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隋唐五代相术流行,在社会上形成了一个由专业的相工、术士和爱好相术的文士、官吏等共同组成的相工群体,他们以为人占相论命的方式,参与和影响着当时的社会生活。考察这一独特群体的身份、地位、组成与活动情况,可为全面认识隋唐五代社会,提供一个新的视角。  相似文献   

隋唐时代的医学教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
隋唐时代,是中国封建文化发展的鼎盛时期。这种发展表现在医学上,更是令人瞩目。隋代在继承前代医学成果的基础上,出现了象《诸病源候论》这样有极高科学价值的专著。进入唐代,优秀的医学论著不断问世,如《干金要方》和《外台秘要》,即是集中华医学之大成而自成体系,万世流芳。与前代相比,隋唐时代的医学发展是飞跃性的。同时,隋唐封建统治者,把保存和发展医学科学成果,培养医学人才摆到教育体系中  相似文献   

小说类书是类书的一种文学形制,也叫类书体小说集,是采用分类方式编纂的小说集。在类书史上,因每个朝代的文化结构和特点有所不同,小说类书也表现出不一样的风貌。明人借鉴前代类书的编纂经验,既继承传统又突破规则,其编纂体大胆创新,除了坚持固有的体例,又能综合丛书和类书的优长,创造出亦丛亦类和杂志型两种新型的小说类书,体现出更为开阔的图书编撰视野。尤其突出的是编者“以编代作”、题材选择趋向于小型化和专题化、评议之风与主观化色彩浓厚,这些特点恰好说明了明代小说类书编撰的变异与革新。  相似文献   

引言 2001年,北京燕山出版社出版了我博士论文的两个附录《隋唐五代教育名人小传;附隋唐五代教科文大事记年》,此后,余时读史,又集得相关人物史料涉及四十八人。因原书按姓氏拼音排序,故补遗亦遵旧制。能为隋唐五代教育史、思想史、文化史等研究的同行提供一点可以共享的心得和资料,吾心快矣。  相似文献   

隋唐五代是我国封建社会发展时期,首尾的隋和五代,为时短暂,都带有某种过渡性。不过,隋的社会经济有很大发展,不可低估。而唐朝经济之繁荣,国势之强大,文化之灿烂,疆土之辽阔,都为前代各朝所不能比拟,在当时世界上也遥居领先地位。同时,这个时期封建政治经济发生了重大变化,仅反映到制度上,如三省六部制的形成,科举制的创立,府兵制的破坏,特别是均田制、租庸调制的瓦解,两税法的实行,租佃制的发展等,在我国封建社会发展中,显示出承前启后的转变。一、关于均田制两税法的兴废问题封建土地制度和赋役制度,是封建生产关系的主  相似文献   

类书、丛书是我国古代图书的两种不同编纂形式。清初大修类书、丛书 ,一方面保存了大量宝贵的文化典籍 ;另一方面不同程度地阻碍了中国古代文化的发展  相似文献   

文章认为,在我国诗歌发展史上、古、近体诗一直是古典诗歌的主要形式,宋代也不例外,然而我们却不能不以词作为宋代文学的代表。因为词自隋唐五代兴起以来,到了宋代已蔚为大观:名家辈出,流派众多,在诗歌发展史上大放异彩,成为具有与前代诗歌不同特色的胜极一时的新高峰。文章就宋词发展的大致情况及活动在北宋、南宋的词人作一评析。  相似文献   

一九年制义务教育初中历史新教材《中国历史》第二册的内容,包括自581年隋朝建立到1644年明朝灭亡的历史。从社会政治、经济的发展特征来看,这1000多年的历史可划分为三个大的阶段,即隋唐时期、五代辽宋夏金元时期、明朝时期。这三个阶段最重要的历史特点分别如下;隋唐是中国封建社会高度繁荣的“盛世”。五代辽宋夏金元时期,封建经济和文化持续向前发展;从政治格局看,由辽宋金的并立和对峙,走向元朝的大统一;在民族关系方面,各民族的融合得到  相似文献   

元代类书是元人采摭当时或前代文献重新编排而成的资料汇编,具有重要的史料价值。通过元代类书中关于衣食、日常杂占、养生疗病、休闲娱乐和文书契约等方面的材料,可以探究元代人社会生活的一些情况;而从有关耕作、畜养、制作和染作等方面对元代类书进行挖掘,能够进一步了解元代社会生产的若干内容。元代类书在元代社会史研究中具有不可忽视的价值。  相似文献   

