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对处于关键成长期的青少年来说,同辈群体环境的影响是他们成长发展过程中的一个重要因素,对青少年思想政治教育起着重要作用。文章总结了青少年同辈群体形成的原因和特点,在客观分析青少年同辈群体对青少年思想政治教育影响的基础上,提出了优化青少年同辈群体环境的几条途径,从而为引导青少年健康成长提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Previous studies of higher education (HE) choice have tended to draw a strong contrast between the decisions made by young people from working-class backgrounds and those of their middle-class peers. This paper draws on a qualitative, longitudinal study to argue that such assumptions about social class homogeneity overlook the very different ways in which students from a similar (middle class) location come to understand the HE sector. It also suggests that while families have a strong influence on young people's conceptualisation of the sector, friends and peers play an important role in informing decisions about what constitutes a 'feasible' choice. Indeed, this paper shows how rankings within friendship groups were, in many cases, transposed directly onto a hierarchy of HE institutions and courses. On the basis of this evidence, it concludes that a two-step interaction between family and friends best explains the decision-making processes in which these young people were engaged.  相似文献   

本文论述了高职教育的时代需求和历史选择、高职教育人才培养的定位与就业分析,其目的在于为高职学校和教育者提供招生、教育教学和就业指导等方面的理论依据,也为高职学生树立奋斗目标和就业提供指导。这是教育主管部门和教育工作者正研究和探讨的一个新课题。  相似文献   

文章主要论述希腊青年(啃老族)在教育、就业和培训的现状,着重探讨希腊受经济危机和持续萧条的影响下青年失业和啃老族问题.从希腊青年和啃老族的教育水平、受培训情况、失业问题和社会弱势的现状出发,分析了希腊人贫困代际传递现象、生存战略和青年与啃老族的生活历程.  相似文献   

高校扩招以后,大学毕业生面临巨大的就业压力,大学生就业成为人们关注的一个热点问题.对高校而言,大学生就业的关键首先在于定位准确,并通过专业教育、就业培训、创业指导等,为学生未来从事的职业及其人生走向奠定基础.  相似文献   

What are the major factors that make it difficult for women students majoring in science and engineering to find employment? Can a college education play a role in improving this situation? This article, based on a survey of 1986-95 women graduates of the Huazhong Science and Engineering University, focuses on the achievements and inadequacies of a college education in improving the developmental level of such students and promoting their career development, and recommends measures to improve the situation.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s, the process of deindustrialisation, accompanied by social, cultural and political changes, has altered youth transitions from school to work. This paper is drawn from an Economic and Social Research Council-funded study that explored the diversity of white, working-class young men (aged between 16 and 18) in a post-industrial community. The study focused on how young men performed their masculinities through different post-16 educational pathways and within the limits of place and a disadvantaged social class position. In this paper, I explore the way three of these young men who were enrolled on different vocational education and training courses learned how to display acceptable masculinities within these settings. Drawing on the work of Goffman, I argue that these vocational courses can ‘frame’ traditional forms of working-class masculinity, but also have the potential to enable alternative performances of masculinity to come through. However, the role of a locale’s industrial heritage on gendered and classed expectations is important, and the impact this has on successful futures needs to be recognised.  相似文献   

Perspective taking, defined as the ability to take on the visual, cognitive, and affective perspective of others, is considered a highly adaptive skill, vital for the child’s social, intellectual, and emotional development. This article provides a critical analysis of scientific psychological literature from 1995 to the present on the main methods of intervention used to promote perspective taking in developmentally typical preschool children (3–5 years). The focus is on different methodological approaches, and how the cognitive and emotional dimensions that make up this capacity have been developed through specific operational procedures, emphasizing their strengths and critical factors. In particular, it focuses on the intervention methods based on three major analytical perspectives, specifically the cognitive approach [Theory of Mind (ToM)], the behaviorist approach [Relational Frame Theory (RFT)], and finally, the socio-constructionist approach, are compared. Analysis of the collected data has revealed that despite some critical yet controversial factors, it is actually possible to teach and improve perspective taking in preschoolers through different methods, applicable in different contexts and dependent on the involvement of significant adults, such as parents and educators.  相似文献   

本文从三个方面评介美国历史学家杰里·本特利的全球史思想和治史实践,即他如何以历史上不同地区和不同人群之间的相互作用和影响作为标准来划分世界历史的各个时期,他对1500-1900年间早期近代世界演变的理论构思,以及他怎样把上述理论思考应用到世界通史教材的编写实践中.文章认为,本特利近年来的一系列学术成果,尤其是他对跨文化交流及其在世界历史一体化进程中的作用的分析,为在世界史研究和教学领域进一步超越"欧洲中心主义"史观,建立真正意义上的全球视角,做出了重要贡献.  相似文献   

德法促进失业青年职业培训和就业的经验及其借鉴意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文介绍了德法两国在促进失业青年职业培训和就业等方面的政策和措施,其经验对我国职业教育的启示是:必须合理、充分地利用各种资源;扶持弱势青年做好进入职业世界的准备;完善就业准入和职业资格制度,加强职业指导与咨询服务。  相似文献   

21世纪是一个经济全球化,文化多元化的时代,人类面临着许多方面的挑战,其中最大的挑战是自身素质的挑战。本文通过对中西文化差异的对比,从跨文化的视角,对英语教学和经济建设关系进行研究,找出切合点,将大学英语教学和大学生将来自身的发展紧密联系起来。并通过对跨文化交际能力重要性的阐述及其与大学生就业的相关性分析,明确英语教学应重视文化输入和跨文化能力培养,以帮助大学毕业生在全球化的国际环境中更具竞争力。  相似文献   

职业教育与普通教育之间的紧张关系一直是各国教育发展过程中的老大难问题。职普融通作为一种解决二者紧张关系问题的教育理念与实践诉求,本质上在于重塑各类学校教育的培养目标,构建适应现代社会发展需要的学校公民教育体系,选择有利于公民素质养成的教育内容,创新学生公民素质培养的教育方式,加强学生公民技能培养的教学实践,以便消除职普两种不同类型教育的自身缺陷和弊端,从而保证所有学生成长为具有公民知识和技能的"全面发展的人"。  相似文献   

就业思想政治教育对人的生存和发展具有重要意义和作用。就业思想政治教育价值具体表现为它的生存论价值、方法论价值、创新论价值和发展论价值。其生存论价值体现在使教育对象更好地立足社会并获得生存和发展的条件,实现教育满足人的生存需要所具有的个体价值和满足社会进步需要所具有的社会价值的统一;方法论价值体现在既注重知识的重要性和理论化内容,又强调价值的现实性和生活化内容,能够开拓主体自我价值实现的新途径;创新论价值体现在培育人的创新意识、激发人的创新动力、培养人的创新能力、营造创新文化氛围;发展论价值体现在满足人自由而全面发展的需要,满足人与社会和谐发展的需求。  相似文献   

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