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通过对数学专业部分本科生学习态度、学习兴趣、学习焦虑、投入动机等非智力因素与数学考试成绩关系的问卷调查、统计和分析,其结果为:男、女生成绩和学习经验差异明显,女生优于男生.导致这种差异的原因除了智力因素的很小差异外,非智力因素对数学基础课成绩有较大的影响.其中学习兴趣、投入动机和学习态度与考试成绩成正相关,学习焦虑与考试成绩成负相关.  相似文献   

根据研究:高中男生的自然科学成绩往往优于女生,但在言语表达能力方面逊色于女生,语文成绩也就相对要差一些。男生的思维习惯、学习习惯、学习态度成为影响男生语文成绩的重要因素,通过改变高中语文教学,运用朗读教学、思维训练、文学阅读、课堂活动等有效手段提高男生学习语文的兴趣与学习成绩。  相似文献   

选取高考数据为研究样本,对男女学生数学成绩及能力优势特点进行探究。结论如下:男女生成绩差异显著,男生明显高于女生;高分段男女人数与试题难度有关;男女在数学能力上各有所长:女生在数据处理、运算求解、应用意识(知识方法的应用、综合应用)方面明显优于男生,在空间想象能力、抽象概括、创新意识方面男生明显优于女生。  相似文献   

中学数学识图与作图技能成分分析及测试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数学基础教育不但要培养“数感”,还应培养“形感”。图形知识的学习和训练是发展、完善思维的重要途径,对苏南7县市13所学校898名学生进行的测试表明:(1)识图作图和运算推理技能相比,成绩并不理想;(2)男生识图、作图技能显著优于女生,且主要是识图的原因;(3)作图训练总体水平较差,原因是重视不够,应加强。  相似文献   

多数高中女生学习勤奋努力,但数学成绩始终上不去,有的甚至下降,本文针对目前高中多数女生数学学习的能力不高,提出了6点建议。一“、弃重就轻”,培养兴趣目前社会、家庭、学校对学生的期望值很高。而女生性格较文静、内向,心理承受能力较差,加上数学学科难度大,导致她们数学学习兴趣淡薄。她们往往把学习数学当作一种不愿完成的任务,甚至认为:“女生数学天生就不如男生”。面对这种状况,教师要多关心女生的思想和学习,经常同她们平等交谈,了解其思想上、学习上存在的问题,帮助其分析原因,制定学习计划,清除紧张心理,鼓励她们“敢问“”会问…  相似文献   

影响学生学习普通话效果的因素很多,性别差异就是其中之一.女生不论在普通话水平测试成绩上还是在课堂表现中所展示出来的实力上都比男生强,那么,性别不同对普通话学习到底有何影响?其实,性别语言除了在语音语调、词语和句法的选择及言语风格等方面存在差异外,在社会、心理和生理等方面也存在着不可忽视的差异.  相似文献   

很多学生进入高中后,明显感到数学学习吃力,尤其是女生,相较初中而言数学成绩下降幅度比男生更大.本文就影响高中女生数学成绩的原因及解决办法进行了研究.  相似文献   

随着社会心理学领域中刘板印象威胁研究的日益深入,性别刻板印象威胁逐渐引起了人们的关注.在人们的信念中,女生数学学习往往不如男生,而真实的结果也常常印证这一点.是女生天生在数学方面比男生差还是由于其他原因呢?本文结合以往研究从性别刻板印象威胁的角度分析男女生数学成绩差异的原因并提出几点应对策略.  相似文献   

正据经合组织网站2013年12月3日报道,经合组织(OECD)近日公布了从最新PISA(2012)测试结果中得出的四大重要结论。第一,性别差异。在数学测试中,男孩表现优于女孩。参加PISA测试的65个国家和地区中,有37个国家和地区的男孩表现优于女孩,只有5个国家的女孩表现优于男孩。与男孩相比,女生缺少数学学习的动力和信心。在阅读测试中,女孩表现优于男孩。其中,11个参与国和地区的性别差距在2000年至2012年间有所  相似文献   

时下,不论中学,还是小学,学生干部中男女生人数差别很大。我调查发现,很多班级男生干部明显偏少,差异最大的班级十几个班干中只有一个男生。造成这一现象的原因,从学生方面分析,主要由于女生在中小学阶段的学校生活中的诸多方面比男生有优势。首先,女生的交际能力优于男生。调查表明,女生的语言理解能力和表达能力均明显优于男生。女生在语言方面的天赋,使得她们伶牙俐力的协同发展。第三,女生成绩大多优于男生心理学研究表明,男女生的心理成熟期是不一致的,小学阶段女生一般比男生早熟。所以,当男生还在调皮游戏,到处疯玩的…  相似文献   

根据有关分析和综合的概念理论以及儿童的心理年龄特点,以图形为材料,编制了“分析测验和综合测验”。经测试结果表明,两个测验均有较好的质量参数,可作为6—12岁儿童分析能力和综合能力的测量工具。  相似文献   

黑盒测试和白盒测试都是软件测试的重要方法,黑盒测试的测试人员更偏重于业务方向,白盒测试的测试人员更偏重于实现方式;黑盒测试更注重整体,白盒测试更注重局部;它们是相辅相成的.  相似文献   


In spite of the abundance of research reports in the field of instructor and course evaluation by students, the application of major theoretical psychological and sociological orientations to this field has been virtually ignored. This paper adopts the Ohio State University approach to leadership theory as an analytical tool for comprehending students’ ratings. Two main determinants of instructors’ scores are their instrumental contribution to the achievement of their classes’ goals and their success in enhancing their students’ interests. These two variables are claimed to resemble Initiating Structure and Consideration (14). The identification of leadership-bound components in faculty evaluation lends powerful theoretical integrity to the presently nontheoretical research of students’ evaluations. This paper expands such an approach which was developed at the Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel, and tests its applicability to another university, the University of Hawaii.  相似文献   

We consider the relationship between the multiple-choice and free-response sections on the Computer Science and Chemistry tests of the College Board's Advanced Placement program. Restricted factor analysis shows that the free-response sections measure the same underlying proficiency as the multiple-choice sections for the most part. However, there is also a significant, if relatively small, amount of local dependence among the free-response items that produces a small degree of multidimensionauty for each test  相似文献   

Equivalent forms of a ten-item completion test were constructed. The same test items then were rewritten in matching format and in multiple-choice format, resulting in two forms (A and B) of each of three types of test. All tests were administered to 73 examinees, and parallel-forms reliability coefficients (correlation between scores on A and B) were calculated. These empirically obtained values were compared to the values of the reliability coefficient predicted from theoretically derived equations which indicate the influence of chance success due to guessing on test reliability. In accordance with theory it was found that the completion test was more reliable than the matching test and that the matching test was more reliable than the multiple-choice test. The empirically obtained reliability coefficients were very close to those predicted from the mathematically derived formulas.  相似文献   

The increasing linguistic diversity of the United States student population has brought to the forefront problems in the interpretation of test scores for non-native speakers of English in graduate admissions. The degree to which test scores reflect English proficiency was studied using data on N = 451 students whose native language was Spanish. They had taken the GRE, English proficiency tests, and the PAEG, a test in Spanish used for admission to graduate schools in Puerto Rico. Regression analyses revealed that the proportion of variance explained by the English proficiency terms (independent of developed skills measured in Spanish) was highest for the GRE verbal test (34%), lowest for the quantitative test (8%) and intermediate for the analytical test (16%), the Psychology (18%) and Biology (17%) Subject tests. These findings are discussed in light of efforts to increase access to higher education for Hispanic students.  相似文献   

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