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国内外民间组织管理的经验与启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王名 《学会》2006,(2):23-26
一、来自英国的经验在与民政部的几位同志赴英考察学习中,我觉得英国的经验对于中国,特别是对于我们下一步推进民间组织法律政策环境的改善应该有很好的参考意义。1、民间组织以社会公益为使命在英国,对民间组织一般不用“非营利组织”或“非政府组织”这样的概念,使用最多的是“慈善组织”的概念。英国强调民间组织的公益性的一面。通常我们把民间组织分为“公益性组织”和“互益性组织”。公益性组织比较好理解。互益性组织,比如行业协会是典型的互益性组织,它们面向会员、面向一定社会群体,以行业为边界,主要为同行业的企业家们提供互益…  相似文献   

基于项目特征和风险投资家的双重视角,建立了创业企业项目的两阶段融资序列模型,分析了联合风险投资结构下风险投资家的努力水平决策及其均衡解,研究了项目复杂性、联合风险投资结构与项目成功率的关系,研究表明:联合风险投资这种契约结构使得高成本的风险投资家提供低水平的努力,低成本的风险投资家提供高水平的努力;项目复杂性越低,所需要的异质性专长就越少,越有可能采取单独投资。项目复杂性越高,所需要的异质性专长就越多,越有可能采取联合风险投资;联合风险投资结构与风险投资家的努力水平交互影响项目成功率。  相似文献   

In this critical response to Charles Ess’ ‚Ethical Pluralism and Global Information Ethics’ presented in this Special Issue of Ethics and Information Technology, it is firstly argued that his account of pros hen pluralism can be more accurately reformulated as a three layered doctrine by separating one acceptance of diversity at a cultural level and another at an ethical theoretic level. Following this clarificatory section, the next section considers Ess’ political and sociological reasons for the necessity and desirability of pros hen pluralism, criticising the former reasons as social scientifically problematic, while elaborating on the latter as more persuasive. In the last section, I discuss how pros hen pluralism may be realised, making three arguments in particular. First, Ess’ requirement for sensitivity to cultural diversity is to be interpreted as differentiated and extended sensitivity. Second, his discussion of shared responses to central ethical problems is ambiguous and needs further elaboration and clarification. Third, his focus on dialogue and Socratic education is persuasive, although excessive optimism is not reasonable.  相似文献   

进一步增强我国科技期刊编辑界计量法观念的几点意见   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
根据我国期刊界贯彻执行国家法定计量单位和以ISO国际标准为蓝本的量和单位国家标准的现状,提出了进一步提高依法办刊认识,纠正学术界一些人对法定量和单位和单位国家标准的不正确认识,深入学习和研讨国家标准,正确执行标准计量法规等建议,推进期刊界执行国家标准的力度,提高科技期刊的质量。  相似文献   

产学研合作法律与政策瓶颈问题分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分析现有国家和地方法律(法规)及政策在促进产学研合作方面遇到的瓶颈,并提出解决思路,以支持产学研合作的规范和可持续发展。  相似文献   

Marc Bahlmann is assistant professor at VU University Amsterdam. He received his Ph.D. from the Faculty of Social Sciences (VU University) for a study on knowledge dynamics among IT entrepreneurs located in the Amsterdam IT and new media cluster. His current research interests include alliance portfolios, organizational and regional innovation.  相似文献   

In many extant analyses of the impact of non-reciprocal system of trade preferences it is typical to focus on the details of market access value of tariff concessions as explanation for why export of beneficiaries may or may not respond to incentives. Very often, the role that supply related factors can, and do play in the process is relegated to the background. This paper argues that the social absorption capability of a beneficiary's economy as expressed in her incumbent systems of innovation is a crucial determinant of export performance response. The experience of sub-Sahara African countries under the US African Growth and Opportunity Act apparel trade incentive is used as a classical illustration of this proposition. It is shown that the comparative efficiency of Lesotho, despite emerging from a relatively weak trade performance potential background, in recording the highest level of export success among beneficiaries of the scheme is a function of the relative efficiency of her systems of innovation.  相似文献   

