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数字化转向为数字时代的比较教育研究提供了一种可能性,但它不是比较教育未来发展的全部。基于表现的教育问责制度在全球范围盛行、比较教育研究对科学化的追求以及数字技术的革新进步,为比较教育研究的数字化转向提供了现实性和可能性。比较教育研究数字化转向的主要向度体现在:研究主体从比较教育知识的作者转向合作者;研究客体从“文献”转向“数据”;研究目的从追求教育知识的“因果必然性”转向注重“相关性”;研究方法从分析到综合。然而,比较教育研究的数字化转向同样存在限度:在本体论层面,易陷入唯数据主义;在价值论层面,易缺乏人文主义精神;在关系论层面,易推动国际教育形成数据殖民主义。  相似文献   

当代比较教育研究的新视域及问题转向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代比较教育研究已凸现出学科发展的新视域,并在诸多方面发生着明显的转向:研究的视野从宏观转向微观;研究的对象从主要关注英美等发达国家转向全球化、多中心;研究的领域从单一、区域研究转向多样、整体研究;研究的层次从描述移植转向深入研究、本土化;研究的方法从传统方法转向多元化。  相似文献   

新时期行政法学研究重点要调整:从重视研究权力规范转向重视研究社会规范;从着重研究程序法转向着重研究实体法;从注重研究普通法转向注重研究部门法.重视研究社会规范,要关注行政权存在的必要性和重要性;要关注行政相对人的合作;要关注秩序行政.着重研究实体法,要关注行政的可接受性;要关注行政主体的主动性;要关注行政方式的多样性.注重研究部门法,要解决行政法实际问题,追求综合效益;要关注部门法体系建设;要关注部门法之间的协调.  相似文献   

我国比较教育长期以来遵循的研究范式具有显著的离身特征,造成盛行书斋内研究、旅行报道式研究,重宏大叙事与器物研究轻具体教育生活,倾向"拿来主义"等问题.具身认知理论对促进比较教育研究转向、解决现实问题具有重要启发意义,包括由宏大叙事回归真实教育生活、从器物研究转向重视研究者与研究对象身体意义、从文本研究转向深入教育生活现场的田野研究等.比较教育具身研究可以生产更具身体意蕴、更能凸显时空特征的真实生动的比较教育知识,能够帮助知识使用者选择和运用更加适切的知识来解决本土教育生活中的问题.比较教育研究者不断提升自身素养,开展广泛的回归教育生活的田野研究,将是促进比较教育研究身体转向的重要行动路径.  相似文献   

基于中日中学《地理》教学大纲的比较分析,把握环境教育目标的历史变迁。中日双方环境教育目标的轨迹可.以归纳为:从自然保护逐渐转移到重视自然与人类的关系;从关心自然地理逐渐转移到人文地理进而关注乡土地理;从知识的理解、意识的培养转向环境考察,注重行动力的培养。  相似文献   

农村教师待遇是关系农村教育事业发展的关键。改革开放以来,教育宏观政策的变化对农村教师待遇问题的研究进程产生了重要影响。从总体上看,农村教师待遇经历了从"地位提升"、"制度建立"到"制度完善"三个时期;相应地农村教师待遇研究经历了由"国家政策倡导为主"转向"研究者渐入",最终进入"研究者关注"阶段。  相似文献   

教育决策科学化既是行政部门的期待,也是地方教育科研机构的重要职责,更是当前教育改革和发展的现实需要。教育改革由规模扩张转向内涵提高,意味着一些以前虽被关注但尚未解决的深层次问题逐渐摆到议事日程表。从区域教育的均衡发展到弱势人群的教育机会保障;从优质教育资源的扩大到教育教学质量的普遍提高;从教育评价和招生制度的改革到素质教育的全面推进;  相似文献   

