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Two studies were conducted wherein an interactive, multimedia-based instructional system was piloted with preservice elementary school teachers. Mathematics methods classes experienced conventional instruction with a new interactive technological-instructional system as supplemental course material. An analysis of interview data indicated that students were more likely to incorporate the knowledge they acquired from the system into their teaching repertoire. Many students thought that this mode of presentation enhanced their learning of mathematics teaching methods and their teaching in other fields.This project was supported, in part, by a grant from the National Science Foundation (Award # TPE-8950317) and International Business Machines.  相似文献   

While interest in interactive multimedia continues to grow, thus far its activities have been driven more by technological capacity than research and theory. Typically, guidelines for interactive multimedia design are based not upon empirical evidence, but on the intuitive beliefs of designers. In this article, relevant research and theory are organized within an overarching framework, and their principles and implications for the design of interactive multimedia are derived.  相似文献   

当今的课堂教学需要互动式的教学模式,现代化技术的发展能为院校开展课堂互动教学提供技术保障。但现有的多媒体教室在构建中并不完善,存在教学中缺少互动等问题。通过对问题的分析,提出了适合互动教学的多媒体教室应具备的功能及建构原则,提出了面向互动教学的多媒体教室建构方案,为院校更好地开展课堂互动教学提供服务。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the effects of variations in the design and delivery of interactive multimedia (IMM) on the learning and attitudes of elementary education majors. A multivariate analysis of variance was conducted with three independent variables—small group or individualized format, inductive or deductive design of instruction, and match of learner style to instruction—and four dependent variables—content scores, observation skill scores, overall satisfaction, and attitude toward learner control of instruction. Scores on the observation skills evaluation were significantly higher when the student's learning style was matched with the design of instruction. Satisfaction and attitude outcomes were significantly different for format: students in the small group were more satisfied, while those using the individual learning station were more strongly agreed that they controlled the pace and sequence of their own instruction. Content scores were not significantly different. In the future, the use of interactive multimedia with various formats and designs may serve to meet the needs of students with differing learning styles and at different developmental levels.  相似文献   

本文分析了目前的数学多媒体课件在高等数学教学中存在诸多的不足,探析了使用Mathematica开发数学多媒体教学课件的方便与快捷,为数学教师制作多媒体课件提供了经验,为互动式数学教学提供了解决方案。  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study of the development of a multimedia training product for broad distribution to middle and senior management as well as university students. It compares anticipated and actual costs of project management and where possible makes comparisons with data from similar projects. An unexpected finding was a greater than twofold overrun on the anticipated costs of project management. The greater part of this overrun was an increased administrative effort required to comply with reporting requirements of the funding body and the joint Venture partnership. The results of this study have implications for producers of interactive multimedia in higher education with regard to realistic costing of project management, which is often an unfunded contribution.  相似文献   

Instructional design is socially and culturally constructed. The article explores the proposition that the selective traditions of instructional design consist of values, ideologies and images which act in the interests of particular cultural (class and gendered) groups. It examines this premise and argues for multiple cultural, rather than multicultural, contextualization of instructional design. It situates the multiple cultural model in an eclectic paradigm that appropriately combines elements from (a) behaviorist, constructivist, and critical theory paradigms and (b) weak and strong culturally contextualized design strategies. Cultural context is the very stuff, the scaffolding, of instructional design if users are to be positioned as active participants who are given and take responsibility in the learning-teaching paradigm. Her fields of teaching and research interest concern the cultural contextualization of instructional design of interactive multimedia (IMM) and the World Wide Web (WWW). Other research interests focus on the mental models, thinking processes, and teaching-learning strategies used by teachers and learners when interacting with electronic databases, IMM, and the WWW.  相似文献   

This paper reports data obtained on practicing teachers' thinking as they interacted with a professional development interactive multimedia (IMM) courseware package. The data were obtained from 11 participating teachers via stimulated-recall interviews. Two types of thinking are detailed and discussed. The first type is those mediating processes engaged in by teachers during study sessions that related to the academic and professional content of the IMM package. The second type is those evaluative thoughts reported by teachers that related to instructional design aspects of the IMM courseware. The latter data were used to develop a classification system that provides a conceptualization of the major components, as perceived by the participating teachers, that relate to instructional design. He has been involved in teaching mathematics education courses at a distance via printed text to inservice teachers and through interactive multimedia (IMM) courseware to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander teacher education students in their home communities. His current research interests focus on tertiary students' thinking while studying from IMM materials and their usage patterns of IMM courseware. He also supervises post graduate students in the area of teaching problem solving in upper primary and lower secondary school. Her fields of teaching and research interests concern the cultural contextualization of instructional design of interactive multimedia (IMM) and the World Wide Web (WWW). Other research interests focus on the mental models, thinking processes, and teaching-learning strategies used by teachers and learners when interacting with electronic databases, IMM, and the WWW. His areas of expertise are special education and distance education. His current research interests with respect to interactive multimedia (IMM) focus on tertiary students' thinking while studying with IMM materials and their usage patterns of IMM courseware. He is also involved in a number of school curriculum and systemic evaluations.  相似文献   

Young children's understanding of thehistorical past is often characterised by alack of temporal differentiation and a sense oftotal discontinuity with the present. Researchhas suggested that this situation may be causedin part by their formation of inappropriaterepresentations when solving problems ofchronology. To help children construct moreappropriate external representations forparticular tasks and reason more effectivelywith them about chronological concepts, weinvestigated the role that interactivemultimedia might play in scaffoldingteacher-led activities in the classroom. Inthis paper we report on our conceptual designand pedagogical approach to developingeffective dynamic, interactive representationsand activities at the computer interface, aimedat bridging the conceptual gap between concreteexperience and abstract concepts. Evaluationsof the software built using this frameworkshowed that the program was well received bychildren and teachers alike, and that it wasable to facilitate children's understanding of,and ability to reason about, chronology.  相似文献   

