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择校是与我国普通家庭密切相关的一种社会现象。影响择校消费的因素有许多,政府应该关注这一社会现象,在制定相关政策时,应关心弱势群体的利益,逐步实现教育均衡化。  相似文献   


School choice policies and the movement to privatize education have become the currently preferred school reform methods on both the state and federal levels under the guise they will provide equal educational opportunities and access for all students. The 1954 school desegregation decision in Brown v. Board of Education arguably paved the way for equal educational opportunities, including school choice; however, we contend that the present-day school choice and privatization movements may be a part of a larger social, political, and legal cycle of inequality that has established residence in the American educational system for more than a century. We conduct a critical race theory policy analysis using a framework that has been effective in previous work with examining cyclical inequalities, the convergence-divergence-reclamation cycle (or C-D-R cycle). In this article, we are focusing our analysis on the state of North Carolina due to its complex legal and political history with school desegregation and its recent support for various school choice options and privatizing public education. We assert that the push for school choice and privatizing public education in North Carolina demonstrates a broader, recurring problem in American public schools-–creating progressive education laws and policies appearing to promote educational equity and opportunity and then regressing to policies supporting White privilege while maintaining the status quo of inequitable educational opportunities for historically underserved and minoritized students.  相似文献   

There are times for abstract analysis, and times for detailed reporting and commentary about real events. This section is reserved for the latter.  相似文献   

对教育政策决策行为背后思想依据的考察是深刻理解教育政策的关键.本研究以美国废除公共学校种族隔离政策为例,探究最高法院的法官们决策时重点考虑的问题以及为何如此决策.决策基于对当时美国社会现实的思考,与三权分立原则下最高法院的权限、联邦制原则下教育在美国宪法中的定位有关,是当时历史条件下所能得出的最有利于教育公平的选择.  相似文献   

As school choice policies continue to gain momentum in the American system of public education, a push for increased accountability by different levels of government has occurred. In some instances, policymakers have begun to pair public-school choice and performance-based accountability mechanisms within the same initiative (e.g., the Florida A+ Plan). Theoretically, whereas school choice is supposed to release schools and their potential for innovation and improvement from bureaucratic control, prevailing forms of educational accountability have arisen from politically negotiated, bureaucratically administered standards for school success. The purpose of this article is to explore the consequences of integrated choice/accountability policies for the organization and governance of schooling on purely conceptual grounds. In so doing, it exposes what may be a fundamental tension.  相似文献   

择校行为代表了个体对自身利益的追求,与义务教育承载的公共理念产生了极大冲突。本文分析了发达国家舒缓择校与义务教育间张力的做法,揭示了两个结论:(1)择校引导社会重新定义义务教育中公共与个人利益的空间;(2)将选择加入公共资源配置,程序设计是制度设计的核心构件。  相似文献   


Despite the creeping resegregation of public schools, recent court decisions have been involved in the lifting of court-ordered desegregation decrees, which could arguably cause further segregation. When dismissing desegregation decrees, lower courts have relied on three U.S. Supreme Court decisions during the 1990s that permitted a lower standard for lifting desegregation decrees. Those school districts that remain under court-ordered desegregation decrees may find themselves in conflict with the No Child Left Behind Act's (NCLB) choice provision. Specifically, NCLB permits parents to transfer their children to another school if their present school is deemed in need of improvement. Such NCLB regulations may permit school districts to bypass the desegregation decree. In so doing, there is a conflict between a federal regulation and federal court order.

Employing legal research techniques (e.g., case and statutory analysis), this paper explores the Supreme Court's jurisprudence for declaring a school district unitary, analyzes the conflict between court-ordered desegregation decrees and NCLB's choice provision, and discusses the potential litigation that could result from the conflict between NCLB and desegregation decrees. doi:10.1300/J467v01n03_08  相似文献   

This research study explores the policy expansion of school choice within the methodological approach of event history analysis. The first section provides a comparative overview of state adoption of public school choice laws. After creating a statistical portrait of the contemporary landscape for school choice, the authors introduce event history analysis as a methodological solution to the problem of measuring policy expansion. Building on previous studies in the social science literature, we proceed to discuss political, economic, and social factors related to the passage of charter school laws. A multivariate analysis finds state adoption is significantly related to partisan gubernatorial control, classroom spending, private schools, education finance litigation, and minority representation. The final section discusses the empirical results in the modern policy environment and proposes future directions for comparative state research.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代后期,美国明尼苏达州陆续出台了中等后教育机会、开放入学、特许学校、第二次机会等公立学校选择政策。在其后的20年间,参与公立学校选择的学生人数逐渐增加。学校、学区以及学生的学习情况均有不同程度的改变。总的来说,反对者们预期中的负面效应并未出现。公立学校政策初步显示出了积极的效应,并逐步赢得了公众的普遍支持。  相似文献   

就近入学与择校是一对矛盾,当前,一是要促进教育资源均衡分布;二是要在择校操作过程中公开,公平,公正,以促进我国义务教育公平,促进社会和谐。  相似文献   

义务教育阶段"择校收费"现象的政策解析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前发生在义务教育阶段公办学校的"择校收费"现象,是优质教育资源配置不均和市场机制深度介入办学过程并交互作用的结果.九十年代以来国家对转制学校的政策支持,以及由此形成的优质学校的创收冲动加剧了这一现象的蔓延.这使得当代中国义务教育利用市场机制的过程表现出了既有别于历史,又不同于西方的三个方面特殊性,即市场机制出场时间的独特性、启动市场机制动机与目标的独特性和市场竞争主体的独特性.新世纪政府必须在增加教育供给、均衡教育资源的基础上,重构政府与市场合理有序的治理机制,推进义务教育均衡发展.  相似文献   

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