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《Africa Education Review》2013,10(4):512-525

This article represents a literature review and interpretation pertaining to the role that metacognition is seen to play in student performance. It begins by providing evidence from research reported in the literature which indicates that not all students are able to accurately assess their capabilities, and suggests that this lack is linked to insufficiently developed metacognitive skills (MS). The concept of metacognition, as well as its role in academic learning and reading, is discussed. On the basis of evidence from research reported in the literature, which has shown that explicit teaching of metacognitive strategies can result in improved performance among students, the article concludes by suggesting practical ways in which lecturers can help their students develop key MS.  相似文献   

素质教育是我国高等教育当前所面临的迫切问题,高校体系在培养大学生的品德素质、能力素质和心理素质中能起到良好的促进作用。  相似文献   

高师学生职业意识影响着高师学生在校期间的学习和生活,以及工作后的态度和质量。加强高师学生职业意识教育,培养他们的自我教育能力,是高师教育的主题。文章在调查的基础上概括了高师学生职业意识形成的七个特点,并从社会、高师教育、学生自身等方面提出了培养的建议和对策。  相似文献   

浅谈产学研相结合与高等教育人才培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产学研相结合的模式对高等教育人才培养具有重要意义.实行产学研相结合的模式,培养符合社会所需要的人才,既是社会发展的需求,也是高等学校自身主动适应社会发展的需要.  相似文献   

Interest in the role of metacognition has been steadily rising in most forms of education. This study focuses on the construction of a questionnaire for measuring metacognitive knowledge, metacognitive regulation and metacognitive responsiveness among students in higher education and the subsequent process of testing to determine its validity.


The aim of the study was to construct an original instrument for measuring features of metacognition, henceforth referred to as the Awareness of Independent Learning Inventory (AILI), and further to establish the similarities and differences between this model and existing instruments for measuring metacognition.


The AILI questionnaire was distributed to 1058 students in various types of Teacher Training Institutes in the Netherlands and Belgium. The abridged English version of the questionnaire was administered to another sample of 729 students reading Economics and Business Administration at the University of Maastricht in the south of the Netherlands.

Design and methods

The AILI instrument was constructed on the basis of a facet design along two dimensions: components of metacognition and topics of concern to students in higher education. The data gathered with the instrument was analyzed by means of a generalisability study and a decision study, respectively. The validity of the instrument was investigated by using confirmatory factor analysis.


The generalisability study showed that the reliability of the instrument was satisfactory. The decision study revealed that the number of items included in the questionnaire could be reduced substantially by leaving out two components of one of the dimensions in the facet design, without losing too much generalisability. The validity study showed that there was a considerable level of congruity between parts of the AILI questionnaire and the relevant parts of the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ).


The AILI questionnaire is a reliable and valid instrument for measuring metacognitive knowledge, regulation and responsiveness. It is suitable for use in the evaluation of the effects of interventions that purport to increase metacognitive knowledge, regulation and responsiveness of students in higher education.  相似文献   

This study explored the effects of web-enabled pedagogies on students' involvement in learning. A series of quasi-experiments were conducted to investigate whether students' involvement increases over time if intervened, respectively, by problem-based learning (PBL), self-regulated learning (SRL), and their combinations. Two classes of 102 first-year students at a vocational school in a one-semester course were chosen for this empirical study. The results were generally supportive. The authors further discuss the implications for schools, scholars, and teachers engaged in e-learning.  相似文献   

我国高等职业教育的地方性表现在:高等职业教育兼有社区教育和高等教育的双重特征,高等职业教育与地方社区经济的发展相融合。在高等职业教育的应用性人才培养方面,要正确理解“应用性人才”培养目标,合理安排理论教学与实践教学,注重毕业设计与生产实际相结合。  相似文献   

本文结合高等职业教育人才培养模式的发展现状和趋势,研究高等职业教育人才培养模式创新,达到培养高技能型人才的根本目的。  相似文献   

为了解决高职教育人才培养中存在的过强的专业化、过高的功利倾向、过弱的文化熏陶等问题,高职教育应主动适应市场变化,把握社会对人才需求的动向,引入通识教育,探索走通专结合的道路,培养学生“做人”、“做事”两方面的能力,成为新世纪高素养、高技艺和谐发展的新人。  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of the factors influencing the practical training quality of agricultural higher education programmes from the senior students’ perspective. The study was conducted in two public universities located in the north-west of Iran using a cross-sectional survey and structured interviews with a randomised sample of 254 agricultural senior students. The students reported that they received low-quality practical training throughout their agricultural courses. In order for there to be an improvement in the quality of practical training, three elements are essential: active participation of academic staff, effective inter-organisational communication with private and public institutions, and active participation of students in the curriculum. Establishing a strong linkage between universities and relevant institutions could provide the required facilities and an effective learning environment for the students through internship opportunities outside universities and would prepare them for the labour market.  相似文献   

