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对公安派后期转变的原因,有必要从文学要素方面探析。公安派的师心对文学要素“理”、“辞”的全面突破以及一味“对作”的思维,造成了其前期文学创作及理论的缺失,为后期的回归传统、注重“言”“意”之辨预留了调整完善的空间,而回归的动机就在于进入文学史、为袁宏道和公安派找准文学位置。  相似文献   

阅读记忆不能直接成为作家创作的精神资源,否则无论有意或无意都只是一种机械的模仿。就目前阅读视野看,把阅读记忆直接转化为作家创作的精神资源(仅以经典文本研究为视角)的情形大致有三种:一是对局部细节的记忆模仿,二是对故事整体的记忆模仿,三是对复合文体的记忆模仿。作家只能把阅读记忆作为间接因素化为文学创作的精神资源,并对其进行深加工处理,使其成为自己生活经验的有机部分,并以自己生命体验而再度出发,才能真正创作出令人信服的经典。  相似文献   

“阅读记忆”不能直接成为作家创作的精神资源,否则无论有意或无意都只是一种机械的“模仿”。就目前阅读视野看,把“阅读记忆”直接转化为作家创作的精神资源(仅以经典文本研究为视角)的情形大致有三种:一是对局部细节的“记忆”模仿,二是对故事整体的“记忆”模仿,三是对复合文体的“记忆”模仿。作家只能把“阋读记忆”作为间接因素化为文学创作的精神资源,并对其进行深加工处理,使其成为自己生活经验的有机部分,并以自己生命体验而再度出发,才能真正创作出令人信服的经典。  相似文献   

中国儿童文学的写作,不同于成人文学而有其独特的语言学意识,主要表现为语音学意识、词汇学意识和修辞学意识.当然,语言并不是儿童文学写作的全部,但它直接决定儿童对作品的接受.  相似文献   

20世纪二三十年代,儿童文学成为小学语文教科书的主体,也由此引发了诸多论争,包括其主旨是激趣还是教化,内容是为审美还是为实用,课文体裁是多文学还是多文章,其语体是用白话还是文言,用字是追求艺术还是科学等。如果能辩证地看待这些不同的观点,兼顾双方的合理性,则可为确立当下小学语文教科书中儿童文学课文编写的基本原则提供借鉴。  相似文献   

余小茅 《教育研究》2012,(1):134-137
历史上,血脉和文脉将传统中国社会以家庭(家族)为基本单位的书香门第(书香世家)承传了两千余年。实践上,个人是建构书香中国的实践路径之起点,家庭是建构书香中国之实践基地,学校(社会)是建构书香中国之有力"抓手",提升文化软实力是建构书香中国之终极指向。  相似文献   

中国学史的目的与任务是什么?学史家当以什么样的态度来述中国学史?这是中国学史学科不可回避的两个问题。学史家们对这两个问题的回答,是与他们的学史观密切联系在一起的。本即考察建国前半个世纪优秀中国学史家对上述两个问题的讨论,描述它们的演进历程,通过对这两个根本问题的评论分析,以期“察往知来”,引发21世纪学史家们对参与新化建设的思考。  相似文献   

This study researched the experiences of homeless families with young children between the ages of four and eight. Many families experience homelessness every year; therefore, it is important for early childhood educators to have an understanding of how homelessness affects families with young children so that educators can effectively serve the needs of homeless families as they seek to find more permanent situations for themselves and their young children. Many early childhood educators may not understand how homelessness affects young learners. This research sought: (1) to understand reasons families with young children become homeless; (2) to become aware of beneficial resources available to families and their perceptions of the resources; (3) and to examine the developmental effects that homeless living situations can have on young children. The outcomes of this study will be used to inform early childhood educators about practices as they seek to serve young children ages four to eight living homeless. Research suggested common themes as to why and how parents and young children are affected by homelessness.  相似文献   

本文深入考察与分析了农民工“留守子女”问题的由来及“留守子女”的成长现状,指出解决农民工“留守子女”问题对中国农村经济发展的重要意义,提出了提高“留守子女”素质的对策和建议。  相似文献   

农村"留守儿童"社会化模式分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家庭、学校、同辈群体及大众传播媒介是个体社会化的主要因素.留守儿童父母监护缺位,造成家庭社会化功能严重弱化;父母监护缺位也直接影响到学校、同辈群体及大众传播媒介社会化功能的正常发挥.  相似文献   

There is an increasing emphasis in mathematics education on the importance of estimation abilities in children. This study investigates the role of context upon primary‐aged children's estimation skills. Children in three age groups (from aged 5 to 8 years) were asked to carry out a range of estimation tasks involving distance, area and volume measurements. The tasks varied in type and complexity and were either of a ‘real‐world’ or ‘mathematics task’ form. In addition to performance measures the children's answers to questions on how they carried out the estimates were recorded and analysed. Quantitative and qualitative analyses found significant effects for context and child strategy. Estimates in contexts perceived as mathematical were different, both in that they changed with age and in their error patterns, from contexts involving perceptual‐motor skills. The children's answers highlight the importance of imagery and classroom experience. The results are discussed within a model of estimating.  相似文献   

