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通过对2010年度贵阳市南明区法院离婚诉讼案件案卷进行整理分析,对贵阳市南明区家庭暴力现状进行了总结,归纳了南明区法院处断涉家庭暴力案件(特别是对证据的认定)的规律与特征,提出了构建"二元"家暴证明标准、部分案件法院对家暴行为进行积极认定、法院与公安机关反家暴联动机制构建三个设想。  相似文献   

证据是指能够证明案件真实情况的客观事实,在诉讼过程中能够用来确定案件事实的证明材料。证据材料以提供原件为认定案件事实的一般基本原则,在证据材料为复制件的情况下,只有在其他证据的旁证相互印证时,才能够作为认定案件事实的证据予以采用。  相似文献   

刑事司法公正的基本要求就是在结果上正确处理案件.其中,运用证据准确认定案件事实则是前提和基础.而要准确认定案件事实,证明标准的确定和把握又是关键和核心.刑事诉讼的证明标准是刑事诉讼活动中的关键问题,刑事诉讼的各个阶段都需要证明标准.而我国则将其笼统的规定为"案件事实清楚,证据确实、充分".据此,笔者认为应从诉讼的不同阶段、责任主体适用和证明对象的适用性来完善我国刑事诉讼证明标准的确定.  相似文献   

刑事司法公正的基本要求就是在结果上正确处理案件。其中,运用证据准确认定案件事实则是前提和基础。而要准确认定案件事实,证明标准的确定和把握又是关键和核心。刑事诉讼的证明标准是刑事诉讼活动中的关键问题,刑事诉讼的各个阶段都需要证明标准。而我国则将其笼统的规定为“案件事实清楚,证据确实、充分”。据此,笔者认为应从诉讼的不同阶段、责任主体适用和证明对象的适用性来完善我国刑事诉讼证明标准的确定。  相似文献   

事实推定在民事审判中的良好运用,对于判断认定案件事实.定纷止争具有重要现实意义。使用事实推定可以避免诉讼僵局,降低诉讼成本,提高诉讼效率。适用事实推定必须满足推定事实的难以证明性以及其与基础事实之间的常态联系性等一系列条件。  相似文献   

法学本科教育培养的重心从"法学人才"向"法律人才"的转变已是不可逆转的趋势.忽视对学生认定案件事实能力的培养是当前我国法学教育存在的最大问题.认定案件事实是指根据程序法规定的证明手段和方法,对争议事实进行判断和确认的一种纠纷解决活动.培养学生认定案件事实能力的关键在于能否正确掌握认定案件事实的方法.对于认定案件事实方法...  相似文献   

论案件事实信息的法律属性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
诉讼证据中蕴涵的案件事实信息的收集、运用、识别和认定都应当符合法律规定的原则和程序。诉讼中要突出案件事实信息的法律属性,必须强化民事诉讼中的原被告双方或者刑事诉讼中的控辩双方的具有对抗性的举证和质证、分析和反驳,同时,法官应着重审查原被告或控辩双方举示的证据是否符合法律规定的条件,并对诉讼证据中蕴涵或留存的案件事实信息是否真实,以及这些案件事实信息是否就是证据事实,这些证据事实是否能够足以证明(即恢复或还原)案件事实,作为定案的根据等进行识别和认定。  相似文献   

对证明责任的分配是由诉讼双方完成其证明责任需满足的证明标准决定的,当事实主张方完成所规定的证明责任时,主张方证明责任卸除并同时转移到诉讼另一方。但事实主张和案件的诉讼主体不同,双方要满足的证明标准也不同。证明标准的法律设定差异决定了证明责任在司法证明发生前便得到了明确的分配。  相似文献   

证明责任的分配,是民事诉讼证据制度的核心问题,也是民事诉讼理论中最具争议的问题之一。法官按照什么标准来分配证明责任,才能符合实体公平、程序正义和诉讼效益的理念,既要从宏观上确定适用于种各类诉讼的分配证明责任的一般规则,又要从微观上解决具体个案中证明责任的合理均衡分配。  相似文献   

根据美国的传统标准,法院在裁决确定集团确认时不应解决实质性问题,然而最近,美国某些法院在大量的案件中,包括在反垄断案件中改变了传统标准.新的标准允许法院就实质性问题认定事实.提高集团确认标准存在诸多的不合理性,因而引起了美国学术界的批评.目前反垄断民事诉讼已经成为人民法院的重要审判领域,美国在反垄断集团诉讼方面的理念和具体做法都对我国有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

家庭暴力毫无疑问是一个重大的社会性问题,其在严重危害受害者身心健康的同时也对社会的稳定造成了一定的负面影响。由于家庭暴力案件固有特性,导致此类案件的解决路径呈多样化的态势,在倡导"和为贵"的中国,通过刑事和解的途径解决家庭暴力案件亦是方法之一。因此,有必要在分析家庭暴力案件的现状及解决路径的基础上,结合新《刑事诉讼法》的有关规定,厘清符合法律条文规定的案件类型,分析在家庭暴力案件中适用刑事和解的合理性,并以此为基点,对和解模式作出探析。  相似文献   

近年来,随着家庭暴力的日趋严重化和公开化,家庭暴力的危害性已逐渐为人们所认识。预防和制止家庭暴力已经引起各级政府和全社会的普遍关注,反家庭暴力立法的呼声日益高涨。家庭暴力产生存在主观和客观的原因,而家庭暴力不仅给个人的身心健康造成伤害,同时也不利于社会的安定团结。解决家庭暴力问题,涉及社会、法律、政策等许多领域。尽快建立起道德、法律、社会、等各层面的社会支持体系,才能有效遏止家庭暴力。  相似文献   

