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用所给单词的适当形式填空。一、family/home/house1. It#s time to go .2. There are some trees behind the .3. How many people are there in your ?4. —Where#s Liu Ming?—I think he is at .二、a/an/one1. Mr Wang is old teacher.2. Look! This is red apple.3. Is t  相似文献   

1.IHm afraid there isnHt any for you in my car.A.place B.room C.seat D.sit2.it is to listen to music!A.How fun B.How a fun C.What a fun D.What fun3.Something was wrong with car,but luckily they knew how to fixit.A.JimHs and TomHs B.Jim and TomHsC.JimHs and Tom D.Jim and Tom4.I was told that he is a friend of.A.KateHs fatherHs B.KateHs fatherC.fatherHs of Kate D.Kate fatherHs5.We all know that turn green in spring.A.leaf B.leafs C.leave D.leaves6.I went to my yesterday and ha…  相似文献   

1. —How about John? —My uncle John a good student. A. believes B. suggests C. considers D. knows 2. —Is dinner ready? —No. Mother is it ready now. A. doing B. cooking C. getting D. preparing 3. —What happened?—As you know, my schoolmates never their clothes well. A. hanging B. hanged C. hung D. hang 4. What size shoes do you ? A. wear B. dress C. put on D. have on 5. What he said me and I got angry. A. broke B. hurt C. wounded D. damaged 6. The bad cold me awake the whole nig…  相似文献   

1.At first,the bag seem s m ade of real leather.But actually it isjustan im itation.A.sight B.look C.appearance D.view2.—W hat do you think ofthe headm aster ofyour school?—O h,she is headm aster w ho is kind-hearted and helpful.A ndits pleasure to work…  相似文献   

A. not/no 1. She says, "There is ____ difference. " 2. My friends are ____ at school. B. in/with 3. What do the farmers make ____ your machines? 4. The twins can sing ____ Japanese. C. and/or 5. The children aren't  相似文献   

一、选择适当的答案。()1.Mrs.Jennygave us on howtolearn English well.A.some advices B.manyadvicesC.some advice D.an advice()2.We have bought two for the comingparty.A.boxofapple B.boxes ofapplesC.boxofapples D.boxes ofapple()3.Mr.Tomis a friend of.A.John!s uncle B.John uncle“sC.John#s uncle$s D.John uncle()4.——Would you like tea?——No,thanks.I have drunk two.A.any;bottles oforange B.some;bottles oforangeC.many;bottles oforanges D.few;bottle oforange()5.When doyou usuallyhave your …  相似文献   

从每组所给的选项中选择正确的选项填入空白处。  相似文献   

下仆加一beA,2:丑.l;C、22五2三anSWe1’馨Inll眺0202禅加 ,.1弓‘心2勺‘言2十一2一尸龙58一刀皿2玉verythi瑰_isnotin咖i默{默蕊给茹么一益燕4.HOW吧理军吧了-B‘two’sD,1加。吕SJI七i乌儿ss动j一坛任bitmore山伍池It_「小如i蒸)公产粉声布辉添篇氛蕊){冻罢寒一_A.inhisseventy B.inthe197Os 七.IntneseVenUeS _D.讯山el970s’一8和Mn生hecomptocomeand幻俩ays tOleave‘ A卜:比t;fir3tth已61’st 9.iryoudiseoul,参乖j卜tlme·thela就fail,don,t itbe_A.secondB.a second 一c.twoD.th鲜econ可b忌鹦咖oinwa·__探黔留煞外hru…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.选择填空1.Alotoffoodtothatcountryafterthewarwasover.A.wassentB.aresentC.issendingD.sent2.—Yoursweaterlooksnice,isitwool?—Yes,anditsInnerMongolia.A.madeof,madebyB.madeof,madeinC.madeby,madeforD.madeby,madefrom3.Themagazinestothelibraryintwoweeks.A.mustreturnB.mustbereturnedC.returnedD.mustbereturning4.Thetreesmustthreetimesaweek.A.waterB.iswateringC.bewateredD.waters5.—Whenthiskindofcomputer?—Twoyearsago.A.was,madeB.did,makeC.is,madeD.does,make6.Thesickgirltothehospitalatonce.…  相似文献   

1.—W here is G eorge?H e said he would m eetm e here at3o clock.—H e seem s with M r Brow n in the office.A.to talk B.to be talkingC.to have talked D.talking2.Itw as so large a room thata hundred people looked in it.A.losing B.lost C.to lose D.having lost3.I tried hard to get som e inform ation about the new technology out ofhis m outh,but he rem ained.A.quiet B.secret C.silent D.calm4.A m erica w as was first called“India”by Colum bus.A.that B.w here C.w hat D.the place5.The flo…  相似文献   

一、单项选择1 .We eouldn,t enter the room heeause the door_by Tom just now. A .locked B.locks C.was locked D.15 locking 2 .1_the way to the railway station by a Polieeman. A .was shown B.showed C .have shown D.was showing 3 .They_day and night. A.are made work B.are made to work C .made to be worked D.are making to work 4.No permission has_for anybody to enter the building. A.been given B.gave C.given D.be gave 5 .It_in two hours·A.isn,t finished B.ean,t be finished C .ean,t finis…  相似文献   