早期数学教育的目的是促进幼儿数学思维的发展,而幼儿推理能力的初步发展则是幼儿数学思维能力发展的一项极其重要的内容。1989年林嘉绥、王滨的实验研究证明“5~6岁儿童具有初步理解数量中传递性的能力”,又有排序的研究证明“5~6岁是认识传递性的较好时期”。传递从心理学上讲就是推理,推理是思维形式之一,指人在头脑中根据已有判断,经过分析和综合,引出新判断的过程。幼儿思维具备了传递性的同时也具备了推理能力。排序活动是促进推理能力发展的有效工具。我们试图通过排序探讨传递性的层次化进程,帮助幼儿理解传递关系,对幼儿进行推理…  相似文献   

重要性水平的确定方法是风险基础审计的重要内容。在实际工作中,重要性水平的确定与应用是一个难点。拟从政府审计实务的角度,探讨重要性水平的含义以及在审计工作中如何确定与应用。  相似文献   

为解决移动设备应用权限授予的安全问题,设计了基于信任管理的安全权限推荐系统(PermitRec),以帮助用户对移动应用进行合理的权限设置,控制用户对敏感数据的安全访问。PermitRec系统基于应用的信誉值、已安装相似应用的权限设置、应用之间的相似度、用户对相似应用的信任值及待授权权限的安全等级等参数计算权限设置的风险值,能够根据全局风险值动态地推荐移动应用的权限设置,以帮助用户合理设置权限。测试结果表明,PermitRec系统能够推荐有效的权限设置,防止敏感移动设备资源的恶意访问。  相似文献   

德育是智障儿童教育的一个重要组成部分.在遵循关爱性、针对性、系统性、形象性、活动性、反复性等原则下,通过德育教育促使智障儿童形成基本的思想道德素质,这无论对其个性发展还是吩其社会化过程的良好实现都有着重要的意义.  相似文献   

This study examined the efficacy of using different types of mobile media apps to increase the receptive and expressive vocabulary development of 3-, 4-, and 5-year-old preschool children living in economically disadvantaged communities. Children and teachers in four Head Start classrooms participated in the quasi-experimental study, which included an 8-week intervention in which the children interacted with one of two types of apps: one classroom used four scaffolding-like vocabulary apps for an average of 1.8 h per day (n?=?16) and one classroom used four open-ended vocabulary apps for an average of 1.3 h per day (n?=?15). Two classrooms served as comparison groups (n?=?18; n?=?14) which used apps that were chosen by the Head Start program with no specific instructional method for approximately 1 h per day. Children’s vocabulary was assessed pre- and post-intervention using the PPVT-4, the EVT-2, and iPad Receptive and Expressive Vocabulary Assessments. Using a repeated measures analysis of variance with split plot analysis, children who used scaffolding-like vocabulary apps performed statistically significantly higher on the PPVT-4 than children who used open-ended vocabulary apps. There were no significant differences between groups on the EVT-2. The study contributed to the literature on teacher instruction of utilizing scaffolding-like apps to increase preschool vocabulary knowledge.  相似文献   

"自由"是萨特的哲学阐释与文学表述的一个关键词。萨特文学作品中的"自由选择"观念,张扬人在边缘境遇中的主体性选择,主张在"选择行动"中以体现人的本质及其价值构成,但同时强调人在自由选择的时刻必然要受到道德规律和责任伦理的制约。在这样的意义上,萨特的文学作品实际上是从荒谬人生寻找精神自由的在场。  相似文献   

幼儿探究学习研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1999~2006年这八年间关于幼儿探究学习的研究可归纳为四个方面:教师引导下的幼儿探究学习过程的研究,幼儿探究学习的教师指导策略研究,幼儿探究学习中教师角色的研究以及对幼儿探究学习评价问题的研究.通过对以往研究的梳理和评述,我们可以发现这一领域研究中存在的不足:(1)研究内容多聚焦于科学领域及主题活动,不够全面.(2)研究方法多侧重于实证研究,且内容较为粗浅,缺乏理论的提升.这是我们今后在研究中需要注意的问题.  相似文献   

儿童观决定着教育观,是决定教育成败的重要因素.教材中的好儿童是引领儿童观的范例.反思教材中成人本位的儿童观,重建原生态的儿童观,对于推进课改,促进儿童的健康成长意义重大,教材中的儿童观的建立任重道远.  相似文献   

This article explores what it means to be a competent reader of picture storybooks by examining the abilities of some 4–6-year-olds, who were read stories aloud in class. Jonathan Culler’s concept of “literary competence” was used to tease out the children’s implicit knowledge of the structures and conventions that enable them to read a work of fiction as literature. From a more practical point of view, Lawrence Sipe’s class-based work, discussing picture storybooks with first and second grade children, provided some useful guidelines. This current study draws on an educational design experiment involving “literary conversation guides,” which help probe children’s understanding of such story features as character and irony.  相似文献   

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