作为一项独立的救济措施,人身安全保护令制度的设立丰富了反家暴工作的法律内涵,弥补了长期以来我国司法实践中对家暴行为法律规制的不足。经过我国《反家庭暴力法》施行四年来的探索与实践,形成了基本的适用流程,发挥出了基本质效。但由于该项制度在我国起步较晚,从成文规定到具体落实过程中还存在着申请率不高、举证难、认定难、执行难等问题。文章主要运用比较研究法、文献研究法、实证分析法等方法,从中国裁判文书网发布的安徽省人身安全保护令案例分析入手,对实践中人身安全保护令的实施困境深入探析,并就如何进一步从顶层设计、证据规则、工作机制、惩戒措施等方面激发制度的活力提出相应的完善建议。  相似文献   

目前,我国家庭暴力问题令人担忧,其中重要原因之一是我国现行法律在规制家庭暴力方面存在不足。应制定专门《家庭暴力防治法》,明确《家庭暴力防治法》在法律体系中的地位,明确家庭暴力举证的特殊要求,明确相关机构干预家庭暴力的责任,明确规定施暴者的法律责任,在立法时并对弱势群体有所倾斜。  相似文献   

This study examines the peer effects of domestic violence within school classrooms. Thus, it builds on the findings of Carrell and Hoekstra (2010) and Carrell et al. (2018) and expands them in two aspects. First, we focus our attention in less extreme cases of domestic violence than those that get reported to public institutions. Second, we also study the peer effects of domestic violence over a novel set of outcomes: internalizing behaviors and forms of violence at school. We show that being in a classroom with peers exposed to domestic violence leads to increased dropout rates; increased levels of depression, victimization from bullying and attitudes towards violence at school; and lower verbal and math test scores. Our findings are mainly driven by the extensive margin of exposure to physical violence (i.e. additional students affected by average violence within the classroom).  相似文献   

Many children involved with the child welfare system witness parental domestic violence. The association between children's domestic violence exposure and child welfare involvement may be influenced by certain socio-cultural factors; however, minimal research has examined this relationship. The current study compares domestic violence experiences and case outcomes among Latinas who are legal immigrants (n = 39), unauthorized immigrants (n = 77), naturalized citizens (n = 30), and US-born citizen mothers (n = 383) reported for child maltreatment. This analysis used data from the second round of the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-being. Mothers were asked about whether they experienced domestic violence during the past year. In addition, data were collected to assess if (a) domestic violence was the primary abuse type reported and, if so, (b) the maltreatment allegation was substantiated. Results show that naturalized citizens, legal residents, and unauthorized immigrants did not differ from US-born citizens in self-reports of domestic violence; approximately 33% of mothers reported experiences of domestic violence within the past year. Yet, unauthorized immigrants were 3.76 times more likely than US-born citizens to have cases with allegations of domestic violence as the primary abuse type. Despite higher rates of alleged domestic violence, unauthorized citizens were not more likely than US-born citizens to have these cases substantiated for domestic violence (F(2.26, 153.99) = 0.709, p = .510). Findings highlight that domestic violence is not accurately accounted for in families with unauthorized immigrant mothers. We recommend child welfare workers are trained to properly assess and fulfill the needs of immigrant families, particularly as it relates to domestic violence.  相似文献   

家庭暴力是一个全球性的问题,无论是在发达国家还是在发展中国家,都不同程度地存在。在中国,频繁发生的家庭暴力现象值得关注和深入的研究。通过对中国人文化特性的分析,找出中国式家庭暴力的文化诱因,并就如何干预和制止家庭暴力提出了对策。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This exploratory study investigated the co-occurrence of domestic violence and three types of child maltreatment: physical child abuse, psychological child abuse, and child neglect. METHOD: A sample of 2544 at-risk mothers with first-born children participated in a home-visiting child abuse prevention program. A longitudinal design using multiple data collection methods investigated the effect of domestic violence during the first 6 months of child rearing on confirmed physical child abuse, psychological child abuse, and child neglect up to the child's first 5 years. RESULTS: Logistic regressions revealed significant relationships between domestic violence and physical child abuse, psychological child abuse, and child neglect. These effects were significant beyond the significant effects of known risks of maltreatment, as measured by the Kempe Family Stress Inventory (KFSI). Domestic violence occurred in 59 (38%) of the 155 cases of confirmed maltreatment. Domestic violence preceded child maltreatment in 46 (78%) of the 59 cases of co-occurrence, as indicated by independent home observations and child protective service records. CONCLUSIONS: The findings indicate that domestic violence during the first 6 months of child rearing is significantly related to all three types of child maltreatment up to the child's fifth year. Domestic violence and risks factors measured on the KFSI continue to contribute to all three types of maltreatment up to the child's fifth year. Prevention programs would be wise to provide services to at-risk families until the child is at least 5 years old. Addressing concurrent problems during treatment may enhance intervention.  相似文献   

家庭暴力已成为一个世界性的社会问题,然而我国学者对家庭暴力的研究多集中在现象的描述、原因的探讨和完善立法等方面,因而从社会心理学角度探究家庭暴力的认知机制对揭示家庭暴力的实质具有重要意义。心理学研究指出,家庭暴力的产生及其对子女的影响而导致的暴力轮回都是认知结构上的偏差所导致,所以从改变认知结构入手的认知行为疗法将是防止家庭暴力的直接和有效的策略。  相似文献   

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