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Mother's Day is coining. I write the followings for my respected mother, for I once misunderstood and even hated her for a very long time.  相似文献   

I have a great mother. She is not only my mother, but my teacher, too. When I was a little child, my mother told me why and how to be a useful man to our motherland.  相似文献   

There are three people in my family.They are father. mother andme.My parents love me dearly.In my memory,I always required them todo this or that for me.winter or summer.When my shoes were dirty, Iwould say.“Mother,wash my shoes.”When I needed something,Iwould ask her to buy it for me.She did everything I wanted her to do with-out any complaint. She cooked meals, washed clothes, cleaned theFooms. and also helped me do my homework every day after she camehome from work. She is only forty, but her hair has turned gray andwrinkles have appeared around her eyes.  相似文献   

A guy walks into thehuman resources depart-ment of a large companyand hands the executive hisapplication. The executivebegins to scan the sheet,and notices that the appli-cant has been fired fromevery job he has ever held.  相似文献   

徐乐  郝璐艳  黄栋 《音乐世界》2008,(2):124-125
I’m Running,I’m Free.把混凝土组成的繁华都市变成我的操场,穿越城市中的层层障碍,在都市中挑战我的极限,我是自由的,我要热情奔跑。这一次,K·SWISS 为每一位极限运动爱好者带来了全球第一双 Free Running(自由奔跑)专业鞋——Ariake。  相似文献   

许倩  裴靖  黄栋 《音乐世界》2008,(4):40-41
带着第二张专辑《明明不是 Angel》,何洁降临上海。见到她是在傍晚的摄影棚,或许是刚刚从新专辑上海新闻发布会上归来,灯光下,她依旧很活泼,然而一丝疲倦已经悄然透出。镜头前的随意挥洒,谈笑着爽快利落,《明明不是Angel》这个听上去有点叛逆的名字或许是她此刻最想表达的意思。  相似文献   

招聘过程中,通常许多企业都会舍弃一些看似很优秀的应聘者,转而另择旁人。究其原因,最主要还是他们的自身素质不强,存在择业误区所造成的。案例A 男,上海**管理学院管理系毕业,成绩优秀,应聘公司市场策划与营销。第一关笔试,答卷相当出色,留下了极其深刻的印象;第二关面试,英文和专业知识相当不错,被列为第一候选人;最终面试,主考官请他提出问题(已经录用),学子A开始滔滔不绝地要求有关的个人待遇 除了正常的月收入和奖金,还要有工资调整、出差津贴、效益提成,甚至包括带薪年假、婚丧假期、股权分红。最后,他落…  相似文献   

做个小留学生难,做个不犯一点儿错误的小留学生更难。世上哪有不犯一点儿错的人啊? 这不,郝鹏就在课堂上不经意冒犯了Mr Brown。课后,经过小老乡们的一番劝慰,郝鹏越发为自己的冲动感到不安,于是他赶紧去找 Mr Brown道歉。  相似文献   

"Hello!大家好!知道我为什么这么开心——学会了英语吗?嗨,还不得感谢我的一大群儿女们,他们呀,给我换了件‘新衣裳’!"嘿,高兴至极的中国,忘记了介绍自己的名字,就一个劲儿  相似文献   

菲尔伯特严重残废。他右臂萎缩,背脊弯曲,走起路来就像个驼背。课间休息时,男孩子们都在踢足球,而菲尔伯特却独自一人坐在秋千  相似文献   

上四年级平行班课的老师都知道,到四(1)班上课要格外有耐心、有策略,而且要眼观六路,随时注意几个淘气包的动态,稍不留神他们就会闹得鸡飞狗跳,打乱正常教学秩序。为了能吸引学生的注意力,每节课我都要挖空心思做准备。今天课上有两个新词:“late”和“early”,还要教一句迟到时的  相似文献   

A man said to his psychiatrist, “Doctor, you1ve got to help me. I1m sure I1m losing my mind. I can1t remember anything, not what happened a year ago, or even what happened yesterday. I must be going crazy.” “How long have you had this problem?” The ma…  相似文献   

Blancke  Stefaan  Boudry  Maarten 《Science & Education》2022,31(5):1141-1154
Science & Education - Modern democratic societies tend to appeal to the authority of science when dealing with important challenges and solving their problems. Nevertheless, distrust in science...  相似文献   

Early career teachers face a range of challenges in their first years of teaching and how these challenges are managed as career implications. Based on current literature, this paper presents a model of early career teacher resilience where resilience is seen as a process located at the interface of personal and contextual challenges and resources. Through a semi-structured interview the challenges faced by 13 Australian early career teachers and the resources available to manage these challenges are examined. Findings show that beginning teachers experience multiple, varied and ongoing challenges and that personal and contextual resources are both important in sustaining them through the beginning year(s) of their teaching careers. The study emphasises the critical roles played by family and friends and the importance of relationships in the resilience process. Implications for future research and teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

有人说刘亦菲的走红完全得益于她的美貌,她不值得人们如此厚爱。刘亦菲是坦诚的,她承认自己因美貌而走俏荧屏;刘亦菲是清纯的,她自然羞涩的微笑确实打动了无数影迷的心。刘亦菲是无辜的,因为漂亮不是罪过!刘亦菲更是自强的,她正在勤学苦练,誓做才貌双全的绝代佳人。  相似文献   

Mother’s Day     
3.Ontheday,wethinkaboutalltheworkthatmoth-ersdo.4.Wethinkaboutthelovethatourmothersgiveus.1.MothersDayisthesecondSundayinMay.2.OnMothersDay,wesay“Thankyou”toourmoth-ers.2Mother’s Day$山东无棣实验中学@杨俊杰  相似文献   

Mother’s Love     
Who gave birth to me 14 years ago. Of course, my mother. My grandma often tells me when I was just born, I looked so small and thin, only nearly 5 Chinese pounds. So doctors put me into a warm box for weeks. My mother came to see me everyday although she was weak. I can't feel my mother's love at that time but I can feel it from my grandma's words. I was so thin and small when I was a baby, so I was always ill in my childhood. A day of my sixth year, I didn't feel well and had a stomac…  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to understand how lecturers delivering college-based higher education viewed their workloads, and how this (if at all), influenced their engagement in scholastic activities, which may then enable them to become more knowledgeable in their chosen field of study. The research was of a qualitative nature, whereby semi-structured, in-depth interviews were undertaken with 26 individual lecturers employed at different further education colleges throughout the Yorkshire and Humber region. It was found that lack of time and onerous administrative responsibilities on top of their current workload were two of the major issues these lecturers were facing in their current roles. As a result, it is recommended that an independent audit be conducted to ascertain FE lecturers’ contact time with students and that ways in which to reduce their administrative duties be considered.  相似文献   

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