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论“通识”与“通识教育”   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
通识在本体论与认识论层面 ,是对常识、对科学的超越 ,在人生观与价值观层面 ,通识是对人的生命本然、终极目的与理想等意义世界的观照。在物质化与科技化的今天 ,人类需要特别关注通识。然而 ,达至通识之境并非自然自发过程 ,而是一个自为自觉过程。人类的通识 ,需要教育的参与、引导、培育和建构  相似文献   


This paper reports on a study of how liminality relates to the facilitation of reflective practice in professional education. Liminality refers to sites and positions that exhibit 'in-betweenness', or bordering positions, that might draw together different institutional conditions. The present project aims to examine the role of liminality in professional educational practice with a specific focus upon how liminality may support student reflection. Using a qualitative and comparative research approach, we analysed interview and observational data from police education and a medical programme. Observations and interviews explore practices of collective interactional (and hence observable) reflection at sites that are characterised by ‘betweenness’ of work and education. Findings indicate that situations that afford reflection are characterised by a sense of undeterminedness in terms of either the subject, space or activity. Thus, we conclude that there is some evidence that liminality affords reflection, but also that liminality and underminedness are fragile states that are not easily organised in a professional education curriculum.  相似文献   

Twenty years ago, it was noted that with the advent of computed tomography (CT), the orientation of neuroanatomy should change. Radiologists had standardized the clinical cross-sectional view to indicate an inferior view with posterior at the bottom of the field. This is in contrast with the neuroanatomical cross-sectional view with posterior at the top of the field. For the past 10 years, the author has taught all of the anatomical disciplines including neuroanatomy to more than 2000 students using only the clinical view. This makes learning easier for the students by keeping all of their cross-sectional views in the same orientation including clinical, radiological, anatomical, embryological, and neuroanatomical. There have been no adverse effects associated with the use of the clinical orientation and there appears to be no valid reason for maintaining the older, nonclinical orientation in contemporary health-care education.  相似文献   

通识教育理念对提升当代大学生的素质和修养具有重要作用. 因此,本文从我国地方高校通识教育课程教学的现状入手,分析存在的问题,并提出改进地方高校通识教育课程教学的相关对策.  相似文献   

In light of the current shifts in medical education from traditional lectures to more active teaching modalities, a peer-teaching program was introduced to a compulsory, second-year neuroanatomy course. A cross-sectional survey of 527 medical students in the six-year medical program of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens was administered. The primary aim of the survey, which was distributed to second- through sixth-year medical students, who had completed the neuroanatomy course, was to assess student perception of peer teachers (PTs). Across the five years assessed, students increasingly acknowledged the contribution of PTs to their learning (P < 0.001). Attributes of PTs (e.g., contribution to learning, motivation, effective usage of material, and team environment) were significantly related to the student's opinion of the importance of laboratory activities (P < 0.001). Students who received “average” final grades scored the importance of laboratory exercises, and by inference PTs, significantly lower than students who received “excellent” final grades (P < 0.05). The amount of training that PTs had received was also significantly related to student perceptions of a PT's contribution. Better trained PTs were associated with significantly higher scores regarding learning, motivation, and positive environment compared to less trained PTs (P < 0.05). The results of the present study show that peer-teaching was well received by students attending the neuroanatomy course. While the results express the evolution of the program across the years, the findings also show that learners believed that PTs and the laboratory program contributed significantly to their understanding of neuroanatomy.  相似文献   

通识教育是面向全体学生进行的普遍教育,是高等教育改革的重要内容。首先说明了通识教育的发展历史,介绍了国内外学者关于通识教育的理念;然后针对普通院校的实际情况,给出了实施通识教育的一些方法与途径;最后以武汉工程大学"E+"工程为例说明了通识教育实践内容。  相似文献   

The total number of anatomy teaching hours has declined in medical courses worldwide. Conversely, face‐to‐face teaching in undergraduate neuroanatomy at Macquarie University increased by 50% in 2011. Our aim was to investigate whether this influenced student performance and overall satisfaction with the course. One hundred eighty‐one students consented to participate in this study. A questionnaire was administered to rate the course, and final grades from the old and new unit cohorts were compared. The old and new unit cohorts did not differ in their final grades (P = 0.249). However, the new unit cohort rated their knowledge of the material higher compared to the old unit cohort (P = 0.013), and reported higher levels of satisfaction with the course (P < 0.001). In an era in which teaching time for anatomy has been reduced at tertiary institutions, and there is much lamenting of the effect this will have, there is a paucity of literature on whether the decrease really influences neuroanatomical knowledge. This is the first study, to the best of our knowledge, to show that an increase in total face‐to‐face teaching hours does not improve student grades, but does increase student satisfaction with the course. Anat Sci Educ 6: 239–245. © 2012 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine student perceptions of the learning environment in their program major and general education classrooms. The participants were 870 undergraduate students majoring in engineering, fine arts, education, economics and nursing programs at a university in Thailand. We found significant differences in the perceptions of the classroom learning environment across various disciplines. Engineering and economics students perceived the learning environment in general education classrooms as more cooperative than the learning environment in program major classrooms. Fine arts and nursing students perceived greater involvement among students in the program major classrooms than in the general education classrooms. Our findings contribute to the body of research on inter-disciplinary differences in classroom learning environments in universities and the ways in which these differences may impact student learning outcomes.  相似文献   

金工实习创新教育对指导教师的要求   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
创新教育是时代的要求,培养创新人才需要创新型教师,金工实习创新教育对指导教师的素质提出了新的要求,作为实施金工实习创新教育的最能动因素的指导教师必须能够从认识上、思想上、方法上、能力上和对学生成绩的评价方式上有一个改变和提高.  相似文献   

