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现代教学媒体参与到课堂教学之后成为课堂教学监控的新对象。从教学媒体教学功能、学生特征、对现代教学媒体的选择及现代教学媒体在课堂上的应用时机和方式四方面阐述如何实现对现代教学媒体的有效监控,提高教师对现代教学媒体的监控能力。  相似文献   

本文是陕西省教育厅厅长胡致本同志为《新编普通教育学》和《新编普通教育学辅助教材》写的序言 ,题目为编者所加。这套教材经原省教委组织的专家组鉴定 ,获得肯定。现已由陕西人民教育出版社于 2 0 0 0年 7月出版发行 ,主编为刘亦农、张丕湘等同志  相似文献   

对改进教学研究工作的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学研究是我国基础教育事业发展不可或缺的组成部分,在全面建设小康社会的新的历史时期,教学研究工作必须抓住基础教育课程改革带来的历史机遇,在反思几十年来教学研究工作的基础上,廓清新时期教学研究工作的性质、任务和特点。从教师、学校和教研机构发展三个方面提出建议。  相似文献   

This is one of X commentaries on Wu’s ‘Interpretation, autonomy, and transformation: Chinese pedagogic discourse in a cross-cultural perspective’ (JCS, 43(5), 569-590). It highlights the paper’s demystification of Western pedagogic discourse and recovery of the meaning of Chinese traditional pedagogic discourse as a response to the long-lasting debates on the Chinese–Western/traditional–modern dichotomies seen in China’s modernization. However, the paper overlooks the complexity of Chinese pedagogic discourse: it over-emphasizes the formal or linguistic dimension of pedagogic discourse, and presumes the dichotomy of Chinese–Western discourses and the discontinuity of traditional–modern cultures. After elaborating the ends, substances, methods, and teacher roles found in Chinese pedagogic discourses, this study argues that contemporary pedagogic discourses are essentially inhabited in indigenous traditions, and actively entangled with Western discourse. The meaning of Confucian traditional pedagogy should not (and cannot) be ‘recovered’ from the past, but be ‘found’ in the present.  相似文献   

“课堂在线”教学策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、“课堂在线”出现的学习问题 “课堂在线”是北京市教委为中小学生开办的网上教学,开通一个多月的时间里,七万多名中小学生在这里进行了学习,有效促进了学生学习方式的转变,同时,也出现一系列学习问题。  相似文献   

教学原则研究的反思与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
改革开放以来的二十年,我国教学原则研究大体经历了引进与反思、批判与整合和体系的新建构与研究的多样化三个阶段。研究的方法论方面的局限主要表现在认识方法上的经验主义、研究范式上的科学主义和目的趋向上的功利主义。今后的研究应处理好科学与人文、继承与发展和引进与吸收的关系,并预测了教学原则研究的新趋势。  相似文献   

我多年从事高师教育研究 ,深知传统教育学不大受学生欢迎。师范院校的学生不喜欢教育理论学习应该说是一个严重的问题 ,因为一个职业教师的知识结构中教育理论占有重要的位置。所以对于这一问题的解决我一直十分关注。刘亦农、张丕湘等同志在长期的教育学教学实践中对此进行了十多年的探索试验。他们认为 ,学生不欢迎教育学大约可以归纳以下两个原因 :第一 ,教育学是一门科学 ,又是一门艺术。作为科学 ,它有其系统的基本理论 ;作为艺术 ,则千变万化。学生完全依靠教育学的理论学习很难透彻掌握教育艺术之真谛。第二 ,教育学有理论性 ,又有很…  相似文献   

Background: The concept of pedagogic frailty has been proposed as a unifying concept that may help to integrate institutional efforts to enhance teaching improvement within universities by helping to maintain a simultaneous focus on four key areas that are thought to impede development. Purpose: The variation in internal structure of the four dimensions of pedagogic frailty and the links that have been proposed to connect them are explored here through the analysis of interviews with academics working in a variety of disciplinary areas. Methods: The application of concept map-mediated interviews allows us to view the variable connections within and between these dimensions and the personal ways they are conceptualised by academics working across the heterogeneous university context. Results: The data show that academics conceptualise the discourse of teaching in various ways that have implications for the links that may be developed to integrate the elements within the model. Conclusions: Whilst the form and content of the maps representing dimensions of the pedagogic frailty model exhibit considerable variation, it is suggested that factors such as academic resilience and the explicit use of integrative concepts within disciplines may help to overcome some of the vulnerabilities that accompany pedagogic frailty. The data also raises questions about the links between factors that tend to be under individual control and those that tend towards institutional control.  相似文献   

