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The effectiveness of different training and transfer test conditions in promoting perceptual learning in impulsive kindergarten children was investigated. Interproblem variability was found to be more effective than intraproblem variability, and a differentiation training procedure was found to be more effective than a matching training procedure. The results provide guidelines for designing effective training methods for improving discrimination learning and problem solving in impulsive children.  相似文献   

The present research investigated the effects of physical context change and perceptual learning on generalization. In a video game, participants learned to suppress their mouse-clicking behavior in the presence of one stimulus (AX). Generalization was observed between the AX stimulus and another stimulus (BX) that was designed to be similar. When testing was conducted in a context different from that in which AX was used in training, responding to AX was attenuated, and responding to BX was enhanced. That is, the generalization gradient flattened. The latter effect was only evident in groups for which generalization had been reduced through a preexposure manipulation believed to produce perceptual learning. Experiment 2 demonstrated that the increase in generalization observed in the first experiment was due to the context change between the preexposure and test rather than to a change between the conditioning and test contexts. Implications for flattening generalization gradients and mechanisms of perceptual learning are discussed.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we examined how preexposure to discriminative stimuli and introduction of a 21-day retention interval affected the latent inhibition (LI) and perceptual learning (PL) of rats in a choice-maze discrimination task. Experimental groups were preexposed to three wall patterns, one in each of three arms of a maze. Control groups were preexposed only to white arms. PL groups were trained to discriminate A versus B, and LI groups, to discriminate A or B versus C. The A and B patterns shared many elements not shared with the C pattern. In Experiment 1, both at the end of training and after the subsequent retention interval, the PL groups performed better than controls, whereas the LI groups performed worse. In Experiment 2, inserting the 21-day retention interval between preexposure and discrimination training disrupted final measures of LI but not PL performance. Implications for current concepts of PL and LI are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a brief, informal outline followed by a formal statement of an elemental associative learning model first described by McLaren, Kaye, and Mackintosh (1989). The model assumes representation of stimuli by sets of elements (i.e., microfeatures) and a set of associative algorithms that incorporate the following: real-time simulation of learning; an error-correcting learning rule; weight decay that distinguishes between transient and permanent associations; and modulation of associative learning that gives high salience to and, hence, promotes rapid learning with novel, unpredicted stimuli and reduces the salience for a stimulus as its error term declines. The model is applied in outline fashion to some of the basic phenomena of simple conditioning and, in greater detail, to the phenomena of latent inhibition and perceptual learning. A detailed account of generalization and discrimination will be provided in a later paper.  相似文献   

Effect of visual perceptual training on reading achievement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

We present and test an instance model of associative learning. The model, Minerva-AL, treats associative learning as cued recall. Memory preserves the events of individual trials in separate traces. A probe presented to memory contacts all traces in parallel and retrieves a weighted sum of the traces, a structure called the echo. Learning of a cue–outcome relationship is measured by the cue’s ability to retrieve a target outcome. The theory predicts a number of associative learning phenomena, including acquisition, extinction, reacquisition, conditioned inhibition, external inhibition, latent inhibition, discrimination, generalization, blocking, overshadowing, overexpectation, superconditioning, recovery from blocking, recovery from overshadowing, recovery from overexpectation, backward blocking, backward conditioned inhibition, and second-order retrospective revaluation. We argue that associative learning is consistent with an instance-based approach to learning and memory.  相似文献   

Although most studies of perceptual learning in human participants have concentrated on the changes in perception assumed to be occurring, studies of nonhuman animals necessarily measure discrimination learning and generalization and remain agnostic on the question of whether changes in behavior reflect changes in perception. On the other hand, animal studies do make it easier to draw a distinction between supervised and unsupervised learning. Differential reinforcement will surely teach animals to attend to some features of a stimulus array rather than to others. But it is an open question as to whether such changes in attention underlie the enhanced discrimination seen after unreinforced exposure to such an array. I argue that most instances of unsupervised perceptual learning observed in animals (and at least some in human animals) are better explained by appeal to well-established principles and phenomena of associative learning theory: excitatory and inhibitory associations between stimulus elements, latent inhibition, and habituation.  相似文献   

In two experiments using the taste-aversion paradigm, we attempted to replicate a result reported by Holland and Forbes (1980), in which exposure to the elements of a compound produced more interference with future conditioning (latent inhibition) to the compound than did exposure to the compound itself. In our first experiment, a compound of HC1 and sucrose was used and the amount of fluid consumed during exposure and the first conditioning trial was controlled. Rather than finding enhanced interference produced by exposure to the elements, we found reduced interference relative to exposure to the compound. In Experiment 2, a compound of NaCl and sucrose was used and a method similar to that used by Holland and Forbes was employed. We replicated the result of our Experiment 1. We interpret these results as posing problems for some associative accounts of latent inhibition but as being easily explained as an instance of stimulus generalization decrement.  相似文献   

