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南传上座部佛教是西双版纳地区傣族全民信奉的宗教,它自传入该地区并逐渐占居统治地位后,至今仍然兴盛不衰。长期以来,南传上座部佛教对整个西双版纳地区人民的社会、政治、经济和文化产生了广泛而深远的影响。  相似文献   

宗教与云南民族教育关系探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一云南是一个多民族、多宗教的省份,宗教形态相当复杂,少数民族的宗教信仰形成了一个十分庞杂的体系,既有从远古遗存下来的原始宗教,亦有进入阶级社会后形成的人为宗教,还有近代从西方传入的基督教。在云南省的几十个民族中有19个民族近300万人分别信仰佛教、伊斯兰教、基督教,均占全省总人口的8%,尤其是西双版纳及德宏地区的傣族、布朗族、德昂族等基本上全民信仰巴利语系佛教(又称“南传上座部佛教或小乘佛教”),并由此形成了独  相似文献   

西双版纳的傣族有着信仰原始宗教和南传佛教的传统,人们的思想观念在很大程度上受到宗教的影响,而傣族的生态观念也不例外。原始宗教和南传佛教中包含着丰富的生态伦理观念,对传统社会的自然环境保护产生了重要的影响。当前经济发展使西双版纳地区的生态遭到了一定的破坏,宗教观念的淡化是其中的原因之一。利用宗教教育传承优秀的宗教生态伦理观,可以有效提高人们的生态保护意识。  相似文献   

傣族人民既信仰原始宗教,也信仰小乘佛教,在宗教信仰上形成了傣族信仰二元化的特点。这一特点对傣族文化的各个方面都产生了重要的影响。文章以西双版纳傣语地名为例,论述了傣族宗教信仰对傣族地名命名的影响。并通过佛教地名蕴涵的意义变化得出佛教是从勐海县传入西双版纳,然后在其他地区进行传播的,这一结论也与傣族历史和傣族文献有关记载相吻合。  相似文献   

试论南传上座部佛教对傣族教育的积极影响刀波南传上座部佛教又称小乘佛教,主要流传于斯里兰卡、缅甸、泰国、柬埔寨、老挝等国,以及我国云南的西双版纳、德宏等地区。南传上座部佛教(以下简称上座部佛教)对傣族教育的影响与其对傣族政治和经济的影响有显著的不同,这...  相似文献   

澜沧民族宗教,既有原始宗教,又有外地传入的大乘佛教、南传上座部佛教、基督教和天主教.原始宗教具有古老的典型性,只祈求赐福消灾;大乘佛教形成过政教合一的“卡些”制度;南传上座部佛教具有全民性,求自我解脱;基督教天主教为民国初期从国外传入,糯福教堂是省级文物保护单位.上述宗教对澜沧各族群众的生产、生活、思想带来过各种影响.在改革开放的今天,我们对民族宗教及历史和现状的研究,使之更好地为两个文明建设服务.  相似文献   

西双版纳傣族普遍信仰南传上座部佛教,傣族男子接受佛寺教育成为傣族的一项重要传统。通过分析傣族佛寺教育为何能成为傣族社会的“传统”,认为主要有以下原因:佛教自身的改变、统治阶层的需要、个人选择的必要性以及相对稳定的社会结构等。  相似文献   

引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应,是现阶段我国处理宗教问题的一项基本政策.运用宗教社会学原理,以云南边疆少数民族宗教信仰为例,选择信仰基督教的傈僳族和普遍信仰南传上座部佛教的布朗族进行实证分析,探讨在新的形势下边疆少数民族宗教信仰如何与社会主义社会相适应.  相似文献   

西双版纳傣族地区是我国南传佛教的主要信仰地区,傣族居民的生活有着强烈的宗教色彩,而南传佛教的佛寺教育正是傣族人民社会化的重要手段,直到今天仍然被广大傣族人民所接纳和认同。佛寺教育的繁荣与延续主要与其高度的灵活性、内容的实用性以及近现代民族教育方针的影响有关。通过回顾对南传佛教佛寺教育的相关文献,分析其长期存在于傣族社会的可能原因,为傣族佛寺教育的未来发展提出合理的建议。  相似文献   

东南亚的傣-泰族群主要分布在泰国、缅甸、老挝、越南。在不同国家官方的识别族名不同,缅甸定为“掸 族”,老挝、越南与泰国都定为“泰族”。笔者在进行跨境民族文化调查时发现,东南亚的傣-泰族群大部分自称“傣”,只有 与外族、特别是外国人交流时,才以“泰”自称。这些族群分属两大文化圈,一是信仰南传上座部佛教文化圈,一是坚持原 始宗教文化圈。除宗教区别外,他们在区域分布、语言文字、习俗文化等也有各自特性。  相似文献   

The world community committed to support universal access to basic education in 1990. Since then, schools have been built and teachers hired and trained. Twenty years later, many more students were in primary school, but learning assessments showed that most were not learning how to read well enough to use reading to learn. The world community turned its attention to improving instruction. As instruction improved, more students could decode words and read with improved speed and accuracy. However, reading comprehension was still low. Now is the time for the world community to come together and make a commitment that all students will learn to read with sufficient comprehension to use reading to learn.  相似文献   

