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Bhutan has recently invited the profession of counseling to aid in responding to growing mental health problems, social and family issues, and school and career guidance needs. This study is a phenomenological investigation of the experiences of Bhutanese counselors with Western counseling in order to understand the cultural fit between Bhutan and Western counseling orientations. Eleven participants were interviewed and four themes identified: conceptualization of counseling, Bhutanese culture, Bhutanese counseling, and the relationship between Western counseling and Bhutan. Suggestions are made for a potential model of Bhutanese counseling, counselor training, ongoing Western contributions, and the further development of the counseling profession.  相似文献   

本文通过对社会文化取向的健康观念、典型的精神障碍在不同文化族群中的表现及其与特定文化的关系,民族的、本土的心理治疗方法整合于现代心理治疗理论与实践的尝试等进行分析后认为:健康的积极品质已超越生理而进入了心理和社会生活领域;在社会文化取向的医学人类学发展的带动下,关注文化和个体行为两个变量关系的跨文化心理学,也将为人类健康做出新的贡献.  相似文献   

全球化浪潮下音乐交流活动愈加频繁,但目前看来中国的音乐文化很难获得国际与国人的普遍认可,究其原因是对自身本土文化的敬畏和认同的丧失,一味追求我们所理解的"国际化"。面对多元文化共同发展的今天,我们要立足本土,在兼容并蓄的同时,更要找准自身的文化定位,在世界文化交流中使中国音乐文化与其他音乐文化平等对话。  相似文献   

It has been estimated that 9 to 13% of children and adolescents have a mental disorder that causes significant functioning impairment and that only one fifth of those who need mental health services actually receive them. The majority of children and adolescents are enrolled in schools, where they spend a considerable amount of time, and this is followed by the increasing efforts to establish collaboration between mental health professionals and school personnel. The role of mental health professionals is crucial in improving children’s mental health, as well as for providing better response to parents, educational staff and other agencies. There are several ways for a child psychiatrist to reach children and adolescents in a school setting: through individual student consultations (case consultations), through consultations to schools on general mental issues (systems consultations) and through promotion of mental health by creating and demonstrating evidence-based programmes for children, parents, school staff and others who are involved in child’s care. In order to achieve these goals, we need to establish partnerships and to define roles among organisations and individuals in the wider school environment, such as schools and school management, municipal authorities and administration, media, police, social welfare centres, health centres, parents and youth associations.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to trace the evolution of school assessment in Bhutan, briefly, as a background to considering the present and future school assessment issues especially as they relate to quality concerns and educational improvement in Bhutan. A benchmark for Bhutan, the National Educational Assessment (NEA) programme in Bhutan was inspired by a 2002 initiative in South Asia funded by the World Bank. In this paper, we address how the 2003 NEA was developed. Emerging issues are discussed including methods of reporting and the concept of “benchmarking” in three senses of that term. Technical issues are also addressed in the context of the desire to administer another comparative NEA in 2010. Out of these developments, the Bhutan Board of Examinations has developed ideas about expanding access to system-wide assessment data to different levels of stakeholders in order to achieve improvements. A 2x2 matrix is provided identifying four key questions around judgments of educational achievement at two key levels (system and school) within and between these levels. This matrix represents a model of the evolution of assessment in Bhutan. This paper should be of interest to education systems in developing countries that have undertaken or intend to undertake national educational assessment programmes.  相似文献   

In this article we report on our study that explored internationalization in higher education institutions as it relates to two levels of “culture” -- institutional culture and national higher education culture. We examined two leading research-intensive universities, “Coastal University” (Australia) and “Prairie University” (U.S.A.), which have similar institutional cultures (as theorized by Bergquist & Pawlak, 2008) yet reside in different national higher education contexts. Through cross-case analysis, we examined internationalization strategies as they relate to institutional culture and sought to draw inferences about the influence of national higher education cultures on these strategies. We propose the need to examine these cultures when developing internationalization strategies within institutions.  相似文献   

