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Manyinvestigationsandquestionnairesurveysinwesterncountrieshavebeencarriedouttoassessthein doorenvironmentquality(IEQ)anditsinfluenceonhu manbeings.Peoplearemoreproductivewhentheirstateofwell beingisgood .Nowadayspeoplebecomeincreas inglyawarethathealthandcomfortcomplaintsfromoc cupantsofoffices ,publicinstitutions,andotherpublicbuildingsare ,inmanycases ,associatedwithpoorIEQ .Whenabuildingissubjectedtocomplaintsandissuffi cientlyconvincedtoconductanIEQinvestigation ,itmaybecharacterizeda…  相似文献   

This paper provides a case study of theLearning for a Sustainable EnvironmentProject which illustrates how educationalchange may be fostered at a regional levelthrough the professional development of teachereducators. The purpose of this project was toexpand the range of innovative practices usedin teacher education programmes in theAsia-Pacific region by introducing educators tothe curriculum planning skills and teachingmethodologies of environmental education. Thiswas done through an action research network ofteacher educators who shared in the developmentand evaluation of workshop modules as a vehiclefor collaborative professional development.This paper outlines the details of thisstrategy for change and uses the findings of aparticipatory evaluation of the project toargue that the action research network approachused in this project can provide a relativelyinexpensive and egalitarian approach torethinking professional development andeducational change. This is of particularsignificance in `southern' settings such asAsia and the Pacific where professionaldevelopment, especially in higher education,tends to be dependent upon outside expertisefunded by aid agencies and the multilateralbanks.  相似文献   


Advanced Technological Education is distinct from typical National Science Foundation programs in that it is essentially a training—not research—program, and most grantees are located at technical and two-year colleges. This article presents empirical data on the status of research in the program, discusses the program’s role in supporting NSF’s values of intellectual merit and broader impacts, and offers strategies for enhancing research within the program.  相似文献   


One of the biggest forces in primary and secondary education today is the home schooling movement–parents opting to forego sending their children to public or private schools in order to teach them themselves in their own home. As this movement grows, more and more students entering higher education will have been home schooled. This is becoming a market segment that many colleges and universities cannot afford to ignore. The current paper reviews the research which has been conducted on home schooling to answer four questions of importance to college or university officials as they contemplate targeting this group: (1) why do parents home school? (2) what are the characteristics of home schoolers? (3) would home schoolers make good college students? and (4) how could a college or university effectively reach out to home schoolers? By answering these four questions, college and university officials can better decide whether or not they should target home schooled students and, if they do, how to best reach these students.  相似文献   

Junior English for China' is based on the 'Five-Step' teaching method: Revision, Presentation, Drilling, Practice, Consolidation. Each step has its own particular methodology and requires the teacher to adopt a certain role. This paper is a discussion of the "Five-Step Method".  相似文献   

This article summarized the research progress and characteristics of Chinese social security issues from 2000 papers,which record in CNKI.We find that,the topic in the field of social security is board and dispersion.Due to the huge system and complex problem of social security,there is no central theme.Through cluster analysis,multi dimensional scaling analysis and social network analysis,we got the high frequency keywords atlas.Then,we summarized the research topic to six parts.They are rural social security,urban and rural social security coordination,vulnerable group social security,social security fund management,the social insurance system,and social security system and government responsibility.It summed up the theme of the module,meanwhile,combined the practice analysis.  相似文献   

This article will focus on five key areas relating to Primary TEFL in China.Firstly,the real TEFL context in Chinese primary schools will be discussed in terms of its special characteristics.Secondly,the current methodological approach will be examined from both a theoretical perspective,focusing on government(MOE)policy for primary TEFL,and a practical perspective,based on personal observations of classroom practice.The third section of the article will highlight some perceived shortcomings of current practice,while the fourth will outline the actual needs of primary learners in the Chinese educational system.Finally,the question of how teachers can meet these needs will be examined in relation to:methodological integration; integration of skills and sub-skills teaching/learning;and the exploitation of materials and activities to provide learners with three different types of language input and output opportunities(extensive,intensive and analysed:Swan,2006).  相似文献   

Within a rapidly changing cultural and socio-economic context, young people in China are increasingly engaging in romantic experiences and sexual behaviours with consequences such as unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. Across a range of contexts, parental communication about sexuality has been recognised as protective in terms of increasing the likelihood of sexual abstinence and safer sexual practice. This study focuses on the factors shaping parent–adolescent communication about sexuality. Thirty-eight young people and twenty-seven parents, recruited from two high schools in a Northern-Eastern city of China, were interviewed. Thematic analysis of their interview responses was conducted using a social constructionist framework. Four main themes were identified: timing; discomfort and uncertainty; assumptions; and the parent–adolescent relationship. Findings suggest that communication between parents and children is influenced by individual as well as interpersonal factors and factors relating to the broader Chinese sociocultural context. To facilitate communication, both parents and young people need support from health and other professionals, while parents need more help and support in overcoming historical, social and cultural barriers to open communication about sex.  相似文献   

