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The transition from teacher training into the teaching profession is seen to be key in the biography of a teacher. Yet there is a lack of enquiry into the development of the content knowledge (CK) and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) held by teachers at the end of their education, and into the significance of this knowledge for situational and behavioural cognition. On the basis of data from the international comparative study TEDS-M 2008 and the Germany-based 2012 follow-up, this contribution investigates the knowledge and skills development of teachers during the transition from teacher training to the teaching profession in a four-year longitudinal study with n = 171 mathematics teachers. Three test formats (paper-and-pencil, video-vignettes and speed tests) are used to examine various indicators for teacher expertise. In addition to the analysis of changes in mathematical CK and PCK levels, path analysis is used to determine the extent to which this knowledge functions as a predictor for the perception and interpretation of classroom situations, the decision-making in these situations, and the quick identification of student mistakes. The results show only small changes in the group mean (for MCK there is a small loss, whereas MPCK remains constant), but high fluctuation (i. e. weak correlation) in the MPCK ranking between the two measurement occasions, pointing to differential learning effects gained from teaching practice. There are also significant differences in predictability: MCK is important for the speed indicators of teacher expertise; MCK and MPCK for the perception and interpretation of situations, and for the generation of action strategies. These findings can on the one hand help to facilitate the evaluation of beginning teachers’ need for support and, on the other hand, they indicate the necessity for the early integration of practice-based elements into teacher training programmes with the aim of developing PCK and related skills.  相似文献   

Because of the forced reductions in state activities that are observed worldwide as a result of the increasingly unrestricted growth of competition, national public institutions of education are under escalating pressure. Both in basic and in higher education, a creeping process of privatization is occurring, while more and more of the costs of education are being passed on to the citizen. This applies to both industrialized countries such as Germany, and to Turkey. The international dimension of this subversive process, which is also drastically affecting the prospects for academic research, is seldom critically addressed in eduational discourse. Instead, the field is dominated by a high-brow attitude to the globalization process which sees it as helping to promote world citizenship.  相似文献   

Steigende Studierendenzahlen, knappe ?ffentliche Budgets und neue Anforderungen an die universit?re Ausbildung erfordern eine permanente Reflexion und gegebenenfalls entsprechende Anpassungen an Finanzierungsmodelle. Die internationale Praxis zeigt dabei eine Vielzahl von alternativ ausgestalteten Modellvarianten und -kombinationen, wobei die Studienplatzfinanzierung ein international weit verbreitetes Modell darstellt. Dieser Beitrag fasst die wesentlichsten Ergebnisse einer vom Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung in diesem Zusammenhang beauftragten Studie zusammen. Gezeigt werden neben den Grundlagen einer Studienplatzfinanzierung die aktuellen internationalen Trends, ein systematischer L?ndervergleich sowie m?gliche Konsequenzen einer etwaigen Implementierung in ?sterreich.  相似文献   

Natural sciences are an educational topic in kindergartens. At the same time, little is known about how to promote and facilitate the learning of natural sciences for children in kindergarten. This contribution reports on a quasi-experimental study with 245 children, which compares the learning situations ‘experiments’ with ‘discussions on the relevance of the natural sciences in daily life’. Three experimental groups, in which the learning situations were varied, where compared with a control and a baseline group. Children in the last year of kindergarten took part in three 90-minute learning settings on the topics ‘melting and freezing water’, ‘evaporation and condensation of water’ and ‘solubility and insolubility in water’. Learning gains were measured using a pre-post-design with a Rasch-scaling. Cognitive performance and family background were controlled for. A significant benefit in comparison to the control and baseline groups could only be found for a combination of both learning situations.  相似文献   

The human rights-based orientation embedded in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which mandates inclusive education for all students and counts segregation as discrimination, poses fundamental challenges to institutionalized (special) education systems. However, it does so to different extents, with the Nordic countries having the most inclusive systems worldwide. This analysis contrasts the challenges and opportunities regarding the institutional transformation of special education and inclusive education in Germany, Iceland and Sweden. We address the questions: How do these countries provide educational supports for students considered to have special educational needs? What perspectives can be derived for the implementation of inclusive education, especially for Germany, which is still among the most segregated systems in Europe, from such comparative analysis? The study reveals key differences in three institutional dimensions that hinder or enable inclusive education ? educational ideals and disability paradigms, organizational forms, and regulations.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the extent to which changing school forms in secondary school is dependent not only on a student’s school grades, but also on the migration status and educational aspirations of their parents. Based on a cohort (N?=?4219) of school students from one school year in Luxemburg, we were able to show that throughout the lower secondary school, the grade average played a decisive role in the move to a different school form. Furthermore, students with a migration background were shown to have similar chances as students from Luxemburg of moving upwards to a higher school form, yet were less likely to move downwards. However, this phenomenon could essentially be explained by the fact that students with a migration background are not as highly represented in the higher school forms as are students from Luxemburg. Independent of migration status and school grades, parental educational aspirations played a decisive role change between school forms. High educational aspirations facilitated the move to a higher school form, while low educational aspirations correlated with moving to a lower school form.  相似文献   

The lack of secondary school students’ motivation in mathematics lessons poses a great challenge. According to the Expectancy-Value Model (Eccles et al., Achievement and achievement motives: psychological and sociological approaches, New York, Freeman, S. 75–146, 1983), teacher and classmates influence students’ value beliefs. Using data of 1868 ninth grade students and their 72 math teachers, this study was designed to assess the association of several indicators of relevance-oriented teaching strategies and of perceived classmates’ math valuing with students’ value beliefs in mathematics. Two-level linear regression analyses provided evidence that the student-rated practical focus of math lessons predicted students’ intrinsic, attainment, utility, and cost value mainly at the individual level; student-rated classmates’ math valuing was associated with students’ value perceptions more strongly at the class level. Over the course of six months, these effects increased at the individual but not at the class level. Teacher-reported effort to establish connections between math and other domains was positively associated with students’ attainment and cost value. Teacher-rated use of daily life examples led to a decrease in students’ cost value over the course of six months.  相似文献   

Pestalozzi’s international reputation relates closely to the ‘invention’ of his method. Until now historiography has characterized the Burgdorf and Yverdon period as the culminating point of Pestalozzi’s career as educator. This traditional approach causes a rather partial view of this period of his life. However, contextualizing primarily Pestalozzi’s correspondence leads to a new insight: his school projects are strongly connected with other private Swiss or European projects on subjects such as school development and school reform.  相似文献   

Family is the central place of socialization during childhood and adolescence. What are the determining factors of family life that are important for the health of children and adolescents and in which stages of their life do these factors take effect? The question is answered with reference to the general health of children and adolescents as rated by their parents. The analysis is conducted with data from the KiGGS study 2003–2006 which is representative of Germany (n?=?17641, age: 0–17 years). The gender-specific effects of different family factors on good health are analysed in five age groups using binary logistic regression analysis including structural, socioeconomic and origin-related factors of family as well as housing conditions and family cohesion. Bivariate analysis indicates significant effects on general health for almost all included factors (at least in some age groups). Multivariate analysis shows family cohesion to be the most important factor for good health. In boys a bilateral migration background also has an adverse effect on good general health until the beginning of adolescence.  相似文献   

It is the task of the Institute to produce audio-visual aids for all kinds of schools, youth and adult education and to develop educational equipment for the introduction of these aids. This task makes it essential that information reaches the public. To be able to plan the production in such a way that it meets the demands of the schools, youth and adult education establishments, the Institute needs a flow of information from the public. To convert the information thus obtained into production, it has to be collated in the Institute.  相似文献   

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