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刘元朝 《新闻窗》2007,(2):55-56
贴近实际,贴近群众,贴近生活这一新闻“三贴近”原则在新时期为新闻媒体注入了新的活力,同时也为县级电视新闻提高新闻生命力找准了新的定位。作为县级电视新闻媒体或一名新闻记者,如何进一步落实新闻“三贴近”,成为进一步提升县级电视新闻的生命力、提高收视率的关键。  相似文献   

在信息化和全球化的时代背景下,人们渴望及时了解来自外界的信息,于是电视新闻频道应运而生,并成为国际电视媒体的必争之地和衡量电视媒体综合实力的一个新标志。本文将针对电视新闻频道的定位策略,从受众定位、内容定位、理念定位三方面进行传播学角度的分析和阐述。  相似文献   

近年来,电视新闻学界关于拒绝或鼓吹新闻节目主持人的争鸣经久不息。专家学者、业内中人纷纷从学和术两方面提出自己的见解,其中仁智互见以至相关工作人员和实践工作摇摆于各色理论之下,甚至在读了某些有关“主持人”的论述后“感到无所适从乃至产生一种虚无的痛苦。①”笔者支持暨南大学黄匡宇先生的观点,并愿提供一孔之见:摈弃所谓“电视新闻节目主持人”的提法,将我们所讨论的对象定位为电视新闻,正名为新闻主播,才是真正的名至实归而符合电视新闻的传播规律。一、从词义生成的角度来看,“电视新闻节目主持人”是一种误读。根据…  相似文献   

我国电视新闻评论。开始了从“用事实说话”向“用观点说话”的评论风格的转变。本所研究的,是“用观点说话”的直接的电视新闻评论。章界定了电视新闻评论的定义和作用。区分了电视评论员、时评嘉宾、主持人等电视新闻评论中的三种角色的地位和要求.并对电视新闻评论中媒体立场把握问题提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   

电视新闻报道,经常出现同质化现象。特别是一些县级电视台,忽视电视新闻特性的存在,长期坚守一种僵化的模式,长期以往让观众产生厌烦之感。面对竞争异常激烈的新闻事业,能否实现电视新闻的个性化,写出受众喜爱的电视新闻?笔者认为关键要把握“三性”、练好“三功”。  相似文献   

做好地方台电视新闻的深度报道是提升地方台新闻栏目公信力和影响力的关键因素。本文从围绕热点进行选材,把握特点科学准确定位,精雕细琢形成看点三个方面就如何做好地方台电视新闻的深度报道进行了阐述。  相似文献   

电视新闻节目在信息传播的众多手段中,播音员的形象及语言是重要的不可替代的一种,如何确定播音员在节目中的身份尤为重要,对此本文从新闻播音员在节目中的屏幕形象定位、语言定位、角色定位三方面进行了详细阐述。  相似文献   

王淑芬 《记者摇篮》2005,(10):55-55
电视新闻的写作较之其它媒体新闻有其特定的模式,它随着电子技术的发展和受众接受方式的演变而演变,这种演变决定着电视新闻两大要素“画面”和“解说”的定位。  相似文献   

新闻主播,目前在我国主要指电视新闻消息类节目主持人。区别于普通的新闻播音员和新闻访谈类及评论类节目主持人,新闻主播在电视新闻传播过程中有其特殊的身份定位和工作任务,对主播角色的定位,我们遵循主播应是“民主制度下的公众人物、现代传播中的媒介人物、和谐社会里的文化人物”的总体标准,并认为主播角色的定位也应是依据个人特质的、多层次的综合性定位。  相似文献   

电视是一种立体、形象的传播方式,也是一种定时、定位的传播方式,过去大量出现电视新闻“两张皮”现象,在很大程度上应该归咎于对这种传播方式的固有特性认识不足和把握不当。  相似文献   

面对高校这座新闻富矿,校报记者要想成功地挖掘其中的新闻资源,并借助社会媒体让学校的人与事广为人知,就必须具有相应的社会视角。在媒介竞争愈发激烈的今天,在校报记者肩负学校对外宣传重任的今天,社会视角对校报记者来讲,就显得非常重要,也非常必要。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(10):1311-1331
Climate change frames in the media affect the political and public debate. However, focusing on the frames in texts, most framing research overlooks the factors which influence frame-building by reporters. However, this is crucial for a fuller understanding of the potential implications and meanings of frames. Besides, the existing frame-building research is exclusively engaged with mainstream media. Also, visual frame-building is under-researched. Therefore, we have conducted interviews with 26 climate journalists, photo editors, chiefs and opinion-makers, working for three mainstream and two progressive alternative outlets in northern Belgium. The findings were combined with the outcome of a deductive framing analysis of 114 climate articles. The results show a strong overlap among journalist frames and news frames. Anthropocentric Subframes prevail in the mainstream news articles and among the reporters. A mixture of Biocentric and Anthropocentric Subframes was found in the context of the alternative outlets. We explain this by presenting the studied mainstream newsrooms as machines and the (progressive) alternative newsrooms as organisms. We conclude that the mainstream journalists are guided towards Anthropocentric Subframes by various (internalised) pressures. The practices in the alternative media liberate reporters to introduce a broader variety of frames.  相似文献   

