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Despite recommendations, dating from many years ago, that Media studies, and in particular television studies, should form part of the normal schools curriculum in Britain, progress has been haphazard. The author argues that the centrality and the artificiality of the television viewing experience in the child's life means that the subject of television studies should be an important feature of the curriculum of Scottish schools.  相似文献   

Broadcast material in areas of media studies has now been available to schools since the 1960's. The author describes the history of media education at secondary level in Britain, the potential influence of educational broadcasters in the field, and recent developments in media studies output by the broadcasting organisations.  相似文献   

Despite misrepresentation, serious study of the media in schools is growing apace, and not only for the less able student. One reason for this is the Bullock Report recommendation for an extension in depth and range of existing work, as well as recent technical developments that offer schools equipment to produce their own television material. The future will depend on encouraging the pioneers, particularly by improving communications between teachers and academics.  相似文献   

One of the most curious features of television research is that there exist two quite distinct and independent traditions: that of mass communications and that of educational technology. The two types of research have different aims and motives, are conducted by different kinds of researcher and usually employ different methodologies. Whatever the reason for these two distinct traditions it represents a highly undesirable state of affairs since it unduly restricts all aspects of television research. The restriction occurs at a number of levels but perhaps the most important is at the level of the programming policy implications of the research. At first sight it might seem that educational technolgists have a much more intimate relationship with programming policy makers than do mass communications researchers but such a view neglects the broader political implications of research which we should like to consider.  相似文献   

Time is not lost, I deem, in bewailing and mourning our fate when answering tears stand ready in the listener's eye.

Prometheus Bound 1 1 Lynch's 1970 work, Christ and Prometheus: A New Image of the Secular, explores in three “acts” two pivotal questions that run throughout most of his works: “What is the place of the secular in a totally religious world?” and “What is the place of the sacred in an overwhelmingly secular world?” (p. 15). On page 49 he refers particularly to Images of Hope with these words: “In an earlier book, on hope, I tried to sketch a path of approximation to innocence for the mentally ill. There it was a matter of taking away from the sick the burden of finding a one, nonexistent right way in all situations, an inscrutable way of the will of God, that would come from outside our own wishes and would condition all of these wishes. There is no greater torment than this kind of endless, external search for innocence. We must restore the primacy of man as a wishing being who, as long as he is within reality, creates the right thing by the absolute unconditionality of his own wishing. This wish does not have to go out of itself.” Ironically, he wanted Christ and Prometheus entitled “In Search of Innocence” (p. 36). Presumably, the editors prevailed.


Using the data collected by Arthur Cohen in a national study on curriculum, instructional, and course practices in science courses in community colleges, this study explored instructional methods and media use. Several areas were investigated. These included (1) media use and attrition, (2) media production facilities and assistance used, and (3) media development locally. The results indicate that lecture is the most predominate method, that media have little effect on attrition, and that geographic region has little effect on media use.  相似文献   



"当今亚太地区国家的青年失业问题普遍存在,发展职业教育的确是破冰之举。但是不同国家的具体国情,要求职业教育的发展必须被置于当地经济社会的现实背景之下,发展的侧重面和轻重程度都应有所区别,不能一概而论。"——湖北关本荣  相似文献   

“扮妓女”算哪门子“培训”;头顶全国最年轻高级技工桂冠却没有一家企业敢要;高职教材何时能合学生胃口?  相似文献   


“黄炎培职业教育思想无论是内涵和外延。都极为丰富。先生在中国这块土地上从事职业教育的长期实践中。不断总结新经验,研究新问题,并上升到理论的高度,其职业教育理论带有强烈的中国特色。温总理在谈到职业教育工作时多次引用先生的思想。充分证明了先生思想的现实意义和历史价值。”  相似文献   

传媒   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对原有专业的饱和,学校毅然转向;面对贫困家庭子女的就业需求,学校决然开展教育扶贫。河北省石家庄市东方家政中专学校的建立和办学实绩,为职业教育寻找社会需求、开拓办学市场提供了有益启示,更为山区贫困家庭的学生铺就了一条谋生、就业之路。但愿这样的路能在中国更多几条。——河北蔺俞“”封面劣质生源困扰部分中等职校新华网云南频道2005-06-01“因为上课讲小话,我的孩子被学校责令回家学校这种处理方式不妥吧!”近日,云南省财经学校一位自费生的家长反映:“班主任也曾表示学校处罚不妥,我们家长就更难以接受了。回家反省一个月,拉…  相似文献   

“岁月飞逝,辞旧迎新。已经过去的2006年是我国职业教育发展历史上不平凡的一年。在战线的努力下,职业教育规模继续扩张,当年招生数再创历史新高,为‘十一五’开了一个好局。冀望2007年在职业学校的内涵建设上能得到加强。”——北京张从军  相似文献   

"上海思博职业技术学院的发展凝聚着杨金土先生的心血,同时这所学院也成为了检验先生反思我国现行教育体制,实践职业教育理念的重要阵地。  相似文献   

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