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农民工子女学前教育保障制度的建设   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目前,我国农民工子女接受学前教育仍困难重重,尤其是与优质的学前教育无缘。究其原因,我国学前教育制度存在缺陷及由此产生的政府角色缺位是关键。为此,国家应当积极履行立法义务,促进农民工子女接受学前教育的机会公平与实质公平。这一立法至少要解决以下核心问题:一是如何对政府责任立法。政府对公民基本权利实现的授益义务应涵盖物质、精神、服务等方方面面。从目前的客观需要来看,财政投入(特别是中央政府投入)、服务管理、公平保障是政府应承担的首要事项,必须用法律的形式予以明确;二是如何对自主权行使立法。个体权利能否实现及其实现的程度同时离不开个体的自主选择与主动追求,受教育权作为一种行政受益权同样依赖公民自主权行使的程序化。因此在农民工子女学前教育立法中,凡是关联自主权有效行使的程序设定问题,如就学机会向谁提出,就学条件由谁来提供,公民如何监督政府等,都应当有可操作的具体条文予以逐一明确。  相似文献   

The National Board of Health and Welfare in Sweden is the state authority that makes outlines, recommendations, and rules for the services given to the handicapped persons in Sweden, Also, day nurseries, nursery schools, preschools, and special preschools are all under the supervision of the National Board of Health and Welfare.  相似文献   

Little research exists on how immigrant children develop their beliefs about school learning (BASLs) in their home and host cultures. We examined the BASLs and achievement children of Chinese immigrants’ (CCI) and European American (EA) children. We followed longitudinally 120 middle-class children from age 4 to 5, balanced for gender. Children heard two story beginnings depicting a child eager to attend school and another not. Children completed the stories and were tested for math and literacy achievement. We found seven BASLs. CCIs and EAs showed similar BASLs. Awareness of parental involvement and intellectual benefit consistently explained their achievement, with CCIs showing greater achievement. CCIs’ (but not EAs’) valuation of learning explained their net academic growth. Implications on CCIs’ development are discussed.  相似文献   

当前北京市农民工随迁子女学前教育机构数量众多,满足了大部分随迁子女接受学前教育的需求,这类机构具备以下三个特征:全面覆盖性、低收费性、提供基本而有质量的学前教育.这些随迁子女学前教育机构符合教育平等与教育公平理念,因而是一种普惠性的学前教育机构.然而,当前随迁子女学前教育机构面临着身份上的“合理不合法”,其原因在于北京市幼儿园准入标准较为单一,缺少适合此类随迁子女学前教育机构的标准.未来应当以普惠性为导向,为其设定适宜的准入标准,从若干方面提升《北京市举办小规模幼儿园暂行规定》(2011)这一政策文件的科学性,如取消关于举办者户籍的限制、设定不同层次的注册资金标准、规定切合实际的保教人员数量、调整关于幼儿园规模的规定,同时将非正规学前教育机构纳入管理体系.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Unlike other Latino groups, there is little information about the early socialization of children from Central American (CA) immigrant families. This study examined CA immigrant mothers' short-term goals and the implications of these goals for children's behavior in preschool. A total of 47 low-income mothers described their goals for their children's behavior at home/with family and at school. Nearly all mothers described relatedness-oriented goals for their children at home and at school. Mothers emphasized autonomy-oriented goals predominantly for the school context. Mothers' emphases on certain goals in the home, but not goals for school, predicted teacher reports of children's social cooperation and approaches to learning in the classroom. Practice or Policy: Educators should be aware that relatedness-oriented goals are highly salient for CA immigrant parents. Immigrant parents might benefit from more information regarding the general goals of preschool. Educators should encourage mothers to set multiple early goals for their children, including learning-related goals for home. Educators and CA immigrant parents may support home–school continuity for children through mutual understanding of goals and values.  相似文献   

清初遗民诗,在清代诗史乃至整个中国古代诗歌发展史上均产生过深远的影响。由于地理区域以及文化背景的原因,清初泰州遗民诗群是一个既具独特文化个性,又与维扬遗民诗群有着隶属关系的创作群体。泰州遗民诗群的构成比较复杂,这个诗群主要由泰州本籍遗民与流寓泰州的外籍遗民两部分构成,代表人物是吴嘉纪和冒襄。尽管是一个隐逸型的诗人群体,却呈现出极具个性的群体心态。由于相同的社会背景和生存环境,以及相似的人生境遇,使泰州遗民诗群在创作上体现出较为一致的特征。  相似文献   

英国投资移民是一个比较高端的项目,门槛很高,所以虽然有兴趣者众,但其中多是望而兴叹者,真正提出申请的只是少数。但最近的金融风暴把英镑对人民币的汇率大幅拉低,使得英国投资移民项目又重新吸引了不少眼球。我们邀请英国投资移民项目的资深专家,LBG CANADA集团英国投资移民项目负责人Darwin Forer,  相似文献   

