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高中阶段教育走向大众化和普及化的过程,就是如何实施合理的"分流教育"的过程。分流定向教育与学生多元发展可能性之间以及升学与就业之间的矛盾解决,不仅要与一个国家或区域的教育制度设计相关,而且要与个人发展需要和社会发展需要相适应。这可以说是推动世界各国高中阶段教育改革的主要动因之一。"综合高中"似乎能够较理想地解决高中教育阶段的既有矛盾,满足学生的多元化发展需要。表面看来,我国综合高中教育作为一种强化"普职融通"的教育模式而存在,实质上,综合高中教育是对教育公平以及"全人"培养理想的追求。基于我国综合高中的发展演变历程及其功能定位分析,可以透视出综合高中模式选择与课程取向的合理化追求。  相似文献   

加拿大安大略教师管理学院作为管理该省教师事务的专业自治团体,制订了以致力于学生学习和教师专业发展的教学专业标准,同时对教育学院提交的教师教育课程方案进行认证,从外部进行监督,保证教师教育质量。安大略省教师教育课程设置以团队教学为组织形式,强调各种形式的合作,重视教学实践。  相似文献   

教育分流受多方面因素的影响,包括学业成绩、经济条件、义务教育的普及程度以及家长和学生的意向。教育分流影响教育公平,但它有其存在的社会依据,社会分层需要教育分流,现代教育分流也能促进社会合理分化。我们只能促进教育分流走向更加公平合理。  相似文献   

“综合高中”这种办学模式,经过几年的探索实践,已经结出了硕果,得到了国家教委和各地方政府的肯定。江苏把创办综合高中作为农村教育综合改革的一项具体措施,在全省分步推广实施。但在目前,这种办学模式的理论表述和操作方法还存在许多不很明确的地方,有的甚至是空白。笔者在此对分流前的准备工作提出几点看法。  相似文献   

基础教育公平问题备受人们关注,尤其是教育资源方面的公平。一直以来,人们习惯于用"公平"的理念考虑教育问题,实际上"发展"才是一切教育问题的出发点与落脚点。从"公平"到"发展"的教育理念转变是至关重要的。  相似文献   

邱伟坚 《教育文汇》2013,(14):12-14
教育分流就是通过考试和考核,把学生分成不同的层次,再分别进行不同的教育。新加坡教育分流制度体现了以人为本的教育理念,使不同能力的学生都有机会得到发展,为国家培养了大批不同层次的人才。  相似文献   

我国高中教育改革价值取向:综合化全人教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实现我国高中教育在新世纪的深入改革与创新发展,需要确立其独特的价值追求。当前我国高中教育价值需求主要表现为功利化、单一化、短视化倾向,这不利于我国高中教育的科学发展。确立高中教育正确的价值追求,需要顺应新世纪对创新型、学习型、完满发展型人才需求的方向,使高中教育从短视的功利化教育转向长远的价值性教育、从升学与就业教育转向综合化全人教育、从比较人性的教育转向完满人性与美好人生的教育。  相似文献   

实施均衡教育,促进教育公平,是国家基本的教育政策,是新时期我国教育的重要目标。提高教育质量、注重内涵与特色发展已成为教育改革与发展的核心任务。高中教育逐渐普及对高中教育均衡发展与教育公平提出了现实要求。实行均衡分班,教师均衡搭配,为师生建立起一个公平竞争的起点。高中教育追求实质公平,必须满足不同潜质学生的多样化需要,既要关注学生的基本需求,也要为天赋不同的学生提供张扬个性的生长点,让发展程度不同的学生都得到自己最好的发展,实现多元化教育目标。  相似文献   

高中阶段教育在义务教育和高等教育阶段起着承上启下的作用。但高中阶段教育的公平准则未能较好地体现,在整体上影响了教育的均衡发展。忽视高中教育的公益性、教育发展的动态性、教育公平与效率的相互依存性,是高中阶段教育公平缺失的主要误区。解决高中阶段教育的问题应当从制度设计入手,重点发挥政府的职能作用。  相似文献   

The purpose of our study is to investigate reform policy, specifically a proposed third grade reading retention policy within the Borderlands. Under this policy, students not performing proficiently on the third grade reading standardized exam will be automatically retained in the third grade. The research methods and approach used in this study include an equity analysis formed by combining two steps across a Borderland county in New Mexico. The first step is a regression analysis to answer if access to early childhood education and access to highly qualified teachers inform differences in third grade reading scores, and the second step uses a LatCrit informed Spatial Analysis to create an equity index, to see how equity varies across the spaces of elementary schools. This allows us to essentially map Third Grade Reading Retention Reform Policy in the Borderlands. The setting of the study is in the U.S. Southwest Borderlands, specifically Doña Ana County, which borders Texas and Mexico, in southern New Mexico. Up to a quarter of the population is under the age of 18, two thirds (66.6%) of the population is Latino, and half of the population speaks a language other than English at home. Implications from this study include, for policy makers, policy considerations that come from a non-deficit thinking perspective and focus on systemic considerations to improving educational equity. Given that the setting demographically mirrors much of the state of New Mexico, as well as demographic shifts across communities throughout the U.S., this study provides further considerations for key systemic changes to improving academic measures like reading scores.  相似文献   

