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审判公开是现代法治国家普遍遵循的一项诉讼原则,也是我国在刑事司法领域制定和推行的公正审判的司法准则之一。随着民主法治建设的逐步推进,社会公众法律意识、人权意识不断增强,对审判公开提出了越来越高的要求。而司法实践中,审判公开的落实还存在着诸多的问题。本文从刑事司法的角度,阐述了审判公开的历史渊源、理论基础及其内容,分析了该原则在我国的适用现状,并对该原则的落实提出了完善建议。  相似文献   

我国现行《民事诉讼法》和《刑事诉讼法》都将审判公开作为基本的法律原则,但是我国现行的几部诉讼法对于审判公开的规定大部分都只停留在原则的层面,导致审判公开这项重要的原则规定在司法实务中出现脱离立法本意的怪诞现象。本文从实务层面对审判公开原则进行解读,并提出一些建议,希望这项基本原则的本意能够得到有效而充分地发挥。  相似文献   

2014年10月召开的中共十八届四中全会深入探讨了依法治国方略以及实施路径,指出"要推进以审判为中心的诉讼制度改革",特别强调了审判特别是庭审在刑事诉讼中的关键性地位。立案是整个刑事诉讼程序的开启程序,也是侦查程序的开端,因此立案公开又是促进"侦查中心"向"审判中心"进行转变的关键一环。目前我国的立案公开虽有成就但是仍有缺陷,需要在"审判中心"的指导下,继续完善立案公开制度。  相似文献   

网络舆论对于司法审判的影响已成为社会各界热议的话题。一方面其有利于预防司法审判不公促进判决结果公开透明,另一方面会干扰司法独立,妨碍司法公正。阐述了网络舆论对司法审判的积极影响及其消极影响,通过分析网络舆论对司法审判的消极影响的原因提出了一些建议,引进"协商型司法正义"理念,建立和完善司法舆论网络监管条例;促进法官理性地面对网络舆论;建立网络舆论与司法审判的沟通机制;加强网民法律素质和媒介素养。  相似文献   

审判委员会是我国人民法院内部设置的对审判工作实行集体领导的组织形式。尽管以前曾起过作用,但是在市场经济体制下存在诸多弊端:造成“审判分离”、“先定后审”;在实际操作中违反民主集中制原则;并且“暗箱操作”,违反公开、公平原则,导致诉讼效率低下等。因而笔者提出取消审判委员会,采取充分发挥合议庭的作用,扩大简易程序的适用范围,提高法官素质,实行主审法官责任制和错案追究制等措施,消除以上弊端,推进司法体制改革。  相似文献   

审判公开原则,是世界各国在立法上普遍采用的原则,也是我国刑事诉讼中的一项基本原则。这一原则是资产阶级法学家对封建社会刑事诉讼形式——纠问式诉讼的否定。在纠问式诉讼制度下,案件的审理是秘密进行的,既不向当事人公开,也不向社会公开,并且常常伴之以残酷的内刑拷问。随着社会的发展,资产阶级思想家提出了审判公开的概念,旨在体现法律的公正性,保障被告人的诉讼权利。后来,这一原则被世界各国立法所接受。如今世界各国的法律,绝大多数采用了这一原则,且大多数以宪法加以规定。我国宪法第一百二十五条规定:“人民法院审理案件,除法律规定的特殊情况外,一律公开进行。”刑事诉讼法第八条规定:“人民法院审判案件,除本法另有规定的以外,一律公开审判。”宪法和刑事诉讼法中的规定,就是我国刑事诉讼公  相似文献   

随着我国审判方式改革的深入发展,审判机制的全面变革已势在必行.本文揭示了现行审判机制在法院、法官等方面的弊端,并在此基础上提出改革的若干建议.  相似文献   

10月19日,在伊拉克首都巴格达戒备森严的“绿区”内,伊拉克特别法庭对前总统萨达姆进行了“公开”审判。出人意料的是,这场世人瞩目的“世纪大审判”,只经过一天的法庭交锋后便匆匆休庭。主审法官宣布,11月28日将重新开庭。围绕着如何审判萨达姆,美国、伊拉克过渡政府做足了功夫。  相似文献   

在我国司法权威缺失的背景下,民意影响司法审判的情况时有发生。民意涉足司法审判与法治奉行的司法独立原则相矛盾。通过分析现实背景下民意肆意的原因,提出了汹涌民意下司法审判必须坚持公开、独立及加强法官职业化建设的策略。  相似文献   

“媒介审判”的实质是以新闻自由为由干涉司法独立,以道德审判取代司法审判。“媒介审判”的产生归结于司法的缺位,新闻界的越位等。防治“媒介审判”,新闻界重在明确媒介在舆论监督中的角色定位,司法界则应在增大司法的透明度的基础上,建立保护司法独立的司法屏障机制。  相似文献   

在文献调研的基础上,对现代远程开放教育试点项目的运行机制进行分析,认为除了项目协议制外,主要还应包含导向机制,保障机制,监督评价机制。  相似文献   

The relationships among cooperation-competition, perceptions of locus of control in social situations, and perceptions of locus of control in intellectual-academic situations was compared among 89 fourth- and fifth-grade students in traditional and open classrooms. Children from the open education setting displayed substantially more cooperative behavior on Madsen's marble-pull game than children from the traditional school. They also made significant gains in cooperative behavior from the first to the second trial, while the difference between trials was not significant for the traditional students. Traditional students displayed significantly higher internality for locus of control in academic settings, while perceptions of locus of control in social settings did not differ for the two groups. Academic and social locus of control judgments were significantly correlated for the open education students, but not for the students from traditional classrooms.  相似文献   