In August 2005, Hurricane Katrina displaced the largest number of public school children ever affected by any disaster. Approximately 370,000 children, including 15,000 Latino/Hispanic children from Louisiana, were scattered throughout the 48 U.S. states (Landrieu, 2010; Louisiana Department of Education, 2004). Although much of the media attention, policy, and research have focused on the effects of race—primarily Black/White—in New Orleans disaster relief, Latino immigrant children were the silenced, invisible victims of the evacuation, policy, relief, and recovery services. The largely unreported immigrant evacuation from Louisiana was along a silent underground railroad of sorts, using a network of relatives and countrymen whenever they could (Plocek, 2006). The findings of this article illustrate the theoretical implications and consequences of identifying immigrant children as racially White. This study documents the intersections of local, state, and federal policy regarding schools and recovery relief showing that access to disaster relief and recovery were framed in context of immigration status often placing citizen children in at-risk conditions. Children have become the victims of anti-immigrant sentiment rising from the much symbolic and actual harassment that constitute the daily, shadow lives of the undocumented population.  相似文献   

Research Findings: As policymakers expand access to preschool, the sociodemographic composition of preschool classrooms will become increasingly important. These efforts may create programs that increase the concentration of children from low-income families or, alternatively, foster the creation of socioeconomically diverse preschool classrooms. What effect the creation of such contexts would have on very young children remains unclear. Using multilevel methods and data on 2,966 children in 704 prekindergarten classrooms, this study explores the relationship between socioeconomic classroom composition and children's social and cognitive development. The results indicate positive associations between the mean socioeconomic status (SES) of the class and children's receptive language, expressive language, and mathematics learning, regardless of children's own sociodemographic backgrounds and the characteristics of their classrooms. However, the analyses indicate no association between the development of social competence and class mean SES. Practice or Policy: The links between classroom SES and language and mathematics development were comparable in size to those associated with instructional quality and even children's own SES. Neither structural nor instructional characteristics of prekindergarten classrooms explained these relationships, suggesting the possibility of direct peer effects. The findings indicate that the composition of children's classrooms should be considered an important aspect of preschool quality.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

近几十年来,国外许多学前教育课程模式在理论和实践上都取得了一定的成就,一些优秀的课程模式在世界范围内得到推广,其中意大利的瑞吉欧课程模式和美国的high scope课程模式引起了学前教育课程理论与实践者的高度关注。作为两种最受欢迎的课程模式,瑞吉欧课程模式和high scope课程模式在理论背景、儿童观、环境设置、课程与教学、教师角色等方面有许多异同之处,可以从两种课程模式的异同中寻求适合于我国学前课程的课程模式。  相似文献   

德意志帝国时期,德国的跨国移民趋势发生了根本逆转,从典型的移民迁出国转向移民迁入国。然而,德意志帝国缺乏一个统一的国家意义上的移民迁入政策。帝国时期的移民迁入政策事实上是各邦移民迁入政策的总和。面对外来移民的大量涌入,普鲁士制定了严格的移民控制与防御政策,其他各邦也有自己独立的移民迁入政策。尽管帝国各邦的移民迁入政策迥异。但在拒绝成为移民国家上是基本一致的。  相似文献   

学前教育专业实践基地建设探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文剖析了现阶段高师院校学前教育专业实践基地建设方面存在的问题,并提出了解决相关问题的有效措施,以期对高师院校学前教育专业实践基地建设起到积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

This slightly abridged report on the school provisions for young immigrant children in the city of London shows the practical application of some of the recommendations of the Plowden Report. It will invite readers to draw comparisons with similar problems in large American cities-especially New York, with its influx of Puerto Rican children and Negro children from rural Southern areas.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

非正规学前教育研究概述   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
非正规学前教育是由政府、非政府或个人发起,针对无法接受正规学前教育的0-6岁儿童,特别是处境不利儿童(如残疾儿童、家庭经济困难及少数民族儿童等),依托社区资源因地制宜开展的学前教育形式。从对目前世界各地非正规学前教育的组织形式、教育对象、课程实施、家长参与等方面的分析中可以得到启示,从而进一步促进我国这项事业的发展。  相似文献   

日本学前教育的新构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来,日本的学前教育主要是由具备不同职能的保育所和幼稚园来承担.两者最大的区别在于保育所是由厚生劳动省管辖的儿童福利机构,主要负责为有工作的监护入托管照顾幼儿;幼稚园则是由文部科学省管辖的学前教育机构,主要对幼儿进行学前教育.针对这样一种不合理的管理方式,日本社会一直以来都存有争议,要求行政一体化、设施一体化的改革呼声也此起彼伏.1980年代后半期至1990年代前半期出现了向行政一体化和设施一体化的转化契机.这一契机出现的原因一是出生率的下降,二是适龄待入保育所的儿童数量的增加.日本政府为此出台了相应的政策和措施,但是由于多方面的原因,特别是在当今日本政局不稳定的背景之下,其实施起来还具有一定的难度.本文对保育所和幼稚园的历史发展脉络进行了梳理,对日本学前教育制度改革的两个转化契机进行了阐释,并以此为基础,描述了幼保一体化的动向以及综合设施(暂称)创办的历程、具体构想及其希望达到的目标,并对综合设施(暂称)的组织结构与具体制度进行了阐述.  相似文献   

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