In three experiments, rats received presentations of a diffuse 30-sec stimulus (a light) and of food, and their tendency to enter the food tray was monitored. Experiment 1 showed that when the light was made to signal the delivery of food, the response of entering the food tray increased in frequency during the stimulus. The acquisition of this conditioned response to the light was retarded in subjects that had received preexposure to the stimulus. In Experiments 2 and 3, subjects received preexposure to the stimulus, some in the same context as that subsequently used for stimulus-food pairings and some in a different context. Those experiencing the change of context acquired the response more readily. It is argued that these results demonstrate a latent inhibition effect that is attenuated by contextual change.  相似文献   

沧州经济技术开发区(以下简称沧州开发区)是1992年7月河北省人民政府批准成立的省级经济技术开发区。沧州开发因临近沧州市区,处在城乡结合部,总体规划面积15.16平方公里,是沧州市重点发展的新型工业区。沧州开发区现辖五村,截至2004年底,共有人口7371人,全部为农业人口。该区人均耕地由1993年的1.9亩,下降到2004年的不足1亩,且呈加速下降趋势;人均收入由1994年的1184元,增长到1998年的人均2602元后,却于1999年直线下降到2083元,之后又逐年上升,直至2004年达到2711元。五村的部分农村劳动力通过兴办企业、外出务工、到乡镇企业工作、家庭养殖种植,或者自办家庭作坊等形式积极自主地实现了劳动力转移,但还有相当多的农村富余劳动力需要通过政府的培训、引导与帮助向非农产业转移。[第一段]  相似文献   

Hungry rats were used in a classical conditioning procedure in which visual stimuli were paired with food. Conditions in which nonreinforced exposure to a nontarget stimulus was followed by exposure to a simultaneous compound nontarget/target stimulus (a blocking procedure) resulted in enhanced latent inhibition to the target relative to exposure to the nontarget, followed by exposure to the target stimulus alone. A third phase of nonreinforced exposure training, in which the target was exposed alone following the compound, reduced levels of latent inhibition relative to results obtained with the blocking procedure. Experiments also suggested that this was not the result of restoration of associability by the omission of an expected presentation of the nontarget stimulus in the final preexposure phase. These results suggest that enhanced latent inhibition is due to summation of a direct-target-no-event association and a second-order association of these elements via target-nontarget and nontarget-no-event association. Exposure to the target after compound exposure extinguished the target-nontarget association and reduced the sources of no-event learning for the target.  相似文献   

介绍一种基于在线多实例学习的目标跟踪方法,在线多实例学习在目标跟踪中的应用是采用基于多实例学习的自适应表观模型,解决了训练样本中存在的模糊歧义问题,探讨了处理训练正包中正样本和负样本的问题,指出了今后多实例学习目标跟踪的研究方向.  相似文献   

Metacognition and Learning - Training interventions for self-regulated learning foster the use of strategies and skills as well as their transfer to new learning tasks. Because cognitive strategies...  相似文献   

Aitken (1999) argues that, in a simultaneous discrimination, reports of the transfer of value from the positive to the negative stimulus can be more readily explained in terms of an artifact produced by the procedure in which differential inhibition accrues to the negative test stimuli during training, together with stimulus generalization (similarity between the positive and negative stimuli). We argue that (1) there is little evidence for differential inhibition, and it often occurs in the wrong direction; (2) value transfer can be demonstrated when differential value is established to the positive stimuli afterdiscrimination training, when differential inhibition is not likely to be a factor; and (3) on both logical and empirical grounds, stimulus similarity does not provide an adequate account of the transfer of value from the positive to the negative stimulus (i.e., the strongest evidence for value transfer occurs when there is least stimulus similarity). We propose that value transfer occurs whenever there is relatively little experience with the negative stimuli. However, when there is extended experience with the negative stimuli, contrast will be found.  相似文献   

Two groups of pigeons were used to determine if different amounts of fixed-interval training with an added clock resulted in different local response rates when the clock was reversed. One group of seven pigeons received 120 reinforcements on a fixed-interval 90-sec schedule, while the other group received 1200 reinforcements. Following training, the added clock was reversed in extinction. Reversed scallops were obtained for both of the groups. Only the group with extended training showed an increase in responding during the previously reinforced segment of the interval. This suggests the development of greater temporal control with extended training.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, rats experienced presentations of a discrete visual stimulus (Stage 1) until habituation of the orienting response (OR) occurred. On a test session given after an interval of 16 days (Stage 2) the OR reappeared. For control subjects that received no Stage 1 training but presentations of the light in Stage 2, habituation persisted during the test. All subjects then received conditioning trials on which the light preceded the delivery of food. They showed latent inhibition, acquiring the conditioned response less readily than control subjects that had not previously experienced the light. Experiment 2 confirmed that the latent inhibition effect survived the retention interval for subjects that received no habituation test session. This pattern of results implies that habituation of the OR and latent inhibition are determined by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

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