教育教学改革的深入发展要求教研工作创新,教研工作必须改变传统教研方式,以研究促进创新把课程实施与评价作为工作重点,并大力改善教研工作条件。  相似文献   

提出适合于综合实践活动的教学策略,阐述探究式学习、体验式学习、故事叙述、未来和社区问题解决等教学策略的含义、特征、实施建议和选用要求。  相似文献   

本文概述了目前常见的加硬盘逻辑锁的方法 ,并给出了相应的解救办法 ,如果处理恰当 ,还可以挽救被锁硬盘中的数据  相似文献   

课程与教学改革:多元智能的视角   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
多元智能理论为变革传统课程与教学提供了新的视角和多元的切入点。它强调课程内容和教学目标的多元化,注重课程和教学模式的多元化和个别化设计,主张课程实施的情境化。多元智能理论观照下的课程和教学改革,对教师提出了新的挑战。它要求教师更新传统的智能观念,完善智能结构,参与到课程的开发和设计中去。多元智能课程和教学改革的目的,是使得每个学生都可以选择适合其智能结构和特点的方式进行学习。  相似文献   

新形势下教研员的素质   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新形势要求教研员必须具备终身学习的习惯、专业可持续发展的意识、较高的研究素养和能力,以及符合先进教育教学理念的管理组织能力。  相似文献   

This paper is based on a study titled ‘Enacting Feminisms in Academia’, which engaged five feminist lecturers teaching English at five different multilingual universities in Southern Africa. The study explored: (1) the complexity of sociolinguistic and feminist identity construction in multilingual seascapes, and by extension (2) how feminist educators' interpretation and enactment of their personal world-view informs their language teaching in terms of what they teach, how they teach, and why they teach what they do. The participants who hail from a diverse range of ideological landscapes were identified either by themselves or others as feminist teachers. Through a suite of data sources which comprised autobiographical essays, interviews and lecture observations, this paper explores how the female teacher's educative and pedagogic expertise and interactions are framed in relation to her race, gender, and age. Accepting the fluidity and complexity of identity positionalities, the paper explores the identity constructions of the feminist teachers in their communities of practice.  相似文献   

The goal of the following study is to identify a pedagogic signature, according to LS Shulman, for working with students who have special educational needs. Special educational needs are defined as significant limitations in personal development and learning which require particular educational measures beyond regular education. The development of a pedagogic signature should create an identity and provide guidance, particularly for teachers who are working in the context of inclusive schools with no prior knowledge or training in this regard. The study is carried out against the background of the structural uncertainty of the teaching profession and takes into consideration existing normative, theoretical and empirical approaches in education. Existing research regarding demands is largely theoretical, while empirical research is rudimentary. The present study used a multi-method approach to identify demands for working with students with special educational needs. Experts in the areas of learning disabilities and emotional/behavioural disorders completed an instrument from the field of industrial and organisational psychology, quantifying and weighting professional demands on teachers according to their importance. The results were added and validated through group discussions, creating a demand profile. By combining the results with the dimensions of a signature pedagogy, according to Shulman, it is apparent that surface structure and deep structure play a minor role in the perceptions of special needs teachers. The central importance of the implicit structure is characteristic of the pedagogic signature. This importance is represented by the target group’s emphasis on demands such as having an appreciative leadership or authenticity. An even greater emphasis is placed on the aspect of attitude – this is having a humanistic ethos. The demand profile and the resulting consequences for the practice of teaching will be considered with a view towards current problems and questions in research and practice, and particularly with regard to inclusion.  相似文献   

学生在课堂教学监控中具有双重角色。学生的自我监控是影响学习质量和促进学生社会化的重要因素。论述学生自我监控的构成、实质和作用,提出学生自我监控的基本操作模式。  相似文献   


This research examines the development and articulation of pedagogic principles and the process of using pedagogic documentation techniques by early childhood teacher trainees in a university teacher training program (BA Primary Education leading to Qualified Teacher Status) in London, England. The study draws on the perspectives of students in the second year of the teacher training program, and the tutor for the module, as well as documentary analysis of 14 pedagogic documentation panels that were produced by the teacher trainees. The research demonstrates how the development and articulation of pedagogic principles is enabled by the reflective and collaborative practice of photography, dialogue, narrative, and metaphor. Findings can be used to better understand how teacher trainees engage with pedagogic principles while they learn how to use the techniques of pedagogic documentation.  相似文献   

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