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This study presents data collected towards the end of their school careers from pupils originally studied at preschool age as part of the Bristol Language Development Study. Data were originally collected on various aspects of the early language development of these children and, in particular, on naturally occurring language in the home, based on recorded samples of verbal interactions. More recently, data have been collected on the 16+ examination performance of these children as they reach the end of compulsory schooling. The analysis demonstrates a considerable degree of continuity between early language development and later examination performance, and also a strong relationship between family background and examination residts and a moderate relationship between family background and early language measures. Further analysis provided some support to a model which accounts for the relationship across time in terms of the influence of social background on both early and later measures. A model which has early language as a key factor in explaining the relationship between family background and examination results received little support from the data.  相似文献   

This study utilized life history theory to test a developmental cascade model linking harsh parenting to low educational attainment. Multigroup models were examined to test for potential gender differences. The sample consisted of 1,482 adolescents followed up for 9 years starting in seventh grade (Mage = 12.74). Results supported indirect links between harsh parenting and low educational attainment through the development of extreme peer orientations, early sexual behavior, and delinquency. Among male adolescents, harsh parenting was related to the development of an extreme peer orientation, which further led to increased delinquency, and subsequently lower educational attainment. Among female adolescents, harsh parenting predicted extreme peer orientations, which increased both delinquency and early sexual behavior. Early sexual behavior further predicted lower educational attainment in female adolescents.  相似文献   

1986 saw a radical change in the structure of examining at 16+ when, with the introduction of the General Certificate of Secondary Education in England and Wales, an element of school‐based assessment was incorporated for the first time. Both the examining groups and the teaching force had to adjust to new constraints and accommodate each other's perspectives. Teachers have had to operate with closely defined criteria which were developed by the examining groups, who also subsequently monitored their application to pupils’ work. This paper examines the procedures deployed to ensure comparability of judgements between teachers, both within and between schools, and highlights some of the tensions which now exist as roles have been adapted. It is suggested that some of the conflicts of interest might have been diminished, and more effective professional relationships developed between the two bodies, had procedures been more open to public scrutiny. The examining groups have a specific responsibility to maintain standards; but by taking more account of the position of teachers and their training needs, more effective long‐term solutions could be evolved. Finally, it is suggested that the experiences of GCSE may be used to develop more effective mechanisms for National Curriculum Assessment, thereby making procedures smoother for all parties involved.  相似文献   

GeoDesign是地理学与规划、风景园林、建筑、环境等多学科相结合的结果。它的形成对地理科学专业的环境课程设置带来了挑战和机遇。本文通过分析并总结GeoDesign对当今我国高校地理科学专业带来的冲击,提出了该专业环境教育课程设置等方面的相关建议。这对加强我国高校当前地理科学专业改革,提升地理科学人才培养质量等具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

Recent educational reorganisation of further education has highlighted once again the issue of how we should educate our sixteen year olds for a career in art and design. Trends have alternated between vocational or general art education both being largely driven by industrial and economic need. The paper examines whether one or both approaches are most suitable for 16+ learners and evaluates some initial findings.  相似文献   

During the interview ‘Mary’ – who had last year been a school pupil and this year is a first‐year undergraduate on the new degree in Education (with Teaching Certificate) – talked at some length, and with considerable feeling, about how her main frustration as a female pupil had been what she saw as her systematic disenfranchisement from influence over the content and process of the schools' curricula which she had pursued over the previous thirteen years. Although she felt that all pupils suffered this lack of influence she was convinced that girls suffered disproportionately. [Some time later in the interview], when talking about the ‘teaching practice’ she had recently completed, ‘Mary’ described how her ‘music and movement’ work had met with ‘loud and disruptive’ reaction from some of the boys in the mixed class of 7–8 year‐olds, even though the majority of the children had clearly enjoyed and been engaged by the scheme she had designed. Faced with this rejection, and experiencing some anxiety about how the teachers and her tutor would assess her potential as a future teacher if she was not seen to be exercising what they would count as ‘good control’ of the class, ‘Mary’ resolved her ‘problem’ by designing an alternative scheme which the few boys would not (and did not) reject. Although the girls had ‘subsequently shown less interest’, their quiet acquiescence to what she offered them reduced her anxiety about her assessment as a teacher. When she related her pupil experience to her teaching practice experience ‘Mary’ was dismayed to realise that she had ‘reproduced for others precisely that frustration which [she herself] had experienced as a pupil’.

