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本文通过卡文迪许实验室简介、卡文迪许实验室成员和密切相关者获诺贝尔奖的统计表,给出了卡文迪许实验室之所以是诺贝尔奖的摇篮及启示.  相似文献   

卡文迪许实验室对科学技术发展的巨大贡献是有目共睹的。本文较全面地探讨了卡文迪许实验室多年来一直成果累累、人才辈出的原因,尤其是从七个方面重点讨论了卡文迪许实验室培养高科技人才、科学研究、科学管理的经验。  相似文献   

卡文迪许实验室人才辈出探因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卡文迪许实验室对科学技术发展的巨大贡献是有目共睹的。本文较全面地探讨了卡文迪许室多年来一直成果累累,人才辈出的原因,尤其是从七个方面重点讨论了卡文迪许实验室培养高科技人才、科学研究、科学管理的经验。  相似文献   

在现代物理学的发展中,实验室的建设具有重要意义。卡文迪许实验室作为20世纪物理学的发源地之一,具有特殊的意义。  相似文献   

杜正国 《物理教师》2009,30(7):53-53,55
新课程标准高中《物理》必修2(人教版)第7章第3节“万有引力定律”中提到:“一百多年以后,英国物理学家卡文迪许(1731~1810)在实验室里通过几个铅球之间万有引力的测量,比较准确地得到了G的数值.”同一页中有照片~张。照片的说明是:“图7.3—1以卡文迪许命名的实验室是世界著名的实验室,坐落在英国剑桥大学.  相似文献   

在现代物理学的发展中,实验室的建设具有重要意义.卡文迪许实验室作为20世纪物理学的发源地之一,具有特殊的意义.  相似文献   

一、生平简介亨利·卡文迪许 (Henry Cavendish,1731~亨利·卡文迪许(Henry Cavendish,1731~ 1810 )1810 ) ,英国化学家、物理学家 .1731年 10月出生于法国尼斯 ,他的父亲是英国公爵的后裔 .卡文迪许在两岁时失去了母亲 ,这使他形成一种过于孤独和羞怯的性格 .174 2~ 174 8年 ,卡文迪许在伦敦附近的海克纳学校读书 ,174 9年考入剑桥大学彼得豪斯学院求学 ,175 3年他在毕业前几天离开了剑桥大学去巴黎留学 .回伦敦定居后 ,在他父亲的实验室中当助手 ,做了大量的化学、电学实验研究 .176 0年卡文迪许被选为伦敦皇家学会成员 ,180 3年又成…  相似文献   

英国剑桥大学的卡文迪许实验室是世界上最著名的实验室之一,自实验室建成以后,在第一任实验室主任麦克斯韦及其后继者,特别是汤姆生、卢瑟福等的努力下,实验室建立了一整套培养研究生的管理体制,树立了良好的学风,成为现代第一个有系统的教学和科  相似文献   

大学实验室成为取得辉煌科研成果的重要载体,是关键中的关键。英国剑桥大学卡文迪许实验室的成功经验告许我们:追求科学和真理是实验室建设持续不变的目标;不拘一格选主持、不拘一格育人才是实验室建设的高贵灵魂;志存高远、视名利如天上浮云是实验室研究人员的优良品质;思想活跃、学术自由、氛围宽松是实验室建设的文化根基。  相似文献   

英国卡文迪许实验室与美国贝尔实验室在科技创新中取得巨大成功的重要原因之一,是两大实验室都有科学的人才方略.通过对两大实验室的领军帅才遴选、科研人才选拔、人才团队建设等方面的比较研究,从中探讨出两大实验室人才方略的共性特点和差异特色,并提出启发性的思考.  相似文献   

被誉为世界物理学圣地的英国卡文迪许实验室、号称美国现代高科技摇篮的贝尔实验室和助推日本迈入诺贝尔奖获奖大国的物理学精英苗圃仁科研究室,都积极倡导原创性研究,其实验室的科学家不断斩获诺贝尔自然科学奖。这些著名实验室特别注重用独特的教育方式实现学术传承和研究创新:首先,作为人才高峰的学术大师以高瞻远瞩的学术领导力和享誉国际的学术声望吸引已有一定学术影响或学术潜质的人才来实验室工作,构筑坚实的人才高地,并以此奠定人才高峰与人才高地良性互动的基础。其次,实验室自由愉悦的组织环境、风格不同的正式与非正式沙龙,共同营造了良好的科研氛围。这种科研文化能够激发研究灵感,使实验室保持领先的优势地位。最后,老师对学生的研究引领和学术提携能有效实现学术传承,而大师们自觉的举贤让能有效地鼓励后学晚进努力超越前辈先进,实现良性的新陈代谢,使实验室充满生机与活力并始终走在科学研究的前沿。  相似文献   

