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起草有关精神障碍者或者调整精神卫生与社会服务体系的国内法应当以国际性的人权法案作为框架,我国目前的精神卫生法草案在人身自由、平等权、隐私权等方面都体现了对国际人权法的适用,但其对某些权利的规定还不完善.结合国际人权法的要求与国内的立法实践,<精神卫生法>草案需在参与权、劳动权和婚育权等方面作进一步的完善.  相似文献   

Student counseling services are a recognizable feature of higher education institutions locally and abroad. This article reviews the sociohistorical development and evolution of student counseling services in South African institutions of higher learning, with an emphasis on systemic influences, achievements, and contemporary challenges. This article considers the progress that has been made thus far with respect to the development of the service within higher education, while also attending to issues that require continued reflection and investigation. These include the current status and position of the service in South African higher education, the evolving roles of student counselors, as well as their relationship with institutional stakeholders and the broader South African community. In so doing, this article hopes to augment existing historical perspectives on student counseling by encouraging a critical reappraisal of student counseling’s past, its present, and its future in a dynamic South African and global context.  相似文献   

老龄问题不仅是国内法规制的对象,也已成为国际法规制的对象。我国新《老年人权益保障法》与相关国际法律文件的部分内容相符,但也有待进一步提升。中国,作为发展中大国,老龄问题具有特殊性,应该在共同应对老龄问题的国际协调中发挥作用。  相似文献   

Ordinarily, the primary purpose of a college mental health program is to provide direct psychological services to students who are in crisis, usually on a short-term basis. During the course of providing such services, the staff of the program will also be called upon to provide consultation to various employees of the college regarding students who are, allegedly, disruptive. This article will desribe the role of the mental health consultant, highlighting the specific ways in which the consultant can contribute to the resolution of disruptive crises as well as describing some of the misunderstandings and disjunctions that may arise between complaints and the consultant.  相似文献   


Mentoring has had a key role in the British Open University's intricate distance education system for more than 30 years. However, it has changed very substantially as the system's technology has changed. In this article, after providing some definitions, I review the early history and the changes that have put mentoring online. I describe my own experience as a tutor in the university's online MA in Open and Distance Education, and explain Salmon's model for e-moderating (e-mentoring) developed in the university's Business School. Finally, I reflect on mentoring online today: what is essential for us to understand is how the best of 'old-fashioned' mentoring face-to-face can be built into online mentoring together with the best of what the technology enables us to do. Mentors must learn to weave ideas online, with their students, empowering them to do likewise. The mentor, 'the human in the machine', is indispensable.  相似文献   

《联合国海洋法公约》使个人可以同国家及其他实体一样参与国际海底区域资源的勘探和开发,并可以成为国际海洋法庭海底争端分庭的当事方。这给国际法理论特别是关于国际法主体的理论形成了很大的冲击。本文从国际法主体的三个要素,即独立参加国际关系的能力、直接承受国际权利义务的能力、国际求偿能力,来论证个人不能成为国际法的主体。  相似文献   

批准《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》有两个不同价值思路:一种是基于主权原则而产生的国内法治途径,根据此种分析方法,《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》中所确认的普遍人权在中国国内法上只具有与公约批准机关全国人大常委会制定的法律所保护的权利相同的效力,为此,批准公约时就必须考虑宪法所规定的各种宪法权利、全国人大制定的法律中所保护的权利如何在法律效力上优越于《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》中所确认的普遍人权,并以此来对不一致的规定在批准公约时实行必要的保留或者是做出解释性声明;另一种思路是基于“人权入宪”的契机,承认《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》中所规定的普遍人权已经被宪法所肯定,成为中国宪法所保护的个人所享有的宪法权利的一部分,由此产生的问题就是在批准《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》后如何制定一部整合国际人权公约中的普遍人权和宪法所保护的公民的基本权利以及其他法律、法规所保护的个人权利的统一的《中华人民共和国人权保障法》。  相似文献   


Although college student mental health concerns are on the rise, many struggling students do not seek psychological treatment when needed. Stigma toward psychological treatment has been demonstrated to influence intent to seek treatment in college student populations. This study aimed to identify factors that predict treatment stigma in college students by examining other forms of student-held stigma, parent-held stigma, and mental health literacy. Results indicated that student-held personal, perceived, and self-stigma all predicted student attitudes toward treatment, while parent-held personal stigma was found to predict self-stigma in students. Those individuals who had received previous education about psychological disorders had lower levels of personal stigma, and, surprisingly, higher levels of self-stigma. Implications for campus outreach programming are discussed.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that peers, or lay persons, should be more readily utilized in the provision of some mental health services, particularly in poor contexts where limited resources invariably result in many clients not receiving suitable and timely services. A systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted of all studies where peers were trained to implement some form of mental health service delivery to individuals resident in low- and middle-income countries (LMICS). The analyses of 14 eligible studies (n = 18,411 participants) revealed that depression and post-traumatic stress (PTS) were the most frequently assessed outcome measures. Overall effect sizes of small and medium magnitude were yielded for depression and PTS, respectively, suggesting that services delivered by peers may be efficacious in LMICS. While these results are encouraging, they are preliminary, and recommendations are made relating to the selection, training, and supervision of peers.  相似文献   

文化是一国综合国力的重要组成部分,也是国际关系研究中的一个传统变量。它对国家综合国力的发展、国际行为体对外政策的形成和内容、国际关系的制度化以及国际形势的变化都有着重要的影响。  相似文献   

