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印制电路板(printed circuit board,PCB)是电子设备内部电子元件的主要载体。PCB设计和加工工艺是高校电子类专业学生必须掌握的专业技能,但是专业工厂批量加工PCB的工艺并不适合在高校实验室使用。给出了一种适合在校学生快速制作PCB的工艺路线,重点解决了"一图一板"加工中绿油阻焊膜和元器件标志快速印制的难题。  相似文献   

A mechanical separation process was developed for recovering metals from printed circuit board (PCB) scrap; it included three steps: impact crushing, sieving and fluidization separation. The mechanism of the technique was based on the difference in the crushabilities of metallic and nonmetallic materials in the PCBs that led to the concentrated distribution of metals in particles of larger sizes and nonmetals mostly in particles of smaller sizes. It was found that crushed PCB particles from 0.125 mm to 1.000 mm contained about 80% of metals in the PCBs. Metals acquired satisfactory liberation in particles smaller than 0.800 mm. The crushed PCB particles were sieved into fractions of different size ranges. Each fraction separately went through a gas-solid fluidized bed operating at a selected optimal gas velocity for the specific size range. Approximately 95% of metals in printed circuit board particles from 0.125 mm to 0.800 mm was recovered by the gas-fluidized bed separator at the selected optimal gas velocity. However, separation of metals from particles smaller than 0.125 mm was not satisfactory. Further study is needed on metal recovery from fine particles.  相似文献   

利用先进的电化学系统,通过测定铜-银电偶电流,分别对有无络合剂条件下印刷电路板浸镀银的沉积速度进行测定,并将测定结果与常规的容量滴定法进行对比.结果表明,与常规的容量滴定法相比,采用电偶电流法测定浸镀银的沉积速度,不仅直观、方便、速度快,而且能进行在线检测,有利于及时对印刷电路板的浸银工艺进行调整.  相似文献   

Epoxy resin laminate onto which a pair of copper foil was printed was employed as test samples.The samples were placed in an artificial atmospheric chamber, which was vacuumed by a rotary pump from 100 kPa to 5 kPa.The magnetic field was produced by permanent magnets that were assembled to make E×B drift away from, into and parallel to the sample surface, respectively.Magnetic flux density was adjusted at 120 mT, 180 mT and 240 mT respectively.By applying a negative bias voltage between the electrodes, the time to surface breakdown was recorded.Obtained results show that when E×B is into the surface, the time to the breakdown is shortened;when E×B is away from the surface, the time to the breakdown is delayed;when E×B is parallel to the surface, the time to the breakdown remains approximately the same as the case without magnetic field.With the decrease of pressure, the time to the breakdown increases and the effect of magnetic field on breakdown appears to be strengthened.  相似文献   

印刷线路板回收工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从印刷线路板组成材料的复杂性入手,结合中国电子废弃物的产生现状说明了印刷线路板回收利用的重要意义.分析了现在常用的几种线路板回收工艺的主要特点,并重点介绍了机械物理法、化学法和热裂解法的工艺特点,相关研究现状与发展趋势.  相似文献   

高速ADC电路的电磁兼容设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对高速ADC电路设计的特点,重点讨论了包含高速ADC的硬件电路设计中印刷电路板布局时所必须引起注意的电磁兼容问题,包括数字地和模拟地、数字电源和模拟电源的隔离,ADC输入信号、输出信号的处理以及采样时钟的处理等,并给出了一个成功布局的例子。  相似文献   

在自行设计的流化床实验台上进行废纸热解实验研究.当热解温度从400℃升高到700℃时,固体残渣产率从36%降低到18%,而热解油、热解气产率分别从19%增加到30%和9%增加到42%.实验的质量平衡达到80%~95%.各温度下,液体产物特性相似,热值都为10 MJ/kg左右,说明在此温度范围内,热解反应机理相似.当反应温度从500℃提高到600℃以上时,热解气产量几乎提高一倍,其中CO2与CO产量分别从大约70L/kg提高到230L/kg和50L/kg提高到l06L/kg;而温度从600℃提高到700℃时,热解气产量仅提高5%.研究表明,热解油的二次裂解会影响热解气产量.  相似文献   

