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分析高校图书馆特藏资源建设的意义,总结了特藏资源建设的四种途径,以中国民航大学享誉业界的波音和空客特藏室为例,结合这两个特藏室的优缺点以及对我校教学和科研中所取得的效益,探讨了图书馆与企业合作共建特藏资源的方式和方法,以期能对高校图书馆建设特藏资源提供借鉴。  相似文献   

特藏文献资源是衡量图书馆及所在高校文化传统和特色的重要指标。加强特藏资源的有效著录与揭示,将特藏文献融入本馆的资源体系,提高特藏资源的利用率,是高校图书馆特藏资源建设的重要工作之一。文章结合浙江大学图书馆艺术与考古外文特藏资源建设实践,分析高校图书馆纸质特藏资源著录与揭示中的经验与不足,探讨其中存在的问题,包括目录管理与检索、文献著录与揭示、资源收藏与利用、宣传推广与服务营销等,引发思考并提出建议。  相似文献   

采用网络检索法调查39所"985工程"高校图书馆利用特藏资源进行创新素质教育情况。分析高校图书馆利用校史资源、传统文化、专题特色数据库对培养大学生创新人格、激发创新思维、积累创新知识的重要作用;总结了利用特藏资源进行创新素质教育的效益。提出开发特藏资源为创新素质教育服务的途径:拓展特藏部职责,开展特色服务;举办宣传推介活动;建立特藏IC空间;特藏资源共建共享,建立全国大学生创新数据库。参考文献6。  相似文献   

在数字资源以购买为主、同质化严重、费用昂贵背景下,数字特藏资源的建设给图书馆带来发展机遇,并且国内高校图书馆在CADAL与CALIS等大型数字化项目中积累了不少数字特藏,然而在特藏资源支持教学科研以及文化传承方面还需要不断探索,需要打破信息孤岛,从而释放数字特藏资源巨大价值。本研究从数字特藏平台基本信息、图书馆主页入口、揭示方式、开放程度、资源类型以及包含中文资源情况等方面出发,对全球100所知名高校的图书馆进行调查分析,构建特藏资源与图书馆主页流量之间的广义线性预测模型,挖掘高校图书馆特藏资源的建设现状与未来发展方向,为我国高校图书馆特藏资源建设提供参考。  相似文献   

国内外高校图书馆特藏资源组织现状探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的/意义]探讨国内外高校图书馆特藏资源组织现状,为探索更为合适的特藏资源知识组织模式奠定基础。[方法/过程]根据QS世界大学排行榜选定56所国内外高校图书馆作为研究对象,在线调查其网站所列特藏资源的名称、范围、类型以及所用描述元数据类型,并进行检索使用。[结果/结论]目前,图书馆特藏资源组织极其不规范,无论是特藏资源分类,还是自建元数据,以及特藏资源的关联与开放获取,都无法满足特藏资源服务的现实需求。建议未来引入关联数据技术对图书馆特藏资源按照主题进行聚合组织。  相似文献   

特藏资源是图书馆最可珍视的资源,唯有特色化和个性化的馆藏资源成为图书馆持续发展的要素和生存基础.本文通过网络调研台湾地区图书馆特藏资源开放共享现状,以期学习、借鉴台湾地区特藏资源共享开放的先进理念和成熟经验,给中国内地高校图书馆特藏资源建设和发展以启迪.  相似文献   

在介绍美国康奈尔大学图书馆珍稀资源与手稿部概况的基础上,探讨了该部门为用户提供的咨询服务、教学支持服务、阅览和复制服务以及展览服务,进一步总结了该部门多元化的服务对于国内高校图书馆特藏资源服务的启示,包括树立主动服务的理念和意识、主动融入教学、专门创建功能强大的特藏主页,该部门在用户服务中的一些细节也值得借鉴。  相似文献   

特藏资源是图书馆最可珍视的资源。特藏推广的独特价值在于,以"有形"资源之推广,促"无形"文化之传播。以特藏推广为载体,不仅可以促进特藏资源的利用,而且有利于图书馆服务品牌的塑造和文化价值的传播,特藏推广可以成为带动图书馆全局工作的战略。特藏推广要以高质量的资源建设为基础,通过制定完善的推广计划,辅以专业的服务以及多样化的推广方式,并以制度作保障,将深度整合图书馆的资源,带动图书馆整体服务水平的发展,而实现特藏资源的共建共享则是特藏推广的终极目标。  相似文献   

