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把教育行动的目标定格在社会、制度、文化的再生产领域进行分析,是西方马克思主义教育社会学理论的基本框架。这种理论框架是以马克思关于经济基础决定上层建筑和人的异化理论为基础的。教育行动的社会学研究把教育纳入到社会结构各要素之间的互动中研究,有力地揭示了教育再生产社会结构的本质。  相似文献   

教育社会学鼻祖涂尔干转变人为构想理想教育的理论思维方式,强调教育体系的实在性,主张从历史的痕迹中去考察教育体系的根基,从历史上不同时期教育的共性中推论出教育的定义,突出了教育在个体社会化中的重要意义,并以此将社会学实证研究方式引入了教育学领域:以社会事实即"物"为研究对象,从社会现象中去探寻一切因果关系,并在整个研究过程中遵循客观性与外在性原则。  相似文献   

Bourdieu's work has attracted considerable interest and, not withstanding criticism of his style and obscure theoretical formulations, has introduced some powerful concepts into social theory. This paper examines Bourdieu's contribution to the sociology of education and especially his account of socially differentiated educational attainment. Particular attention is given to issues of structure, agency and habitus, the cultural autonomy of the school, arbitrary and necessary school cultures, and the distinction between primary and secondary effects on educational differences. Some specific criticisms, for example Elster's charge of a double account of domination, are also addressed. Bourdieu's concentration on habitus as the most significant generator of practice is held to be a theory of socialisation and the paper examines the nature of the explanation of social practice provided by such theories. The argument concludes with a plea for critical tolerance with respect to Bourdieu's work but with a suggestion that his account of socially differentiated educational attainment in terms of habitus is finally inadequate.  相似文献   

Theorising the interplay of structure and agency is the quintessential focus of sociological endeavour. This paper aims to be part of that continuing endeavour, arguing for a stratified social ontology, where structure and agency are held to be irreducible to each other and causally efficacious, yet necessarily interdependent. It thus aims not to be part of that on-going journey in search of the 'ontological holy grail'. Instead, it offers a way of linking structure and agency which enables the practical education researcher concretely to examine their relative interplay over time. The methodological key to teasing out their relative interplay is held to be analytical dualism. It will be argued that such a methodological device is precluded by Giddens' structuration theory.  相似文献   

政治理论的灌输必须充分认识社会基础的作用与地位,理论的形成与发展是一个动态的过程,理论灌输是其中一个环节,都是建立在相应的社会基础之上的。政治学关于社会基础的经验研究结论,可以作为理论灌输的依据。社会基础不是孤立的,总是和一定社会制度相联系,社会制度最终决定着灌输的效果。  相似文献   

Learning to Labour signalled a break from mechanistic ‘social reproduction’ theories within the Sociology of Education, towards a new appreciation of the role of cultural processes within school. This paper reviews the work of Paul Willis, focussing particularly on some of the unresolved themes of Learning to Labour and the development of his own thought since this study was produced. Areas which have been under emphasised in the past include Willis’ attempt to formulate a methodological and analytical base for cultural studies within education, the theoretical relationship between culture and ideology and the essentially active, transformative nature of cultural production within educational sites. This paper aims to clarify some of these issues.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s there has been considerable debate among sociologists of education about the macro‐micro gap in educational analyses. However, educational research remains divided largely into the study of large‐scale phenomena such as social systems and national policies on the one hand, and case‐studies of individual schools and social interaction on the other. This split has had a number of unfortunate consequences for the development of the field. Most importantly, the dominant conceptions of structure and agency employed in the sociology of education are characterised by a dualism which makes it difficult to conceptualise adequately the processes involved in social change. In this paper, I briefly describe this structure‐agency dualism before critically examining three attempts which have been made to address this problem. The ability of structuration theory to overcome this dualism is then examined, and I conclude by arguing that this approach offers an important new direction for the sociology of education.  相似文献   

