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浅析高等教育与社会分层之间的互动关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等教育与社会分层之间具有非常明显的互动关系。这种互动关系主要体现在社会分层对高等教育的影响以及高等教育对社会分层的影响两个层面。近年来,对于这种互动关系的研究多侧重于社会分层对高等教育入学机会以及专业选择等方面的影响,而就社会分层对高校毕业生职业的选择、就业机会是否均等、就业率等方面的影响的研究则显得较为薄弱,仍需进一步研究。  相似文献   


Through the case-study experiences of 24 White and Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) working-class students from three very different universities, we aim to illuminate the often hidden struggle for recognition and respect for classed, ‘raced’ and gendered ways of being in the university. We discuss how the students perceive their identities in relation to their universities and their peers, and whether they feel the need to adapt and change their classed/’racialised’ identities in order to survive and progress or whether they resist any pressures and expectations to do so. We explore the tension between ‘assimilation and belonging’ and ‘betrayal and exclusion’ for White and BAME working-class students and consider the intersectional implications. We draw on the concept of hybridity to show the fluidity and fusions of transitioning and developing identities. The article also seeks to contribute further to the illumination of habitus as generative, through a process of hybridity.  相似文献   

教育社会分层功能的失衡:转型期农村教育的主要危机   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
曹晶 《教育科学》2007,23(1):1-4
在社会全面转型过程中,农村教育由于受到再分配和市场两种机制的双重边缘化,而使教育社会分层功能在城乡之间明显失衡。这种失衡状态,强化了教育促进复制式社会流动的功能,而非替代式的社会流动功能。它直接带来的后果是农村教育中新的读书无用论的兴起,并进而导致农村基础教育社会功能和育人功能的全面受损。  相似文献   

Bourdieu’s version of field theory has had an impressive impact on the ways that sociologists of education conceptualize educational practices. These accounts tend to focus on the varying levels of ontological complicity established between students’ cultural dispositions and educational institutions. In this paper, the wisdom of these accounts is acknowledged but it is also suggested that Bourdieu’s field theory does not go far enough to detail the ways that positions in local educational fields embody pedagogic qualities and action trajectories. Drawing on insights from social psychology and relational sociology, a field theory for local educational action is outlined that more adequately accounts for the ways that students and educators directly experience and act upon curricular and pedagogic qualities in educational settings. An empirical example is then offered of the authors’ claims within the context of curricular tracking/streaming, and the article concludes by considering the practical and political consequences of this theoretical shift.  相似文献   

为摆脱理论理性的缺陷,冲出结构主义的语言牢笼,布迪厄开始关注语言与符号权力间的亲密关系,将语言分析还原到具体生动的生活实践中,使语言规则与语言实践耦合,建构了独特的实践语言学理论———语言交换市场理论。布迪厄的语言交换市场理论对于教育交往史研究具有重要的启示和借鉴价值:重视对教育交往中话语的还原与解读,重视对教育交往中实践者的标示与体认,重视对教育交往语言市场的塑造。此外,教育交往史在研究焦点上,应着眼“语言的符号权力”与“符号权力下的语言”,在研究视角上,应聚焦“语言市场中的教育交往”与“教育交往背后的语言市场”,在研究方法上,应创造性应用“参与性对象化”与“对应分析法”。  相似文献   

Comparative education in Asia is witnessing changing discourses, structural opportunities, and invigorated leadership. This article will review the institutionalization of comparative education in Asia from a sociological perspective, drawing on Bourdieu’s theory on the logic of social practice. After giving an overview of the historical roots of Asian comparative education, I will describe broadly its landscape noting developments in the last two decades since 1995, the foundational year of the Comparative Education Society of Asia (CESA). Four main themes are explored: comparative education teaching, professional societies, research centres, and specialist publications. With a baseline understanding of the infrastructures of the field in Asia and the power dynamics that shape them, I will propose an agenda for Asian comparative education to offer meaningful contributions to multipolar knowledge production in the field. Priority themes and directions will be highlighted to articulate a stronger Asian voice and leadership in an increasingly diverse and uncertain world.  相似文献   