一、重点和难点: 本学期的古代文学分两大块八个重点。隋唐五代部分四个重点,即李白、杜甫、新乐府运动和白居易、古文运动和韩柳散文。宋辽金部分四个重点,即欧阳修和北宋诗文革新、苏轼、陆游、辛弃疾。就作品而言,隋唐五代都分的重点是诗,宋辽金部分的重点是词。重点同时也是难点,但从教材(纲要)和录相课的实际情况来看,宋辽金部分的内容要比隋唐五代部分的内容难学习和掌握,因此复习过程中一定要把教材(纲要)的内容吃透。这八个  相似文献   

Genotypic and environmental variation in Cd, Cr, As, Ni and Pb concentrations of grains, and the relationships between these heavy metals and Fe, Zn were investigated using 9 rice genotypes grown in 6 locations for two successive years. Significant genotypic variation was detected in the five heavy metal concentrations in grains, indicating the possibility to reduce the concentration of these heavy metals in grains through breeding approach. The environmental effect varied with metal, with Pb and Ni having greater variation than the other three metals. There was significant genotype-environment (location) interaction of the concentrations of all five heavy metals in grains, suggesting the importance of cultivar choice in producing rice with low heavy metal concentrations in grains for a given location. Correlation analysis showed that Cd and As, Cr and Ni, and As and Pb concentrations in rice grains were closely associated, and that Ni concentration in grains was negatively correlated with Zn concentration.  相似文献   

Metacognition and Self-Regulation in James,Piaget, and Vygotsky   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
This article investigates the intertwined constructs of metacognition and self-regulation as they emerge in the works and theories of James, Piaget, and Vygotsky. To coordinate this exploration, we use an interpretive framework based on the relation of subject and object. In this framework, James’s perspective on metacognition and self-regulation is aligned with the Self, Piaget’s with the other and object, and Vygotsky’s with the medium or agency of language. We explore how metacognition and self-regulation function within the realm of human behavior and development as described in the works of each of these theorists. Key questions or issues that emerge for current research are outlined, and the limitations and benefits of each theorist’s perspective vis-à-vis metacognition and self-regulation are discussed.  相似文献   

Knowledge, Concepts, and Inferences in Childhood   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of knowledge in children's inferences was investigated in 3 experiments. Experiment 1 examined developmental changes in the role of categorical membership, perceptual appearance, and item complexity in inferences for natural kind and artifact concepts. Preschoolers (5-year-olds), second graders (8-year-olds), and fourth graders (10-year-olds) were taught novel properties about target concepts and asked whether each of 4 probes had those properties. Probes varied in category membership and perceptual appearance relative to the target item. Item complexity also varied. Experiments 2 and 3 examined inferences with known and unknown concepts for familiar and unfamiliar properties. Older children's knowledge led to differential weighting of categorical information over appearance but only for known concepts and/or familiar properties. Preschoolers made no distinction between category and appearance for either known or unknown concepts. Additionally, as target item complexity increased, older children made more inferences than preschoolers. No differences between inferences about natural kind and artifact concepts were found. The role of theories and knowledge in children's drawing of inferences is discussed.  相似文献   


For Kant, we cannot understand how to approach moral education without confronting the radical evil of humanity. But if we start out, as Kant thinks we do, from a morally corrupt state, how can we make moral progress? In response, I explore in this paper Kant’s gradualist and revolutionary accounts of moral progress. These differing accounts of progress raise two key questions in the literature: are these accounts compatible and which type of progress comes first? Against other views in the literature, I argue that gradual progress through a change of mores must come first and can gradually lead toward, as its ideal endpoint, a revolution in our disposition (or a change of heart) and the overthrowing of our radical evil. This has important implications for moral pedagogy.  相似文献   

In this column, the author explores current understandings of risk and safety in pregnancy and childbirth. An emphasis on risk management places the provider and hospital in control of women’s decisions related to pregnancy and birth and may make pregnancy and birth less safe for mothers and babies. Accepting that no life is risk free, women can let go of fear and make choices that take into account real, not imagined, or exaggerated risk and, in doing so, increase safety for themselves and their babies. The focus of maternity care becomes enhancing safety through evidence-based practice rather than managing risk.  相似文献   

Power, control, and validity in research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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