《Infancia y Aprendizaje》2013,36(85):19-32

The article presents a revision of the added value model in school assessment, understood to mean the extent to which the school achieves greater student performance, once other factors have been controlled, such as the socio-cultural context and the initial level of knowledge. Firstly, the evolution of this concept over the last few years is analysed, on account of an advance in three areas: studies on effective schools; performance measures; and changes in educational ideology. In point two there is some reflection on the contributions this model makes towards the most classical assessment approach, but attention is also drawn to the risk which may be run in doing so. Part three presents the assessment and research projects which are conducted by the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) within this theoretical framework. Finally, there is an appendix with a guide on taking the necessary decisions for working from the added value approach.  相似文献   

Attention-all Chinese challengers to the Indian with the world6s longest ear hair (4 inches) or the Americans who smooched their way to the world6s longest kiss (30 hours, 59 minutes, 27 seconds)-your day has come. And this tim  相似文献   

Chickering's seven vectors theory developed in America in this category is the most useful for student development in student affairs. There has been no systematic research on Chickering's theory in Mainland China, even some existing in Taiwan. However, based on the summary of scattered references, two trends on development for Chinese university students are found for future research: one is that there is some research related to every vector respectively. The other is that a growing trend with rising grades from some aspects connected to some psychosocial vectors is shown on university students. So seven vectors theory is useful for describing development for Chinese university students.  相似文献   

A growing number of national and local governments view child development accounts (CDAs) as an innovative policy tool for social and economic development. This article reviews the global landscape of CDAs, presents three CDA policy cases from Asia, analyzes main themes and discusses potential implications for China.  相似文献   

由国内部分中青年学者共同编辑的《高等教育研究在中国》是一套反映中国高等教育研究学术信息的英文系列专辑。它集中反映了我国高等教育改革与发展最新动态和研究成果。该书由高教研究界专家学者撰写,主要分研究综述、学术论文、学者简介、中国学术机构简介、学术论文要目辑览等6个栏目。全书信息量大,复盖面广。本系列英文专辑暂定每年出一本,编委会设在华中理工大学《高等教育研究》编辑部。《高等教育研究在中国》(第1辑)主要内容有:高等教育研究在中国的发展轨迹(潘懋元)、中国高等教育体制改革的回顾(邓晓春)、研究大学教育思想的10年回顾(姚启和)、“211工程”建设:中国高等教育发展的战略决策(龚放)、世纪之交中国高等教育的发展及其中的二难选择(冒荣)、缴费上大学:一项意义深远的改革(赵中建)、中  相似文献   

This paper is to analyze W.B.Yeats' love poem "Down by the Salley Gardens",focusing on the appreciation of the poem with a pair of Chinese eyes.From the brief analysis this paper comes to the conclusion that there are certain reasons for the poem being loved by Chinese reader for its antique form and penetrating rhyme,its restraint sentiment and strong tension.  相似文献   

Women academics reportedly exhibit lower research productivity than males. This study first quantitatively explored gender differences in research output based on a survey among 309 Chinese academics teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL). Qualitative data obtained through interviews with seven female respondents were analyzed from an ecological perspective. Results showed significant gender differences in domestic publication but no such differences in international publication. Women academics’ pursuit of research was influenced by many factors from and beyond the microsystems of workplace and family, and their coping strategies included soliciting help from seasoned colleagues, attending academic conferences, and joining online communities. The findings highlight the institutional supportive practices and familial environment that are equally important in promoting women academics’ professional development.  相似文献   

An experience expectable environment in child care classrooms is one in which teachers consistently provide positive and nurturing interactions within daily routines and activities to enhance children’s learning. Growing numbers of children are being enrolled in child care at earlier ages and staying for longer periods of time each day which is heightening the need to attend to the context of child care for very young children. Several large scale studies in social policy, biology, and human development have confirmed the links between children’s early experiences and later outcomes, and recent brain research and research in child care classrooms has highlighted the importance of these consistent, responsive, and respectful patterns of interaction, especially for very young children’s development. Yet, examination of the quality of child care has indicated interactions in these classrooms that may not support optimal development and/or that could be considered harmful. Given toddlers’ need for consistent and nurturing care, coupled with the current substandard quality of care for very young children, discussing the context of child care in terms of an experience expectable environment provides a perspective to understand the context of toddler child care. This perspective underscores the connections of routines and interactions to children’s development of neural pathways, thus setting the foundation for optimizing learning and development.  相似文献   

The thesis interprets waiting for Godot through writings of Nietzsche and Camus on existentialism.Therefore,main characters in the play are created to illustrate the meaninglessness of existence.  相似文献   

"谁也别心存侥幸,凡是进入行政受理程序的,就必须承担申报文件真实、准确、完整的责任,造成严重后果,承担更严重责任;本轮检查工作后,还出现问题,将按照法律上限来处罚(比如罚款1倍到5倍,就按5倍罚)。"1月8日,证监会副主席姚刚、主席助理张育军召集各地证监局、交易所、发行部、创业板部人员召开了"IPO  相似文献   

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