Narrowing the focus of existing research on academics’ and historians’ use of digital technologies and social media, this paper considers historians of education and their use of online platforms. It combines a small-scale survey of the self-reflections of historians of education together with personal reflections gained from building the social media presence for the History of Education Society as the inaugural Peter Gosden Fellow. The paper suggests that whilst historians of education are increasingly willing to use social media for networking, sharing and promoting their work and that of others, most continue not to use online platforms in conducting and disseminating their work due to expectations in the academy of publication in traditional forms.  相似文献   

贫富差距不断扩大使社会不公平问题加剧,各个阶层之间出现了矛盾和冲突,影响了我国社会的和谐与稳定。市场经济本身并不能消除各阶层之间不断扩大的差距,如果不加控制,差距只会越来越大,因此政府必须进行适当的干预和调节,通过建立良性的社会分层结构来促进各阶层之间互惠互利、和谐相处,实现社会的长期稳定。  相似文献   

As populations in contemporary Western societies grow increasingly diverse, preparing predominantly White middle-class pre-service teachers to better understand and work with difference productively has become increasingly critical. Historically, however, teacher education programs have aimed to address diversity with add-on or piecemeal approaches, with little success. This article illustrates and theorises change in two Australian teachers' dispositions towards social justice over time from a Bourdieuian perspective. It attempts to inform our understanding of current pre-service teacher education program inadequacies with a view to providing implications in relation to the constraints of the limited and limiting nature of practicum placements. Fundamentally, its goal is to improve the preparedness of pre-service teachers to cater for diversity in socially just ways.  相似文献   


In the edited book “Bourdieu and Chinese Education”, a group of scholars in China, Australia, Canada, and the USA engage in a dialogue with Bourdieu and raise persistent questions not only about issues of equity, competition, and change in Chinese education, but also about the value, venture, and violence in using established Western intellectual frameworks for analysing Chinese education. In response to these questions, this special issue analyses and discusses Chinese rural education, teacher education, language education, health and physical education, and transnational education; and proposes a series of new conceptualisations, for example, regression- and network-based field analysis, Bourdieu-Chinese philosophy encounter, field of mediation, localised pedagogical capital, and new Chinese habituses (e.g., contemptuous habitus, diasporic cosmopolitan habitus, habitus (re)structuring). Such collective effort responds to the strident, and sometimes misleading, castigation of Bourdieu for determinism; and also disputes the non-reflexive, celebratory tone that consecrates the French sociologist and his canonical theorem, and hence reproduces the symbolic violence in the doxic academia. In this vein, the special issue is respectful for, but not restricted to, Bourdieu’s sociology, showing no timidity in questioning and contesting the framework of the famed thinker when research problems and findings demand so.  相似文献   

Despite the documented importance of parental engagement in early learning, little is known about how parents in the Middle East and North Africa understand child development. To inform the literature, a small-scale study involving four focus groups was conducted with parents of children aged six years and under living in Casablanca. The purpose of this study was to explore parents' understanding of and support for their children's early development. Results reveal that parents see a vital role for themselves in their children's upbringing as supporters and nurturers, but little role as teachers. Across different education and income levels, parents in this small-scale qualitative study believe that children's experiences in their first years of life do not affect their longer-term intellectual development or school success and see little value in early intellectual stimulation or formal preschool education. Our results suggest that parents need to understand their role as their child's first educators. Also, it is essential that parents are taught how to promote their children's early cognitive development without undermining their nurturing roles.  相似文献   

关于教育管理理论、实践及其关系的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
教育管理理论与教育管理实践是整合统一的 ,就其本质而言 ,教育管理理论即是实践性理论 ,而教育管理实践亦是理论性实践。批判反思是新世纪初教育管理研究的一项重要工作 ,而批判反思的前提是加强理论学习  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国农村精英缺失与社会控制的弱化,以及贫富差距等,都是当前我国农村社会稳定的隐忧。因此,怎样在科学发展观的指导下,引导构建农村社会合理分层结构,发挥农村精英等在农村社会控制方面的作用,对于当前我国构建和谐社会,对于维护农村社会的稳定都具有重大意义。  相似文献   

中国社会分层与法治关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国正处在经济转型时期,多元利益的分化导致社会分层的出现,如何在如此新形势下进一步完善我国的法治建设,协调好多元利益主体的矛盾冲突,保持社会持续健康稳定的发展,构建新型的和谐社会,是一个十分有探讨价值的理论前沿问题。本文基于上述理由,简要论述了相关问题既解决方案。  相似文献   