自媒体的盛行正在重置高校思想政治教育系统要素的定位及其关系。扭转系统要素匹配失衡、矫正教育主导功能逆转、满足受教育者参与教育过程需求、强化教育内容中的价值认同、顺应现代技术嵌入教育环节的教育社会化发展趋势等是高校思想政治教育应对自媒体环境挑战的诉求。高校思想政治教育系统建设从注重相对闭合的内循环向相对开放的外循环转向;教育模式从侧重方向性信息传输向交互式引领转向;教育载体功能发挥从事后应对向前瞻规划转向;教育者角色从"网络旁观者"向"网络舆论领袖"转向;制度设计从关注规范性向关注预防性转向等是契合自媒体发展,优化高校思想政治教育效果的主要路向。  相似文献   

大学生宗教信仰问题的研究成为国内学者广泛关注和重视的研究领域,近年来相关研究文献不断增加。在中国期刊网全文期刊数据库中检索相关文献数据,通过CiteSpace信息可视化软件系统绘制大学生宗教信仰研究的关键词共现网络知识图谱,展现该领域研究的主题变化情况,从20世纪90年代关注大学生的道德教育与宗教信仰研究到21世纪初的对大学生宗教文化教育、心理健康、诚信教育等的关注,再到近五年转向对大学生思想政治教育、和谐社会背景下宗教信仰教育等问题的研究。通过文献信息可视化技术,为相关领域的研究者和工作者提供直观、准确的分析结果。  相似文献   

远程高等教育凝聚现代教育理念、创建现代教育结构、重视交互与对话,突显其现代个性。在后现代主义的影响下,远程高等教育从思想观念、制度结构和资源技术等方面进一步增强了现代性。我国远程高等教育现代性的选择,应基于国情转变发展战略,由面向城市转为面向农村;由以教师为本转向以学生为本;由只重视学历教育转向重视多种教育形式协调发展。  相似文献   

Internationalisation is no longer a well-recognised feature unique to higher education. It has permeated K-12 education. However, little research has been done on internationalisation at the K-12 level, particularly on offshore schools. This study examines how Canadian and Chinese policies regarding offshore schools have developed over the years, what values and objectives underlie such policies, and how they affect present and future development of Canadian offshore schools in China. The study identifies in/consistencies and priorities in policy-making and implementation and uncovers the trend of policy development through comparing stipulations on international cooperation of both countries. It shows that both countries are making policies and action plans based on their national interest in the international context without giving adequate attention to the legal, political, and social cultures of the other country. This leads to inconsistencies and confusions in their international educational cooperation and creates potential hindrance to its further development.  相似文献   

学生择校权利的扩大符合我国教育政策和法规,符合义务教育的基本精神,是在我国现阶段促进教育平等的理性选择。扩大义务教育阶段学生的择校权利要大胆借鉴国际上有关国家的经验,充分考虑我国的现实国情,遵循点带面、公立和民办学校一视同仁的原则,采取建立规范的择校机制、进行学区调整和重点学校改革等的对策。  相似文献   

Integration of individuals categorized as having special educational needs in mainstream schools has become a dominant policy in many countries. Changes in recent years in the field traditionally called "special education" have significantly influenced the education of deaf and hard of hearing individuals. The movements against segregation and toward integration and, more recently, inclusion, have created the conditions for educational changes, not only in mainstreaming but in special education. The article brings to light the views and experiences of deaf and hard of hearing people as students at special schools and mainstream schools, in order to compare the two systems from the viewpoints of those involved and to explore the possible implications of these views and experiences for the development of the educational system in Cyprus regarding inclusive education. Particular attention is given to improvement of the education of deaf and hard of hearing children.  相似文献   

数字公民教育受到国际组织和各国的关注。国际数字公民教育政策文本的比较分析对于公民教育政策制定具有重要意义。通过体系架构、总体目标、发布机构与起草人员、内容比较四个维度,分析国际上七个具有代表性和影响力的数字公民教育政策文本,结果发现,当前国际数字公民教育政策文本呈现出教育主体多元、教育内容动态更新、教育目标鲜明、政策制定多方协同的特征。  相似文献   