The original concept of gatekeeping within journalism was based on a particular research method, a particular sub-profession within the news media, and a particular—now extinct—technological platform. This article describes and discusses what has happened to the function of gatekeeping as new technologies have developed, and it suggests that three models of gatekeeping are present in the digital era. The first model is based on a process of information, the second model is based on a process of communication, and the third and last model is based on a process of elimination, where the function of gatekeeping is taken over by people outside the newsrooms. All three models have been part of the history of journalism from the very beginning, but their importance for news reporters and the news media have changed with the invention of new technological means, methods and tools. This reassessment of the principles, practices and new technological platforms for gatekeeping concludes by discussing the ways in which our models of journalism can affect not only researchers but also news reporters and audiences.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(4):507-522
This study used data from a survey of city government reporters at US metropolitan daily newspapers to test the 2008 Lowrey and Mackay model of occupational competition. The results indicate that as the quality of Internet competition (as perceived by the US city hall reporters) increased, reporters were more likely to report stories they might have missed and were more likely to increase the number of city government stories. This study also suggests that the perceptions of the reporters as well as the perceptions of editors play a role in the reaction to occupational competition and that city government reporters were affected more by the perceived quality of competitors' coverage than by the number of news outlets providing that coverage.  相似文献   

Broadcast statehouse reporters have higher production pressures and use more activity sources than do newspaper reporters. But like their newspaper colleagues, broadcast reporters perceive editorial injunctions for story background and interpretation, and seek reliable and expert sources.  相似文献   

Media convergence is happening around the world. This study looks at the current operation of a cable news station that produces 2 media products in 1 newsroom. It also explores the theoretical foundations of value creation in online news by examining how online news is selected, packaged, processed, and distributed. Observational results showed that media convergence still has a long way to go. More important, this study found several divides between the Web people and the news people, between the managers and the reporters, and between the news department and the advertising department. This article suggests that convergence would go more smoothly if stations would integrate Web producers into the newsroom; if reporters were given incentive to do extra work or if their daily work load were adjusted to give them time to file for the Web; and if the sales people better understood the value of the online product.  相似文献   

抗日战争时期,到中国采访的美国记者曾经一度和国民政府进行了密切的合作。他们向美国国内发回了中国军民奋勇抗战和侵华日军残酷暴行的新闻。但是随着时间的推移,国民政府所暴露出来的腐败无能和消极抗战又促使这些记者对事实的真相做了毫不留情地揭露,再加上他们对延安解放区的正面报道,终于导致美国来华记者与国民政府的合作走向了决裂。  相似文献   

延续叙事论(narrotology)与建构论(constructionism)的观点,本文旨在探讨想象是否在解读、撰述真实新闻故事时担负某些角色?其在不同时机与环节之新闻叙事功能与作用为何?本文从过去传播领域较少关注的角度切入想象议题藉以辨识其在新闻叙事可能具有之特征,试图厘清想象与创造性想象如何在思维运作,进而说明其在新闻采访与编写过程的可能作用。本文认为,想象既是先天具备的思维能力亦是除了记忆、情感外的特定思维类型。本文因而关切记者如何使用内在方法或思维策略来找线并撰写其采访所得,想象又如何与记忆、联想、意象等其他思维共同推动记者所规划并完成再现真实之转译工作。本文强调,新闻叙事包含了意识与想象相互运作之情境作用,而这个情境应属人们内在思维的建构,更是脑海中思维写作的程序。  相似文献   

Content analysis of 450 news stories broadcast by five Australian television networks over a period of one week indicated that men were generally over-represented as presenters, reporters, and expert sources. Female reporters predominated only in low-frequency, lower-ranked subjects. Although expert sources were mostly male, male and female reporters did not differ in their use of male or female sources. Despite increased participation of women in journalism, findings indicate a lasting association of men with higher status stories, source authority, sport, and hard news.  相似文献   

This study analyzes how the aggressiveness of China-based foreign reporters when questioning Chinese officials changed as a function of the macrolevel international media relations strategies of the Chinese government. Over the past decade, the Chinese government has increasingly relaxed regulatory policies for foreign reporters and gained knowledge of modern public relations, particularly media relations. This study found that the level of foreign reporters' aggressiveness did not decrease in a linear fashion but rather displayed a ‘V’ shape. Implications for future initiatives by the Chinese government regarding foreign reporters are also discussed.  相似文献   

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