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分析了肋片管式换热器的原理和主要特点。简要介绍其在发电厂汽轮机冷油器中的应用。  相似文献   

为了研究不同压力下具有Marangoni效应的混合蒸气在可拆板式换热器中的凝结换热特性,设计并搭建了具有高气密性的板式换热器实验台。通过实验方法,在混合蒸气流速25 m/s的条件下,研究了不同气相酒精质量浓度(0%,1%,10%,50%)在不同蒸气压力(70,80,90 k Pa)下,饱和混合蒸气在可拆板式换热器中的凝结换热和蒸气侧压降随冷却水进口温度变化的特性。板式换热器由三块人字波纹板片组成,换热方式为逆流换热。实验结果表明,在相同蒸气浓度、蒸气流速和冷却水进口温度条件下,高压下的平均换热系数比低压大,而压降相反。蒸气压力对平均换热和压降的影响因混合蒸气酒精浓度的不同而不同,与纯水相比,在低浓度(1%)时,压降几乎相同,而传热系数增大约6%;在中浓度(10%)和高浓度(50%)时,压降明显增大,同时传热系数也有显著降低。  相似文献   

板式换热器波纹通道内流动与传热的数学模型及其求解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了描述平直波流型板式换热器中流动和传热的数学模型,并进行了数值模拟,得出了波纹板流场与温度场的分布。  相似文献   

提出了用于某大气边界层风洞的新型换热装置,设计了一套水循环冷却系统。风洞内换热器是对第3拐角导流片进行特殊设计,该设计突破传统风洞换热器的设计模式,有效地降低了风洞气流的流动损失。在该设计中进行了换热系统的热力学计算、系统结构设计、流动阻力计算等。计算结果表明:对于该大气边界层风洞的技术参数,使用新型导流片换热器,可以使该风洞运转温度保持在25℃左右;该设计对于提高风洞实验数据的精度具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

根据工程热力学、传热学、热工测试技术等关于换热器性能的基本测试原理和方法,结合现行的国家标准与规范要求,研发了水源热泵用换热器综合实验台.该实验台利用控制与测量技术,采用被测换热器与辅助换热器水侧部分的冷热负荷,通过水-水板式热交换器相互抵消方法,以及换热器两侧热平衡工作原理,即换热器水侧吸收或放出的热量与制冷剂侧放出或吸收的热量基本相等,可以实现在不同工况下对不同结构形式的R22蒸发器及冷凝器的换热性能和流体阻力性能进行全面的测试.为换热器的选型、优化设计和新产品开发提供依据和验证手段.  相似文献   

文章对南装置305板式换热器的板片腐蚀原因进行分析,并详细介绍了高镍不锈钢904L的一般性能、耐腐蚀性能,经对316L、904L、钛板三种板材在抗腐蚀能力及价格的比较得出结论,305板式换热器板片选用904L材质最为合理。  相似文献   

本文从波纹度对轴承振动影响的角度,提出了一个能够用来评定波纹度波形特征的新参数:波形系数Sc,并对其含义和计算方法作了详尽的讨论。  相似文献   

为探究板式换热器的换热性能,根据工程热力学、传热学、热工测试技术等基本测试原理和方法,结合现行的国家标准与规范要求,研制了板式换热器性能实验台。此实验台安装有高精度的传感器,并研发了基于STM32为主芯片的高精度数据采集板和上位机软件。上位机软件利用Visual Studio2008的开发环境,用C#编程语言编写完成,并结合了动态Flash、SQL Sever数据库、虚拟仪器等相关技术。根据实测数据,计算出板式换热器的性能参数和传热关联式。实验结果表明,该实验台具有自动化程度高、控制精度高、可操作性强等特点,为理论研究提供了可靠的实验依据和数据支撑。  相似文献   

翅片管换热器是一种高效换热器,为了进一步强化换热,对翅片换热器进行不同形式的开缝。采用CFD模拟方法对七种不同开缝形式的翅片管换热器流动和换热进行了数值模拟。根据计算结果分析了不同开缝形式换热器的压降和温度分布,经过比较分析,最终确定了最佳的开缝形式。  相似文献   

对弹性管束水-水换热器的传热与阻力特性进行了研究。主要分析了换热器在不同工况下的传热系数的变化规律;研究了弹性管束在管外流体和管内流体的共同诱导作用下,管外和管内对流换热的情况;并对管程和壳程的流动阻力损失进行了实验测量,得出了管程和壳程的阻力损失变化的规律,以及换热器管程阻力损失的计算方法。  相似文献   

A micro-sized tube heat exchanger(MTHE) was fabricated, and its performance in heat transfer and pressure drop was experimentally studied. The single-phase forced convection heat transfer correlation on the sides of the MTHE tubes was proposed and compared with previous experimental data in the Reynolds number range of 500—1 800. The average deviation of the correlation in calculating the Nusselt number was about 6.59%. The entrance effect in the thermal entrance region was discussed. In the same range of Reynolds number, the pressure drop and friction coefficient were found to be considerably higher than those predicted by the conventional correlations. The product of friction factor and Reynolds number was also a constant, but much higher than the conventional.  相似文献   

