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教师教育科研的动因大致可分为三类行政驱动型、功利驱动型和内需驱动型.当前,推动基层教育科研的发展,必须引导教师正确认识教育科研从目的上讲,教育科研必须服务教育教学实践与提高教师专业能力同等重要;从过程上讲,教育科研过程必须与教育教学实践过程结合.同时,坚持改革教育科研成果评奖制度与改革教师评价制度并进,培养教师健康的教育科研动因.  相似文献   

提高教师的科研素质是教师专业发展和“研究型”教师角色转换的客观要求。从当前欠发达地区中学语文教师教育科研现状分析来看,其科研意识、科研能力及科研环境都存在严重问题。因此,加强欠发达地区中学语文教师教育科研的内在需求、加大自修和培训力度、建立教育科研支持体系、探索适合本地区的教育科研方法、完善教育科研机制,是提高欠发达地区中学语文教师教育科研意识和能力的根本保证。  相似文献   

为了考察高校科研评价制度对教师科研行为的影响,对8所学校446名高校教师进行调查,以教师满意度为中介变量,从评价理念、评价主体、评价指标、评价方法、评价程序和评价结果应用6个维度运用相关、回归及结构方程分析高校科研评价制度对教师科研行为的影响。发现:(1)高校科研评价制度与教师满意度、科研行为均呈显著的正相关。(2)评价理念对教师满意度有显著正向影响,评价理念、评价指标和评价结果应用对高校教师科研行为有显著正向影响。(3)评价理念、评价指标与评价结果应用3个变量以教师满意度为中介间接影响科研行为,教师满意度在高校教师科研评价制度和科研行为之间起部分中介作用。基于研究结论,从评价理念、评价指标、评价结果应用与评价外部环境4个维度对高校教师科研评价制度改革提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

科研是教师专业能力发展的内在要素与催生动力,课题研究是教师科研的重要载体与实践形态,依托课题研究开展合作科研是推进普通高中青年教师专业能力发展重要支撑。为此,必须注重课题研究小组的培育、课题研究的体制建构、青年教师队伍的培训发展与课题研究成果的推广实践,在科研与教学实践能力的"双重变奏"中促进青年教师专业能力的整体性发展。  相似文献   

在新课程改革的推动下,每名教师都将面临着教师专业发展这一关键问题。总的来说,教师的专业发展与教育科研有直接关系,能够促进教师的专业化成长。因此,教师要研究自己的生活,对自己的工作有正确的认识,并重建研究观念,使自己成为科研型的专业教师。主要从中学教育科研的现状进行分析,并论述了中学教育科研对教师专业发展的影响及意义,以期为今后的研究提供有利的依据。  相似文献   

文章以某普通高校某学院全部专任教师为研究对象,以教师1个聘期的教学工作量、科研工作量和教学效果评价3项指标为观测点,分别从职称、学历、年龄段和教研室4个维度对3项指标进行分类统计研究。研究结果表明,教学工作量的主要差异在于学校(教研室)的安排;职称和学历两个因素是影响科研工作量的敏感因素;基础教研室教师的教学效果评价总体高于专业教研室;36~40岁的教师的教学、科研及教学效果均较好。  相似文献   

由于教学型高校普遍重科研轻教学,教师把主要精力用于科研,甚至以挤占教学时间和降低教学质量为代价过度科研.从经济学效用论的角度看,科研和教学之间存在的显著效用差距是导致教学型高校教师过度科研的根本原因,而追求个人效用最大化是教学型高校教师过度科研的内在动因.降低当前教学型高校教师过高的科研效用,把科研和教学的效用水平维持在合理的范围内,引导教师把主要精力投入到教学中去,可有效解决当前教学型高校教师过度科研的问题.  相似文献   

教育科研对教师专业发展起着非常重要的作用。教学反思是教师专业发展的内在要求;行动研究是教师专业发展的必由之路;叙事研究是发掘教师隐性知识的主要途径。教师也就是在开展教育研究的过程中,逐步从幼稚走向成熟、从懵懂走向智慧、从感性走向理性、从经验走向科学和艺术,最终实现教师专业发展的质的飞跃。  相似文献   

科研素养是高职院校教师在自身专业发展过程中必备的基本素养,是衡量教师专业素质高低的一个重要指标.当前,我国高职院校教师科研素养总体情况不容乐观.为此,文章立足当前高职院校教师科研素养中存在的问题,在分析其制约因素的基础上,提出了提高教师科研素养的对策.  相似文献   

