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Gender plays a significant role in the experiences of workers within organizations. This is particularly true for women in non-traditional roles as they constantly struggle with gender barriers that are so ensconced in certain organizations and in society as to be accepted without question. Using an autoethnographical account, I explore the implications of my experience as a woman in the non-traditional role of a military member. First, I will discuss the importance of speaking from a first-hand, subjective position, and will briefly explore how we learn to be men and women through socialization processes in current western society. Then I will focus on how I learned to be a military member in a male organization and will examine how women's bodies and emotions separate women from men. I conclude with a discussion of how learning about feminist theories provoked me to begin to make connections between my experience and larger societal issues that had previously been invisible to me.  相似文献   

公平理论及其在组织激励中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
公平意味着规则和秩序,是社会关系和谐的核心和根本。公平理论及其在组织激励中的应用对组织中员工的心理具有最基本和重要的影响。文章综述了影响组织的公平理论,除了传统的分配公平理论外,还有程序公平理论、相互作用公平理论、内部公平和外部公平理论,并阐述了这几种公平对组织激励的作用和影响。  相似文献   

创建高校二级学院学习型党组织的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章结合学习型党组织的有关理论,提出了创建高校二级学院学习型党组织的构想。  相似文献   

The research domain of gender and learning seems to develop in two different areas. In one area learning is investigated by using general theories on learning and instruction. In the second area, gender plays a central role in the theoretical frameworks. The present article compares two theories from these areas using a general perspective and a gender perspective. By doing this, we intend to combine knowledge resulting from the two distinct areas and possibly take the research domain of gender and learning a step further. The theories in the comparison concern Vermunt's learning conceptions (1996) and Baxter Magolda's ways of knowing and patterns of reasoning (1992). It turns out that a number of relations seems to exist on a conceptual level between these two theories, but the relations could not be confirmed empirically. In the discussion, the results are elaborated upon and possible future research is suggested.  相似文献   


Work-integrated learning (WIL) affords students opportunities to apply skills and knowledge to practical work placements. Students potentially learn professional behaviours appropriate to their chosen industry sector. However, students may also face challenges they may not be prepared to navigate. One of these is gender bias due to assumptions about women and work, particularly within STEM sectors. This article presents findings from a pilot study that explores WIL students’ perspectives on gender bias related to experiences at their internship placements or other jobs. The findings suggest that the potential lack of gender neutrality within organizations such as WIL placements, is nuanced through an underlying bias around thinking about gender, women and work, and demonstrated through institutional structures such as branded recruitment campaigns or the individual micro aggressions of co-workers and supervisors. Further research needs to focus on the impact of gender bias on students’ sense of value within different organizations, and the strategies they employ to navigate bias. In the short-term, all students need tools to help them understand how gender is constructed within organizational processes and how to develop strategies to help them confront gender bias within the organizations in which they work.  相似文献   

In a study of the compensation of over 600 college and university presidents, both individual characteristics (tenure in the position, gender, and whether or not the person was hired from inside) and institutional characteristics (size, resources, university type, and form of control) were found to predict salary. In private institutions, size, resources, and type (university, four-year college, two-year college) had more effect on salary than in public colleges and universities. There is evidence that over the period from 1978 to 1983, salaries increased more in private organizations, and the link between level of resources and compensation increased in public colleges. The results, taken as a whole, are consistent both with functional theories of compensation as well as with perspectives that emphasize the attribution of effectiveness to leaders.  相似文献   

This article reports on my doctoral research around community organizations in the inner city of Sydney, Australia. The neighbourhood centres (NCs) provide a case study of sites where discourses of feminism, multiculturalism and urban environmentalism have been activated within a social justice framework. The research participants were activists involved in the establishment of the organizations and community workers employed by the organizations in the past. These activists and community workers have an interest in structural theories of social change; however, the introduction of theories from post-structural and post-modern perspectives into the research conversations provided a way to talk through dilemmas identified in community organization practice. This points towards a productive use of ‘post’ theories in examining community practices and also opened up some surprising directions in the research. For example, the language of political subjectivity and pos itioning provided additional tools for the activists and critical community workers to locate their place in contemporary social and political discourses that surround understandings of ‘the local’ and ‘community’.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the role of leaders in building nonviolent organizations and the role of organizations in cultivating habits of peace, thereby preparing people as peacemakers in a violent world. Leadership literature asks how to build healthy organizations; conflict literature asks how to make global peace. Both ask how people are shaped by their leaders and communities, but conversations between organizational and peace theories are minimal, as are conversations about peacemaking in local and global contexts. This study identifies practices for building nonviolent organizations, recognizing the significance of educating leaders and organizations as just peace-builders.  相似文献   