In late modernity, the marketisation of public services has become a global policy phenomenon. In the case of schooling, this has resulted in parents discursively positioned as consumers of education making a choice between providers of education. To date the majority of research on parental choice has focused on the urban; this paper is concerned with the rural. Using ethnographic data collected through interviews (N = 24) and observations in one English village, it explores the ways in which parents engage with primary school choice. The research draws on Bourdieu's interrelated concepts of field, habitus and capital to discuss how the dispositions and resources parents had impacted upon the school choices they made. In presenting its findings, the paper distinguishes between the long-term residents (villagers) and more recent arrivals (newcomers) to suggest a differentiated commitment to place and schooling.  相似文献   

在五千年中国教育史上,有着极为丰富的和谐社会建设的思想资源.从孔夫子到陶行知,历代教育家追求社会和谐的教育实践活动,也是一笔宝责遗产,有待科学地研究总结.和谐社会建设时代要求巳构成哲学、社会科学研究的一个新视野,将推动中国教育史研究进一步解放思想,形成一个新的突破.  相似文献   


Family is widely regarded as a cornerstone of student support. When family support exist as an essential form of social capital making, rupture of family ties places students in a disadvantageous position. This paper focuses on estranged students’ accounts of their experiences of higher education, highlighting how capital dynamics shape their academic trajectories. Based on interviews with 21 estranged students, our research uncovers different dimensions of estranged students’ struggles and successes as they move through academia. This paper explores the social imagination that surrounds the university student, or ‘student experience’, as resting upon family support. The authors propose that widening participation policies and practices need to be more attuned to the realities that mark estranged students’ experiences, as they are not only impacted by the scarcity of either economic or social capital, but also by the instability of interrelated capitals that contribute to precarious and volatile experiences.  相似文献   

The restructuring of higher education (HE) according to neoliberal market principles has constructed the student consumer as a social category, thereby altering the nature, purpose and values of HE. In England, a key government attempt to champion the rights of the student consumer has taken the form of institutional charters which indicate the level of services students can expect to receive and what they will be expected to do in return. Pierre Bourdieu’s conceptual framework is applied to analyse the dynamics of practice in the context of the intensification of marketisation in English universities. The impact on student identities and learning processes, on the curriculum and on the academic practices of faculty is explored. By studying the production of institutional information related to charters, a particular image of the ‘good’ student is promoted to prospective students, which simultaneously regulates current student expectations. We argue that the marketisation of learning may result in passive and instrumental learners, a reduction in the range of disciplinary knowledge and a deterrence of innovation in teaching practices, all of which impact on the public good functions of universities.  相似文献   

This article situates secondary schooling within the evolving transnational social field. Drawing on 43 interviews with teachers and former students with transnational connections in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), Canada, I examine how transnational practices and dispositions fit within existing curricular and pedagogical frameworks in secondary schools. It is suggested that the ‘ways of being’ and ‘ways of belonging’ for transnational students are in conflict with the teachers’ views on how students ought to act and feel within classroom settings. When transnational secondary students travel to their sending societies for ongoing periods, the data reveal disconnections at school that threaten the dominant classroom norms. When there is sustained direct contact with multiple countries, including both travel and new modes of communication, this may create knowledge and vivid experiences for transnational youth who are ‘betwixt and between’, but also leads to concerns by teachers about a ‘strategic’ use of Toronto-area schools and fears about ‘dual loyalties’. Finally, many of the transnational youth find their teachers’ assumptions of schooling superiority in the Global North to be sorely misdirected, and perhaps even harmful. These discordances highlight the existence of competing systems of capital within GTA classrooms.  相似文献   

This paper draws on Bourdieu’s concepts of field, capital and habitus to examine the learning and enculturation of alumni of a Canadian PhD programme in the discipline of Education. We introduce the concept of doctoral capital to help explain how and why some PhD graduates go on to secure faculty positions and others do not. Our research suggests that certain existing and acquired academic practices, attributes, dispositions and behaviours collectively form a type of doctoral capital that alumni can then use in the academic marketplace.  相似文献   

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