大学教师专业发展是实现大学教师专业化的重要手段,而大学教师的专业发展有赖于良好的内在与外在环境,同时,大学教师专业发展的核心就是教学与科研的协调发展。而教学与科研并行发展的愿望和教学与科研不均衡发展的现实状况,要求我们应不断完善大学教师的科研与教学评价机制,而大学教师在关注教学质量的同时,也要充分意识到自己作为“学术人”的角色,提高自己的学术科研能力。  相似文献   

本文基于H大学2003-2006年的职称评审数据,采用Logistic回归分析方法,探讨学缘关系对大学教师学术职业发展的影响。研究发现,尽管人力资本仍是学术职业发展最重要的内在逻辑,但学缘关系对大学教师学术职业发展的影响日益显著。学缘关系越丰富的大学教师,取得学术职业发展的可能性越大;不同种类的学缘关系对大学教师学术职业发展的影响程度不同,在控制其他因素的条件下,本科、硕士与博士在同一所学校就读并留校任教的大学教师学术职业发展可能性最大,具有硕士学缘关系的大学教师学术职业发展可能性最小。基于上述结论,本文提出深化教师聘任制度改革、完善职称评审制度与加快学术劳动力市场建设等一系列政策建议。  相似文献   

Changes that occur in teachers’ careers are typically conceptualized in research as occurring in several demarcated and sequential stages/phases. This study examines secondary schoolteachers’ understandings of their careers and whether they could identify stages/phases in their career development. It is based on experienced teachers’ recall of their career development and their in‐depth interviews. The findings demonstrate the need to acknowledge the individual ways in which teachers develop as well as the need for the use of multiple frameworks for describing teachers’ career development. Using a single a priori model to describe their career development, as has been common in certain previous research, does not do justice to teachers’ understanding of their own careers. Furthermore, the findings of this study shed light on the contextualized nature of experience and expertise. Accordingly, implications for teacher education and policy‐making in the area are drawn.  相似文献   

高校青年教师的职业承诺和职业生涯管理不仅影响着教师个体的发展,也影响着高校的发展。为了了解高校青年教师职业承诺与其职业生涯管理之间的结构关系,本研究运用"职业承诺问卷"和"自我职业生涯管理调查问卷",对来自不同高校的218名青年教师进行了调查。结果发现,高校青年教师职业承诺对其职业生涯管理的影响仅在有限的几个维度之间存在:(1)情感承诺、继续承诺对个体的职业探索存在显著性影响;(2)情感承诺对继续学习存在显著性影响;(3)情感承诺、继续承诺对职业目标、注重关系以及自我展示的影响是以规范承诺为中介的。  相似文献   

Why teachers choose their career has been a popular topic of research in many contexts since the introduction of the FIT-Choice framework by Watt and Richardson in 2007 to study teacher motivations. Although altruistic motivations have been identified as the common driving factor behind preservice teachers' (PSTs') decision to enter the field, there are other motivational factors—such as teaching being a career that fits well with family commitments, or choosing teacher education as a ‘fallback’ option—that are widely reported in different contexts. The introduction of incentives for student teachers in certain subjects has been subject to media criticism in England as promoting ‘bursary tourism’. This study investigates the career entry motivations and teaching perceptions of PSTs from a university that is one of the key teacher education providers in the country, using the FIT-Choice framework. The paper discusses the findings (N = 115), including validation of the FIT-Choice scale, collecting data on 12 motivations and six perceptions, along with preliminary findings. It was identified that intrinsic career values were the highest rated motivation, followed by altruistic values such as the desire to make a social contribution and being a part of shaping the future of children and adolescents. Perceived abilities were also rated higher, while personal utility values and task returns— including monetary rewards—were rated very low. While the participants agreed that the job is professionally and emotionally demanding, it was promising to note that they were highly satisfied with their career choice, implicitly indicating their intention to continue in the teaching profession. Gender differences, along with field of study and training pathway differences in motivations and teaching perceptions are also discussed, with practical implications.  相似文献   