介绍了英国剑桥大学卡文迪什实验室的发展历程,特别是该实验室的历届实验室主任的创新思想,大胆改革实验室的主要研究方向,并取得了一系列推动科学发展的辉煌成就,与此同时,从第一任实验室主任麦克斯韦到瑞利勋爵、J.J.汤姆森、卢瑟福、W.L.布格、莫特等,培养了一代一代的著名科学家。实验室是培养创新人才的摇篮,是现代大学的心脏。  相似文献   

The measure G, the universal gravitational constant, is attributed to Henry Cavendish. Nevertheless, the intention of the English physicist was to measure the density of the earth, which at that time was necessary in order to decide between different theories about the composition of this planet. G was measured much later. In this article I will try to explain how Cavendish accomplished the famous experiment and what his results were. Likewise, I will consider the problems that can arise in the scientific training of students from maintaining anachronisms such as this.  相似文献   

To cope with the rapidly changing higher education climate, teachers need agency to act proactively in initiating and steering changes in practice. This paper describes an academic development activity in the form of a Change Laboratory, an intervention method based on Cultural-Historical Activity Theory, to facilitate agency among teachers. The results of the study indicate that transformative agency emerges when teachers are given the opportunity to analyse, envision, and redesign their practice collaboratively. This has implications for academic development, suggesting that activities facilitating discussion, analysis, and criticism of current practices are needed to support the development of agency.  相似文献   

Following an ever growing literature which takes serious the relevance of case-studies in the history of science for science education and understanding of science, I provide a detailed historical reconstruction of the Cavendish Experiment, which remains as close as possible to the original. In this paper, I call attention to three educational benefits of familiarizing students with the Cavendish Experiment and its aftermath.  相似文献   

自从牛顿提出万有引力理论以后,科学家们就开始了用实验的方法测定万有引力常数G值的努力.介绍了几个著名的G值测定实验,其中英国物理学家和化学家亨利·卡文迪许的实验具有开创性的重要意义.该项实验设计精巧,具有相当高的精确度,在历史上影响很深,至今对学习者仍有较强的指导作用.  相似文献   

高校学术团队是我国科技创新和研究型人才培养的重要力量,实验技术人员是团队中不可或缺的组成部分。传统的以教研室为基础的组织形式不能适应当前实验教学和科研形势的要求,通过对高校实验队伍的考核评估机制中存在的问题及原因进行分析,探讨学术团队中实验技术人员的评估原则和措施。  相似文献   

Dawn of science     
T. Padmanabhan 《Resonance》2012,17(6):532-537
With the works of Cavendish, Priestley and Lavoisier, chemistry emerged as an exact science.  相似文献   

The combined influence of maturation, ripening, and climate on the profile of bioactive compounds was studied in banana (Musa acuminata, AAA, Cavendish, cv. Grande Naine). Their bioactive compounds were determined by the Folin-Ciocalteu assay and high-performance thin layer chromatographic (HPTLC) method. The polyphenol content of bananas harvested after 400 degree days remained unchanged during ripening, while bananas harvested after 600 and 900 degree days exhibited a significant polyphenol increase. Although dopamine was the polyphenol with the highest concentration in banana peels during the green developmental stage and ripening, its kinetics differed from the total polyphenol profile. Our results showed that this matrix of choice (maturation, ripening, and climate) may allow selection of the banana (M. acuminata, AAA, Cavendish, cv. Grande Naine) status that will produce optimal concentrations of identified compounds with human health relevance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate and compare the impact of Internet Virtual Physics Laboratory (IVPL) instruction with traditional laboratory instruction in physics academic achievement, performance of science process skills, and computer attitudes of tenth grade students. One-hundred and fifty students from four classes at one private senior high school in Taoyuan Country, Taiwan, R.O.C. were sampled. All four classes contained 75 students who were equally divided into an experimental group and a control group. The pre-test results indicated that the students’ entry-level physics academic achievement, science process skills, and computer attitudes were equal for both groups. On the post-test, the experimental group achieved significantly higher mean scores in physics academic achievement and science process skills. There was no significant difference in computer attitudes between the groups. We concluded that the IVPL had potential to help tenth graders improve their physics academic achievement and science process skills.  相似文献   

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