刑事诉讼法明确规定了人民检察院的诉讼监督权,但规定过于原则,大多缺乏可操作性,因此当前的司法实践中检察机关对刑事审判活动的监督主要以刑事抗诉为主,但从实际效果来看,这种抗诉模式的监督对司法活动的影响不大、监督作用不明。应当明确刑事审判监督的目的和界限,完善监督保障机制。  相似文献   

Rats performed a new delayed matching-to-sample task—the continuous nonmatching-to-sample task. A variable number of trials with one stimulus alternated with trials with a second stimulus. A response on the trial following a stimulus change (nonmatch trial) was reinforced. Responses to repeated stimuli were never reinforced. Rats could maximize reinforcement by remembering across the intertriai interval which stimulus was presented on the previous trial. Sequential analysis indicated that interference from previous conflicting trials (proactive interference, PI) reduced response accuracy but did not affect retention: Accuracy was lower on trials following a nonmatch trial than on trials following repeated stimuli. Furthermore, accuracy increased as a function of the time between the to-be-remembered nonmatch trial and the previous interfering trial. However, neither time between trials nor the distance from a stimulus change affected the rate of decline in accuracy over the retention interval.  相似文献   

长期以来,理论界和实务界对公开审判的认识还不全面,现行立法对公开审判的规定较为粗陋,加之主、客观方面的原因,公开审判原则未能得到有效的贯彻和落实.进一步明确公开审判的意义,了解当前我国落实公开审判原则中存在的问题,进而提出相应对策有其重要意义.  相似文献   

Health care and educational trials face similar methodological challenges. Methodological reviews of health care trials have shown that a significant proportion have methodological flaws. Whether or not educational trials have a similar proportion of poor‐quality trials is unknown. The authors undertook a methodological comparison between health care and educational trials published since 1990. The authors aimed (1) to assess whether the quality of trial reports in education and health care are similar; and (2) to assess whether trial reporting quality is improving. The characteristics of a sample of trials, published since 1990, were taken from health and educational journals. Trials were assessed using the following quality criteria: rationale for sample size; concealment of allocation; blinded follow‐up; use of confidence intervals; adequate sample size. Ninety‐six placebo drug trials and 54 non‐drug trials published in major general journals were identified. These were compared with 54 trials in specialist health journals and 84 trials in educational journals. No educational trial used concealed allocation or reported the rationale for sample size calculation and only one trial used confidence intervals. There was a trend for the reporting of health care trials to improve with time, whilst the reporting quality of educational trials declined. The authors concluded that poor quality of trial reporting is more prevalent in educational journals than in health care journals.  相似文献   

审判是刑事诉讼的重要阶段,在此阶段,被追诉者的刑事责任问题要得到最终确定,法院要对被告人是否有罪以及是否处以刑罚的问题作出权威的裁决。因此,必须规范中国刑事审判中具体的审判原则,确立并完善审判独立、控辩平衡、直接言词、集中审理、证据裁判一系列审判原则,以实现审判公正。  相似文献   

立案侦查、审查起诉为审判前程序,即案件交付法院审判之前的诉讼阶段。刑事诉讼法将审判前程序置于十分重要的地位,但对未成年人刑事案件的审判前程序的立法理念不明确;未成年犯罪嫌疑人被强制性纳入诉讼轨道。从保护未成年人刑事诉讼权利、有利于未成年嫌疑人回归社会出发,设立相应过滤机制,避免因未成年人对事物的辨别能力和意识控制能力不强而不能充分享受诉讼权利是必要的。在侦查阶段应区别对待成年嫌疑人和未成年嫌疑人;在审查起诉阶段应建立有利于挽救未成年嫌疑人的起诉制度。  相似文献   

Conditioning trials that are massed in time produce less conditioning than those that are spaced in time. Four experiments with rat subjects examined whether a recent conditioning trial interferes with conditioning on the next trial by temporarily “priming” information in short-term memory (e.g., Wagner, 1978, 1981). We used appetitive conditioning procedures in which priming trials preceded target trials by 60 sec. When the priming trials were nonreinforced presentations of a conditioned stimulus (CS), the CS had to be the same CS as the one on the target trial to interfere with conditioning. When priming trials were actual CS-unconditioned stimulus (US) pairings, the CS identity did not matter; the US was the event that interfered with conditioning on the next trial. Reinforced trials reduced performance in a way that did not depend on context blocking. The results suggest that CS and US priming effects do contribute to conditioning deficits observed with massed trial procedures. The results are consistent with Wagner’s (1981) “sometimes opponent process,” or SOP, model, although a result that is paradoxical for the model suggests that recent USs may have motivational as well as memory effects.  相似文献   

Pigeons were exposed to differentially cued autoshaping trials in which conditioned stimuli were followed by food after 6 or 14 sec. Average and momentary rates of keypecking were examined on two types of unreinforced test trials: single-stimulus probe trials and simultaneous choice trials, each 40 sec in duration. Rates averaged over the 40-sec test trials did not favor the cue associated with the shorter delay to food (the short-delay cue) on either type of test trial; however, average rates prior to the scheduled time of food delivery were reliably higher for the short-delay cue on choice trials. Momentary rates of keypecking during choice trials varied as a function of both cue and elapsed time from trial onset. At short elapsed trial times, rate of pecking was higher for the short-delay cue, with this difference reversing at longer times. A reversal of the programmed relation between key color and delay to food presentation for 5 birds confirmed the generality of these findings. Implications of these data for models of Pavlovian conditioning and for methods of assessing conditioned response strength are discussed.  相似文献   

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