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The next generation of professors will come from today’s graduate students and post-doctoral fellows, but we do not know much about their preparation to use research-validated teaching practices. This study characterizes the teaching beliefs of graduate students and post-doctoral fellows who represent future geoscience instructors though we believe the implications go well beyond one discipline. We analyzed results from more than 600 participants who completed the Beliefs about Reformed Teaching and Learning (BARSTL) survey and a subpopulation of sixty participants who responded to the Teacher Belief Interview (TBI). We compared teaching beliefs on the basis of several factors including gender, teaching assistant experiences, and participation in professional development.  相似文献   


A theoretical framework based on cognitive/developmental research is described. It is argued that science learning is a gradual process during which initial conceptual structures based on children's interpretations of everyday experience are continuously enriched and restructured. Conceptual change also involves increased metaconceptual awareness, cognitive flexibility, and theoretical coherence. Some of the implications of this research for the development of science curricula and for instruction are discussed. It is also argued that while cognitive/developmental research can provide us with important information about the process of learning science, it does not provide much information about the external, environmental variables that can facilitate cognitive performance and conceptual change. What is needed in the future is the development of a theory of learning that bridges science education and cognitive/developmental research. Such a theory should specify the mechanisms that can take an individual from one level of cognitive performance to the next and relate them to situational and cultural factors.  相似文献   

Speech, Language and the New Curriculum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The National Curriculum provides a stimulus for teachers and speech and language therapists to work together but issues of assessment need to be tackled next. Carol Miller, Faculty of Education and Continuing Studies, Birmingham University, reports on interviews with 13 teachers about the National Curriculum.  相似文献   

在长期的艰难迁徙过程中,妇女的传宗接代、繁衍人口的重要职责及客家妇女劳动能力强的特点使妇女在客家人心里有着较高的地位。另一方面,传统的男权思想及对女性生理的误解又使妇女受到一定程度的歧视,这就使得客家妇女在礼俗中处于一种尴尬境地:既尊贵又卑微。  相似文献   

辅导员工作是高等学校学生思想政治教育工作的一支重要力量,是学生班集体的组织者、管理者、教育者和指导者,肩负着为社会主义现代化建设培养建设者和接班人的重任.稳定和提高高校辅导员队伍整体素质,高校辅导员工作专业化、职业化、规范化是一个十分重要和有效的方面。  相似文献   

价值观的濡化作用体现为时间上的连续性,使得某一群体的核心价值观、思想意识、行为方式能够绵延不断地传给下一代,推进并最终实现核心价值观的薪火相传、世代延续。代际公正正确地反映了人们生存和社会可持续发展的本质需要和客观要求,是社会从代内和谐向代际和谐延展的晴雨表,是推动上一代价值观有效传承给下一代并最终与社会主义核心价值观无缝对接的系统工程。  相似文献   

This broad overview of progress in our understanding of Down syndrome and of the problems it presents for children affected by it was prompted by the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Down Syndrome Research Program at the Fred and Eleanor Schonell Special Education Research Centre, The University of Queensland. This internationally‐acclaimed program has focused on many aspects of development in Down syndrome and on how Down syndrome impacts on the lives of children and their families. Some of the many contributions the Schonell team have made to our knowledge of Down syndrome are covered in other papers in this special issue and will also be mentioned below. In evaluating the role of this work, however, it is important to put it into context. This paper therefore provides a brief‐‐and necessarily selective‐‐ account of some past and present findings from research into Down syndrome and makes some tentative suggestions as to what may be important avenues of investigation for the next generation of researchers.  相似文献   

This paper examines the importance of ‘self-determination’ and ‘hard work’ found within interviews with a group of young people in Manchester, England. The author suggests that moments of apparent contradiction within the interviews have much to offer, particularly when analysed in relation to discussions of inequality and political economy. Data from this paper show that while the young people mostly spoke about work choices in primarily individualistic ways, they used the recession as a means to acknowledge that acquiring jobs simply cannot just be about ‘choice’ or working hard, but is also configured by the market and structural inequality.  相似文献   

继任班级辅导员工作的开展是学生管理工作的难点,本文探讨了继任班级辅导员工作开展的四条有效途径,既是经验的总结,又具有一定的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

青少年学生言语欺凌行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
言语欺凌行为不仅伤害了同伴,也伤害了自己,导致青少年学生对个体生命的漠视,甚至将孕育会欺凌的下一代。而其言语欺凌行为的发生既受社会认知、个体情绪、人格特征等个体因素的制约,也受家庭、校园、社会以及情境等环境因素的影响。我们要通过实施环境干预,解决欺凌问题,加强心理健康教育,展开对话与合作,开展生命教育等一系列措施,以矫正和减少言语欺凌行为。  相似文献   

Sixty-five years after the liberation of Auschwitz, Holocaust education is at a critical juncture. Societies including Germany and Israel have moved through several discrete stages both in their relationships to the Holocaust, and in education about it. Those shifts will surely continue as the generation of survivors is progressively lost to the passage of time, taking with them our most powerful links to history, memory, and understanding. This special issue explores Holocaust education research, and locates it within our evolving understanding of the Holocaust itself, particularly in light of what is being learned within Central and Eastern Europe, where so many of the atrocities were committed. This introduction considers the potential of Holocaust education as well as its limitations, and the risks of its failure. It also considers the contexts in which Holocaust education takes place, and the meanings that are at work in those contexts. While many goals and visions animate Holocaust education, here we explore the notion of a culture of peace and remembrance. We close with a review of the contributions to this issue.  相似文献   

