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In this case study, we examine the consequential validity of using edTPA in a social justice-oriented, urban teacher preparation program. According to the developers of edTPA, a primary purpose is to support teacher candidate learning, yet our analysis suggests that edTPA does not support learning when used during student teaching. Our 16 participants, who are primarily teacher candidates of color and many first-generation college students, and who all passed edTPA, unanimously indicated that edTPA increased their mental and financial stress, which they linked to design elements including high stakes, standardization, and external scoring. Participants also critiqued the construct of teaching represented in edTPA, arguing that dispositions and a social justice orientation are missing and that edTPA is more about following procedures than supporting candidate learning. Moreover, edTPA encouraged inequitable practices, including focusing on high-achieving classes and selecting curricula based on scoring procedures instead of student need. Overall, our analysis indicates that there is not strong consequential validity evidence to support the use of edTPA as an assessment during student teaching, particularly in social justice-oriented programs, yet suggests edTPA could be a useful tool if stakes and proceduralism are reduced and scoring is conducted locally.  相似文献   

研究性学习对教师的挑战和要求   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
教师"是人类社会永恒的职业,但是社会对教师的要求却随着时代的变迁而不断变化。在我国,最初的教师由军官担任,这就是为何将承担教育职责专门人员称之为"师"的原因,教师的任务是把贵族子弟培养成国家的军事骨干和统治者。春秋战国以后,教师转由文士担任,他们通过招收学生,一方面将上层文化下移于民,推动文化的传播,另一方面又对民间的精神财富加以总结提炼,形成各门学术,其教学内容开始转向文事教育,直至后来的《四书》《五经》。进入近代以后,学校教学内容由单纯"读经"变为系统学习自然科学、社会科学、语言艺术等内容,教师…  相似文献   

Racial inequities, such as systematic disparities in school discipline and achievement outcomes, are a perennial characteristic of public education in the United States. Although attention to interracial chasms such as the Black–White achievement gap is common, limited efforts are devoted to understanding how and why colorism motivates imbalances within communities of color. In this article, I outline how the color complex relates to racial battles and social perspectives within the nation's educational system. Recommendations for altering problematic norms are presented.  相似文献   

王晓燕 《海外英语》2011,(7):358-359
由于汉英语言存在不同的风俗和语言表达习惯,所以基本颜色词在使用上存在着许多文化差异,极容易导致人们理解的误区。该文主要探讨了红色与黑色在英汉文化中存在的语义差异以及如何翻译的问题,分析了这两种颜色词的特点,力求对两种语言的互译寻求一种指导意义。  相似文献   

Public schools have increasing numbers of its teachers fitting into one demographic, white and female, while the numbers of African American teachers decrease (Ladson-Billings, Crossing over to Canaan: The Journey of New Teachers in Diverse Classrooms. San Francisco: Josey-Bass [2001]). Furthermore, African American collegiates who decide to enter teaching may face a chilly climate as a result of their cultural and educational experiences as they encounter devaluation in the classroom (Delpit, Other Peoples Children: Cultural Conflict in the Class room. New York: The New Press [1995]). As a result, African American pre-service teachers may question the validity of the formal curriculum presented in college as it conflicts with their perceptions of school, thereby, leaving teacher-educators largely responsible for the quality of life and subsequent devotion to profession of these students. Critical autoethnography, using fieldnotes/research journaling, and student memoirs all through a theoretical backdrop of critical race feminism provide a glimpse into the teaching and learning experiences and dilemmas of one African American female teacher educator utilizing what I call personally engaged pedagogy as a means of enhancing the quality of the learning experiences of her African American pre-service teachers.  相似文献   


Since 2009, one-third of all US teacher preparation programs have implemented a new, technology-based teacher assessment—edTPA. Intended to replace traditional measures of initial teaching competency, edTPA utilizes a candidate-curated video lesson and ePortfolio. While research shows that these technology-based tools enhance professional practice, the authors demonstrated that unintended consequences occurred when such tools were incompatible with the cultural contexts implementing them. Employing a multiple-embedded case study, qualitative interviews, focus groups, and field observations (N?=?75) were conducted across eight teacher preparation programs. Findings indicate that policy design and organizational factors influenced how programs culturally made sense of and implemented edTPA’s videotaping and ePortfolio tasks for teacher candidates—substantively or instrumentally. In the process, the authors developed a theoretical and practical understanding of how, and under what conditions, large-scale, technology-based policy tools may be implemented successfully across education contexts.