Thomas Edison made more than1,000inventions in his life.Many of his inventions have1the world.His first invention was a voterecorder in1869.This machine allowed people toplace a vote by pressing a button2saying“yes”or“no”.However,American government officials(政府官员)did not like EdisonEs3becausethey liked to call out their votes.Edison learned a lesson:he toldhimself4again to invent something people did not want.Edison started a5with his friend,Franklin Pope,to make fireand burglar a…  相似文献   

books in the 4 .M户〔the .roo印?飞Jo many,much一、1.Dpy。碑kn0Mlish? 2·1 ean,t see卜一the hill. 、L·to。,碑ry 」尹LT肺sb。父is1 canea叮i七, 2._This boxi{七a才tca叮让 M.very,ve玛黝粼琢以嫩〕黝姗薰器魁除断琳麟熟黝黝翼黔1 .Thepietureis_old、2.Thank you一‘N一bn一宙e访台11,ii ntho wall1 .Tllere isa Dictu比_.乙.Inere are IOUrwlnQOWS—尹号,;拼‘伙军芯 0 .on the坎即,,i nthe加心e1 .There2 .Tllereisacat「二‘品孟ar已山如y一pe娜;、:照岁鳄t碗hin.价「how.幻,牛妙一吵gTv翻孟I酉m可‘£。。noq‘乙…  相似文献   

1 .Professor White has wtittensome shorthe 15plays·A .the bestC .betterD .the most did yourstories,butknown forbox 15_heavy for you,but thank you allthe same.A .50C .veryB .niuehD .tooB .more2.—How long— working for that elub?unele start—In 1986,but last summer,he finally leftthe elub that he had joined seven years A .before,ago B.ago,before C .before,before D.ago,ago3 .He_been told what 15 going on_· A .has already,now there B .already has,there now C .has already,there now D.alre…  相似文献   

1 .Here 15 a Ietter_Jimhis father_the USA.2 .What do you Iike_JaPan,Lily?3 .TOm asks me to 90 to his home_ d innGr.4 .Please write_US SO0n.5 .They learn Chinese—us·6 .1 read and write—the morn·ing.7,The worksrs 90—work— Monday__一_Saturday.8 .They,re-一止Work eVery day.9 .The kite 100ks a bi川.10.This 15 aPhoto_myfamily.1 1 .She goes to work_half_ SeVen.12.He often reads English一an offiCe.13.TheywatehTVonly__Saturday eVenln口14.She WOrkS _here.a far15,Her SISter snd Sh…  相似文献   

1.The general wouldn t allow the boy the tree to see what the en-em y was doing.A.risk clim bing B.risking to clim bC.risk to clim b D.to risk clim bing2.W e watched the m en the tree and as w e were w alking aw ay weheard it with a trem endous crash.A.sawing;to fall B.saw ing;fallC.saw;fall D.to saw;falling3.The students are all gone.B ecause of the bad weather,the teacherperm itted them early.A.leave B.to being leavingC.to leaving D.to leave4.A re you sure the students use the new com p…  相似文献   

(A)I w as studying theatre at Southern M ethodist U niversity in D allasand feeling anxious and uncertain about m y future.“W ill I be able tosupport m yself?”I1.That sum m er,I decided to see if I could2iton m y own.Two friends and I piled into a car and3for A spen,Colorado,where I found a job as a waitress at a hotel.I didn t rem em ber how m uchI4,butitw as so little that I had to live on noodles and rice.I w as atthe hotel by six o clock every m orning to5w ith the con-tinental br…  相似文献   

'●r—1.词汇俱乐部。A.请根据句意和首字母提示补全所缺单词,完成下列句子。可要注意适当形式哟.1.1 study in the l every weekend.It’s very quiet there.2.It’s P cold today.Please put on your coat.3.It’s too late and no bus call take us home.We have to look for a h to rest.4.The teacher often asks us questions at the b 5.The address ofthe post office is 667 Main S ofclass..It’s easy to find it.B.根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成句子。1.Tim is thin and medium嘶ghl.2…  相似文献   

玉些丝鱼垫TV· I19巡坦you please坦迎丝鬓卿旦 八Ht」 嘴不裂‘,‘at应箫红l吕耀鑫。r。塑l里鱼力19犷旦~~应些还th‘。。,ass A H tjto一C1 .How翌旦yourp旦犷匹些? 人U;一11 fine rnthan in that one. n2.We’d better A110tB鱼声旦 Tl一ey areout at night n3.卫嘿旦婴。In。。二11、目I几41,剑二‘件、声‘函 U业延业业卫塑业旦丝) r,l)1 1.仆。丛坦堕boy巡1鱼reading books AB watchTV. nmueh.best wishes foi —lj一~了f1)Mr Rmw们4.儡里鲤,he旦旦业旦擎包丝玉蜒旦l A匕七5.—What A —We,代 l__~L~一月r尸Vnll卜you.Ha…  相似文献   

Som e Japanese still get m arried by parents arrangem ent.Y oshio andTanaka,a young Japanese1living in the U nited States,told the storyof their2m arriage.“W e didn t m arry for love in the w estern sense.W e got m arried in the3Japanese way.O ur parents arranged our m ar-riage4a m atch-m aker.In Japan we believe that m arriage is5af-fecting the whole fam ily rather than a m atter concerning only the youngcouple.6we think it is im portant to m atch people according to their7backgrounds,ed…  相似文献   

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