This paper considers the consequences of, and tensions within, New Labour's quality agenda for schools. In particular, it draws attention to the way in which official versions of quality, characterised by a narrow, economistic instrumentality, are being promoted in schools by various forms of quality control that are marginalising broader, more humanistic conceptions of quality. It is also argued that, despite New Labour's rhetorical emphasis on education for citizenship, the mechanisms of quality control favoured by the government tend to produce patterns of association which are authoritarian and, therefore, unconducive to giving teachers, students and parents opportunities to participate actively in key decisions in and around schooling. The analysis presented in this paper is underpinned by a concern to bring a consideration of educational politics back into education policy debates.  相似文献   

中美基础科学教育的差异   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过赴关考察和比较研究发现,中美两国学校在科学教育的观念及其体制、科学课堂教学方式、科学课程与教学资源、科学教科书及其使用等方面都存在明显差异。认识和理解中关两国科学教育上存在的这些差异,并通过科学教育改革力求达到和而不同,对普及和发展我国基础科学教育、提高科学教育质量不无启发与借鉴作用。  相似文献   

在全球化背景下,越来越多的国家选择基础教育海外建校的方式向外输出自己的文化和教育。英国基础教育海外学校在数量和质量上所拥有的较大优势离不开其较为完善的海外学校评估体系,具体体现在重视对督导机构的安排和审核、实施细致全面的学校评估标准、较为关注海外学校教师的招聘和培训等方面。以2019年国际学校奖中取得优异成绩的英国吉隆坡国际学校为例,深入分析其具体评估过程和标准以了解英国基础教育海外学校的评估特征。  相似文献   

Over the last decades, migration across Europe has continued to increase. Consequently, offering educational support for migrant students in the schools of host countries has been an extensively debated issue across Europe and further afield, especially in countries with a history of immigration. However, less is known about how education systems in the ‘new’ immigration countries have responded to the needs of recently arrived migrants. This article focuses on language support measures set up for migrant students in state-funded schools in the Republic of Ireland and Spain – both multilingual countries with more than one official language and with a heterogeneous migrant population. In reviewing educational policy and practice in these jurisdictions in the areas of language support for migrants, this article seeks to contribute to the debate on challenges involved in supporting language acquisition by migrant students in formal educational settings.  相似文献   

基于历史教育事件构造自然实验是识别教育与经济发展之间因果关系的前沿方法,随之而来的教育多样性问题却没有引起实证研究者的足够重视。本研究在晚清中国多种教育形式并存且新旧教育过渡的背景下,使用教育发展情况在时期上和地区间的双重差异构建实证策略,进而比较不同教育类型对近代经济发展的效应。结果显示:相比于传统的儒家官学和外来的教会学校,新式学堂的经济促进作用更为明显;不同教育类型在高素质劳动力供给上的差异是出现这种结果的重要原因;然而,三类教育只能提高经济水平而无法提升经济增速。这些发现强调了教育的实用性和世俗化对于现代经济的重要性,也指出发展中国家在现代化初期需要着力应对学校教育“技术含量不高”的问题。  相似文献   

This study aims to analyse low‐skilled adults’ motivation for formal adult education. The study examines how adults’ motivation for formal education is affected by educational level, age, gender, employment status and citizenship. Survey data were collected from adults enrolled in formal educational programmes at different educational levels. Of 753 respondents, 88 were attending primary or lower secondary programmes. The remaining participants were in upper secondary schools, post‐secondary/tertiary vocational education, or in Bachelor’s or Master’s degree courses. Differences according to education levels can be explained in part by typical characteristics of the people involved at various levels of the education system. However, even when controlling for factors that may cause differences in motivation, adult learners at the lowest educational levels differ from others. The main difference is that low‐skilled adults more frequently state that they have been obligated to undertake training. These results indicate that when recruiting low‐skilled adults for learning activities, there is a need to develop targeted policy instruments instead of alluding to moral and social obligations.  相似文献   

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