高一阶段的顺利适应和心理转变对整个高中阶段的学习和生活是非常重要的。本文采用王极盛编制的中国中学生心理健康量表对部分高一学生进行了施测,并通过学生座谈,深入了解了高一学生在学习生活中所面临的心理困扰。调查发现高一学生在学习、人际关系、情绪宣泄方面遇到的困扰比较多,并针对学校教育提出了一些对策建议。  相似文献   

Erin Connell 《Sex education》2013,13(3):253-268
Danger and pleasure are terms commonly employed to describe women's sexual experiences, including those of young women. This paper explores how young women's sexual danger and pleasure are represented and characterized in official discourses, specifically those of school‐based sexuality education. Drawing on Michelle Fine's four major discourses of sexuality education, this paper uses the Ontario Curriculum and its companion Course Profiles to analyze school‐based sexuality education in Ontario, Canada. This paper describes how the discourses of victimization and individual morality dominate in the curriculum while the discourse of desire is largely absent. Because there is considerable emphasis on danger/victimization and insufficient attention paid to pleasure/desire, the paper concludes by describing how a discourse of desire might be included in sexuality education curriculum.  相似文献   

The present study investigates whether Chinese high-school students are self-regulated learners. A social-cognitive model that distinguishes environmental, motivational, and cognitive components of this active approach to learning is described. This provides an appropriate framework for investigating this complex issue with eighth and tenth graders attending a high-school in Beijing. By contrasting components of self-regulated learning and components indicating a more passive approach to learning that were both measured with self-report instruments, it could be shown that these students may indeed be considered as self-regulated physics learners. Comparisons of the grade levels revealed that tenth graders are not more active in self-regulating their learning processes than are eighth graders, and that they might even experience a motivational decline in learning physics. The same applies to girls versus boys. The physics-related self-efficacy belief of girls turned out to be considerably lower than with boys, a result that corresponds to findings with students from Western nations. Finally, assumptions about the causal role of motivational factors for using self-regulatory strategies could be confirmed. Possible consequences for further fostering self-regulated learning in physics instruction are discussed.  相似文献   

作为师范毕业生职前尤为重要的一项教育活动即教育实习,在师范生教学成长的道路上发挥着极为重要的作用。目前我国高师院校在教育实习的管理工作中仍存在一些尚未解决的问题。通过回顾教育实习的历史发展进程,并总结当前我国高师教育实习所面临的问题,如教育实习基地缺失;教育实习制度流于表面;教育实习时间较少等,并提出各部门应及时做出相关调整与管控,同时拟借鉴国外教育实习的经验,提出可操作性的建议。  相似文献   

中国、加拿大、美国小学三年级学生学习特点比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中、美、加三国儿童的学习特点存在一定程度的国别差异和性别差异,中国儿童与外国(特指加拿大和美国)儿童学习特点上的中西差异十分明显.在喜欢学校、计算机运用能力、家庭作业能力等方面,中国被调查儿童强于加拿大和美国儿童;但在学习自信心、图书借阅能力、学习效果和学习环境等方面,加拿大和美国被调查儿童的表现明显强于中国被调查儿童.小学生的课业负担沉重,学习自信心不足,是我国面临的突出问题.  相似文献   

The provincial government of Ontario, Canada, has committed itself to raising student achievement, closing achievement gaps, and increasing the public's confidence in public education. It has introduced many policies, including the Ontario Leadership Strategy (OLS), to support these goals. Our study examined how teachers, administrators, support staff, and parents in three elementary schools in Ontario understand and enact school success and successful school leadership within this (neo-liberal) context. Findings of a comparative analysis of Ontario policy texts and data from interviews with administrators, teachers, support staff, and parents in the schools demonstrate that the school-based participants defined success as academic learning, a positive school climate, and students' well-being. This definition differs from the definition prioritised by Ontario's government: high scores on standardised provincial and international tests. However, principals in the schools enacted leadership practices advocated by OLS to support locally defined notions of success.  相似文献   

教育质量是衡量一个国家和地区基础教育发展水平最重要的指标,更是教育改革与发展的核心问题.当前上海提高教育质量一方面要借鉴国内外先进的经验,寻找参照标准,另一方面要加快建设自己的质量控制系统,包括建立上海市教育质量测评中心、搭建区域化教育质量研究和指导平台、建设学校教育质量推进网络等.  相似文献   

The past two decades have witnessed three important international trends: an increase in the number of democratic states; economic globalization; and educational reforms in light of the challenges of the new millennium. A great deal of research has addressed educational change in relation to either globalization or democratization, but little has been said about the complex interactions among all three processes. In view of recent educational reforms in Hong Kong and Taiwan, the present contribution examines the local nature of education policy in a globalized age. It challenges those globalization theories which minimize the role of the state and exaggerate the power of globalization over local factors. In particular, it explores how the governments of these two Chinese societies have employed democratization to generate and legitimate reform proposals and have used economic globalization to justify educational reforms. The study concludes by discussing the complex interrelations of these processes, including tensions between global and local concerns in educational reform.  相似文献   

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