Internationally, schools acknowledge their responsibility in guiding students not only in their academic growth, but also in their lifelong career development. In relation to this development, vocational schools in the Netherlands are implementing integral career guidance in which teachers receive a new task in guiding students in developing their own learning and career paths. A questionnaire was developed to investigate students’ perceptions of career guidance by teachers during career conversations, and data involving 28 teachers were collected from 579 students. The study identified four different teacher guidance profiles. Remarkable is that teachers spoke very little about career issues, and school issues were mostly on the agenda. The results indicate that teachers struggle with the transition towards becoming a career guide of students, and aspects influencing the transition into this new role need to be considered.  相似文献   

近年来高校青年教师数量呈跨越式增长趋势,其教学能力水平高低直接关系到高等教育质量的优劣。因此,对于高校青年教师教学能力的研究也日益增多。通过研究发现,目前针对高校青年教师教学能力研究的侧重点主要涉及青年教师群体特征、教学能力现状、影响因素及其对策四个方面。目前研究展现了高校青年教师教学能力的研究图景,但同时可以发现当前研究具有以下不足:即忽视教师生涯发展路径,缺乏“个性”关照;研究方法简单,缺乏“实质性”分析;对策研究千篇一律,缺乏保障机制的研究。针对于此,今后应在分段化需求研究、定性定量研究方法的结合、各项保障机制研究这三个方面加强探索。  相似文献   

English has always occupied a key position in China’s education. The quality of English education depends largely on the quality of the English teaching force. Improving the overall quality of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) teachers entails advancing both their teaching and research competence. This study, with its focus on Chinese TEFL teachers working in a higher education institution, was set up in a context where Chinese higher education colleges are being transformed into universities and research is becoming a crucial aspect of all teachers’ work. This small-scale case study investigated a group of Chinese TEFL teachers’ perceptions about research and their individual and workplace characteristics that influenced their research endeavours. The findings revealed that Chinese TEFL teachers recognised the significance of research for teaching, professional growth and career advancement. However, lack of individual characteristics such as research and disciplinary knowledge, confidence in research and intrinsic motivation impeded their research efforts. Their institution and departments seemed to encourage research; yet, more specific financial and academic support to start and sustain their research endeavours is required. This study’s findings provide implications for both individual teachers and their institutions to engage TEFL teachers more actively in research.  相似文献   

Growing and developing as a university researcher   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While there is a substantial body of literature on academics’ development as teachers, investigation of their development as researchers post-PhD is rare. This study undertook an investigation of academics’ ways of understanding their own growth and development as a university researcher. Four qualitatively different ways of understanding research development emerged: (1) Becoming confident as a researcher; (2) Becoming recognised as a researcher; (3) Becoming more productive as a researcher; and (4) Becoming more sophisticated as a researcher. The first category of development was seen as most relevant to the early stages of an academic career, when doing a PhD or during one’s first academic appointment, but may also re-occur at later stages of a career during changes in research direction, etc. The last three categories are seen as relevant to all career stages, including more advanced stages as well as the early stages of a research career. Comparisons between academics’ ways of understanding their growth and development as a university researcher and as a university teacher are also presented.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the professional and academic development of mid-career teacher educators from two universities in England. The objectives of the study were to analyse and compare the career experiences of teacher educators; in particular, to identify stages of development, landmark events and contextual factors affecting professional learning and academic identities. In-depth biographical interviews were carried out with 12 teacher educators, together with living graphs of their career paths. Clear landmarks were identified in both contexts, with development in teaching seen as largely positive, while research development was much more varied. Teacher educators who were further on in their careers saw research development as transformative personally as well as academically. In analysing the findings within a sociocultural learning framework, the authors draw in particular on Swennen et al.’s model of teacher educators’ sub-identities, Akerlind’s categorisation of an academic identity and Eraut’s contextual and learning factors.  相似文献   

Schools are increasingly acknowledging their responsibility to guide students in their career development. However, the guidance that is provided in the Netherlands, as well as in other Western countries, focuses for the most part on helping students towards their academic achievement, and not on helping them to develop competencies to manage their own career. In order to promote this type of career guidance, 37 secondary vocational schools in the Netherlands participated in a project that offered a training programme, aiming to teach teachers how to conduct career dialogues with students. The programme offers expert guidance to integrate a dialogical approach to career guidance and a more enquiry- and practice-based curriculum in the school’s vision and policy. In this article, the results of semi-structured interviews with 50 teachers who participated in the project are presented. These interviews were conducted right after the start of the project, to study how teachers perceive the initial situation regarding career development in their schools, as well as their perception of the initiated plans and ambitions for development, both in their own learning environment and the learning environment of their students.  相似文献   

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