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The Australian team that toured India in 1935/36 comprised atypical cricket personnel. Their cultural and social unorthodoxy contributed to the tour being shunned by cricket officialdom in Australia. Tour manager, Frank Tarrant’s method of team selection was meritocratic unlike that of customary cricket practice where social and cultural hierarchy informed team composition. This article outlines the unorthodox team composition and argues that the official cricket body objected to the exercise because of the professional nature of the tour, social (particularly class) discrimination and preconceptions of racial prejudices. The Maharaja of Patiala’s generous financing of the tour identified it as a definitively professional exercise and encouraged participation considering the precarious status of the global economy following the Great Depression. The goodwill between Australia and India evidenced on tour challenged cricket protocol and reflects a pragmatic and growing recognition that diplomatic and economic unity was desirable in light of the imminent dissolution of the British Empire.  相似文献   

PS:本期光盘内容将附带JH(晶合)魔善战队宣传视频,详细战队资料请登陆电子竞技杂志官方论坛WWW.china-ea.net。小编寄语:JH魔兽战队于2002年成立,在2003年成长,于2004年末分裂解散。2004年战队流失出去的主要人员在经历了2年时间后,再次聚在一起,准备重组当年叱咤魔兽圈的晶合战队,不说此举意义与否,至少对于一群经历过2年电子竞技风云的"孩子门"能够再选择重新在一起延续当年的梦想,就已经是很难能可贵的了。  相似文献   

辽宁省竞走项目后备人才现状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法和数理统计法,对辽宁省青少年竞走运动员现状进行调查研究,结果表明:重视培养年轻、高素质的教练员队伍是提高训练水平的根本保障;辽宁省青少年竞走运动员目前的专项技术存在许多问题,改进运动员的专项技术是提高运动成绩的关键;科学安排基础训练阶段的运动负荷是培养高水平运动员的策略;管理部门的重视是竞走项目发展的根本保证;高度重视竞走运动员的心理训练,是青少年运动员将来成为优秀运动员的基础。  相似文献   

To examine the reliability and validity of 1-mile walk tests for estimation of aerobic fitness (VO2max) in 10- to 13-year-old children and to cross-validate previously published equations. Participants (= 61) walked 1-mile on two different days. Self-reported physical activity, demographic variables, and aerobic fitness were used in multiple regression analyses. Eight models were developed with various combinations of predictors. The recommended model for fitness testing in schools was: VO2max = 120.702 + (4.114 × Sex [F = 0, M = 1]) – (2.918 × 1-mile Walk Time [min]) – (2.841 × Age), = .73, standard error of estimate = 6.36 mL·kg?1·min?1. Cross-validation of previously published equations demonstrated lower correlations with measured VO2max than the newly developed walk tests. Evidence of reliability and validity for 1-mile walk tests to estimate VO2max in young children was provided. The model that included 1-mile walk time, age, and sex may be appropriate for youth fitness testing in physical education, particularly for unmotivated or overweight young children.  相似文献   

以自编"课外体育活动问卷"和王极盛教授编制的"中学生心理健康量表"为测量工具,对农村乡镇中学留守及非留守初中生各1 200名,就课外体育活动现状及心理健康状况分别进行了调查和测量及对比分析,以探讨课外体育活动与农村乡镇初中学生心理健康的关系.结果表明:初中生整体参加课外体育活动不足,留守生更甚;留守生心理健康不良倾向检出率为44.5%,明显高于非留守生的36%:留守生在性别之间及不同年级之间的心理健康水平也存在显著性差异,男生心理健康水平好于女生,初一、二年级学生心理健康状况好于初三年级学生;留守生的课外体育活动状况与心理健康各维度存在明显的相关性.  相似文献   

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