESL) teachers’ individual tutoring of learners of English language writing. The data of the study are the writing journal entries that the pre‐service ESL teachers maintained during their tutoring experience. These journals had common elements: all were used by the pre‐service teachers to consider what funds of knowledge they bring to their teaching of ESL learners, to evaluate their roles as writers, learners and teachers and to reflect on the educational, social and cultural implications of teaching writing in English to speakers of other languages. This article describes ways in which both native and non‐native English speaking pre‐service teachers adapted their instruction to meet the particular needs of individual ESL writers and what they learned in the process. It provides insight regarding the value of using tutoring and reflection generally in teacher education and specifically in the preparation of teachers of ESL.  相似文献   

不同语言文化的交流,是人类社会发展的普遍现象和必然要求。影响借词发生的原因和条件主要有:文化接触导致语汇互渗、经济贸易加速语汇"出口"、传媒互动促进借词加速、优势理论促成语汇互借。在这一过程中,不同语言之间可能发生语汇"出口"、"进口"和"转进口"的现象。英语中汉语借词的拼写规则和含义形成方式不尽相同,对ESL教学可能发生正向或负向迁移作用。实际教学中,教师应该首先充分把握借词的途径和演变背景,结合学习者的知识背景和生活经验,巧妙运用学习迁移扬长避短,使借词对ESL教学发挥更多的正面促进作用,提升学生的学习兴趣和效率。  相似文献   

基于大学英语大班教学的现状, 协作性学习作为一重要手段具有特别优势, 可大量应用于大班外语教学。通过各项分组教学活动, 可以改善学生学习积极性, 加大课内课外学生练习度, 提高学生学习效果, 弥补大班语言学习组织课堂之不足。  相似文献   

随着计算机及因特网的发展和普及,E-Learning(Electronic Learning)受到了世界各地的语言教师和教育研究者的注意和重视。E-Learning是指主要通过因特网进行的学习与教学活动,它充分利用现代信息技术所提供的、具有全新沟通机制与丰富资源的学习环境,实现一种全新的学习方式。本文主要研究E-Learning在加拿大ESL教学中的运用情况,为我国的外语教学提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study of a group of Chinese ESL learners in China, who study English by immersing themselves regularly and rigorously in English television drama. A self-directed learning pedagogy has been developed and discussed, which seems to have signposted an effective and economic way for ESL learners to improve linguistic, sociolinguistic and pragmatic competence beyond the language classroom.  相似文献   

Although research reveals that pre-service student teachers often regard their relationships with their significant others as an important element of their initial teaching practice experience, much remains unknown about the influence of significant others on non-native English as a Second Language (ESL) student teachers’ professional learning process during field experiences. This paper presents the findings of a qualitative study of the professional learning experiences of 17 pre-service non-native ESL student teachers during an eight-week-long practicum. Grounded in a sociocultural view of teacher learning, the study explores how the ESL student teachers developed their understanding of professional learning in the light of their experiences of engaging with their supporting teachers, supervisors, other school staff members as well as peer student teachers during the practicum. Analysis of the data reveals that these people assumed the role of coach either directly or indirectly, having a positive influence on the student teachers’ role as a teacher. Analysis of the data also reveals negative interactions between student teachers and their significant others, which sociocultural theories have so far not taken sufficiently into account. While, findings of this study challenge past assumptions about where knowledge for teaching comes from and how it can be learned; this study also suggests an urgent need to consolidate university–school partnership to foster student teachers’ adaptation to the context of teaching practice and maximise their professional learning opportunities.  相似文献   

课堂互动理论与ESL学习关系浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨了课堂互动与英语作为二语(ESL)学习的关系,介绍了国外对课堂互动研究的成果以及实施课堂互动的任务型教学的成效,指出了课堂互动教学实施的条件极其局限、以及具体实施的困难。  相似文献   

儿童英语教学的主要目的是为了培养他们的交际能力。交互性又是交际性语言教学的关键所在。教学中各种不同的交互,交互在儿童英语教学中具有重要性。  相似文献   

高校扩招使大学英语教学出现了大班课型,大学英语阅读大班课的教学改革表明:教师要改变教学观念,并对其进行全方位的培训;学生要充分发挥其学习主体的积极主动性;学校要更新教学条件和手段;大班课型的教学效果同样可以得到保证。  相似文献   

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