基础研究导致重大技术创新的类型与规律探讨   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
曹伟  朱建业 《科学学研究》2002,20(4):337-342
随着现代科技的发展 ,科学与技术的联系日趋紧密 ,这使得基础研究的重要性愈益受到重视。通过对一个多世纪来基础研究导致的重大技术创新的案例进行分析后发现 ,它们可划分为六种不同类型 ,每一种类型都有其特征 ,且体现出一定的内在规律。  相似文献   

考察各国内部的数字治理格局,在认清现状的基础上,厘清其各自的内在生成逻辑,对于中国更好参与国际数字化发展而言至关重要。文章利用数字生态视角对中国、美国、欧盟(以下简称“中美欧”)内部数字治理格局进行了比较研究,试图阐明中美欧各自的数字生态发展模式,并分析发展模式与其数字规制体系之间的关系。研究发现,美国形成全要素领先的发展模式及以鼓励创新为核心的规制体系;欧盟国家多元的发展模式影响欧盟层面形成了以市场建构为核心的规制体系;中国的发展模式表现出应用驱动的特征,规制体系以发展与安全为双核心。文章据此对中国如何优化调整自身数字规制体系,转型升级自身数字生态发展模式提出建议。  相似文献   

The average level crossing rate (LCR) and average fading duration (AFD) criterions are applied to analyze the selection combining (SC) diversity for wireless communication systems over correlated-Rayleigh and correlated-Rice fading in this paper. The scenarios of the fading channel models are characterized as 4 generalized and experimental distributions, e.g., Rayleigh, Rice, Nakagami-m, and Weibull distributed statistics. Moreover, both of independent and correlated proprieties between branches are also involved for consideration. For purpose of unifying and clarifying the average LCR and AFD performance formulas results from the evaluation for SC diversity, it is not only the results from our research presented, but some of the published results are also cited and illustrated by numerical evaluation again in this study.  相似文献   

提高我国科技创新治理能力,具有赋能经济增长转型和推动打造经济高质量发展战略高地、引领经济高质量开放发展的时代价值.廓清提高科技创新治理能力的内在动力机制包括科技创新的动力协同驱动机制、投入产出互动机制以及产学研协同创新与科技创新成果转移转化机制.在此基础上,通过构建科技创新治理能力评价指标体系,评价2008-2018年...  相似文献   

Quorum sensing and chemotaxis both affect bacterial behavior on the population level. Chemotaxis shapes the spatial distribution of cells, while quorum sensing realizes a cell-density dependent gene regulation. An interesting question is if these mechanisms interact on some level: Does quorum sensing, a density dependent process, affect cell density itself via chemotaxis? Since quorum sensing often spans across species, such a feedback mechanism may also exist between multiple species. We constructed a microfluidic platform to study these questions. A flow-free, stable linear chemical gradient is formed in our device within a few minutes that makes it suitable for sensitive testing of chemoeffectors: we showed that the amino acid lysine is a weak chemoattractant for Escherichia coli, while arginine is neutral. We studied the effect of quorum sensing signal molecules of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on E. coli chemotaxis. Our results show that N-(3-oxododecanoyl)-homoserine lactone (oxo-C12-HSL) and N-(butryl)-homoserine lactone (C4-HSL) are attractants. Furthermore, we tested the chemoeffector potential of pyocyanin and pyoverdine, secondary metabolites under a quorum sensing control. Pyocyanin is proved to be a weak attractant while pyoverdine are repellent. We demonstrated the usability of the device in co-culturing experiments, where we showed that various factors released by P. aeruginosa affect the dynamic spatial rearrangement of a neighboring E. coli population, while surface adhesion of the cells is also modulated.  相似文献   

本文运用1970年到2008年的年度数据建立计量模型检验中国、日本和美国的内外部失衡的因果关系,Johansen协整检验显示各变量之间存在长期均衡的协整关系.基于误差修正模型的Granger因果检验结果发现:(1)日本的内部失衡是中国内部失衡的Granger原因,呈现短期替代和长期互补效应;(2)在长期和短期,中美和日美贸易失衡是中国内部失衡的Granger原因,并呈现不同的效应方向.然而,在模型中,日本的内部失衡具有外生性;(3)美国的内部失衡是中美贸易失衡的Granger原因,并伴随着短期正效应和长期负效应,可以推断,美国的内部失衡间接的导致了中国的内部失衡,在一定程度上,存在大国效应.  相似文献   

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