Protel99SE是一门实践性比较强的课程,在学习使用它设计电路板时会出现很多问题,对于初学者更是会感到无从下手。如果不能解决这些问题,设计工作就难以顺利地进行下去。因此如何避免画图时的常见错误,是我们在画图中应多加注意的。就学习过程中的常见问题及其对策提出了一些看法,以使学习者在短时间内相对熟练地掌握Protel软件。  相似文献   

利用传输线理论定量分析印刷电路板印制线的传输特性 ,为印刷电路板的布线设计提供依据 .  相似文献   

运用物理雕刻的线路板制作系统的研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首先介绍了传统的印制电路板的制作方法,接着介绍了自主开发的基于物理雕刻的PCB制作系统的原理,该系统把用户定义的PROTEL文件通过计算机控制输出到雕刻机,在空白的覆铜板上把不必要的铜泊铣去,形成用户定制的线路板,非常适合电子类学校进行线路板制作的课程实验。  相似文献   

The pyrolysis behaviors of corn stalk(CS) and pine sawdust(PS) were investigated with thermogravimetry-mass spectroscopy(TG-MS).The peak temperature of PS was higher and the main decomposition region shifted to higher temperature compared with CS,which implied that the hemicellulose and cellulose of PS were more thermally stable than those of CS.However,the hemicellulose and cellulose of PS were more easily decomposed into gaseous products than those of CS during pyrolysis.The pyrolysis process of biomass can be described by a two-step independent first-order kinetic model.This fundamental study provides a basic insight into the biomass pyrolysis,which is beneficial for understanding the pyrolysis mechanism of biomass and developing an advanced thermal process for effective utilization of biomass.  相似文献   

真空断路器的参数采集接口电路是为主系统需要采集机械信号参量的重要的电接口。本文提出了一种设计接口电路的方法。通过这种方案设计的接口电路,将感兴趣的机械参量转换成电信号,便于为系统采集和处理。  相似文献   

目前在10kV及以下电压等级配电网络中,真空断路器已逐步取代油断路。在无油化改造过程中发挥了积极作用。但使用过程中也应注意几个问题,使它的优越性得到充分发挥。  相似文献   

详细阐述了555定时交流开关电路板的设计过程,解决了设计过程中元件封装与要求不符或不存在的问题。并且同时给出了印刷电路板设计的一般过程。  相似文献   

喷纳线路板是一种零污染、零排放、全数字加工的线路板.不用覆铜板、不用腐蚀、不用水、不用感光显影、不用制网版就能将导电线路制作在树脂板、塑胶板、玻璃板、陶瓷板和PET、PI薄膜等绝缘材质上.经电路实测应用,完全达到使用标准.只需将CAD线路图输入线路板喷纳机,即可加工出线路板.非常适合电路实训,线路板设计制作现场演示教学,满足高新技术企业和科研机构对线路板快新奇特的要求.是线路连接领域的技术突破.  相似文献   

塑料挤管机辅机装置真空定径装置的真空度控制基本采用人工手动控制方式,它导致生产的塑料管材产品质量不稳定,还因真空定径装置真空泵恒速运转而造成电能浪费。本文研究采用自动控制系统来解决存在的问题,即设计采用压力变送器、模拟与数字转换器、微处理器和变频器等器件构成自动控制系统,实现真空定径装置真空度自动控制,得到良好的效果。  相似文献   

采用Protel 99 SE对大功率SCR三相半控全整流触发电路,进行原理图、印制电路板设计,并对电路进行仿真实验。  相似文献   

提出了电容耦合电路的一种量子化方案,研究了在压缩真空态介观电路中电荷、电流的量子涨落,并对结果进行了讨论  相似文献   

随着现代电子技术的发展以及芯片的高速化和集成化,各种电子设备系统内外的电磁环境更加复杂,因此在印制电路板的电路设计阶段考虑电磁兼容性(EMC)设计是非常重要的.以12层板为例讨论了多层PCB分层方法、布线的规则、地线和电源线布置以及电磁兼容性.  相似文献   

本文介绍了用Protel 99 SE设计电路的方法及技巧,并指出了设计中经常出现的问题和具体的解决方法。  相似文献   

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