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Be a friend. You don’t need money;Just a disposition sunny; Just the wish to help another Get along some way or other; Just a kindly hand extended Out to one who’s unbefriended; Just the will to give or lend, This will make you someone’s friend.  相似文献   

As a friend I do wish you The best of life's blessings And freedom from sickness and pain. May your prayers and oblations, As blooms of carnations, Flourish in sunshine and rain. May the blessings of heaven Be showered upon you With favor from God and fr…  相似文献   

她是一个美籍华人,一个在白人学生占多数的学校上学的黄皮肤小女孩,在融入学校姐妹淘的过程中由于自己矮小的身材.害羞的个性.遭遇到很多的阻力,但与此同时另一位小女孩对其的不离不弃还是促成了一段真挚的友谊!  相似文献   

You've tasted(尝,体会)bitter defeat(失败的痛苦)and the sweet success(成功的甜蜜)You want it all and you settle for nothing less You've tried harder than the rest  相似文献   

Sneaking into the kitchen at night to eat ice cream with little chocolate footballs Making chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast Buying lip gloss to add to our collections Getting makeovers at the Clinique makeup counter Spending all of our money at the mall Forming creative nicknames for people at school Shelving hundreds of books together at the library  相似文献   

词:MichaeI Kunze 曲:Giorgio Moroder演唱:孙楠李玟创作背景由著名音乐家乔吉奥·莫罗德尔和孔祥东联合创作的2008北京奥运歌曲《Forever Friend》2007年11月29日正式对外发布。  相似文献   

In kindergarten I had no friends,maybe because I was very shy,and alsonot good with words.In primary school,I had no real friends either,the reasonis that I was very rude to people.They didn‘t know I'm a very pleasant personat heart.But now in middle school I have many friends.  相似文献   

You've tasted (尝,体会) bitter defeat (失败的痛苦) and the sweet success(成功的甜蜜)You want it all and you settle for nothing lessYou've tried harder than the restYou've become(成为) one of the bestThis is the time you'll remember for all your lifeForever friends  相似文献   

Whoisafriend?Evensimpletranslationfromonelanguagetoanotherisdifficult.“Yousee,”aFrenchmanexplains,“IfIweretosaytoyouinFrench,‘Thisismygoodfriend,’thatpersonwouldnotbeasclosetomeassomeoneaboutwhomIsaidonly,‘thisismyfriend.’AnyoneaboutwhomIhavetosaymoreisreallyless.犤1犦”InFrance,asinmanyEuropeancountries,friendsgenerally1areofthesamesex,andfriendshipisseenasbasicallyarelationship2betweenmen.FortheFrench,friendshipisaone-to-onerelationshipthatdemandsakeenawareness…  相似文献   

下面是我校学生经常做错的题。请广大读者再试试看,能不能一下子做对。  相似文献   

Around the corner I have a friend In this great city that has no end, Yet the days go by and weeks rush on, And before I know it,a year is gone And I never see my old friend’s face, For life is a swift and terrible race, He knows I like him just as well, As in the days when I rang his bell, And he rang mine.  相似文献   

<正>Life can be a lonely thing without companionship.Acquaintances(相识的人;熟人)are easy to come by but true friends are a whole other story.The best way to develop meaningful connections with true friends we can trust is to become a true friend yourself.Apply these ten steps if you’d like to be a true friend that can be counted on.没有朋友,生活该多么孤单。泛泛之交遍地都是,但真正的朋友却少之又少了。要想结交到真正值得信任的  相似文献   

设计意图:班上不少孩子有挑食现象,不爱吃蔬菜。我们设计了这个活动,让孩子通过与蔬菜接触,产生喜欢蔬菜的情感,了解多吃蔬菜的好处,并逐步改变挑食的习惯。目标:1.认识几种常见蔬菜,能说出它们的名称。2.能表述蔬菜的主要外形特征。3.懂得要多吃蔬菜,逐步养成不挑食的好习惯。  相似文献   

Aa[ei]apple[5Apl]Bb[bi:]bag[bAg]Cc[si:]camel[5kAm[l]D d[di:]dog[dCg]Ee[i:]egg[eg]Ff[ef]frog[frCg]G g[dVI:]glove[glQv]Hh[eitF]hat[hAt]Ii[ai]ice-box[5aisbCks]Jj[dVei]jeep[dVi:p]Kk[kei]key[ki:]Ll[el]letter[5let[]Mm[em]mouth[mauW]Nn[en]nurse[n[:s]Oo[[u]orange…  相似文献   

Brad年轻时也像很多年青人一样,曾经梦想将来能自己做生意发大财,这样就能买豪宅和好车了。事实上,他这一辈子都是在给别人打工,尽管没有实现做老板的目标,但他觉得自己的工作还不错,生活质量也一直在不断改善,总之,他感觉自己的生活是幸福的。  相似文献   

解语老师:我是一名年轻的班主任,我们班参加学校的各项活动都是名列前茅,这不仅使我,也使我的学生在心灵上得到莫大的安慰和满足。可是,这种快乐是短暂的,在一次期末考试中我们班年级排名倒数第一。为此,学校领导很不客气地批评了我,这让我既伤面子又伤自尊。我明白了一个道理:在学校里其他荣誉都是陪衬,只有学生的学习成绩是最重要的。难怪期末考试前夕,天都很晚了,各个班还灯火通明。可是,虽然明白这些道理,但我却不赞同这样的做法,用牺牲孩子的健康做换取成绩的砝码,我不愿;用成绩的好坏来评价一个老师工作的全部,我不…  相似文献   

<1> Nothing stirred on the African plains. The sun glared down and Hare crept inside the cool hollow of a baobab tree for his afternoon nap. Suddenly he was wide-awake. There was a boom, boom, booming in his ears. And it was getting closer. Hare peeped ou…  相似文献   

1.Onenight,athiefclimbedintoAvan鄄ty蒺shouse.Seeingthis,Avantyhidhimselfintoawoodentrunk(大木箱).2.Whenthethieffoundnothingvalu鄄able,hecameovertothetrunkandopenedit.ThemanwassurprisedtoseeAvantyin鄄sideit.“Whatareyoudoinghere?”heasked.3.“I蒺msorry,butI蒺mtoopoortomeetyou熏”Avantyanswered.Hearingthis,thethiefranaway.4.Afewdayslater,Avantywaswritingalettertoafriendwhenhenoticedthatsomebodypeeked(偷看)attheletterbehindhim.Thenhewrote,“Ihavealottotellyou,butthereisapersonwhoistooimpolit…  相似文献   

Women with a large social circle are actually less content with their lives than those with a smaller group of friends, according to a study from the University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research. Evidently, women often find that as they grow older and have increasingly complicated lives, some friendships can be more of a burden than a support.  相似文献   

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