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Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is now a cornerstone of education policy in the UK and elsewhere. If policy aspirations translate successfully into practice, then (funded) CPD opportunities will abound and teachers will be ‘developed’ in a logical and structured way from the moment they enter the profession until retirement. As a result (it is claimed) teacher retention will be improved, pupils' learning will be enhanced and standards within education will rise. Yet, although there is a growing consensus in the research literature about the kind of CPD that could be effective in supporting teacher and pupil learning, there is little evidence that such CPD exists in physical education. This paper summarises current CPD theory and research, considers existing evidence on the nature and quality of PE‐CPD in the UK, and explores three interlinked proposals for developing a more effective model of PE‐CPD provision. The case is made that radical changes to the structure and content of PE‐CPD are required if it is to impact upon the quality of teacher and pupil learning.  相似文献   

对日本体育教师专业标准的双重保障体制(文部省规定的共通标准和法律设定体育学科的具体标准)和"双专业"课程标准(学科专业和教育专业)进行剖析,揭示现行标准获外部环境制度的强力支持、凸显教师职业的专业性质、重实际能力培养、可操作性强的动态发展特征.反映了政府对普及标准的迫切愿望.严谨的日本体育教师养成制度,对创设我国符合时代精神、履行职业使命、具有复合型知识技能和自我发展意识的体育教师专业标准具有有益的启示.  相似文献   

Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) is the teacher's ability to pedagogically adapt content to students of diverse abilities. In this study, we investigated how teachers' adaptations of instruction for individual students differed when teaching stronger and weaker instructional units. We used functional analysis (Hanley, Iwata, & McCord, 2003) of the instructional interaction to examine PCK. We observed and measured student-teacher interactions and their appropriateness. Participants were 2 experienced elementary physical educators who taught stronger and weaker units. Primarily, the appropriateness data indicated PCK differences between the stronger and weaker units. Results show that functional analysis of instructional adaptations is an effective strategy for examining PCK and that teachers were better able to meet students' needs in the stronger unit.  相似文献   

体育教学中的"探究式学习"教学法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了体育探究式学习的概念和分类,结果表明,根据学习内容不同,体育探究式学习可以分为运动技术探究、运动战术探究、体育与健康知识探究、体能锻炼探究。运动技术、战术和体能锻炼类探究多采用“发现式探究”,以课内外结合模式居多,旨在提高学生对技战术学习的理性认知水平,丰富背景知识储备,培养技战术运用的灵活性和体能锻炼能力。体育与健康知识探究宜采用“接受式探究”,旨在缓解知识丰富性与课堂教学时间有限性之间的矛盾,提高学生对知识的内化、保持和运用效率。  相似文献   

低效的继续教育模式是我国体育教师教育领域暴露出来的3个问题之一。新时期体育教师的继续教育应加强人文素质、学习能力、创新能力的培养,促使体育教师从应试教育向素质教育转变,从教学型向教学科研型转变。  相似文献   

"标准本位"的体育教师教育构建的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
从教育学的角度对国内外体育教师教育研究现状进行综述,分析我国"标准本位"的体育教师教育构建的价值和意义.研究认为:体育教师资格标准应该是包含初任、胜任、资深、专家等不同阶段的系列标准体系,未来我国这方面的研究应主要指向初任体育教师入职资格标准的构建.体育教师资格标准研究是对体育教师专业性的系统剖析,这一研究本身也是一种理论创新.体育教师资格标准的构建有助于指导体育教师教育,确立相应课程,严格把入职关,进而规范整个体育教师的专业发展.  相似文献   

To date, most of the work on the occupational socialization of physical education (PE) teachers has been completed in the United States and Britain. The purpose of this study was to examine and describe the occupational socialization of German PE teachers who were trained prior to unification of the two German states and worked in both their old nations and the new Germany. The two research questions we attempted to answer were (a) What were the perspectives and practices of West German (WG) and East German (EG) PE teachers? and (b) What factors influenced these perspectives and practices? Participants were five former WG and five former EG teachers. Data were collected using four qualitative techniques (formal and follow-up interviews, document analysis, film snippets) and analyzed by employing analytic induction and constant comparison. Findings indicated that there were distinct and different patterns of socialization for the former German states. The WG group possessed conservative teaching orientations nurtured during their childhood and youth and reinforced during their training and by their school cultures. Perceived changes in German society and culture led to slight modifications of these orientations over the teachers’ careers. Prior to reunification, the EG group possessed a high performance orientation primarily honed by the politics of the state. The perspectives and practices of WG teachers were relatively unaffected by reunification. In contrast, the transition to a new system was emancipating for four of the EG teachers who shifted to a teaching orientation. Conversely, the transition was particularly difficult for one of the former EG teachers who partially retained his high performance orientation and strategically complied with new national requirements.  相似文献   

体育教师职业倦怠现象的解析及策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
体育教师的职业倦怠是一个十分值得关注的现象.在查阅已有文献的基础上,通过对体育教师职业倦怠的性质、原因以及应对策略的探讨,来解析这一现象.力图改善体育教师的身心状况,以达到提高体育教学质量的目的.  相似文献   

内蒙古普通高校体育教师队伍建设的发展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
运用献资料、教育评估和模糊数学法,对1986-1999年内蒙古高校体育教师队伍建设工作的发展进行了探索性研究。研究表明其发展可分为3个阶段,并在年代维度上呈逐步上升的发展趋势。  相似文献   