This article explores the expansion of feminist ideas as both a conceptual and a political issue. It focuses on two major theories of social change, world culture theory (WCT) and world system analysis (WSA), comparing and contrasting how they frame gender as a factor shaping society, how they account for the diffusion of feminist ideas and how they assess the impact of gender norms on sociocultural outcomes. Through the examination of texts and research based on these theories, this article weighs the ability of the theories to meaningfully and justly recognise the place of gender politics within the dynamics of social change. Both WCT and WSA predict isomorphism in the way gender is framed in modern society, but their explanatory accounts traverse drastically different paths. One asserts a conflict-free diffusion of values, whereas the other, decidedly based on conflict, sees gender as emerging from resistance or anti-systemic movements. The article concludes with an assessment of the contribution and missing aspects of each theoretical perspective.  相似文献   

非营利组织理论研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了综观近30年来非营利组织在世界范围内的发展状况,并为学术界和实践提供参考,运用文献分析方法,从国外和国内两方面发展的研究的情况,介绍非营利组织的定义和分类、非营利组织研究理论、非营利组织治理等研究成果。结果表明:国际上非营利组织研究尚处于起步和成长阶段,存在明显不足;国内研究相对落后,对非营利组织的研究任重道远,有着巨大的扩展和完善空间。  相似文献   

根据新制度经济学理论,非政府组织实质上是市场经济中一种内在的制度安排。民主政治、市场经济和非政府组织共同构成现代社会基本的制度框架。除民主政治的刚性约束外,市场经济和非政府组织表现为更具张力的制度安排而相互支撑。市场经济的制度需求成为非政府组织发展的动力机制,促使公民社会的成长与发展;而在市场经济中,非政府组织又发挥着内在的制度功能,共同构建市场运行的制度环境。  相似文献   

詹成 《惠州学院学报》2007,27(2):123-126
黑帮片是香港电影的重要体裁, 而香港黑帮片中对男性形象的表现具有独特性。通过对西方主流文化研究中的性别理论和身份理论的探究, 分析香港黑帮电影中男性性别表征手段上的矛盾性, 并论述了其男性形象表征的重要嬗变以及形成的社会文化原因。  相似文献   

社区组织体制创新刍议   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文从我国社区建设实践所表现出的社区组织结构体系复杂化和社区自治化两种趋势出发,重点探讨了当前社区居民参与程度不高、社区组织的社区意识不强、社区精英的能量发挥不足和社区党建属地化进展不快四个方面的社区现实,并在以往学者的理论构架基础上形成了自己对社区组织体制的新建构,以期对我国社区发展提供有益的参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

张亮平 《培训与研究》2010,27(3):126-128
长期以来,传统译论制造了使女性和译者失去声音的另类历史,二元对立的思维模式使女性和译者受到双重歧视。女性主义研究者从性别问题出发,以双重歧视为突破口,对女性和译者进行了双重解构。本文在对翻译理论中存在的性别隐喻进行梳理的基础上,研究了女性主义和翻译研究的关系,从而探讨了女性主义译论下女性和译者身份的双重彰显。  相似文献   

对官僚科层组织和新公共管理作了评价,指出了现阶段官僚科层组织人力资源管理的弊端,论述了公共组织中进行人力资源开发创新的理念,并着重强调了进行人力资源开发必须首先以人为本。  相似文献   

当前的学校,其生存和发展都离不开与其他组织之间的联系。解释促使组织之间建立关系的六种理论有交易成本经济学的解释、资源依赖理论的解释、战略选择方面的动因、利益相关者理论的解释、组织学习理论的解释以及新制度主义理论的解释。由于每种理论解释均存在不足,因此,结合学校组织间关系的特点,可以用整合解释框架来大体体现学校参与组织间关系的原因和动机,指出参与组织间关系所能给学校带来的潜在优势和学校可能面临的潜在威胁。  相似文献   

This article reflects how the student development theories of William Perry and Robert Kegan are useful in understanding the student behaviors in community and technical colleges. Leaders of these organizations must incorporate theory-based practices in order to promote a student-centered culture. Examples are given as illustrations of how community colleges can put student development theories into practice to facilitate student success in the 21st century.  相似文献   

善因营销是将企业与非盈利机构,特别是慈善组织相结合,将产品销售与社会问题或公益事业相结合,在为相关事业进行捐赠、资助其发展的同时,达到提高产品销售额,实现企业利润,改善企业社会形象的目的。这是既能提升企业公众形象又能帮助公益事业的双赢策略。近年来许多关于善因营销的研究集中于消费者对于善因营销的普遍态度和感知,但是缺乏对不同年龄段的消费者的具体研究。因此,从性别的角度研究青年消费者对善因营销的态度、感知和购买意向的差异有一定的意义。  相似文献   

关于城市危机管理的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对城市危机管理问题作了深入的研究,对城市危机管理的基本概念、理论、信息系统、组织、运 行机制、法规和成本等诸多问题进行了细致的探讨。  相似文献   

非正式组织识别是研究非正式组织的基础,大学生非正式组织情感特征、距离临近性、领袖识别性和不稳定性特征显著,群体规范性特征并不显著。不同性别、专业的大学生非正式组织在组织识别特征变量上具有差异性,为此,要采取因人而异的管理方法与措施,引导其向健康、有序的方向发展。  相似文献   

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