开放教育法学专业教学方法的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从开放教育法学专业人才培养目标角度,论述了法学教学方法的改革必须有利于学生创新能力培养和综合素质提高,以促进学生在知识、能力、素质方面协调发展。在此基础上,作者创设并实践了几种新的教学方法。  相似文献   

Interactive computerized modules have been linked to improved retention of material in clinical medicine. This study examined the effects of a new series of interactive learning modules for preclinical medical education, specifically in the areas of quiz performance, perceived difficulty of concepts, study time, and perceived stress level. We randomly allocated 102 medical student volunteers into control and experimental groups. All participants studied selected anatomical and physiologic concepts using existing material (lecture notes, textbooks, etc.), while those in the experimental groups used the new interactive modules as well. All participants completed a quiz to test their knowledge of the assigned concepts and a survey to assess their subjective experiences in studying with the modules. We found a trend toward higher quiz scores in the experimental group relative to the control group, though it did not reach statistical significance (P = 0.31). Perceived concept difficulty was significantly reduced among those who studied with the modules (P < 0.001), and the number of hours spent studying the concepts was significantly increased (P = 0.028). Of those who used the modules, 83% rated them as “very helpful” or “extremely helpful.” No significant differences existed between participants' reported stress levels during the course of the study (P = 0.44). Our data suggest that medical students may learn more effectively and feel less intimidated by difficult concepts when interactive modules supplement traditional instruction. Anat Sci Ed 1:247–251, 2008. © 2008 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

While natural disasters have been reported internationally in relation to the injury burden, role of rescuers and responders, there is little known about the impact on education in adult professional populations. A 7.1 magnitude earthquake affected the Canterbury region of New Zealand on 4 September 2010 followed by more than 13,000 aftershocks in the three years to September 2013. As part of a larger study, a mixed method survey was used to explore factors impacting nurses engaged in education through polytechnic and university courses. This paper presents factors that were self-identified by students as supporting their ability to continue with education. Participants were recruited from three nursing settings: undergraduate nursing students, Registered Nurses (RNs) engaged in post-registration education and RNs engaged in postgraduate courses. A total of 290 participants took part in the study. A number of factors identified by participants could be addressed in pre-disaster course planning and curriculum design; through education and support of both students and staff; and the active promotion of personal, professional and institutional resilience.  相似文献   

电子信息工程专业认识实习教学改革与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从电子信息工程专业自身特点出发,对传统认识实习存在的问题进行了深入分析。针对实习时间安排、实习基地建设、实习内容、实习形式、实习成绩评定等方面存在的问题提出了具体的改革举措。本文所探讨的认识实习教学模式已应用于教学实践,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

一所一流学府除了应具备:第一、良好的图书设备、实验室及老师;第二、优静的环境供人人“思考”、“想象”、“冥思”以及“安详对话”;第三、一方面求其大,另一方面要能维持小而美之外,是否还应具备高瞻远瞩永远常青的核心价值目标,更是在近代各国高等教育发展过程中,引入企业管理经营理念的当务之急。本文引用三维同步工程、脉动速率及高尔夫计分法等概念及工具,试图提供一套低成本、高效益;且能以不断改善的态度将学习型的组织,提升为教导型组织型态。老师与学生之间是通过课程规划去实现大学通才教育的理想。课程规划的结构应包括:广泛学习;专精研读;整合3大部分。有了完善的课程结构及优良师资,则可达到培养优秀人才的目的。  相似文献   

地方师范本科院校通识教育存在机构设置名称与功能不统一、课程设置与培养目标不统一、课程体系中师范性凸显不够、通识教育实施模式亟待整合优化等问题,应采取设置通识教育实体性机构、构建"师范性"的通识课程体系、实施"并行式"通识教育模式等措施加以解决。  相似文献   

As a field, Teacher Education has lived with continued criticism from governmental and research bodies on the quality of professional preparation and the lack of a strong research base. We respond to such criticisms by considering possibilities for further exploration of the research of practice and the practice of research in both initial and continuing teacher education. As both a theoretical and methodological challenge, this is tied recursively with research and practice in teacher education, for teacher educators, about teacher education. We draw on the theoretical resources of practice theories, to argue that teacher education practice must be informed by the study of the practice of teaching as well as research addressing the teaching of practice. In conclusion, we make a methodological case for reframing the roles of teacher and researcher within a “thirdspace” to consider the practice of researching teaching as recursive and always regenerative.  相似文献   

为使院校教育紧跟新装备高速发展形势,使新装备尽快形成战斗力,提出了以实践教学为核心,引领应用型人才培养的新思路,不断探索和实践,创建了“知识、技能、素养相融合”的三位一体课程体系,建立了“实装、模拟器、运用环境配套融合”的训练平台,构建了“学习、实践、创新相促进”的教学模式和实践教学监控机制,形成了“单机系统整体相互渗透,教学科研服务相互促进”的装备实践教学体系。在人才培养中取得显著效果,具有重大的应用和推广价值。  相似文献   

This paper explores the impact of an art-based learning experience on former Education students' professional practice. Feedback from trainee teachers indicated that the true value of the creative process was only realised after they had graduated – what I have come to term ‘deferred creativity’. The findings suggest that focusing on the development of their own creative characteristics, skills and attitudes helped students to become more creative practitioners. By drawing on the reflections of our alumni, we can help future students to develop the key creative competencies and skills required for 21st century life.  相似文献   

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