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Marry was given two apples, a small one and a large one, by his Mum .Share them with your sister.If Mum had given them to me. I'd have given you the large one and had the small one myself.Well,that's what you've got,so what are you worrying about?学…  相似文献   

Welcome to Leonardo da Vinci's workshop in 16th century Florence. No one knows what his "studio really looked like. Based on what he did and said, we've built a room containing some of the things Leonardo might have had. Take a look around to discover what made his art and science special.  相似文献   

An employer was very anxious to find the most intelligent of the three men who had applied for a job. So he told them: "Here are five conical hats. Three are white and two are black. I shall ask you to stand in 3 corners of the room facing the wall, and I shall place a hat on each of your heads. When you turn round, you will be able to see the other's hats but not your own. The first one to tell me the colour of his own hat will get the job." He then placed a white hat on each man's head. When the three men turned to face each other there was a long silence. Then, suddenly, one of the candidates (候选人) said, "Mine is white." How did he work out that he had a white hat on his headv  相似文献   

A man called Zhang bought a new bed.He paid a lot of moneyfor it and he wanted to show it to all his friends.But he did notknow how to show it to all his friends.Then,one day,he thought of away.He told everyone that he was ill and he stayed in bed.In awhile.his friends came to visit him.They all went into his bedroom.One of them,a man called Wu,had just bought some new shoes andhe was very proud of them.Sitting next to Zhang’s bed,he lifted uphis feet and put his shoes on top of the bed so that Zhang could seethem.After a few minutes of nobody saying anything,Wu said,“Well,what’s wrong with you?”  相似文献   

庄新月 《海外英语》2013,(4X):200-202
Hemingway established a well-known literary theory - iceberg principle.He said he always attempted to create his literary works according to this principle.In his opinion,if a prose writer has a pretty clear idea of what he writes about,then he can omit the things he knows,and the readers will strongly feel that what the writer has omitted seems to have been written as long as what he writes is authentic.Hemingway himself once said,"The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one eighth of it being above water."Here,one eighth refers to the information given by the author,and the rest refers to the unwrit ten information that can be acquired in readers’imagination on the basis of the one eighth.The Killers is a good example of Hemingway’s iceberg principle.This essay will analyse the characters in it to show how the principle was used in this short story.With no doubt the iceberg principle leaves a large space for the readers to imagine and better understand Hemingway’s works.  相似文献   

"Our God has planted that pea,and made it grow and flourish,to bring joy to you and hope to me,my blessed child, "said the happy mother,and she smiled at the flower,as if it had been an angel from God.But what happened to the other peas?The one who flew out into the wide world and said,"Catch me if you can,"fell into a gutter on the roof of a house,and eaten by a pigeon.The  相似文献   

A man in Scotland called his son in London the day before Christmas Eve and said, I hate to ruin your day,but I have to tell you that your mother and I are divorcing; forty-five years of misery is enough. Dad,what are you talking about? the son screamed. We can't stand the sight of each other any longer, the father said. We're sick of each other,and I'm sick of talking about this,so you call your sister in Leeds and tell her about it. Frantic,the son called his sister,who exploded on the phone. L...  相似文献   

How Old Are You?     
A mother and her young son got into a bus in a small city and sat down.The bus conductor came to them for their money.The mother said, "I want one ticket to London, "and gave her a shilling(先令,英国货币单位,1先令等于12便士)..The conductor looked at the small boy for a few seconds and then said to him, "How old are you,young man?  相似文献   

Mr Brown went to see his(?) one day, because he had a headache. After the doctor(?) him carefully, he said to the man, "Well, there's(?) really wrong with you, I'm glad to say. Your only trouble is that you(?) too much. Do you know I had a man with the  相似文献   

One Piano Only     
Jim was clever, but he never liked to work hard. He often said to his friends, "If you work hard, you will make a lot of money, but it doesn't seem good. I want easy work and a lot of money. That's the most interesting thing in the world(世界上)."So he could only be a thief (贼). But he still thought it was too much work, so he only told his friends what to do and got money from them.  相似文献   