This article explores the role of Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) in producing teachers of color. Specifically, it looks at larger national trends and highlights individual MSIs that have experienced success in the area of teacher education and the production of teachers of color. Recommendations are made to assist colleges and universities across the nation.  相似文献   

“狼来了”的道德故事所宣扬的善恶有报的价值逻辑在今天仍然值得加以弘扬,过去那种动不动就拿义务去压制欲求的思想应当得到纠正。简单说,即是德育在宣讲道德义务之前,必须落实个体权利,赋予人应有的尊严,那种不顾环境变化,不计道德成本高低,不顾人之正当欲求的义务伦理观因实际上不把人真正当人看而应当放弃。  相似文献   

Teachers in South Africa are under great pressure from the state to improve their qualifications, one of the state's strategies for improving education standards. The pressure is felt more acutely by black teachers who were previously allowed to teach with lower qualifications than their white counterparts. In‐service teachers, irrespective of their age or length of experience, are required to obtain the school leavers’ certificate post hoc to earn a salary commensurate with their duties. Their duties are heavy: the pupil‐teacher ratio is about 45:1, and teachers teach between 42 and 50 periods a week, without many basic facilities. Consequently, many teachers are neglecting their pupils to concentrate on their studies. The call for qualifications can be viewed as a component of the South African state's reform initiative, and, as such, is yet another cosmetic amelioration of black people's status because it does not address their needs.  相似文献   

陈文 《怀化学院学报》2007,26(11):85-86
从中西文化的差异着眼,对中英文中有关颜色的习语的翻译从以下三个方面进行了研究:(1)用相同的颜色表达把英语习语翻译成中文。(2)用不同的或者不带颜色字眼的表达把中文习语翻译成英文。(3)用不同的或者不带颜色字眼的表达把英文习语翻译成中文。文章通过以上的研究,证明了只有更好地了解中西方文化的差异,才能更准确有效的翻译颜色习语。  相似文献   

《黑色是我最喜欢的颜色》是美国犹太作家伯纳德·马拉默德创作的一篇短篇小说,它不仅深刻地展现了民族关系这一当时美国社会的热点问题,而且在艺术形式上也是一部成功的叙述作品,这其中视点的使用占据了十分重要的位置.作家一方面通过时空视点的选择使其蕴含了丰富的艺术魅力和无限的阅读空间;另一方面知觉视点和观念视点的运用也加大了读者认知的广度和深度;同时“经验自我”和“叙述自我”两个视点交替使用,全方位地塑造了一个栩栩如生的犹太白人形象.从认知诗学的角度分析作品的视点,有助于读者理解和把握其主题和艺术特色.  相似文献   

美国黑人女作家艾丽丝.沃克的代表作《紫颜色》多处描述黑人的歌声,歌声成为黑人自由抒发情感的最好方式,同时也成为他们战胜痛苦和艰辛生活的精神支柱;音乐是黑人生活中不可缺少的组成部分,它体现了黑人生活中的苦与乐,见证了黑人女性在逆境中的成长。  相似文献   

Research in Science Education - The issue of student disengagement in school science continues to pose a threat to lifting the participation rates of students undertaking STEM courses and careers...  相似文献   

This paper summarises findings from several commissioned studies, doctoral dissertations, and federally-funded technology in education projects coordinated by the authors in conjunction with international colleagues over the past five years. It features evidence regarding the impact of information technologies on teacher training and student achievement, and spotlights trans-national trend analysis through common instrumentation as the technique believed to be the most promising research avenue for the future.  相似文献   

互文性理论是当代文论中最为复杂的理论之一.法国女权主义者克里丝蒂娃首先提出了该理论,而后形成不同流派.<紫色>作为美国黑人女作家艾丽斯·沃克的经典文本留给学者探讨的空间很多."互文性"理论有助于我们探索作品中反映的黑人女性自我实现主题,以此唤醒女性沉寂的性灵,使她们从失语的"物体"交成宣叙的"主体",进而解放她们的身体,最终实现真正的自我展示.  相似文献   

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