介绍了换热器传热性能试验台系统的硬件构成、运行原理、软件控制和测量系统.试验台系统由导热油、压缩空气、乙二醇溶液和水4种不同热流体与冷风和冷却水2种冷流体为循环工质的子系统构成,不仅能进行上述热流体对冷风或冷却水的一对一试验,还可以进行并联或串联的2种或3种热流体对冷风的复合型换热器的传热性能测试.控制和测量系统以LabVIEW软件为平台,包括试验数据采集和处理系统以及自动运行与控制系统,借助完善的软件控制与先进测量仪器的相结合,使系统具有结构紧凑,测量精度高,测试范围广,程序界面友好等特点,对于换热器总体传热系数K的不确定度小于5%,为新型换热器的设计和开发提供了可靠的测试平台.  相似文献   

波形折流杆换热器的开发和工业化实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The conventional heat exchanger with segmental baffles is prone to bring forth fluid-induced vibration of heat transfer tubes and increase the pressure drop of shell-side greatly at higher fluid flow velocity. In order to avoid the above defects, the ROD-baffle heat exchanger has been developed. However, its collocation of heat transfer tubes is conventionally in square, which leads to fewer heat transfer area per unit volume. Based on the ROD-baffle heat exchanger, a new type curve-ROD baffle has been developed, and an industrial investigation of the curve-ROD baffle heat exchanger with normal triangular collocation has been carried into execution. In this paper, two equations using the Reynolds number were acquired to predict the heat transfer coefficients of the shell-side and tubeside. The experimental results show that the shell-side heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of the curve-ROD baffle heat exchanger are superior to those of the segmental baffle one.  相似文献   

介绍了一种用于强化管壳式换热器壳侧传热和支撑管束的螺旋折流片新型结构,该结构是对换热器管子相间地套上螺旋折流片以产生旋涡流动.研究模型是在正方形布置的4个管子中的2个对角管子套上螺旋折流片后形成的通道,利用FLUENT软件对该上述四管通道模型的流场和温度分布情况进行了数值模拟;分析了四管通道模型中螺旋折流片对强化传热和流动阻力随雷诺数的变化关系的影响.算例结果显示该新型结构可比相同尺寸的光管通道中的情形传热系数提高约40%~55%,同时也将伴随较高的流动阻力.可以相信螺旋折流片式换热器将会在许多工业领域有良好的应用前景.  相似文献   

  最优传热效果的板翅换热器入口位置合理的翅片排列方式。方法:1.构建7种不同入口翅片排列(入口段:导流段:换热段分别为5:8:11,5:8:6,5:8:21,5:4:11,5:16:11,9:8:11和3:8:11),研究不同翅片排列下换热器入口位置流场以及温度场变化。2.分析板翅换热器入口位置6种不同网格划分结果(网格数分别为11962,39344,2120,207998,90738和54496)对计算误差的影响,验证网格收敛性。结论:通过分析板翅换热器入口位置不同翅片排列方式下换热器入口位置流场与温度场变化可以看出,相比入口段与换热段,导流段翅片排列对换热器温度场影响较大。强化导流段翅片排列可以使换热器获得更好的传热效果。  相似文献   

本文阐述了换热器课程特点,结合课程的教学内容和对象,探讨了该课程的教学方法与手段的改革,以便进一步提高教学质量和教学水平。  相似文献   

Arrangement strategy of ground heat exchanger with groundwater   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The orientation strategy of side pipe and the heat transfer performance of six ground heat exchangers(GHEs) were optimized by numerical simulation,with soil being treated as a porous medium.An experiment on the heat transfer of four GHEs was carried out in 2010.Results indicate that the velocity field is disturbed by GHEs.The optimal orientation strategy of side pipe is that the upward pipe is located upstream and the downward pipe downstream.The space between GHEs should be appropriately adjusted,depending on the direction and flow velocity.Groups of GHEs should be installed perpendicular to the mainstream in a single row,but if the acreage does not meet the requirements,GHEs should be installed in staggered multiple rows.Fewer GHEs parallel to the mainstream strengthen the heat transfer.Moreover,numerical results agree well with the test data,with the maximum relative error being less than 7.7%.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the heat transfer performance of semi-open heat pipe which is a new type of heat pipe. After analyzing its condensation heat transfer mechanisms theoretically, several semi-open heat pipes in different length ratios and upper hole diameters are studied experimentally and compared with the same dimensions closed heat pipes. Experimental results show that the heat transfer performance of semi-open heat pipe becomes better by increasing heat transfer rate. At the first transitional point, the heat transfer performance of semi-open heat pipe approaches the level of the closed heat pipe. It is suitable to choose upper small hole about 1 mm in diameter and length ratio larger than 0.6 for the semi-open heat pipe.  相似文献   

Compression and expansion of a working gas due to the pressure oscillation of an oscillating flow can lead to a temperature variation of the working gas, which will affect the heat transfer in the oscillating flow. This study focuses on the impact of the compression-expansion effect, indicated by the pressure ratio, on the heat transfer in a finned heat exchanger under practical operating conditions of the ambient-temperature heat exchangers in Stirling-type pulse tube refrigerators. The experimental results summarized as the Nusselt number are presented for analysis. An increase in the pressure ratio can result in a marked rise in the Nusselt number, which indicates that the compression-expansion effect should be considered in characterizing the heat transfer of the oscillating flow, especially in the cases with a higher Valensi number and a lower maximum Reynolds number.  相似文献   

课程建设与改革是适应经济发展和知识经济社会的客观要求,也是培养具有应用与创新能力的工程技术人才的必要手段。为此,以能力培养为宗旨,依托动力工程与工程热物理传统优势学科及多门能源动力类优秀课程,在结合教学实际情况的基础上,展开换热器原理与设计课程教学大纲、内容、方法、手段的改革,使得这门实践性很强的专业必修课具有鲜明的特色和创新。  相似文献   

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