李俊 《复旦教育论坛》2023,21(3):121-128
20世纪80年代以来,美国职业教育为提升质量、改善形象,采取了改变就业属性、构建贯通渠道、加强与劳动力市场的相关性等多项举措,但仍面临社会认可度低、经济回报相对有限、学生中断学业比例较高和企业参与积极性不高等诸多困难。这背后有经济、社会和教育三方面的原因。经济方面,去技能化的产业发展渊源和金融化的经济发展路径使得美国的产业对多数劳动者的知识技能要求不高,因而参与职业教育的积极性不足。社会方面,中等收入阶层萎缩、社会不平等加剧和阶级结构固化使得适合职业教育毕业生的工作岗位减少,职业教育的实际收益以及人们选择职业教育的意愿因而降低。教育方面,受制于基础教育的问题,高等职业教育的许多学生面临严重的学习困难,难以完成学业,在毕业后又背负起沉重的经济负担,进一步影响了职业教育的收益。三方面因素的相互作用共同带来了美国职业教育乃至社会变革的困境。  相似文献   

教育社会学的研究与发展需要适切的学科自觉和学科意识。基于当下的生存困境,教育社会学必须重审自身的学科形象,明确自身的学术味道。  相似文献   

本文以1997年以来决策层有关文献为主要依据,对素质教育推进的决策演进做了梳理和辨析。文章提出有关素质教育推进至今的三个结论性判断:素质教育的基本涵义未发生根本变化;素质教育在教育改革中的重要性不断提升;素质教育的推进范围和实施重心在决策演化过程中呈游移状态。  相似文献   

社会学本土化是中国社会学可持续发展的核心问题。一般认为中国本土社会学之所以产生,西方社会学功不可没。本文指出西方社会学只是中国社会学发展的助推剂,建立中国研究模式才是社会学本土化的核心所在,中国的社会学本土化机制必须选择兼容并取的中国创造。  相似文献   

基础教育信息化的推进为基础教育带来了全新的挑战,取得了一定成效,也引发了一些思考。针对这一现状,文章通过借鉴教育社会学理论,对基础教育信息化负面社会影响的产生缘由、表象、实质及应对策略进行了研究。文章认为,基础教育信息化的负面社会影响主要表现在资源布局失衡、素养培养失效、应用整合失业和监管机制失职四个方面,并针对信息技术教育的终极目标从道德的全面教育、技术的理性教育、文化的形体教育以及知识的社会教育四个角度提出了应对策略。  相似文献   

借鉴社会学中研究社会与个人之间关系的理论,分析制约我国职业教育发展的因素。当前职业教育的发展是受多种因素影响的,其中社会结构和个体选择是重要的影响因素。社会结构主要有阶层结构、职业结构、劳动力市场结构,这些社会结构对职业教育的影响只是潜在的,它通过干预个体选择来影响职业教育发展。  相似文献   

从中国教育社会学的前沿进展及所要追求的社会进步使命来看,提出“理论建构、学术共同体与社会基础”这一分析框架,或许可以为反思、改善中国教育社会学的发展状况,增强其社会进步功能,提供切实、有益的理论工具.按照这一分析框架,可以看出,中国教育社会学者在本土问题意识与理论建构方面的发展颇为显著,但在学术共同体建设尤其是社会基础积累方面,仍看不到突破性进展.未来中国教育社会学者在深化理论建构的同时,还需进一步拓展视野与关系网络,增强学术共同体和社会基础,如此才可能提高教育社会学的体制实力与公共声誉,为中国教育与社会进步贡献更多实质力量.  相似文献   

徐强 《高中生》2012,(16):19
约翰·盖托写过一本书《上学真的有用吗》。这是一个发人深省的问题。它表达了一个常识,而这个常识长期以来一直被人忽视,因此一经点明,就在思想上给人带来了一种巨大的冲击。这个常识就是:上学不等于受教育。在约翰.盖托看来,最有力的教育永远是开放的,而不是被他人灌输来的。真正的教育只能以自我觉悟为起点,认识真实的你,不然你将一事无成,只不  相似文献   

“教育是什么”历来就是一个争论不休的问题。本文从分析常见的几种关于“教育”的定义入手,进而描述了一种“新”教育社会学的观点。文章认为,对于“教育本质”的探索,应该跳出教育体系的狭小圈子,而将其视为一种社会建构的实体;惟其如此,我们才能够更深刻地把握“教育”的内涵。  相似文献   

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