When learners explore dynamic and interactive visualisations they are often not able to interact with them in a systematic and goal-oriented way. Frequently, even supporting learners in processes of discovery learning does not lead to better learning outcomes. This can be due to missing pre-requisite knowledge such as the coherent mental integration of the pictorial and symbolic sources of information. In order to support learners in this process, we encouraged them to interactively and externally relate different static sources of information to each other before exploring dynamic and interactive visualisations. We evaluated the benefit of this instructional support in two experimental studies concerning the domains of statistics and mechanics. It revealed that the active integration of static representations before processing dynamic visualisations resulted in better performance and can provide a basis for a more systematic and goal-oriented experimentation behaviour during simulation-based discovery learning.in final form: 16 November 2004  相似文献   

显微网络互动多媒体系统在遗传学实验教学中的应用效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在遗传学实验教学中运用显微网络互动多媒体系统,弥补了单纯使用显微镜的不足;教师的演示、学生的反馈更及时,教师的指导更具有针对性,并加强了信息沟通和互动;强大的图片采集、保存与处理功能,有利于激发学生的实验兴趣,有利于加深对理论知识的理解;多画面的监控转播功能,可控制教学进度,提高实验课程效率和教学效果。  相似文献   

A novice to IMM is confronted by a new medium which transforms narrative structures which have evolved over thousands of years. This article focuses on educational interactive media for which the notion of multiple interpretations has different implications, particularly for comprehension and cognition. It reports on experiments with a number of multimedia packages to see how children make sense of interactive media.  相似文献   

With the rise of the situated cognition paradigm in cognitive science, cognitive apprenticeship has become increasingly prominent as a model of instruction. This paper critically reviews traditional approaches to learning and education to motivate the need for fresh ways of thinking about these topics. Cognitive apprenticeship as an approach to improving learning and education is described. We present an overview ofSmallTALKER, a learning environment for Smalltalk programming, and illustrate how the instructional methods of cognitive apprenticeship have been applied in developing that system. The paper concludes with a discussion of issues related to system development effort, evaluation, perceived limitations, and plans for related work.  相似文献   

2007年,信号与系统课程被正式纳入中国石油大学(华东)校级精品课程建设项目,对网络教学资源的建设提出了更高的要求。提出了采用结合ActionScript 3.0脚本语言的Flash CS4交互动画技术,开发面向Web多媒体交互系统的技术思路及实现方法。实践证明,该方法开发周期短,设计开发系统具有良好的可控性、灵活性和可扩展性。  相似文献   

In this contribution, a theoretical and empirical framework based on work carried out at the Open universiteit (Ou) for a new approach towards the design, production and delivery of flexible, interactive learning materials for distance education is presented.

In the Research and Development centre of the Ou, a project has concentrated on the innovation of current approaches. This framework can also be considered as an advance organizer to reading the remaining articles from the Open universiteit in this issue of Distance Education.

A key feature of the innovation is that during the design phase, course developers have to define ‘models’ of the materials to be developed: a content model, a support model, a student model and the learning path. From a flexibility point of view especially, the ‘student model’ is of importance since it defines the student variables that will be taken into account when developing/ presenting alternative materials (basic content and/or embedded support). A computer‐based system, the ‘Interactive Learning and Course Development Environment (ILCE)’, was developed to support the work of course development teams and tutors on the one hand, and students on the other hand. The development system supports the work of the developers; the delivery system supports the study process of students. The delivery is realised as an on‐line course, on the World Wide Web.

Students start working with the ILCE‐system by following an intake procedure. They can make choices in relation to student variables that have been defined in the student model (profession, study intentions, context, etc.). Next, they can ‘on the fly’ generate a course. Rom the large repository of learning materials only those materials are selected and compiled that are in line with the student model of this specific student Furthermore, they can choose to study the materials on screen and/or make prints of the materials. Of course, in printing the materials they lose the interactive and dynamic possibilities of the computer learning environment  相似文献   

阐述了多媒体生物教学的特点,多媒体课件运用遵循的原则以及多媒体教学的优势与劣势,并讨论了网络环境下生物教学设计原则和应汪意的问题。  相似文献   

对高校运用多媒体课件教学与教学效果的相关因素探究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本研究就高校课堂教学中多媒体课件教学效果的相关因素,对西北民族大学12所学院的500名师生进行了相关调查研究。结果显示:课件制作质量、教师教学方法与教学效果之间存在显著正相关;课堂教学环境中,音响效果与教学效果之间也存在一定正相关;教师普遍认为课件操作水平对教学效果无显著影响:学生则认为教师的课件操作水平对教学效果影响显著。  相似文献   

人际信任是人际交往中一种常见、重要的心理现象。但研究者对信任的定义还存在不同观点。在研究方法上可以分为两类:一类是根据定义,编制题目来测量信任;另一类是行为游戏法,包括囚徒两难游戏、最后通牒游戏和信任游戏。社会神经认知科学家研究发现,人际信任不存在一个特定的中枢,它跟杏仁核,前中间前额皮质,旁扣带回,脑岛,腹侧被盖区,中隔区,梭状回,颞上回,眶额叶皮层等脑区有关,跟催产素、加压素和多巴胺等化学物质有关。同时,该研究指出了信任研究存在的不足。  相似文献   

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