纳兰性德生于贵族之家,父明珠为康熙初显赫一时的权相,他本人也是康熙身边的一等侍卫。然而其词作却“声泪俱随,令人不能卒读。”词集中的“愁”、“泪”、“凄凉”等语触目皆是。纳兰性德何以如此多愁善感,本文拟从其生平、思想等方面入手,挖掘其中种种矛盾,以证明纳兰性德的一生是多种矛盾纠结的悲剧人生。  相似文献   

A fiercely contested debate in teaching reading concerns the respective roles and merits of reading schemes and real books. Underpinning the controversy are different philosophies and beliefs about how children learn to read. However, to some extent debates have largely been rhetoric‐driven, rather than research‐driven. This article provides a theoretical perspective derived from instructional psychology and explores the assumptions that have been made about the use of real books and reading schemes, which have tended to polarise arguments about their respective strengths and limitations. It analyses the structures of adult literature, children’s real books, and reading schemes, and examines the demands that they make on children’s sight vocabulary and phonic skills. The critical high‐frequency words and grapheme–phoneme correspondences (GPCs) are identified that will enable children to read the majority of phonically regular and irregular words that they encounter which, perhaps surprisingly, occur more often in real books than structured reading schemes. Learning additional sight words or GPCs is of limited value due to their relatively low occurrence in written English and, thus, potentially minimal impact on children’s reading. Finally, the implications of this research for teaching reading are considered, particularly the complementary roles of real books and teaching methods derived from instructional psychology. In the past they have been viewed as diametrically opposed and mutually exclusive.  相似文献   

Multisensory instructional approaches have been used in teaching handicapped children for many years, but have never been adequately validated. Using a multiplebaseline design and direct measurement of words read and spelled as the dependent variable, this study evaluated the effects of the kinesthetic-tactile component in VAKT instruction. The results indicated that the three secondary LD students read more words correctly after VAKT instruction than after VA instruction, and retained more VAKT instructed words at one-week, three-week, and six-month retention probes. The instruction did not differentially affect the speiling of words. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

英语中,与颜色有关的词汇虽然为数不多,但由于各民族文化风俗、宗教信仰、思维习惯的不同,颜色词在各种语境中的涵义又有所区别。为了让学生能正确地使用颜色词,文章结合不同的语境举例说明颜色词的趣味应用。  相似文献   

马来西亚的闽南话属于一种跨境语言。由于槟城是马来半岛北部(北马)闽南话典型的核心区,所以通行当地的闽南话——“槟城福建话”保留了许多从本土闽南话流传下来的核心词汇。它也汇集了当地闽南人在不同时期因语言文化接触和创新而产生的特殊词汇。通过揭示“槟城福建话”与本土闽南话共有的特征词,即从本土闽南话传承使用的,以及它本身独有的特征词,即移民及其后裔在不同时期因创新或借用而形成的,说明两者共存的特征词表现出“槟城福建话”与本土闽南话之间语言与文化纽带的联系,也证明了当地闽南人对祖籍方言的忠诚态度。相对的,槟城福建话独有的特征词主要反映当地闽南人的文化特征,也说明语言的变动发展是经过长时间的变异和整合过程中完成的。  相似文献   

This paper exposes how function words and their prosodic features play a part in learning and teaching to read in the early years. It sketches the place that function words have in the grammar of English and describes their phonological features, especially their weak stress and its role in the prosodic quality of sentences. It considers the ways that function words and their prosodic features have a place in promoting fluent reading, taking into account accurate recognition of function words and well‐paced phrasing.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to examine the contribution of lexical and nonlexical processes to skilled reading and spelling in Persian. Persian is a mixed orthography that allows one to study within one language characteristics typically found in shallow orthographies as well as those found in deeper orthographies. 61 senior high-school students (mean age = 17; 8, SD = 4 months) attending schools in Iran were tested on reading and spelling of words and nonwords. The word stimuli differed in terms of reading transparency (transparent when all phonemes have corresponding letters vs. opaque when short vowels were not marked with a letter) and spelling polygraphy (nonpolygraphic phonemes vs. polygraphic phonemes). The nonwords were transparent and nonpolygraphic. The reading results showed that both transparent and opaque words were read faster than nonwords, and that transparent words were read faster than opaque words. Moreover, both transparent and opaque words were affected by word frequency. These findings suggest that skilled readers of Persian relied on lexical processes to read words. In contrast, the spelling results failed to show a word-advantage effect suggesting that skilled spellers of Persian rely on nonlexical processes to spell words. Moreover, orthographic complexity also affected spelling. Specifically, nonpolygraphic words were spelled faster than polygraphic words for both transparent and opaque words. Taken together, the findings showed that skilled reading and spelling in Persian rely on different underlying processes.  相似文献   

关于字形对训诂的影响在各种训诂学著作中都有所论述。而关于训诂对字形的影响的论述却并不多见,可见这个问题还没有引起学者足够的重视。从字形对训诂的影响与训诂对字形的影响两个方面分析,可以全面而深刻地认识训诂和字形的关系。  相似文献   

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