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Ⅰ.单项选择。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。1.Don’t late school nexttime.A.be4for B.×4toC.are4in D.is4at2.you go to school every day>A.How long do B.What areC.What do D.What time do3.do you usually go school>A.How4for B.What4atC.What4in D.How4to4.—?—Yes,I have a lot to do.A.Are you busy this eveningB.Are you free this eveningC.Will you come to supper this eveningD.What are you going to do this evening5.—What time do the Greens have supper>—.A.He has it…  相似文献   

A:How do you do?B:How do you do?A:Which country do you come from?B:I come from England.A:Is this your first trip to Tianjin?B:No,I have been here twice.A:Have you visited any other cities?B:Yes,we have visited a lot of cities,such as Shanghai,Guangzhou,Xian and so on.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择1.——____was your weekend?——It was very good.A.Where B.What C.Why D.How2.Yesterday I____a very funny story book.A.watched B.readed C.looked at D.read3.What____you____last night?A.do;do B.did;did C.did;do D.do;did4.He____the football match on  相似文献   

Unit 1 Where is she from?【情景对话】A:How do you do? B:How do you do? A:Look at that girl.Who is she? B:Oh.she is my pen pal. A:Where is she from?I think she is a foreigner. B:You are right.She comes from Canada. A:Ah,she’s a Canadian.Canada is very beautiful.What language does she speak?  相似文献   

一、单项选择:从A、B、C、D四个选项中选 出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1. —______ does your father do morning exercises? —Hardly ever. A. How B. How often C. When D. What time 2. _____is important for us _______sports every day. A. It,do B. That,to do C. Th  相似文献   

问候(Greetings) 1 . "How are you?" "_____" A.How do you do? B.How are you? C.I' m fine, thank you D.What do you do?  相似文献   

1.To mean some-thing and something ac-tually are two different things.A.to do,to doB.doing,doingC.to do,doingD.doing,to do2.After describing theplanned improvements,she wenton how much theywould cost.A.to explainB.explainingC.to be explainingD.having expl…  相似文献   

I.单项填空1.—Give my best__to Mr King.__. A.wishes;I do B.regard;Of course C.love;I will D.regards;I may2.—You made mistakes.—__,but__everybody. A.So I do;so does B.So do I;so does  相似文献   

U nit 11choolardenfngh一、选择填空(10分)1.—C ould you help m e take it to the classroom ?— .A .Y es,I could B .N o,I couldn tC.Y es,sure D .N o,I don t2.—Tina,I supper butyou the dishes.O K ?—Sure.A .m ake;do B.do;m ake C .m ake;m ake D .do;do3.— do you see your doctor?—A round every three m onths.A .W hen B.W hattim e C .H ow long D .H ow often4.A tthis age,w e should of our health.A .look after B.take care C .w orry D .care5.I the gold fish just now .D on t give them m or…  相似文献   

1.请展示给我们看怎样弄这些鸡蛋。-Please show us____the eggs.-Sorry,I don't know,either.A.what to do with B.how to do withC.what to be done D.how to 【误选B】【析】汉语的“怎么处理”在英语中不是how…do with而是what…do with,因为疑问词what是作介词with的宾语。因此,正确的答案是A。  相似文献   

1995年高考试题中有这么一道单项选择题:The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street,but his mother toldhim__.A.not to B.not to do C.not to do it D.do not to其正确答案为 A,但不少考生误选答案 B 和 C。这是考生对起动词替代作用的 do 和 to 用法陌生或模糊不清所至。为了避免动词使用重复,  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择 1. — ____ CDs do you have,Dennis? —Sorry,I can’t remember the number. A. Which B. What C. How many D. How much 2. —Jason,I want to know the sports news. Go and ____ the TV,please. —OK,dad. A. turn on B. turn off C. turn to D. turn over 3. —Could you please _____ it again? —Sorry,I won’t . A. not do B. don’t do C. not to do D. to not do 4. —Which is ____ season in Zhengzhou? —I think it’s autumn. A. good B. better C. best D. the best 5. —Could you please g…  相似文献   

1 .He ean’t read or write.Wllo do you think he this letter? A .has write B.has wrote C .has written D.has to write 2 .The Poor boy 15 in dangeLW已should do allWe_helP him out. A .Can do B.Call to D.ean to do D.can 3 .It was not_she took off her glasses 1 realized she was a famous film star. A.when;that B.until;when C .when;then D.until;that 4 .1 ean’t 90 home now.A lot of work_tobe done. A .have B.remains C.are D.is remaining 5 .has been said on how to use the idiom. A .Many B.Afe…  相似文献   

Dialogue A(A=A Chinese seaman;B=A foreign seaman)中国海员外国海员A:Let me introduce myself.My name is Chen Shanghai.May I haveyour name?”让我自我介绍一下。我叫陈上海。请问您尊姓大名?B:How do you do,Mr Chen?My name is Peter White.  相似文献   

1. A) One boy can do it. B) A boy can do it.2. A) They are pupils of No.1 Middle School.B) They are the pupils of No.1 Middle School.3. A) Tom stood in front of the classroom.B) Tom stood in the front of the classroom.4. A) I brought her bike.  相似文献   

do with意义多,用法也多。本文介绍其中两种:(A)do What withsb./sth.,(B)can do with 这两种易于混淆却又不可混淆。请先看两例,再作比较分析。 (A)What did you do with my pen?你把我的钢笔放在哪儿了? (B)Tile staff could probably do with some more money.全体工作人员可能还需要一些钱。  相似文献   

(A) Teacher:What do we getfrom sheep? Boy:Wool. Teacher:You are quiteright.And what do we makefrom wool?  相似文献   

从A、B、C、D四个选项中。选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。1.I have a lot of things———— this weekend. A.do B.did C.doing D.to do 2.I saw him———basketball with Jack an hour ago.  相似文献   

do it,do that和do so是同义的代用式(pro-form),常用来替代句中的谓语或述谓部分.在下面两例中,它们可以换用,意义无甚差别.A:Rover is scratching the door.  相似文献   

Dialogue A(A=patient;B=nurse)A:Good afternon,doctor.I've come for some blood tests.Is it possiblefor you to do them now?B:Let me have a look,The first test is no problem,but the second onehas to be done on an empty stomach.So I suggest that you comeback tomorrow morning,and we'll do both of the tests together.A:How long do I have to fast?B:From five o'clock this evening,you should only eat porridge.Don't  相似文献   

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