With the needs of experienced teachers potentially overshadowed by a focus on recruitment, the purpose of this study was to retrospectively explore the reasons why three experienced physical education teachers resigned. They were interviewed through Louis and Smith's (1990) quality of work life (QWL) model. Data suggested shared dissatisfactions related to the lack of "genuine" opportunities to participate in educational debate and decision making, and limited professional respect shown by administrators and parents. A physical education teacher's "use-by date" was proposed. Unless these issues are further explored and addressed, quality teachers will continue to abandon the service.  相似文献   

Pre-service teachers of physical education (PE) bring understandings about gender and bodies to their university studies. These understandings are partially informed by biographies and experiences and bear potential to mediate learning and processes of becoming teachers. In this paper we explore technologies of power/knowledge and technologies of self that inform understandings of gender and the constitution of PE teacher subjectivities. Data were drawn from semi-structured interviews conducted with pre-service teachers studying at an Australian university. Foucault's theoretical perspectives around the constitution of subjects were drawn on to analyse data. Findings reveal that discursive practices frame particular ‘truths’ around gender and, hence, possibilities for being teachers of PE. Discourses of sport were significant in establishing a male norm for bodies and subjectivities. This was problematic for female participants who also turned to discourses of nurturing in constituting their subjectivities. Implications are raised for PE teacher educators with regard to disrupting hegemonic discourses as means for developing pedagogies for greater justice.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to ascertain the educational value orientations of physical education teachers in Taiwan, and the relationships of gender, teaching experience, grade level, and the locations in which they work. Value orientations were measured with the Value Orientation Inventory-2, which was translated into complicated Chinese for this study. Participants (N=353) were recruited via stratified random sampling from the population of physical education teachers in Taiwan; 152 participants had one high-priority value orientation and a smaller number (n=76) had more than one high-priority value orientation. Other physical education teachers (n=124) had one or more low-priority value orientations. Taiwanese physical educators possess multiple, diverse value orientations and the largest percentage of strong value orientation scores was for the value orientation of learning process. The specific characteristics of Taiwanese physical educators include: (a) more males prioritizing disciplinary mastery and learning process, but more females prioritizing social responsibility; (b) more experienced teachers prioritizing learning process; (c) more elementary school teachers prioritizing social responsibility; and (d) more rural teachers prioritizing disciplinary mastery and learning process. Both the culture and the curriculum goals of physical education contribute to the differences of value orientations. Thus, Taiwanese physical educators emphasize self-control, self-concept, and social responsibility to achieve the coordination of body and spirit in their practices.  相似文献   

体育教师反思性教学探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
程毅 《体育学刊》2006,13(3):84-86
体育教师是影响体育教学改革的重要因素之一。体育教师不能单凭自身的运动技能和基本教学理论从事教学,而是要在具体的教学环境中不断地进行反思,才能把理论和实践有效地结合起来,成为解决问题并实施决策的人,以提高体育教师的专业能力。  相似文献   

Previous research related to occupational socialization theory has indicated that, in certain school contexts, physical education (PE) and physical education teachers are socially constructed as being less important than, or marginal to, the primary purpose of schooling. This research highlights the challenges associated with occupying a position of marginality. Another way to look at the social experiences of physical education teachers is to examine the extent to which they feel as if they matter to those around them. Drawing upon qualitative and quantitative data sources, the purpose of this study was to examine physical education teachers’ perceived mattering. A mixed-methods design was employed, and data sources included responses to an online survey (N?=?105) and individual telephone interviews (N?=?23). Quantitative data were analyzed using 2?×?2 (education?×?teaching level) Factorial MANOVA; interview data were analyzed using analytic induction and constant comparison. Quantitative analyses indicated that teachers with advanced degrees and those in secondary schools perceived a higher level of mattering than those with bachelor’s degrees and teaching in elementary schools. Respondents perceived that PE mattered slightly more than they did as teachers of the subject. Qualitative analysis indicated that (a) relationships were critical to teachers’ mattering, (b) physical location of the gym and isolation contributed to mattering, and (c) PE was viewed as a service to others in their workplace. Perceived matter is dependent upon a variety of factors related to both personal and workplace factors. Enhancing teachers’ perceptions of mattering may reduce feelings of marginalization.  相似文献   

复合型体育教师的培养与文化素质教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为实现学校体育由单纯的竞技体育向健身、竞技、娱乐、康复、生活等一体的全方位育人方向转变,高师体育教育专业应培养合格的复合型体育教师。培养复合型体育教师除应加强体育素质教育外,还应重视文化素质教育。文化素质教育能帮助学生学会做人,为学生启示方向、陶冶情感,帮助其了解世界、了解自己、了解人对社会的责任  相似文献   

从语言学入手,以名实论为理论基础,对"体育"这个实词的"名"与"实"(概念)进行了分析,指出了"体育"的名与实不符的逻辑错误,提出了"应该把与‘体育'一词对应的‘实'归为‘教育'这一临近的属"的意见.  相似文献   

陈彩燕 《体育学刊》2007,14(7):10-14
通过对美国体育思想发展的回顾,分析美国当代学者对体育的认识,进而辨析“通过身体的教育”和“针对身体的教育”两种观点的异同,得出以下结论,即“通过身体的教育”和“针对身体的教育”两种体育观的主要分歧不在体育手段上,而是在体育目的上。“通过身体的教育”目的众多,与目的的唯一性不符,在实践中表现为教授运动技术,目的是否得以实现无从知晓;“针对身体的教育”目的明确,就是完善人的身体,、在实践中表现为健身知识技能的传授。  相似文献   

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