提出了以社会职业分析为起点,兼顾学生的智能差异,构建高等职业教育人才培养的模式。对高等职业教育人才培养模式的培养目标、课程体系、教育策略等进行了探讨。高等职业教育应突出"综合职业能力和全面素质"与"高级实用型"的特点。课程体系设计可采用职业群集分析法与以能力为中心的方法。提出职业技术课程综合化;职业技术理论与实训教学一体化;整合社会教育资源,实现"校企合作,产教结合";毕业设计与生产实际问题相结合;发挥社会评价的重要作用;招生考试内容要注重学生的作品;加强对学生职业生涯发展的指导;建立"三师型"的师资队伍等9种教育策略。  相似文献   

生命是教育的根基,在当前高校中学生的生命意识却比较淡薄,导致在对生命的理解与实践上出现偏差:珍爱生命,却无保护生命的技能;重视自我生命,却对他者的生命漠视;求索生命的意义,生命的精神性却在消失。文章在阐释生命意识教育意义的基础上,探讨了培育和美生命意识的途径,关注生命气息,蕴育美的韵律,彰显生命真义,进而滋养生命情感,舒展生命情怀,让生命的活力充分涌动。  相似文献   

美国在高等教育研究生培养与研究方面有关学科性、课程设计与学位的争论表明 :(1 )高等教育研究作为一个学科尚不成熟。应用其他相对成熟学科的理论与方法 ,是提高高等教育研究水平与研究生培养学术质量的较好方式。(2 )高等教育研究生培养的一个主要任务是培养高等教育管理方面的实践人员 ,目前还缺少成熟的培养体系。美国大学正在采取各种试验性培养方式 ,使研究生培养更好地联系实际。 (3 )美国大学为高等教育研究生颁发学术性的Ph D和职业性的 Ed D两种学位 ,这种双轨制既有利于学术发展 ,也有利于培养实践者。  相似文献   

从教师教育改革实际、中小学高师毕业生的适应现状以及智育和德育的和谐统一三个方面分析,教师教育改革在加强知识性和技能培训的同时应加强德育意识培养。高师德育意识培养主要有三条渠道:第一,增进师生关系的和谐,一方面营造良好的师生关系氛围;另一方面,促进高师学生道德意识的提升。第二,加强和改进教师职业道德修养的教育。第三,注重教育教学资源德育价值的挖掘和利用能力的培养。  相似文献   

最近几年,高职院校有效的促进了地方社会和经济的发展,在普及高等教育的过程中发挥了很大的作用。可是高职教育在不断发展的过程中也出现了不少问题,这些问题都激发了高技能人才培养与社会经济发展之间的矛盾。所以高职教育一定要及时有效的解决这些问题,促进高职教育的可持续发展,促进我国地方经济的发展。文章主要分析了高职教育中人才培养模式的问题和对策。  相似文献   

高等教育学的专业属性及其对人才培养的规定性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明确高等教育学专业的属性及其对人才培养的规定性,是解决本专业研究生培养模式改革的认识基础。高等教育学专业具有理论性与实践性相统一的特性,要求高等教育学专业的人才具有理论素养与实践能力紧密结合的素质,即不仅具备宽厚的理论基础,而且有强烈的研究意识和较强的实践能力。  相似文献   

Internationalisation of higher education is big business in Australia, yet, despite the growing body of literature informing learning and teaching of international students, challenges remain. While language and pedagogical differences are well documented from the students' perspective, less known are the challenges to educators and their practices in responding to these named issues. This article explores some implications for educators and their practices, when international students come to study in an English-language university in Australia. A small research project focusing on educators' perspectives reveals the pedagogical challenges, difficulties and differences in approaches to teaching large numbers of international students. Implications for educators are discussed, focusing on the need to respond to policy and institutional demands to participate in these international collaborations, and to engage in building sound and equitable educational provision.  相似文献   

发达国家高职教育实训基地建设的基本经验及启示   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
发达国家在高等职业教育实训基地建设方面的成功经验对我国高职教育实训基地建设有一定启示,我国应在方法、机构设置、投资模式等方面作出改革。  相似文献   

This piece offers two stories and attempts a contrast between them. These are about how UK higher education responded to the economic crisis of the 1970s, and about how it is shaping up in response to the banking crisis of 2008 and its global ramifications. The first is constructed around the rise and fall of ‘public sector higher education’ between the James Report and the Dearing Report of 1997. The second looks at the prospects of higher education’s contributions to a more fluid, flexible and responsive lifelong learning, summed up as ‘post-institutional higher education’.  相似文献   

The topic in this paper is how former special needs students with academic competence from upper secondary school succeed in education on a higher level. The study concentrates on students who at their start in upper secondary education were registered with problems of concentration, difficulties in reading, writing or mathematics. The main part of this paper will base on qualitative interviews with nine former special needs students. Seven out of the nine informants were registered with reading and writing difficulties. However, it is also possible to compare these informants with longitudinal data from a larger group of students who have been followed prospectively since spring 1996. Theoretically the study is based on life course research with special emphasis on social transitions. In transitional processes between different educational arenas gatekeepers'often play important roles. This study will examine how such gatekeepers, e.g. teachers, may facilitate or obstruct these transitions for a vulnerable group like former special needs students.  相似文献   

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