Extract from author's notes when evaluating a new pre‐service degree course, June 1983.  相似文献   

社会性别视角下的布劳—邓肯地位获得模型及后续研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为社会分层和社会流动研究中的经典模型,布劳—邓肯地位获得模型为之后的地位获得研究奠定了基础,并提供了不断修正和完善的空间与可能。从社会性别视角出发,本文梳理了布劳—邓肯地位获得模型及后续研究的成果,并提出运用社会性别视角研究地位获得的必要性。同时,就本土语境下的社会性别及相关问题对地位获得的影响进行讨论。  相似文献   

Latino students are significantly underrepresented in higher education. As the largest and fastest growing racial/ethnic population in the US, this is cause for national concern. Additionally, this rapid population growth is a call for community and school leaders from underserved communities to assess their service areas and focus on interventions to increase the college-going rates of youth. Maywood is a city located in Southeast Los Angeles. Like many other urban areas, Maywood’s largely Latino population is underrepresented in higher education. This research focused on interviewing Maywood’s community and school leaders (n = 24) to gain insight into their perceptions of their role and responsibility to address issues surrounding their community’s low levels of educational attainment. A key theme emerged revealing that leaders understand their community’s educational issues but do not see their role as leaders to directly address this issue to build a college-going culture. Implications for practice in strengthening community partnerships and developing a college-going culture are provided and a series of recommendations for the creation of a college-going culture are discussed.  相似文献   

本文针对目前中学英语教师在新课程改革过程中的现状及对课程素养的缺乏,就新课程的性质和基本理念、课程教材、课程内容、课程开发的基本模式、课程与教学的目标、课程内容与教法、课程组织和课程与教学评价等方面,有针对性地提出提高中学英语教师课程素养的指导思想和提高途径。  相似文献   

从跨文化交际的角度出发,分析法语笑话常常不能让中国人发笑的原因,探讨从语言差异和文化差异两方面出发更好地理解法语笑话,揭示出只有在交织蕴藏语言的文化背景中才能充分认识语言。  相似文献   

法语词汇教学的重要性已经被众多学者所承认,然而教学模式却仍拘于传统,致使学生的词汇运用能力难以提升。我们认为语用学对语境的关注有助于让高校法语专业学生在基础阶段建立良好的词汇学习模式。本文分析了语用学在外语教学界研究情况和国内高校基础法语词汇教学现状,并立足于语用学理论提出了有关教学的合理建议。  相似文献   

家庭背景如何影响教育获得:基于居住空间分异的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大量经验研究表明,教育在中国人地位获得中的作用在加强,与此同时,人们也发现来自家庭背景,或者说阶层背景的差异对人们的教育获得的影响也是不可忽视的.那么家庭背景是如何影响人们的教育获得的呢?通过对人们居住空间分异的分析可以发现,家庭背景对人们教育获得的影响,有一部分是通过对教育资源的选择与争夺来实现,而这种选择和争夺又可以通过对基础教育资源分布不均的城市空间的竞争来实现.  相似文献   

基于社会认知理论的外语教学理论目前是我国外语界比较热门的外语教育理论。社会认知理论为我国外语学习者的学习过程、学习动机、学习策略、社会文化环境等因素研究建立了理论基石,也为建构我国本土外语教学理论和教学实践提供了有利的理论支持。本文介绍了社会认知理论的概念,并探讨了社会认知理论对我国大学法语教学的启示——加强课堂教学改革、注重交际能力培养和提高跨文化意识。  相似文献   

对于有一定英语基础的法语学习者来说,常因受到英语的干扰而在学习过程中产生错误。针对这种现象,从语言干扰的理论出发,结合法语教学对象的特点,在语音、词汇和句法层面分析英法语言干扰情况,探讨如何处理这些干扰情况,以期指导法语教学,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

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