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The concept of interactivity and its implications for Web-based learning system design is re-examined. The author reviews the literature on the interactivity concept from the perspectives of communication, computer-assisted instruction, distance education, and interactive dimensions and functions for Web systems. A proposal is then made for a technical framework for including such dimensions and functions in Web-based learning systems. To enhance the framework's ease-of-use and overall effectiveness, each interactive function was submitted to two panels of experts for assessment and evaluation in terms of instructional necessity and programming difficulty. A discussion of the panels’ feedback and the potential for future research concludes the article.  相似文献   

Summary Learning Environments (LEs) are ways of applying epistemology, pedagogy, methodology and instructional strategy at a macro level that lead naturally to their own development (Hannafin & Hill, 2005). Experiential Modes (EMs) are components of a learning environment that focus on the learner’s perception while experiencing any experiential mode, and through a micro analysis bridges the gap between instructional development and learner cognition. Although Instructional Design has already turned toward a more learnercentered approach, the entire development process must also embrace the learner’s experience as it focuses on providing rich EMs that are created through an emergent and dynamic development process. The design strategy of focusing on EMs for development resonates with new virtual technologies since their experiential components are so high. The engaging video game industry has captured the imagination and social focus of young adults and children around the world, and this has impacted their expectations and also the learning potential for simulations and games with more serious purposes than entertainment. Using learner experience as the touch-stone for design is the common ground for both traditional educators and those designers attempting to incorporate complex gaming and simulation environments into educational contexts (Crawford, 1984; Prensky, 2001; Gee, 2003; Salen & Zimmerman, 2004).  相似文献   

This article makes the claim that developing ethnographic work through follow-up interviews can add to our understanding of researched phenomena and explores how using concepts from Bourdieu and theories on the social construction of time strengthen the research design and add a stronger longitudinal diachronic element to data analysis. Extending an ethnographic study of learning to teach by interviewing respondents nine years after the study and after the completion of their teacher education course is shown to develop insights around the initial research findings by focusing on the temporal aspects of data. Adopting this methodological approach can develop small-scale qualitative work and contribute to an accumulation of research findings to avoid simply revisiting familiar research ground.  相似文献   

The World Health Organization converted an award-winning experiential learning course that takes place on a bus traveling down the “cold chain” for time- and temperature-sensitive pharmaceutical products in Turkey to an online interactive learning environment through design-based research. Similarities and differences in the objectives of the two courses as well as the overlap in the learning activities, tools, and technologies deployed in courses are delineated. Many learning activities from the real bus course were successfully moved to the online course, but a few learning activities from the bus course could not be replicated in the online environment. However, several new and arguably more effective learning activities were implemented online that could not be accomplished on the bus. Design principles for developing online experiential learning environments were derived from the design-based research.  相似文献   

This project describes the development of a universal student friendly distance learning (DL) provider system via the Internet and in particular the development of a lab environment for engineering students in ICT. Application of most DL courses is still hampered by the need for high-speed links, unrealistic computer and software resources at the student site and the impossibility to run Windows or Unix applications over the Internet. The described solution solves practically all of these problems. Moreover, since courses, (simulation) programs, databases, etc. can be added or changed, the system is not only teacher friendly but also costeffective. The major part of the work concerns the design of an electronic lab environment at the university that can be remotely used via the Internet. The main aim is to provide the student with meta-cognitive knowledge as can be provided only by real lab exercises. In this case the student must work him/herself through a course on passive filters. After choosing the right topology for the particular filter-lab task, he/she must design the correct circuit diagram and verify it with a standard circuit simulation program. Next, with a matrix shown on screen, he/she interconnects the circuit components and measuring equipment. The results of the measurements performed at the lab in the university are sent back to the student (via the Internet). The lab report is automatically generated. Simultaneously, the set up and the different instruments can be visualized via a web camera. Thus, the design of the electronic lab environment is user, student and teacher friendly.  相似文献   

网络学习的出现产生了网络学习群体。学习者以信息技术为中介进行人际交互,并在人际交互中进行知识意义的建构。网络学习中的人际交互具有积极主动和交互层面广等特点。这种积极、广泛的人际交互对于掌握网络学习方法及对传统课堂教学都有不少有益的启示。  相似文献   

Recommendations for the design of interactive video materials are often based on the premise that interactive video may overcome learners' preconceptions of television as “easy.” This study investigated learner preconceptions of the difficulty of interactive video, instructional television, and television, and examined the effects of actively or covertly responding to practice questions on perceived mental effort, recall, and inferences. Seventy-one undergraduate students completed a questionnaire assessing their preconceptions of the difficulty of the three media, received their treatment, completed a questionnaire assessing perceived mental effort, then completed a recall and inference posttest. Before the lesson, the learners perceived it to be significantly easier to learn from interactive video than from instructional television and television, and significantly easier to learn from instructional television than from television. There were no significant differences in the mental effort ratings or inference scores among the three groups. The interactive video group recalled significantly more information than the television group. Possible reasons for findings and suggestions for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on theory and research issues associated with the use of hypermedia technologies in education. It is proposed that viewing hypermedia technologies as an enabling infrastructure for tools to support learning—in particular learning in problem-based pedagogical environments involving cases—has particular promise. After considering research issues with problem-based learning related to knowledge transfer and conceptual change, a design framework is discussed for a hypermedia system with scaffolding features intended to support and enhance problem-based learning with cases. Preliminary results are reported of research involving a new version of this hypermedia design approach with special ontological scaffolding to explore conceptual change and far knowledge transfer issues related to learning advanced scientific knowledge involving complex systems as well as the use of the system in a graduate seminar class. Overall, it is hoped that this program of research will stimulate further work on learning and cognitive sciences theoretical and research issues, on the characteristics of design features for robust and educationally powerful hypermedia systems, on ways that hypermedia systems might be used to support innovative pedagogical approaches being used in the schools, and on how particular designs for learning technologies might foster learning of conceptually difficult knowledge and skills that are increasingly necessary in the 21st century.
Michael J. JacobsonEmail:

Michael J. Jacobson   Ph.D., is a faculty researcher at the Singapore Learning Sciences Laboratory and an Associate Professor in the Learning Sciences and Technology Academic Group at the National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. His research has focused on the design of learning technologies such as 3D multi-user virtual environments and hypermedia to foster deep conceptual understanding, conceptual change, and knowledge transfer in challenging conceptual domains. Most recently, his work has explored cognitive and learning issues related to the design of learning technologies to help students understand new scientific perspectives emerging from the study of complex and dynamical systems.  相似文献   

Current interactive learning environments cannot be accessed by learners with disabilities, in particular for students with vision disabilities. Modeling techniques are necessary to map real-world experiences to virtual worlds by using 3D auditory representations of objects for blind people. In this paper, a model to design multimedia software for blind learners is presented. The model was validated with existing educational software for these users. We describe the modeling of the real world including cognitive usability testing tasks by considering not only the representation of the real world but also modeling the learner’s knowledge of the virtual world. The software architecture is also described by using this model, displaying the components needed to impact learning. Finally, we analyze critical issues in designing software for learners with visual disabilities and propose some recommendations and guidelines.  相似文献   

The challenges facing those charged with teaching mathematics to engineers are enormous. Faced with large groups of students possessing a considerable range of abilities, prior experiences, and motivations, it is incumbent upon the developers and deliverers of mathematics programmes to engineers to ensure that such programmes are as inclusive as possible and take into account the particular and often individual needs of the student. Often a mathematics lecturer is caught between the demands of an engineering department expecting students to know and apply advanced techniques, and the needs of groups of students who lack confidence, have serious gaps in their knowledge and sometimes lack ability in mathematics. This paper describes an innovative approach to these challenges which involves a mix of traditional and modern technologies and which has been used with some effect at Loughborough University, for the teaching of mathematics to first year undergraduate engineering students.  相似文献   

The introduction of online delivery platforms such as learning management systems (LMS) in tertiary education has changed the methods and modes of curriculum delivery and communication. While course evaluation methods have also changed from paper-based in-class-administered methods to largely online-administered methods, the data collection instruments have remained unchanged. This paper reports on a small exploratory study of two tertiary-level courses. The study investigated why design of the instruments and methods to administer surveys in the courses are ineffective measures against the intrinsic characteristics of online learning. It reviewed the students' response rates of the conventional evaluations for the courses over an eight-year period. It then compared a newly developed online evaluation and the conventional methods over a two-year period. The results showed the response rates with the new evaluation method increased by more than 80% from the average of the conventional evaluations (below 30%), and the students' written feedback was more detailed and comprehensive than in the conventional evaluations. The study demonstrated the possibility that the LMS-based learning evaluation can be effective and efficient in terms of the quality of students' participation and engagement in their learning, and for an integrated pedagogical approach in an online learning environment.  相似文献   

Education and Information Technologies - Australian post-secondary institutions have embraced the incorporation of Learning Management Systems (LMSs) into traditional classroom-based instruction...  相似文献   

This article describes the nature of qualitative syntheses and reports such efforts as a new focus for research in science education. It uses Project Synthesis as conceived by Norris Harms as an example of a Qualitative Synthesis. It identifies four features for such research efforts: (1) They involve research teams structured to provide a variety of perspectives and viewpoints. (2) They involve a wide variety of data sources, including massive sets of data from a variety of sources and perspectives. Much of these data are qualitative and often gathered initially for a variety of purposes. (3) They include at least one conceptual scheme for accomplishing a synthesis. Most include a set of goals as one organizer and a set of critical incidents as another. Studies involving more than two such dimensions provide even more meaningful and useful synthesis. (4) They conclude with an analysis of meaning, a formulation of an overarching scheme, and a new model to be used for further thinking, research, and analysis. Such synthesis efforts also end with a set of recommendations for action and/or hypotheses to be tested.  相似文献   

Designing intelligent services for workplace learning presents a special challenge for researchers and developers of learning technology. One of the reasons is that considering learning as a situated and social practice is nowhere so important than in the case where learning is tightly integrated with workplace practices. The current paper analyses the experience of more than 10 years of research intending to offer intelligent services through capturing and leveraging knowledge structures in workplace learning. The reflection looks at results of several European research projects that have promoted this view. From this analysis, I arrive at a dichotomy of guidance versus emergence that describes how the technologies foregrounded one or the other, and what the effects of these design choices have been. I derive conclusions for dealing with this design trade-off in terms of conceptual, technological and empirical research.  相似文献   

Agent-oriented pedagogies have been used in teaching concepts related to complex systems dynamics. However, little research has systematically explored the role of a strong agency-oriented focus on understanding of complex, dynamic ecological systems. This study analyzed seventh graders' (n = 216) explanations of a complex ecological scenario. The findings show that students were more likely to generate agentive than nonagentive explanations and students who adopted an agentive framing were least likely to understand the complex causal dynamics of two environmental scenarios, eutrophication in a pond and acid rain in a forest. Furthermore, students' initial inclination toward agency-oriented explanation on the assessment was predictive of their performance on a postassessment following an instructional opportunity to learn about ecosystems dynamics; a strong agency orientation corresponded to less complex interpretations of the dynamics of the ecosystems. The results suggest that a strongly agentive perspective may limit students' ability to learn complex systems dynamics and that the pedagogical advantages of agent-based approaches may not be without limitations.  相似文献   

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