关于心理健康学校社会工作保障系统研究的思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
学校社会工作对于学生心理健康的维护、全面素质的提高具有重要作用。我国大中学生心理健康与学校社会工作保障系统的研究尚属空白,充分认识其研究的重要价值,科学界定相关概念,客观探讨学校社会工作与相关学科及学生心理健康的关系,明确提出研究内容、目标、原则、方法、步骤,是开展该领域科学研究的理论前提。  相似文献   

Today, an increasing number of students are suffering from different kinds of mental health problems. Still, we know little about how professionals in secondary school and other professionals in society handle and collaborate around these issues. The findings from the present study make an important contribution to the research field regarding professionals’ efforts to meet the needs of vulnerable students. The present study investigates how school professionals in two Swedish urban schools and the local police describe their experiences with meeting the needs of students who are suffering from mental health problems and drug use. The study draws on semi-structured interviews with the professionals and observations of the schools’ student welfare team meetings. The findings reveal that self-medication, through use of pills or drugs (or both), has become quite common among adolescents, who see it as a way to ‘solve their mental health problems. Although students’ wellbeing and school safety were reported to be major concerns, the professionals’ collaborations were sometimes obstacles. Issues connected to the complexity of adolescents’ mental health not only highlight the importance of collaboration between schools and other societal institutions, but also indicate the necessary resources for such collaboration.  相似文献   

为了解民办学院新生的心理健康状况,用SCL-90、SES对400名民办学院和200名非民办学院新生的心理健康状况进行调查。结果显示:(1)与非民办学院大学新生相比,民办学院大学新生在心理健康的总体水平上无显著差异,也不存在性别、专业、居住地、经济条件以及独生子女比例等方面的差异;(2)与非民办学院大学新生相比,民办学院大学新生在强迫、敏感、敌对、偏执等方面存在一定弱势;(3)民办学院大学新生在自尊方面与非民办学院新生无显著差异。但在民办学院内,存在性别差异,女生自尊程度显著低于男生。  相似文献   

Drawing from a Scottish study, this article examines ways in which the school environment can impact upon the well-being of pupils and their associated behaviour. It identifies tensions between existing school structures and cultures and the promotion of positive mental health, particularly in relation to the curriculum, pastoral care, discipline and teacher/pupil relationships. In many cases, schools attempt to address mental well-being by bolting fragmented initiatives onto existing systems, and we argue that a more fundamental review of values, policies and practices throughout the school is needed. This paper also looks at the roles of interagency workers in schools, and reports that, in most cases, these workers are seen as offering a parallel service to the mainstream school, targeted at the most troubled or troublesome pupils. We suggest that schools should draw on the skills and understandings of these workers to help build new cultures throughout the school for the benefit of all children and young people.  相似文献   

国际化进程中语言文化的"和而不同"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际化进程必然带来语言文化的融合,但这种融合体现为不同民族、不同文化在持续交往中形成的相互理解能力的加强;同时,国际化和民族性相互作用的结果是新的差异的产生,正是这些差异维持了语言文化多元的前景。因此,保持语言文化的不同有其可能性。国际化进程中各语言文化正是在互识、互证、互补的过程中,通过相互依存达到独立。  相似文献   

崔凯  黎桦 《培训与研究》2009,26(11):93-95
大学生精神卫生援助有着诸多的研究成果,但现实中大学生精神卫生形势却依然严峻。高校精神卫生问题有着总体平缓,但不排除个别学生心理问题严重的特点。而我国当前大学生精神卫生援助制度没有重视这一点。采用大学生精神卫生援助双层模式,不同精神问题区别对待,特别是对严重精神问题的解决,以医保为平台,形成学校——政府——医院联合解决模式,可以较好地填补当前高校精神卫生援助体系在此处的空白。  相似文献   

在文化交流国际化与高等教育国际化背景下,实现地方高校国际化是大势所趋,从文化视角探析地方高校国际化发展,能够清晰地感受到传统地方文化与地方高校国际化发展关系紧密,它能影响地方高校国际化的发展进程,展现地方高校国际化发展的个性特征。  相似文献   