美国天主教主教团1983年发布牧函<和平的挑战>,在综合罗马天主教社会训导与美国文化和政策传统的基础上,对20世纪后半期的战争与和平问题提出了自己的见解.1993年,他们又发布牧函<在和平中播种正义的收成>,在后冷战语境中继续倡导天主教的和平理念.研究20世纪80年代和90年代的这两部和平牧函,有助于透彻了解当今世界各国处理国际关系问题的主导话语已经不再是"民族国家利益",而是人权和人的尊严.虽然威斯特伐利亚条约以来的"民族国家主权自决"以及"互不干涉内政"的国际关系准则还依然有效、依然重要,但其局限性在21世纪新的国际格局面前已经十分明显,这一点需要正视和认真对待.  相似文献   

为探索流动少年的自尊在领悟社会支持影响心理健康的过程中的作用,采用中小学生心理健康测验、少年儿童领悟社会支持量表、自尊量表对初中生进行测试,收回有效流动少年问卷462份.结果发现,流动少年的心理健康水平、领悟社会支持和自尊存在显著相关,流动少年自尊在领悟社会支持影响心理健康的过程中起不完全中介作用,中介效应占总效应的5...  相似文献   

This qualitative study explores the reflexive relationships among mental illness, acculturation, and progress toward English proficiency in five adult immigrants being treated at a Canadian psychiatric hospital. The research explores the additional challenges faced by mentally ill individuals when learning a new language and the extent to which English language acquisition may be impeded by factors related to mental illness. Semistructured ethnographic interviews are conducted with the patients. Data analysis is accomplished through grounded theory methods, specifically data-driven and theory-driven coding. The English language acquisition experiences of these five individuals are contrasted with second-language acquisition theory to suggest that the effects of the theoretical language learning advantages possessed by this group may have been diminished by factors related to mental illness. Policy recommendations are made to address this additional set of challenges for immigrants with psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

知识负载着一定的价值观,是社会各种利益群体间力量争锋的一种映照。当前,城市与乡村是我国两大基本社会生存空间,它们在官方知识中的地位与角色存在差异,本文拟用社会学的视角对语文教科书中有关城乡的内容进行实证分析,并认为权力分配的失衡是造成这种差异的根源。  相似文献   


The aim of this qualitative study is to evaluate the role of non-governmental organisations in disabilities services. The study group comprised of nine representatives of each of these NGOs. Data obtained by semi-structured interviews were analysed by using the content analysis method on RQDA qualitative data analysis software. Voice of disabled people is represented through non-profit organisations. In enhancing capacity for development, considering the scope of disability (physical, social barriers), societal attitudes, and religious factors’ impact on society attitudes on persons with disabilities that disabled people are sick and helpless and need to be looked after and medical models that consider disabled people as sick patients trying to recover seem to be important. Content analysis was done to evaluate service capacity of Profession NGOs for the disability. This research study revealed that Profession type of non-governmental organisations need awareness on disability. They need in-service training to understand practices for disabled people. Integration of self-help projects, networking mechanism are essential for the development. The method of Sensitivity Training which is one of the most emphasised organisational development techniques comes forward. Expression of this education with the concept of sensitivity comes from recognising and understanding the behaviour of individuals.  相似文献   

心理健康教育是学校德育、思想政治教育的重要组成部分,更是义务教育阶段深入贯彻落实“立德树人,育人为本”的必然要求。国家和政府高瞻远瞩,启动义务教育阶段道德与法治课程标准的修订。在“生命安全与健康教育”框架下,新课程标准中对心理健康教育的设置主要围绕三个方面:一是围绕心理健康教学理念与目标,突出了思想性和发展性;二是围绕心理健康核心素养与教学内容,把健全人格、提高全体学生的心理健康素质放在首位,设置了纵向衔接、横向贯通的教学内容;三是围绕教学活动与评价,强化了活动作为主要路径,要结合多主体(教师、学生、专家)评价促成育人效果的转化。在此基础上,开设心理健康国家课程和地方专门课程、加强师资队伍建设、设计科学系统的教学活动等,这些是加强心理健康教育、实施该课程标准的可操作性的现实路径。  相似文献   

近现代国际法发展表明,实证国际法制度本身多源于经济贸易发展到一定阶段特定国家学者的国际法理论;格劳秀斯的思想对近代国际法的形成及杰克逊的观点对世界贸易组织建立的影响便是例子.中国已经成为世界第二大经济体,我们的国际法理论尚难满足国家在国际社会应对相关事务的需求,中国国际法学者面对诸多挑战.为此,我们的国际法学研究应以“和平、发展、合作、共赢”作为这个特定时代国际法理论创新的指南,努力增加国际法体系中的中国元素,提高中国在国际法规则制定方面的话语权,在维护国家正当利益的同时,也为人类做出积极贡献.  相似文献   

新世纪我国贫困大学生心理健康研究的现状、问题与展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对新世纪我国高校贫困生心理健康研究现状的分析,提出存在亟待解决的八个问题:重视的程度不足,给予的关注和研究太少;文化客位影响对贫困大学生心理的研究;研究者偏重于定量的研究,片面追求数据的获得;研究中缺乏系统的心理学理论和心理学实践地结合;缺乏对概念的阐释和规范;研究中误将“普通大学生”作为“贫困大学生”的对照词;忽视了对贫困大学生积极的心理特征的分析和研究;缺乏对研究结论的评价和检测。展望未来,对该问题的研究:不仅要关注贫困大学生心理健康问题本身,更要关注问题的解决;既要关注到贫困对大学生心理健康的危害,又要关注到它对大学生意志的磨练、自立自强个性的养成、责任感的树立的促进作用。  相似文献   

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