深度挖掘特藏资源的价值是提高特藏资源利用率的重要途径之一。当前,特藏资源的宣传推广材料多为大段文字和文献的照片,鲜有可视化的图片。为解决这一局限性,将知识图谱工具VOSviewer引入特藏资源建设领域,通过可视化分析充分展示特藏资源的亮点、重点和全景,以促进读者使用特藏资源。首先,利用Excel数据整理功能,将特藏资源数据文件改写为与WOS纯文本数据文件主要字段一致的过渡性文件;其次,通过自编Python程序,将过渡性文件转换为VOSviewer支持的WOS纯文本数据文件,从而实现对特藏资源数据的作者分布、出版社分布、出版地合作和术语共现分析。通过实证分析可知,该方法效果良好,可以为特藏资源的深度挖掘提供新的思路,具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国高等教育不断深化改革,以及高校“双一流”建设工程项目的推进,高校图书馆特藏资源建设越来越受重视。数字人文是信息技术与人文科学相互融合的产物。数字人文的发展更是为高校图书馆特藏资源建设提供了良好的研究范式。高校图书馆作为支撑科学研究的知识存储、信息服务的重要机构,其积累、存储的数字资源和高度结构化、规范化的元数据记录,是数字人文项目开展的数据基础。基于此,本文阐述了数字人文背景下特藏资源的内涵与发展状况,分析了数字人文背景下高校图书馆特藏资源的主要作用,论述了数字人文背景下高校图书馆特藏资源建设策略。  相似文献   


Special academic libraries are in the unique position to blend the innovative and user focused services of academic libraries with the niche collections of special libraries when serving their Millennial student population. Millennials are a highly researched generation, but special libraries may have not updated their services to reflect the needs and expectations of this rising generation. Maine Maritime Academy's Nutting Memorial Library serves as a case study of methods in which special academic libraries can incorporate Millennials' expectations of library spaces, services, and collections in sustainable ways.  相似文献   

Outreach programs remain essential in fostering the use of library collections and services. A review of one hundred seventy-four papers on academic library outreach from 2008 to January 2019 highlighted the popularity of these programs during this period as well as the identification of five themes. These themes point to the importance of library outreach to targeted groups, the popularity of specialized library outreach programs, the need for collaboration in fostering outreach efforts, the benefits of managing these programs and the use of social media for library outreach. Foremost, these materials highlight opportunities and challenges for librarians in providing library outreach in academic institutions.  相似文献   


Budget constraints in academic libraries have led them to seek alternative means of providing patrons with articles without subscribing to every journal requested. In order to determine how academic libraries were doing this for business articles, a study was conducted of selected academic libraries at universities offering MBA degrees. The results of the study indicate that academic libraries use a combination of ways to obtain business articles that are not held in their collections. In addition to traditional interlibrary loan, libraries are providing access to full text databases, subscribing to electronic journals and using commercial document delivery services. This article examines the influence that technology and, especially the Internet, has had on the ability to offer patrons quicker, and often better, access than ever before. In spite of tight budgets, academic libraries are finding innovative ways to fund these services in order to provide timely service to their business faculty and students.  相似文献   

高校合并后,图书馆信息资源收藏范围和藏书结构都发生了相应变化,读者信息需求也有所不同。为了充分满足合校后读者的需求,更好地为读者服务,文章在对读者需求进行调查分析的基础上,提出了对各馆馆藏资源进行整体优化组合、突出特色、数字化处理及加强宣传等相应的对策。  相似文献   


For the past several years, the adoption of social media platforms has increased significantly as academic libraries have emphasized the importance of finding new ways to promote collections and services. Recently, many libraries have embraced Historypin and Pinterest because of their specific focus on images. This article examines the impact of these platforms on digital libraries and explains how each affects the discovery and access of digital collections.  相似文献   

Collection stewardship responsibilities of academic librarians continue to be supported by approval plans, large e-resource packages, and material leasing programs. But while those technologies and programs can save time, librarians still find it challenging to engage with in-depth collection projects like systematic weeding, evaluation, and use analysis. At the same time, student employees are seeking opportunities for experiential learning and acquiring skills translatable to the professional world. The authors suggest some creative ways to match librarians’ collection needs and students’ job expectations by providing opportunities for these employees to collaborate with librarians in the management, development, and marketing of collections.  相似文献   

Digitized special collections and institutional repositories present unique challenges to libraries struggling to identify marketing strategies that will entice patrons to these services. These collections, which do not have the same mass appeal as full-text articles or author book readings, still must attract use. This case study explores an academic library’s attempts to actively market its digital special collections. They advertised their collections via published marketing materials, a library services fair, and a photography contest. The results were that high-quality, intense, marketing for a general population does not work for specialized digital collections because the subject areas are too narrow for general interest. The scope of the audience was also misplaced since the collections had a greater market outside the university than with the local students. The authors looked at digital special collections that were successful to see what worked to market collections to outside users. They found that collections that were connected to external resources that were affiliated with different interest groups were successful with minimal marketing. The method of linking collections to Wikipedia was identified as a simple and effective method that was more effective than linking the collection to more niche sites. The authors conclude that academic libraries should utilize more focused, community-connecting approaches in order to engage the specialized patrons of digital special collections.  相似文献   

介绍了商场促销的主要手段,然后通过商场促销手段与高校图书馆读者服务工作之间的对比,选择了对高校图书馆读者服务工作有借鉴作用的商场促销方式,分析其应用在图书馆读者服务工作中的方式和作用,希望对目前高校图书馆的读者服务工作带来一定的变革,使图书馆读者服务工作更加人性化、更具主动性。  相似文献   

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