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敦煌文献中有不少类书卷子.这些类书写卷既有传世类书的早期抄本,也有久已失传的珍籍秘本,具有较高的文献校勘价值.敦煌文献发现100多年后的今天,敦煌类书的文献校勘价值似乎还没有引起人们的重视.本文以敦煌本<励忠节抄>为例,探讨了敦煌类书在古书校勘方面的价值.  相似文献   

针对抄作业之风日益盛行,进行调查与研究,从三个方面对学生抄作业的现象进行心理剖析,有针对性地提出纠矫策略。  相似文献   

如何避免学生抄作业之现象心理分析及应对策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,学生学习过程中存在诸如“抄作业”现象,本文试图找出学生抄作业现象之心理,并从学校和家庭两方面进行相应策略分析,以期解决“抄作业”现象,帮助学生发展与成长。  相似文献   

韩国高丽时期编辑的《十抄诗》收录了不少中唐至五代的佚诗,具有极高的文献价值。本文在参考有关学者研究成果的基础上,从晚唐成都籍诗人雍陶的佚诗入手,对《十抄诗》的文献价值加以探讨。  相似文献   

小樱桃 《课外生活》2011,(4):F0003-F0003
这是小杨老师今天布置的家庭作业,大家抄一下。 小雪,帮我抄一下家庭作业。 皮仔最好,帮忙抄两份作业嘛!  相似文献   

在现代电力营销系统中,电能计量是其中的一个重要环节,依靠人工定期到现场抄读数据的传统电能量结算,其有很多的不足在实时性、准确性、应用性等方面。自动抄表系统的使用对抄表人员的劳动强度有一定的缓解,降低了抄表误差,对低压实时线损可以迅速地统计,用电成本得以降低,自动抄表技术在电力市场管理改革不断深入的情况下必将得到快速的发展。  相似文献   

日本室町时代的汉籍抄物不仅是具有历史价值的日语语言资料,同时也是中国古典文献的日本注释资料。其中囊括众多日本学者"三体诗"注释学说的"三体詩幻雲抄"是现存"三体诗"抄物中首屈一指的精品。该抄物中卷首绝句《華清宮》的注释可以作为研究该类问题的个案。经与原注比较,可以得出:该抄物注释内容广泛,尤其侧重对于诗句或诗文的意义以及事或物的注释;注释对象涵盖原典中全部要点,着重注释原文并同时关注原注;注释时大量引用其他中国文献,其中包括以唐人诗文居多的单篇类和以宋人撰著居多的著作类。因此,该抄物具有与原注不同的注释角度与方式,能够为学界更深入细致、更多角度地诠释"三体诗"提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   

至晚饭后,待贾母安寝了,宝钗等入园时,王善保家的便请了凤姐一并入园,喝命将角门皆上锁,便从上夜的婆子处抄检起,不过抄检出些多余攒下蜡烛、灯油等物。王善保家的道:“这也是赃,不许动,等明儿回过太太再动。”于是先就到怡红院中,喝命关门。  相似文献   

玫昆仑 《高中生》2008,(21):21-21
每年的3月15日,社会上都会兴起一股"打假"之风,一些假冒伪劣产品往往在这股风潮之下无处可藏,简直大快人心。如今,这股"打假"风也刮进了一些中学校园,校园里一些不讲诚信的现象,比如"抄作业""不按时交作业"等,都成了"打假"的热门话题。  相似文献   

浅谈远程抄表的实际应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要介绍了远程抄表在福建省漳州电业局电力负荷管理系统中的实际应用情况,并辅之以不少应用事例。  相似文献   