Bicycle or Bull?     
A burly professional wrestler was visiting his friend in a small town and one night they stayed a little too long at the pub. Not wanting to drive they decided to walk home. As they were crossing a farmers field a bull charged them. The wrestler grabbed the bull by the horns and they went down in a snarling heap. Finally the bull jumped up and ran away. "Wow" said the friend "that was quite a tussle." "Yeah" the wrestler replied "and if I hadnt had that last drink I wou…  相似文献   

An old man had many sons, who were often quarreling.He tried to make them good friends, but could not. As the end of his life drew near,the old man called them all to him and showed them a bundle of sticks tied tightly together."Now," said the father, "see if you can break this bundle of sticks. "Each of the sons in turn took the bundle and tried with  相似文献   

Early in his childhood, as soon as he was able to speak, he was asked what kind of face he would like to have. They agreed when he said he' d like to have a blue face like his mother, who had hers from being born in the sea. Pith(抽去;杀死) from the claws of a certain bird furnished the dye, which he let the nurse wipe over his brow and cheeks. Soon his face was blue and stayed blue; and although no one said it to him, everyone thought he was a beautiful boy.  相似文献   

Noah''''s Ark     
This is the story of Noah.Noah was a righteous man,the one blameless man of his time; he walked with God.He had three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth. Now Godsaw that the whole world was corrupt and full of violence.In his sight the world had become corrupted, for all menhad lived corrupt lives on earth. God said to Noah, "Theloathsomeness of all mankind has become plain to me, forthrough them the earth is full of violence. I intend todestroy them, and the earth with them. Make yourself anark…  相似文献   

Mrs Williams loved flowers and had a small but beautiful garden. In the summer, her roses (玫瑰花) were always the best in her streel. One summer afternoon her bell rang, and when she went to the front door, she saw a small boy outside. He was about eight years old, and was holding a big bunch of beautiful roses in his hand. "I'm selling roses," he said. "Do you want any? They are quite cheap. One shilling for a big bunctl. They are fresh. I pieked them this afternoon."  相似文献   

"This blue jacket will fit*you,Iris,"said Mum.Iris looked at the jacket.It was her sister Dana’s old jacket."I don’t want that old thing,"said Iris."I want a new jacket.""But this is a good jacket,"said Mum."It will look good on you,Iris.*"Iris felt sad.She wanted a jacket just for her.Iris looked at the jacket.She wanted to make it special*.  相似文献   

A New Key     
People worry about the fact they often losetheir keys.NOW if you forget where your key iS.you can find it quickly.Let’s read the follow-ing.Yesterday Mr Smith lost his key in the room.“Where is my key?”he said to himself.He didn’tknow what to do.He thought hard and then had anloea.“Hello!”he said in a loud voice.“Hello!”a  相似文献   

One evening a young man at Oxford who was known to be something of a poet read one of his poems to a small group of friends in his room . The poem was greatly admired. But as they came away one of the friends,Charles,said“,I was very much interes-ted in Alfred"s poem — but it was stolen from a book.”This remark was repeated to Alfred,whowas very annoyed and dem anded an apology.“W ell,”said Charles,“I don#t often takeback what I have said,but on this occasionI adm it I have m ade a m…  相似文献   

A mouse and a lionOne day a mouse went out to find something to eat.He ran carelessly through some tall grass.He ran into a big lion.The lion caught him,held him tightly(紧紧地)and would not let him go."Please let me go,Mr Lion,"said the mouse."One day I will help you." The lion laughed and thought,how a little mouse could help a big lion!Then he said,"Very well,I will let you go.But you must walk more carefully." "Thank you,"the mouse said."You are very kind." The next week the mouse was again looking for something to eat.He saw the lion had fallen into a net of strong ropes.He could not move.The mouse cut one of the ropes with his teeth and then the other.Soon the  相似文献   

尹志远  龙桂珍 《初中生》2002,(18):40-41
根据图画及短文给下面每个空填上一个适当的词。Henry was from the United States and he had come to London1a holiday.One day he was not feeling2,so he went to the clerk(服务员)at the desk of his hoteland said,“I want to 3 adoctor.Can you give me the nameof a good one?”  相似文献   

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