下一代网络将是基于软交换的通信网络。对OSPF路由技术进行了考察,对软交换系统进行了讨论,对下一代网络的智能化进行了分析。指出传统光通信网络向下一代光网络演进的步伐正在加速。在下一代网络中,智能化是其重要基础条件之一。  相似文献   

This study examines the views of future teachers of social studies regarding significant global trends, required citizen characteristics, and necessary educational strategies to develop the said characteristics. The study builds upon the landmark work of the nine-nation Citizenship Education Policy Study (CEPS I) carried out in the late 1990s that resulted in the model calledmultidimensional citizenship. The original work focused on the views of policy makers and scholars. The present research, CEPS II, is a follow-up study that seeks to determine the views of the next generation of those who will teach citizenship and civic education through social studies programs in seven participant societies: China, Hong Kong SAR, Japan, The Netherlands, Taiwan, Thailand and the United States of America. The results suggest that the future teachers, when compared with the policy experts and scholars in the original CEPS I study, are more optimistic about the future and are more oriented towards personal development and participatory behaviors that will positively impact the common good.  相似文献   

The C.R.E.A.T.E. (Consider, Read, Elucidate hypotheses, Analyze and interpret data, Think of the next Experiment) method uses intensive analysis of primary literature in the undergraduate classroom to demystify and humanize science. We have reported previously that the method improves students' critical thinking and content integration abilities, while at the same time enhancing their self-reported understanding of "who does science, and why." We report here the results of an assessment that addressed C.R.E.A.T.E. students' attitudes about the nature of science, beliefs about learning, and confidence in their ability to read, analyze, and explain research articles. Using a Likert-style survey administered pre- and postcourse, we found significant changes in students' confidence in their ability to read and analyze primary literature, self-assessed understanding of the nature of science, and epistemological beliefs (e.g., their sense of whether knowledge is certain and scientific talent innate). Thus, within a single semester, the inexpensive C.R.E.A.T.E. method can shift not just students' analytical abilities and understanding of scientists as people, but can also positively affect students' confidence with analysis of primary literature, their insight into the processes of science, and their beliefs about learning.  相似文献   

多肽结构与功能相互关系的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多肽在生物体内具有多种重要的生理功能,涉及激素、神经和细胞因子、免疫和生殖等多个领域。多肽的构象决定其功能,针对多肽的构象与功能之间关系的研究日趋重要。多肽构象与功能相互关系的研究方法也成为研究的热点。  相似文献   

浅析路由器原理及路由协议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
要认真分析路由器的基本工作原理、功能,给出路由协议的概念,探讨目前最常见的RIP、OSPF和BGP这几种路由协议,描述了路由算法的设计目标和种类,着重介绍了链路状态法和距离向量法,分析了新一代路由器的特征。  相似文献   

The global warming issues were discussed in Part 1 of this series of articles. This part describes the different solar energy technologies that are available for generating electricity to meet our daily power requirement. The article focuses on different kinds of materials that can be used to make the photovoltaic cells. The most common photovoltaic cells are made with monocrystalline or polycrystalline silicon. The next generation photovoltaic cells are thin film based. The high efficiency multijunction and concentrated solar cell technologies are also introduced in this article. The concept of power generation using solar thermal energy is explained. In the Indian scenario, there are about 250–300 sunny days in most parts of the country. A brief summary of the solar sector achievements in the country is given.  相似文献   


In this article we draw on actor-network theory (ANT) in order to challenge the methodological and empirical orthodoxies of anthropocentrism and interactionism that have long informed dominant discourses of ethnographic work. We use ANT to open new possibilities for understanding education as emergent in relational fields where non-human forces are as equally necessary as and possess an agency equivalent to, human forces: the principle of symmetry. We argue that this generates important conceptual as well as political possibilities in constituting different possible outcomes in the accomplishment of ethnographies of education. We draw attention to the problematic of the decentring of the human subject and the critical investigation of the interface between people and objects that frame this special issue, and also propose a methodological response framed by a commitment to empirical research through ethnography as well as a theoretical response framed by relational materialism, operationalised here through recourse to ANT.  相似文献   

Ethics is very much in the news today and on the minds of those who teach and/or train current and future professionals to work successfully in today's workplaces. While there seems to be agreement that organizations need to address the topic of ethics, there is also a concern about how best to proceed. Ethics and compliance offices, professional codes, ethics conferences, institutes, and centers, formal and informal ethics courses, and ethics hotlines are only some of the ways in which organizations have responded to the need for ethics preparedness. The diversity of our organizations and the global nature of our economy demands attention to multicultural/international issues as well. In this review, we examine the diverse body of literature research that explores teaching and training practices used to address ethical issues in corporations and institutions of higher education and include a special focus on multicultural environments. We discuss implications for PI professionals and propose a research agenda.  相似文献   

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