在西欧中世纪修道院,包括古典文献在内的各类书籍的收藏、复制活动引人注目。适应抄写手稿的需要,大多数修道院设立了抄写室,在某种意义上说一个抄写室就是一所书法学校,也是一个出版机构,它们为古典文献的保护和传播作出了重要的贡献。  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested both links and differences between children's copying of line diagrams and their drawings of solid objects. If the diagram represents a familiar object, children make more errors than when copying a diagram of a nonobject or unfamiliar object, as if they are drawing from their representation of the object rather than copying the surface features of the diagram. However, copying a diagram yields fewer and different types of errors than drawing the equivalent solid, which suggests a different process. In Experiment 1 (n = 72), possible relations between copying and drawing are investigated by asking children to draw a solid cube, then to copy or trace a line diagram of the cube in oblique projection, and finally to draw the solid again. Copying was better than drawing, and there was positive transfer to a subsequent drawing. Tracing was very accurate, but transfer to drawing did not occur, possibly because of the automatic nature of tracing. In Experiment 2 (n = 120) different groups received versions of the copying task that differed in the extent to which temporal order of line copying was structured. Asking children to copy the lines in a systematic order led to improved copies, but this performance did not carry over to a subsequent drawing of the solid. In contrast, when temporal ordering of line copying was not manipulated, there was positive transfer from copying to the subsequent drawing. In Experiment 3 (n = 80), provision of structure that emphasized faces by color-groupings of lines or coloring faces led to improved copies and did not hinder transfer to drawing the solid. Experiment 4 (n = 90) showed that in a solid drawing task emphasis on faces but not edges produced a positive effect, both on the immediate drawing and on a subsequent drawing of a plain cube. We conclude that emphasis on order of line copying improves performance in a copying task because in that case line-to-line matching is an important element of the skill, whereas this does not aid drawing of the solid object, in which the focus is primarily on representation of faces and their interrelations.  相似文献   

The performance of 132 pre- and primary school children on a Bender-Gestalt copying task was compared with that of a multiple choice version that was specially constructed by systematically varying four attributes of the stimulus figures. Significant correlation coefficients were obtained between the copying and recognition scores at all age levels except one. The multiple choice version was also as successful as the copying test in predicting reading achievement scores.  相似文献   

Multiple-choice examination answer copying was indexed by a comparison of the numbers of items answered incorrectly, and in the same way, as adjacent and distant classmates. In Experiment I, which involved a regular university examination, significant copying did occur, did not differ from front to rear of the lecture hall, and appeared primarily among individuals seated next to one another. Copying was not related to the order in which the examinations were returned. Number correct was related to turn-in order in a U-shaped fashion. No significant copying appeared in a second experiment, where test performance did not contribute to course grade.  相似文献   

白石老人通过一生的艰苦奋斗、勤学苦练的中国画探索,才逐渐成长为杰出的人民艺术大师。白石老人艺术求索的主要途径就是临摹、写生、创作。其中临摹大致经历为三个阶段。即三部曲:一摹临、二意临、三叛临。它们通过有机的过渡联系,由低级阶段走向高级阶段。并使临摹与写生、创作相结合,最后达到艺术的最高境界的飞跃。这一实践过程正启示了素描临摹的基本规律。  相似文献   

在一种语言文化内部或多种语言文化交际传播的过程中,模因是一种不可或缺的载体之一,它使语言更加丰富多彩。语言在复制、传播的过程中往往和不同的语境、文化相结合,形成新的模因集合体。同时,普遍语用学的原理给模因语言的理解和翻译提供了一种思路。  相似文献   

《电切削加工》教改课程打破以往以知识传授为主要特征的教学模式,灵活使用项目、讨论、实践操作、多媒体演示等教学方法,调动了学生学习的积极性,培养了学生专业技术素养。  相似文献   

书法艺术教学在临摹的前、中、后皆应重视读帖,而读帖应重在点画基本形式。主要是从点线的开端、中段、尾端上进行观察分析,在结字、章法与墨法方面做宏观与微观的认识,还应在观察中透过形质,感悟与寻找书写动作。只有把握了神采,才能在临摹中收到良好的效果。  相似文献   

高职生心理健康教育的基本策略包括:普及心理健康知识;在各科教学中渗透心理健康教育;建立心理健康指导中心;建设心理健康教育者队伍;与思政工作、就业指导、校园文化建设、社会实践等相结合。  相似文献   

本文对副词“又”进行系统研究,从信息论和认知科学的角度出发重新探索“又”的语义特点。文章第一部分根据“又”及类似副词具有拷贝信息的功能,即能在话语中提供或补充信息量这一特点,提出拷贝型副词的概念,并在此基础上对“又”的语义和用法重新归纳分析,将其分为两大类:即完全性拷贝和部分性拷贝,部分性拷贝又包括同质性拷贝、补充性拷贝和对立性拷贝三种情况,并依此对“又”的拷贝信息的特点作了全面的分析。  相似文献   

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