The Sustainable Development Goals call on countries to ensure that all children, especially the most vulnerable, are included in education. The small kingdom of Bhutan has made attempts to embrace inclusion in education at the policy level. However, research on inclusion and disability in this context is limited, and there are few studies focusing on the perspectives of Bhutanese teachers. The study presented here was led by the question ‘how are Inclusion and Disability understood by teachers in Bhutan?’ The research aims were to (a) explore the above concepts from the perspective of participants and (b) construct these concepts in a way that is contextually relevant to Bhutan. Data collection comprised qualitative interviews with 15 Bhutanese teachers. Findings revealed that participants saw disability predominantly from a ‘medical model’ perspective, but at the same time held conflicting views as to what inclusion means. They moreover mentioned lack of teacher training as an obstacle to the implementation of inclusion in Bhutan, and some believed that the country is not yet ready for inclusion. We argue that our findings call for Bhutan to strengthen the preparation of its teachers for inclusive education in order to narrow the current gap between policy and practice.  相似文献   

维护和促进心理健康需要对心理健康标准有充分的认识,但是心理健康标准的提法存在一些中西方文化的差异。随着本土心理学的日益兴起,从中国文化的背景出发,制定出适合中国不同人群的心理健康标准。  相似文献   

心理健康教育是我国素质教育的重要组成部分。通过对长沙市五个区域中22所小学进行调查,了解到长沙市小学生心理健康教育在理论上和操作上有难度,心理健康教育流于形式而疏于实质性运用,家庭和学校之间的交流存在困难且学校工作缺乏相应的社会支持。针对现状提出了对建立健全学校心理辅导行政机制,开展家校及社区互动的心理辅导模式,创编具有本土化气息的心理健康教育教材和加强心理问题的预防等方面的策略。  相似文献   

全球视野中的高等教育国际化评价研究--基于文献的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1997年联合国经济合作发展组织(OECD)与学术合作协会(ACA)推出了国际化质量评估程序(IQPR)。2000年美国教育理事会(ACE)针对社区学院、文理学院、综合性大学以及研究型大学分别构建了教育国际化指标体系,美国《新闻周刊》和一些学者也对高等教育国际化指标体系开展讨论。日本在2000年后相继发展出3种不同的大学国际化指标,其中以大阪大学的指标较为完整。2009年欧洲国际教育协会(EAIE)发布报告《高等教育国际化成果评估》,系统梳理了高等教育国际化评估的维度、方法与模型。近几年来国内学者纷纷建构高等教育国际化评价体系。比较国内外15种评价指标,其各自的指标与权重有差异、有相似,国内的指标应借鉴并开始关注不同类型的高等教育院校,开展指标细分,现阶段尚处于文本阶段的评价指标有望在未来付诸实践并加以改进。  相似文献   

非洲高等教育被认为是全球最国际化同时又是最边缘化的系统。非洲高教国际化有着深远的殖民主义影响,体现出组织上的区域化和全球化、性质上的高度依附、与本土化关系尖锐冲突等特点。这种国际化主要不是非洲自身主动追求的结果,而是殖民时期被占领和被控制、冷战时期被利用以及长期对外财政依赖和知识依赖的结果。为了克服这种被动性,非盟等地区组织较好地发挥了非洲高教国际化的组织和领导作用,并推行了促进能力建设的非洲高教国际化政策。不过,非洲高等教育为本土服务的意识和能力比较薄弱,这已成为非洲高等教育国际化的深刻教训。  相似文献   

The purpose of this qualitative case study is to discern the issues pertaining to different dimensions of internationalization from the perspectives of both foreign and local students. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 22 foreign, and 13 local students. The results show that there is a dissonance between policy makers and implementers, and the students themselves on “what a truly international higher education organization” in fact is. Moreover, the results suggest that asymmetrical aims of local and foreign students endanger fulfillment of the academic, social, and cultural rationales behind internationalization. Fulfilling the rationales of internationalization depends not only the adaptability of foreign students to local conditions but also on the priorities, choices and level of commitment of local students, administrative staff, and faculty members to the imperatives of internationalization.  相似文献   

乡土教材作为教科书中的特殊一员,它内生着地方化与国家化、本土化与国际化、一元化与多元化的三对矛盾.此研究通过对矛盾双方的分析,提出了家国同构、国际视野下的本土行动和深层一体化下的表层多元化等消解之道,以期为未来乡土教材的发展提供借鉴.  相似文献   

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